The main difference between right and left freedom

Government schools and libraries. If there's a book you want to read and it's still in print, you're free to buy it and read; to yourself, or your kids. As far as book banning goes, should every public school have a copy of Mein Kampf available for students to check out?
What laws turn people into narcs?

November 1 2021
The provision passed the State Legislature this spring as part of a bill that bans abortion after a doctor detects a fetal heartbeat, usually at about six weeks of pregnancy. Many states have passed such bans, but the law in Texas is different.

Ordinarily, enforcement would be up to government officials, and if clinics wanted to challenge the law’s constitutionality, they would sue those officials in making their case. But the law in Texas prohibits officials from enforcing it. Instead, it takes the opposite approach, effectively deputizing ordinary citizens — including from outside Texas — to sue clinics and others who violate the law. It awards them at least $10,000 per illegal abortion if they are successful.

March 17 2022
As an increasing number of Republican-controlled states pass legal limits on abortion procedures modeled after Texas’ “Heartbeat Law,” abortion-seeking women are bypassing the restrictions by traveling out-of-state to terminate pregnancies, in many cases with support from employers and countless other third-party groups.

Teachers aren't teaching kids how to express sexuality. They're indoctrinating kids to accept the gender horseshit. Schools teach kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
Of course, "indoctrinating".

Just like religious nuts indoctrinating kids to believe sex outside of marriage and contraceptives are bad.
The Leftists like having control of drawing district lines, too.
Judges are throwing out democrats redistricting lines, they're throwing out republican redistricting lines, left and right.
If you mean mask requirements, the masks don't stop, nor even slow the spread. Mask requirements have outlived their credibility.
You think companies should be forced to let employees work without shoes or shirts too.
People should be able to smoke, any damned well place as they please...................right.

Where is the republican "outrage" on those.
Leftists pass laws that prohibit women from protecting themselves against rapists, telling them the best thing to do is lay there and take it, don't fight back.
No, that's republicans.

March 8 2022
A GOP candidate running for Michigan’s House of Representatives said during a Facebook Live broadcast that he tells his daughters to “lie back and enjoy” rape if it’s “inevitable.”
Robert “RJ” Regan, who won the GOP special primary in the state’s 74th district last week, was discussing how to decertify the 2020 presidential election during a Facebook Live broadcast for the Republican group Rescue Michigan Coalition on Sunday when he made the comment.

“Having three daughters, I tell my daughters, ‘Well, if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it,’” Regan said roughly 10 minutes into the broadcast.

Todd Akin’s interview, in which the Republican Senate candidate from Missouri admitted that he believes abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape, because “if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

As Anna North reported earlier this year,(2012) other Republicans paved the way for Akin’s recent statements. In 1995, Republican Henry Aldridge stated that when a woman is raped, “the juices don’t flow,” and in 1988 another Republican congressman stated that women emit “a certain secretion” that stops pregnancy when they are raped.

The National Right to Life Committee’s John C. Willke’s claims in an article that the “trauma” of rape prevents pregnancy.

Leftists, on the other hand want to pass laws telling what foods to eat, what car to drive, what I can do with my property, where to work, where to live, what flag I can fly in my front yard, what I can say, how much money I'm allowed to make, how much of my money I'm allowed to keep, who to hate, who to love and deny me my right to self defense.
Of course, we do.

What else does Q claim?
Republicans care nothing about life.

They're authoritarian control freaks, and all they care about is control. Abortion is one way they have of exerting control.

Republicans are fine with abortion, so long as it's dirty and dangerous and the dirty slut is properly humiliated and punished. Like I said, they're entirely about control.

And they're fine with a legal and safe abortion, so long as the woman didn't have sex in a manner they disapprove of. Again, control.

The funny thing is how some of them will try to deny it.
You need a CAT scan. There is something wrong inside your head.
Leftists prefer democracy to aristocracy.
What about conservatives?

"The opposite of conservatism is democracy, and contempt for democracy is a constant thread in the history of conservative argument.

"Instead, conservatism has argued that society ought to be organized in a hierarchy of orders and classes and controlled by its uppermost hierarchical stratum, the aristocracy.

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

"Many of these arguments against egalitarianism are ancient, and most of them are routinely heard on the radio.

"One tends to hear the arguments in bits and pieces, for example the emphatic if vague claim that people are different.

"Of course, most of these arguments, if considered rationally, actually argue for meritocracy rather than for aristocracy."
Leftists absolutely do not want a meritocracy. You'd starve to death.
I believe a democratic government is a better choice to control the monopoly of violence than private for-profit corporations; do you believe otherwise?
You don't want democracy. You can't trust people to vote in a way that benefits the Party.

And the Party is the only thing that matters.
Conservatives are among the last people on the planet who know how to think for themselves; they spent centuries supporting the divine right of kings with the same fervor they support the divine right of capital today.
And you keep doing it!

That's especially rich coming from a guy who wants the government to coddle him his entire life.
At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution it was argued the machine would one day eliminate the need for the exploitation of human labor.

A century ago futurists were predicting a ten-hour workweek by now; how did that turn out?

Communist society - Wikipedia

"In Marxist thought, a communist society or the communist system is the type of society and economic system postulated to emerge from technological advances in the productive forces, representing the ultimate goal of the political ideology of communism.

"A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access[1][2] to the articles of consumption and is classless, stateless, and moneyless,[3][4][5] implying the end of the exploitation of labour.[6][7]"
Marx was a lazy, wife-abusing, child-starving, maid-impregnating and -firing, non-bathing piece of shit who sponged off his wealthy friend Engals and wrote garbage that retards use to justify their covetousness of what other people earned.

No wonder leftists love him.
You need a CAT scan. There is something wrong inside your head.
Take a lesson from Dave, everyone.

Don't spend your days obsessively focusing on your butthurt, like Dave did, or you'll end up embracing fascism, the ideology of butthurt.
Take a lesson from Dave, everyone.

Don't spend your days obsessively focusing on your butthurt, like Dave did, or you'll end up embracing fascism, the ideology of butthurt.
I want you to explain how I've embraced fascism. Back it up with quotes of mine.

I know it sucks having to do homework on the weekend, but that's just how it is. Get busy.
Marx was a lazy, wife-abusing, child-starving, maid-impregnating and -firing, non-bathing piece of shit who sponged off his wealthy friend Engals and wrote garbage that retards use to justify their covetousness of what other people earned
I want you to explain how I've embraced fascism. Back it up with quotes of mine.

I know it sucks having to do homework on the weekend, but that's just how it is. Get busy.
Nothing yet, mamooth?

Not at all surprising. You just say stupid shit, then expect people to believe it because you said it.

That never ends the way you hope it does.
I want government to function in ways that lower the cost of living and doing business for 90% of Americans instead of borrowing from the rich as opposed to taxing them.

What are the sources of revenue for the federal government?
I want government to function in ways that lower the cost of living and doing business for 90% of Americans instead of borrowing from the rich as opposed to taxing them.

What are the sources of revenue for the federal government?

Testimony: Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Progressivity of the U.S. Tax Code​

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data indicates that the wealthy in America are bearing the heaviest share of the income tax burden than in any time in recent memory. On the other hand, more than 53 million low- and middle-income taxpayers pay no income taxes after benefiting from record amounts of tax credits, and six out of 10 households receive more in direct government benefits than they pay in all federal taxes.

Meanwhile, the U.S. tax system is one of the most “business dependent” systems anywhere as American businesses pay or remit 93 percent of the nation’s taxes. Economic studies show that workers bear at least half of the economic burden of corporate taxes through lower wages, with women, the low-skilled, and younger workers impacted the most. And because the corporate income tax is the most harmful tax for economic growth, raising the corporate tax rate would not only slow the economy, it would also make the U.S. an outlier once again against our global trading partners.
Looks like you're not paying your fair share, George. Oh, wait! The rich people you've been told to hate pay their share AND yours.

You need to thank them.

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