The Maturation Of Our President

Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?
Allah Monkeys have no problem killing women and children. Why should we?

Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.
Remind me what your MOS was.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.
Remind me what your MOS was.

Do you have a propeller on your yamaka?
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.
Remind me what your MOS was.

Do you have a propeller on your yamaka?
Thank you.
You know zero about military operations and are merely pulling shit out of your ass and posting it here.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.
Remind me what your MOS was.

Do you have a propeller on your yamaka?
Thank you.
You know zero about military operations and are merely pulling shit out of your ass and posting it here.
I obviously know a lot more than you.......which apparently isn't saying much.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.

Which was the point that George W. Bush emphatically made back in 2007...DON'T pull out troops prematurely or you WILL have to go back into Iraq and start all over again. If only Barry had listened to his military advisers!

Oh, and by the way? The idiot is about to repeat that same mistake in Afghanistan.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.

Which was the point that George W. Bush emphatically made back in 2007...DON'T pull out troops prematurely or you WILL have to go back into Iraq and start all over again. If only Barry had listened to his military advisers!

Oh, and by the way? The idiot is about to repeat that same mistake in Afghanistan.

Fortunately we have the old Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld strategy to fall back on......just invade, occupy, and stay forever with no exit strategy.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.

Which was the point that George W. Bush emphatically made back in 2007...DON'T pull out troops prematurely or you WILL have to go back into Iraq and start all over again. If only Barry had listened to his military advisers!

Oh, and by the way? The idiot is about to repeat that same mistake in Afghanistan.

Fortunately we have the old Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld strategy to fall back on......just invade, occupy, and stay forever with no exit strategy.

As opposed to the Obama/Biden/Kerry miserably at getting Maliki to have an inclusive government, don't even try to get a Status of Forces Agreement, declare Iraq stable even though you know it's not and then pull all of our troops out as ISIS masses across the Syrian border?

Well all RIGHTY THEN!!!
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.

Which was the point that George W. Bush emphatically made back in 2007...DON'T pull out troops prematurely or you WILL have to go back into Iraq and start all over again. If only Barry had listened to his military advisers!

Oh, and by the way? The idiot is about to repeat that same mistake in Afghanistan.

Fortunately we have the old Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld strategy to fall back on......just invade, occupy, and stay forever with no exit strategy.

As opposed to the Obama/Biden/Kerry miserably at getting Maliki to have an inclusive government, don't even try to get a Status of Forces Agreement, declare Iraq stable even though you know it's not and then pull all of our troops out as ISIS masses across the Syrian border?

Well all RIGHTY THEN!!!

Of course it goes without saying that the ill conceived, poorly planned and executed invasion and occupation of Iraq was a huge strategic blunder.
Barack Obama seems to think that a few US Air Force jets will fly over Syria and magically know what targets to fire missiles at WAAAAAAYYYY down there on the ground and hit the bad guys and not the good guys!

He's as clueless about this as he is about most things...

You don't even begin to know what you're talking about. Airstrikes are conducted without benefit of ground spotters all the time. Do you imagine that special operations groups will be all over Syria verifying each and every target? Think again. If we need to vector strikes with something a little more capable than battlefield UAVs we have much larger long range drones that can carry all the necessary gear.

I'm sorry but YOU don't know what you're talking about! Airstrikes in open areas where targets can be readily identified may occur without benefit of spotters on the ground but air strikes in areas where targets are in close proximity to civilians are SO not done that way! Special Operators typically spend a great deal of time identifying that the target is what it's alleged to be and who it is that's there. Trying to attack ISIS targets in the cities that they now control is not going to be something that can be done without intelligence on the ground and that means Special Ops. It's what they DO!

There will obviously be spotters on the ground operating with local forces in Iraq, a different story in Syria. Special operations groups would only operate in Syria to verify extremely high value targets, civilian casualties being a secondary consideration. There will be very few Americans operating in Syria as they themselves would be high value targets for the terrorists. Most of the air campaign in Syria will be conducted without ground spotters.

So you're essentially admitting that Barack Obama lied when he said there won't be American combat "boots on the ground"? That the air war that Obama is proposing doesn't work without Special Forces on the ground to target air strikes?

Let me go on the record right now and state that if most of the air campaign in Syria is conducted without ground spotters that it is going to be an unmitigated disaster because we WILL be blowing up women and children.

So then your idea would be to insert special operations groups into Syria and expose them to unnecessary risk and possible that right?

No, my idea would be to put several brigades of US troops on the ground in Iraq to kick the shit out of the ISIS fighters. My idea would be to have Special Operators calling in air strikes in conjunction with that. My idea is that if you're going to wage war against someone...don't do it with both hands tied behind your back. Either do it right...or don't do it at all. What Barack Obama is doing now (totally against the advice of his military leaders!) is a recipe for disaster.

I'd like to point out that you yourself admitted that Special Forces would be needed in Syria for "special value targets" so don't accuse me of wanting to put American troops in danger for no reason. What's more dangerous for our troops...a decisive victory over ISIS...or a long drawn out "air campaign" with Special Forces trying to sneak in and out of Syria undetected for your "special value targets" while Iraq, Kurdish and Syrian rebels struggle to hold their own against ISIS?

That's just idiotic.

If you want to stop the public relations "wins" that ISIS is using to more than double it's force in six months...then you need to deal them a crushing blow not a glancing one.

If only it were that easy, that cut and dried. We are already providing air cover for Iranian units operating inside Iraq. How many other fucked up crossed alliances do you think we should involve ourselves in? I don't think we should send anyone at all to Syria, but I wasn't really thinking about your imaginary scenario to send several brigades. Maybe we should just re-invade Iraq and start from scratch again.

Which was the point that George W. Bush emphatically made back in 2007...DON'T pull out troops prematurely or you WILL have to go back into Iraq and start all over again. If only Barry had listened to his military advisers!

Oh, and by the way? The idiot is about to repeat that same mistake in Afghanistan.

Fortunately we have the old Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld strategy to fall back on......just invade, occupy, and stay forever with no exit strategy.

As opposed to the Obama/Biden/Kerry miserably at getting Maliki to have an inclusive government, don't even try to get a Status of Forces Agreement, declare Iraq stable even though you know it's not and then pull all of our troops out as ISIS masses across the Syrian border?

Well all RIGHTY THEN!!!

Of course it goes without saying that the ill conceived, poorly planned and executed invasion and occupation of Iraq was a huge strategic blunder.

Way to totally ignore what Obama has done with Iraq since then, Dis!
And to say that the invasion was poorly planned is laughable. It was planned exceedingly well and carried out flawlessly by our military. Or have you forgotten the dire predictions of how many thousands of our troops that some were estimating would be killed if we did in fact invade Iraq?
Now if you want to talk about something that is ill conceived and poorly planned...let's chat about Barry's current campaign to go after ISIS!
And to say that the invasion was poorly planned is laughable. It was planned exceedingly well and carried out flawlessly by our military. Or have you forgotten the dire predictions of how many thousands of our troops that some were estimating would be killed if we did in fact invade Iraq?

Clearly not enough troops committed, the occupation was a disaster.....a complete fuck up. The poorly planned invasion and occupation of Iraq led us to where we are today. In fact I would say the Bush Administration was criminally negligent. They showed the whole world that the United States is no longer capable of conducting two major campaigns at once, effectively ending a strategic policy that had been in place since the Second World War. The incompetency of the Bush Administration diminished our global position.

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