The Maturation Of Our President

The Saudis Can Crush ISIS -
The New York Times
3 days ago - Indeed, ISIS has even launched a campaign against Saudi Arabia, called ... Qatar's Support of Islamists Alienates Allies Near and Far SEPT.
Kerry, in Saudi Arabia, Talks Strategy With Arab Leaders ...
The New York Times
2 hours ago - The Obama administration is eager for the campaign against the Islamic ... The talks will also include the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, ... But the Saudis have been increasingly worried about ISIS, which they ...

The Saudis are even building a security fence to keep terrorist infiltrators out.
Where is the UN and the ICC on this? Why the international silence?
Those aren't combat boots, dingbats. Unlike Cheney and your other draft dodging chickenhawks, we're teaching people to stand on their own, with our air support. People of all parties will be be blaming Booosh and Reagan for years to come- disasters even worse than the 20% loudmouth, ignorant, brainwashed zombies like YOU.


sayit said:
I'm not saying we are headed that way but Vietnam started with advisory boots on the ground.

Apples and oranges.

The Vietcong and ISIS are not the same thing.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

The day that Barry gave his speech on James Foley and then teed off 16 minutes after wrapping it up gave a pretty good indication of where ISIS was on his priority list, Carbineer! That was such a bad PR move I'm amazed that SOMEONE in this White House didn't ask him if he was out of his freaking mind!
That's an interesting perspective. How many airstrikes against ISIS do you suppose Israel will be making? Isn't the example of Israel one of the best fits for my post? A nation with the most to lose,
but doing the least?

As with the Iraq War #1 coalition, Israel will explicitly be sidelined unless the Arab World specifically requests Israeli involvement and the chances of that are slim and none (and slim just left town).

So once again Americans die where Israelis should be dying.

We have serious national interests (that far surpass our interest in Israel) in the Mideast which should be a concern to all industrialized nations ... OIL.
ISIS is a continuation of the rabid Islamist war on the infidel and is a threat not only to Arab minorities and Arabs in general but to the stability of the world's oil supply.
Those aren't combat boots, dingbats. Unlike Cheney and your other draft dodging chickenhawks, we're teaching people to stand on their own, with our air support. People of all parties will be be blaming Booosh and Reagan for years to come- disasters even worse than the 20% loudmouth, ignorant, brainwashed zombies like YOU.


sayit said:
I'm not saying we are headed that way but Vietnam started with advisory boots on the ground.

Apples and oranges.
The Vietcong and ISIS are not the same thing.

I didn't say they were. I simply pointed out that 'Nam also started with advisors.
Obama still his "few" admiring followers STILL making excuses for him.

almost unbelievable even after that shameful display after one of AMERCIAN citizens was BEHEADED.

If his intentions was to bring us down our knees and demoralize us, he's done a hell of job there

I'm afraid we have enemy's within folks
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

The day that Barry gave his speech on James Foley and then teed off 16 minutes after wrapping it up gave a pretty good indication of where ISIS was on his priority list, Carbineer! That was such a bad PR move I'm amazed that SOMEONE in this White House didn't ask him if he was out of his freaking mind!

Approximately 160 journalists have been killed in Iraq since 1992.

But to repeat my question:

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,
the day after an American got killed in Iraq?
Barry Hussein is a total 100% fuckup when it comes to America and Americans..., REAL Americans, not those born in America muslimes, those people (?) are traitors and we need to expel them from AMERICA !! :up:
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

The day that Barry gave his speech on James Foley and then teed off 16 minutes after wrapping it up gave a pretty good indication of where ISIS was on his priority list, Carbineer! That was such a bad PR move I'm amazed that SOMEONE in this White House didn't ask him if he was out of his freaking mind!

Approximately 160 journalists have been killed in Iraq since 1992.

But to repeat my question:

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,
the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Pointing out that teeing off and yukking it up with your buddies, 16 minutes after ending a speech about the beheading of an American is the epitome of inappropriate defined as throwing a tantrum?
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
Saying that is the easy part doing it will be the challenge that will require true leadership. If air power and using the free Syrian army the group he mocked and belittled just last month does not get the job done what will he do then? Will he be prepared to do the very thing he has said repeatedly he won't do send in U.S. ground troops? Will he have what it takes to go against his own party, the polls and public opinion on something like that?

If the Turks, Saudi Arabians, and Jordanians put boots on the ground with Allied air operations and logicistics and training, the plan will work.
The key word is if.
Why it will not work:

WIth a bomb from above policy, you have to have boots on the ground from somewhere else. That means the Syrian rebels have to help. Problem is Assad is trying to kill them and ISIS.

This is not the equivalent of having the Kurds help you. Obama expects the impossible.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

The day that Barry gave his speech on James Foley and then teed off 16 minutes after wrapping it up gave a pretty good indication of where ISIS was on his priority list, Carbineer! That was such a bad PR move I'm amazed that SOMEONE in this White House didn't ask him if he was out of his freaking mind!

Approximately 160 journalists have been killed in Iraq since 1992.

But to repeat my question:

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,
the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Pointing out that teeing off and yukking it up with your buddies, 16 minutes after ending a speech about the beheading of an American is the epitome of inappropriate defined as throwing a tantrum?

Believing it's only wrong when Obama did it is childish, yes.
Isn't it a little late in the game for the president to grow up?

Barack Obama behaved like an oblivious teen rocking out with headphones at someone's funeral when he teed off 16 minutes after finishing that speech. It's a matter of respect for the loved ones of James Foley and only someone who's incredibly self absorbed wouldn't understand that concept!
Why it will not work:

WIth a bomb from above policy, you have to have boots on the ground from somewhere else. That means the Syrian rebels have to help. Problem is Assad is trying to kill them and ISIS.

This is not the equivalent of having the Kurds help you. Obama expects the impossible.

obama believes he cannot make a mistake. The world can be treated as it exists in his mind. But that mind is deranged.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq

What do you think Barack Obama's response will be the first time one of our air strikes hit's a school or church or market killing scores of innocents? Does anyone out there doubt this WILL take place with a ramped up air attack against an enemy force that will hide behind civilians?
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq

Frankly, I'm happy he has finally seen the light of reality. Hopefully our loony leftists will follow him.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq

What do you think Barack Obama's response will be the first time one of our air strikes hit's a school or church or market killing scores of innocents? Does anyone out there doubt this WILL take place with a ramped up air attack against an enemy force that will hide behind civilians?

Even if it doesn't take place, there will be plenty of "victims" to say it did. The tactics have been proved to work in Gaza. As Syrians start displaying the bodies of bloodied children what do you think will happen?

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