The Maturation Of Our President

The strategy will work, if it is carried out properly, and our military knows how to do just that. We can worry about the boots on the ground in Syria, after ISIS is cleared out of Iraq.

Iraq has the capability of putting all of the boots on the ground that will be necessary to run ISIS out of Iraq. However, I do believe that it is far past time for Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, and other Arab states to start ponying up people for this fight. They all have armies, and ISIS is just as much a threat to them as it is to us.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq

Frankly, I'm happy he has finally seen the light of reality. Hopefully our loony leftists will follow him.
Circumstances changed, not him. Dealing with you victims of 24/7 bs/hate infotainment is interesting, also incredibly stupid. The Examiner is a pathetic rag,, btw, just as bad as the Moonie Times and the rest...
I have not altered my firm belief that Obama is an incompetent and lazy president, but I am convinced that the strategy he outlined in his speech is the best approach to the ISIS threat in Iraq and Syria.

The major flaw that I see is the idea that air power can be used effectively in support of ground troops, without competent forward air controllers, on the front lines to properly direct the air strikes. That means some boots on the ground.
I have not altered my firm belief that Obama is an incompetent and lazy president, but I am convinced that the strategy he outlined in his speech is the best approach to the ISIS threat in Iraq and Syria.

The major flaw that I see is the idea that air power can be used effectively in support of ground troops, without competent forward air controllers, on the front lines to properly direct the air strikes. That means some boots on the ground.
They're already there- and not for combat.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
The biggest problem I see is this: People think ISIS is just camping out in the desert so a couple of daisy cutters dropped judiciously will solve the problem.
It isnt so.
They are in charge of some major cities. All they need to do is retreat to those cities, use the population is shields, as Hamas did in Gaza, and the problem goes away. America is not going to start bombing civilians.
Then we will have to send ground troops.
ISIS must be laughing their asses off.
No, he's still the empty-headed community organizer he's been for years.

If that's true why are all his critics and opponents so miserably ineffective?

huh? why are his followers so disconnected from reality?

I wonder why the President's political opponents haven't been more effective in their efforts to impede his agenda? Why haven't they accomplished anything they said they'd do?
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq

Frankly, I'm happy he has finally seen the light of reality. Hopefully our loony leftists will follow him.
Circumstances changed, not him. Dealing with you victims of 24/7 bs/hate infotainment is interesting, also incredibly stupid. The Examiner is a pathetic rag,, btw, just as bad as the Moonie Times and the rest...

Considering his words and actions of the recent past, reality in the form of circumstance has finally overtaken his idealism. When will it impact on yours?
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

He hasn't done anything real to deal with these guys...he gave his speech...time to go golf again...
I have not altered my firm belief that Obama is an incompetent and lazy president, but I am convinced that the strategy he outlined in his speech is the best approach to the ISIS threat in Iraq and Syria.

The major flaw that I see is the idea that air power can be used effectively in support of ground troops, without competent forward air controllers, on the front lines to properly direct the air strikes. That means some boots on the ground.

Preferably, as you also mentioned, Arab League boots.
I think a containment plan with ISIS is best. Run them out of Iraq and see what happens in Syria. Assad v. Isis is a win-win.
Containment is the worst plan. ISIS has already spread beyond any ability to contain it.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
Byron York obviously knows nothing about hope and chance.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality.

Or perhaps....Just thinking out loud here....Maybe your fears of someone wanting to change America into some muslim something or other were wrong from the beginning and you are just realizing it
Begs the question: If President Obama is so incompetent what does that say about his political opponents who can't figure out how to out maneuver him?

They are Santa is hard to beat Santa Klaus...

Obama doesn't care what happens in Iraq, Syria, Egypt or Afghanistan...he wants us out of there because he thinks we caused the problem...whatever they do over there he is fine with it...the only problem is he has 2014 coming up and he wants to keep the Senate so he can keep packing the courts...espcecially the Supreme Court...the beheading of the two journalists upset his fanboys in the media....they want him to do something about that in particular so he has been forced to make that speech so they will keep being lap dogs through 2014...the Democrats need him to pretend to do something so they can win in 2014, and he needs some of them to win in the senate to confirm his judges....

He believes that isis and the others will work themselves out once we are gone...he will do only what he has to pretend to do to get through 2014 and no more...if that...and if he can get away with less he will...
I don't buy the, but the terrorists need to be exterminated, reasoning. Terrorists are a fact of life and will not change if we get this group or that one.
No, he's still the empty-headed community organizer he's been for years.

If that's true why are all his critics and opponents so miserably ineffective?

huh? why are his followers so disconnected from reality?

I wonder why the President's political opponents haven't been more effective in their efforts to impede his agenda? Why haven't they accomplished anything they said they'd do?

Ah, because Democrats control the Senate and the Oval Office? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:That may be one of the more vacuous questions I've seen on here, Dis! It's the kind of nonsense the RDerp posts.

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