The main difference between right and left freedom

How does advocating for a stateless, classless, and moneyless society qualify as appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people?
All villains want to appear "good" in the eyes of the masses, they hide behind euphonious phrases.

What does the rape of a minor by Beria have to do with a classless society? Did the nomenklatura eat the same way as political prisoners in the gulags, and were they of the same class? No need to replicate nonsense. In the hungry Leningrad, the communists ate good enough, they had receive cakes from Moscow by airlines.
King did not really understand politics, and could not decide on a political orientation. But what he says about the feds was usually said by the Republicans.
How many Republicans publicly criticized the Vietnam War or supported efforts to integrate public schools in the 1960s?
Or maybe you think that the Chinese communists are selling their organs just like the organs of the Uyghurs? After all, they are also with them the same classless class according to the documents, right?
How many Republicans publicly criticized the Vietnam War or supported efforts to integrate public schools in the 1960s?
I said that they are anti-federalists.

King was perhaps a political puppet in someone else's hands.
The Vietnam War was fought by the left, under Kennedy, and King declared his support for Kennedy.
I consider myself Independent. But one thing I don't understand about Republicans is the obsession with abortion. Like is that a subject that is discussed at dinner tables at night or in casual conversations? I have never asked my wife to have an abortion, but I don't give a fuck what someone else does. All these women on government assistance with multiple kids and no fathers need to be sterilized or made to have an abortion. I'm not paying for their fucking carelessness, nor should they be awarded with food stamps and free housing. I just wanted to get the viewpoint from a Republican in here on why the subject is so important. Thanks
I consider myself Independent. But one thing I don't understand about Republicans is the obsession with abortion. Like is that a subject that is discussed at dinner tables at night or in casual conversations? I have never asked my wife to have an abortion, but I don't give a fuck what someone else does. All these women on government assistance with multiple kids and no fathers need to be sterilized or made to have an abortion. I'm not paying for their fucking carelessness, nor should they be awarded with food stamps and free housing. I just wanted to get the viewpoint from a Republican in here on why the subject is so important. Thanks
I am not obsessed with the topic of abortion, but abortion is part of the left debauchery that cannot be supported by the right. It breeds chaos in matters of the family and men's responsibility for the family.
I am not obsessed with the topic of abortion, but abortion is part of the left debauchery that cannot be supported by the right. It breeds chaos in matters of the family and men's responsibility for the family.
I don't think it's being done enough. These damn welfare queens keep having kids on the taxpayers dime.
I don't think it's being done enough. These damn welfare queens keep having kids on the taxpayers dime.
This is actually a different question. This is a question of social policy in the field of motherhood. Need to reduce child benefits and maternity benefits.
King was perhaps a political puppet in someone else's hands.
The Vietnam War was fought by the left, under Kennedy, and King declared his support for Kennedy.
King supported Kennedy because the latter supported integration in spite of his party's Jim Crow wing. King proved his independence when he sealed his own fate by defying LBJ's Vietnam war policy:

"Beyond Vietnam"

"On 4 April 1967 Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his seminal speech at Riverside Church condemning the Vietnam War.

"Declaring 'my conscience leaves me no other choice,' King described the war’s deleterious effects on both America’s poor and Vietnamese peasants and insisted that it was morally imperative for the United States to take radical steps to halt the war through nonviolent means (King, 'Beyond Vietnam,' 139)"
There's no shortage of political conservatives among electrical engineers, so his opinions on conservatism deserve more than an ad hominem response.

For example:

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

"The tactics of conservatism vary widely by place and time. But the most central feature of conservatism is deference: a psychologically internalized attitude on the part of the common people that the aristocracy are better people than they are."

For centuries conservatives killed and died for the Divine Right of Kings which would seem to offer evidence of Agre's deference to aristocracy claim.
It's a shame about the head trauma that turned him into an irrational leftist.

Conservatives don't practice deference. We want to be left alone.

Leftists demand everyone submit to government.
This is American Exceptionalism as understood by US conservatives.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves insist they know what other people are thinking.

Dr. King was right. And you insist government should have the exclusive franchise on violence. Why is that, George? Do you believe you'll get to point out the targets for that violence?
But one thing I don't understand about Republicans is the obsession with abortion.
Republicans care nothing about life.

They're authoritarian control freaks, and all they care about is control. Abortion is one way they have of exerting control.

Republicans are fine with abortion, so long as it's dirty and dangerous and the dirty slut is properly humiliated and punished. Like I said, they're entirely about control.

And they're fine with a legal and safe abortion, so long as the woman didn't have sex in a manner they disapprove of. Again, control.

The funny thing is how some of them will try to deny it.
Conservatives don't practice deference. We want to be left alone.

Leftists demand everyone submit to government.
Leftists prefer democracy to aristocracy.
What about conservatives?

"The opposite of conservatism is democracy, and contempt for democracy is a constant thread in the history of conservative argument.

"Instead, conservatism has argued that society ought to be organized in a hierarchy of orders and classes and controlled by its uppermost hierarchical stratum, the aristocracy.

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

"Many of these arguments against egalitarianism are ancient, and most of them are routinely heard on the radio.

"One tends to hear the arguments in bits and pieces, for example the emphatic if vague claim that people are different.

"Of course, most of these arguments, if considered rationally, actually argue for meritocracy rather than for aristocracy."
Dr. King was right. And you insist government should have the exclusive franchise on violence. Why is that, George? Do you believe you'll get to point out the targets for that violence?
I believe a democratic government is a better choice to control the monopoly of violence than private for-profit corporations; do you believe otherwise?
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves insist they know what other people are thinking.
Conservatives are among the last people on the planet who know how to think for themselves; they spent centuries supporting the divine right of kings with the same fervor they support the divine right of capital today.
Useless, lazy people want Communism. Normal, productive people do not.
At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution it was argued the machine would one day eliminate the need for the exploitation of human labor.

A century ago futurists were predicting a ten-hour workweek by now; how did that turn out?

Communist society - Wikipedia

"In Marxist thought, a communist society or the communist system is the type of society and economic system postulated to emerge from technological advances in the productive forces, representing the ultimate goal of the political ideology of communism.

"A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access[1][2] to the articles of consumption and is classless, stateless, and moneyless,[3][4][5] implying the end of the exploitation of labour.[6][7]"
They prefer slavery
Slavery is a conservative institution

Unit Five: Conservatives Respond to Emancipation · After Slavery: Race, Labor, and Politics in the Post-Emancipation Carolinas · Lowcountry Digital History Initiative

"In the early fall of 1865, an outraged former slaveowner named J. C. Warley complained to a Freedman’s Bureau agent at Pineville, fifty miles north of Charleston, South Carolina, that 'everything had gone to the devil' since emancipation, and warned him that 'the war is not over.'"

That war never ends, and conservatives never change sides.
Slavery is a conservative institution
This is socialism in its purest form. Now welfare states are everywhere, it's almost socialism, but there slaves can still move freely and choose their place of work. In Marxism, this is canceled, there is an administrative distribution of the working fund.

There is no difference at all between communism and slavery. This is slavery in its purest form.

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