The Maturation Of Our President

That's NOT anything but ANOTHER Pub propaganda theme, among hundreds. Obama's maturity, pragmatism, and intelligence have always made your bought off chickenhawk/thieves look like the a-holes/ morons they are. Sorry you miss it on planet Bizarro/hate....

You're a loyal Obama cult member. no one can take that away from you. must suck about now huh?
Not at all- though mindless Pub obstruction and idiocy could be disappointing, progess is evident to everyone else...Booosh's disaster Maliki is GONE, and so are our combat troops.Kurdish, Iraqi, moderate Syrian rebels, and even Saudi and Qattari ones are taking their place. Many good signs that wouldn't happen under chickenhawk fools Romney and McCain.
The truth is...he's flailing badly. I think we're about to see a wholesale stampede of Democrats up for reelection, get as far from this President as possible.
obama to avoid democrat battleground states when Obozo goes abroad, world leaders come to meet him. when Obozo travels at home these days, members of his own party often avoid him. :up:

Obama’s overall favorability is under water — his weekly average is currently 43 percent, according to Gallup — and Democrats are defending seats in places with some of his lowest approval ratings in the nation, including Alaska and Arkansas, as well as in a handful of others, like Louisiana and North Carolina where his support lags.
- See more at: White House Plan Keep Obama Out of Battleground States - Tea Party News
That's NOT anything but ANOTHER Pub propaganda theme, among hundreds. Obama's maturity, pragmatism, and intelligence have always made your bought off chickenhawk/thieves look like the a-holes/ morons they are. Sorry you miss it on planet Bizarro/hate....

You're a loyal Obama cult member. no one can take that away from you. must suck about now huh?
Not at all- though mindless Pub obstruction and idiocy could be disappointing, progess is evident to everyone else...Booosh's disaster Maliki is GONE, and so are our combat troops.Kurdish, Iraqi, moderate Syrian rebels, and even Saudi and Qattari ones are taking their place. Many good signs that wouldn't happen under chickenhawk fools Romney and McCain.

Really, Franco? How many Saudi and Qatar boots are on the ground in Iraq right now? It's not surprising that you bought the bullshit that Obama fed us last night. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense understands that the Saudis and Qatar are NOT sending troops to fight ISIS. That's simply Barry being in fantasy land instead of the real world!
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.

"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

teapartysamurai said:
So when Bush does it, he's a "war monger." When Obama does it, he's "maturing."

Liberals have always been such laughable hypocrites.

War Mongering President War Criminal Blood On His Hands US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

nycarbineer said:
Why don't you tell us whether or not you support the President on this, instead of just bitching from the sidelines?

The First Amendment gives him the Right to bitch from the sidelines as much as it does you that same Right.

Contrary to what libbies would seem to have us believe, there are no KINGS in America, by God.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

nycarbineer said:
No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

when sharts attack said:
Ordinarily, I would give you a thumbs-up and agree with you: but this particular conflict may hold the fate of the nation of Israel in the balance.

And I like Jews.

And I like Israel.

So I can't agree with you.

We belong there. :thup:

nycarbineer said:
That's an interesting perspective. How many airstrikes against ISIS do you suppose Israel will be making? Isn't the example of Israel one of the best fits for my post? A nation with the most to lose,

but doing the least?

Israel can't do for the stability of that region what we can because no matter what it does, the bullies on every one of its borders will gang up on them, all of their declaring suddenly in unison that its Israel's fault.

We have to defend our strongest ally there because that is what friends do.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

nycarbineer said:
No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Ordinarily, I would give you a thumbs-up and agree with you: but this particular conflict may hold the fate of the nation of Israel in the balance.

And I like Jews.
And I like Israel.
So I can't agree with you.
We belong there. :thup:

I disagree on two counts. I think ISIL is more of a threat to Arab minorities and Arab civilians in general as well as the current order of Mideast oil than it is to Israel and I further believe it is the Arab League that should have "boots on the ground," not us.
When Bush created the mess, yes, he was a war monger, and when BHO has to go behind cleaning up the mess, he is merely taking out the bush trash.
That's NOT anything but ANOTHER Pub propaganda theme, among hundreds. Obama's maturity, pragmatism, and intelligence have always made your bought off chickenhawk/thieves look like the a-holes/ morons they are. Sorry you miss it on planet Bizarro/hate....

You're a loyal Obama cult member. no one can take that away from you. must suck about now huh?
Not at all- though mindless Pub obstruction and idiocy could be disappointing, progess is evident to everyone else...Booosh's disaster Maliki is GONE, and so are our combat troops.Kurdish, Iraqi, moderate Syrian rebels, and even Saudi and Qattari ones are taking their place. Many good signs that wouldn't happen under chickenhawk fools Romney and McCain.

Really, Franco? How many Saudi and Qatar boots are on the ground in Iraq right now? It's not surprising that you bought the bullshit that Obama fed us last night. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense understands that the Saudis and Qatar are NOT sending troops to fight ISIS. That's simply Barry being in fantasy land instead of the real world!
Try watching real news sometime. Later.
Those aren't combat boots, dingbats. Unlike Cheney and your other draft dodging chickenhawks, we're teaching people to stand on their own, with our air support. People of all parties will be be blaming Booosh and Reagan for years to come- disasters even worse than the 20% loudmouth, ignorant, brainwashed zombies like YOU.
]Those aren't combat boots..., rrright ! they will never fire one shot..., right on, :up: just like a former dimowit president done in Viet Nam, they will "teach" people to stand on their own..., and NEVER fire a shot at the enemy..., yaa, that's right, i got it now. :lmao:

"And ever the cunning linguist, our very own "shart_attack," has given you some important words to live by.

Fuck you.


It seems shart_attack has given you a marvelous gift with his sign off to you.

So, please do us all a solid and take his parting words to heart.

Fuck you, FRANCOHFW.

Fuck you, very much."
i agree with :fu: you frankie.., :fu: you all to hell and never return. :lmao:

oooooh !!

:fu: ............................. :asshole: frankie
The Saudis Can Crush ISIS -
The New York Times
3 days ago - Indeed, ISIS has even launched a campaign against Saudi Arabia, called ... Qatar's Support of Islamists Alienates Allies Near and Far SEPT.
Kerry, in Saudi Arabia, Talks Strategy With Arab Leaders ...
The New York Times
2 hours ago - The Obama administration is eager for the campaign against the Islamic ... The talks will also include the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, ... But the Saudis have been increasingly worried about ISIS, which they ...
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

nycarbineer said:
No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Ordinarily, I would give you a thumbs-up and agree with you: but this particular conflict may hold the fate of the nation of Israel in the balance.

And I like Jews.

And I like Israel.

So I can't agree with you.

We belong there. :thup:

That's an interesting perspective. How many airstrikes against ISIS do you suppose Israel will be making? Isn't the example of Israel one of the best fits for my post? A nation with the most to lose,

but doing the least?

As with the Iraq War #1 coalition, Israel will explicitly be sidelined unless the Arab World specifically requests Israeli involvement and the chances of that are slim and none (and slim just left town).
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

So when Bush does it, he's a "war monger." When Obama does it, he's "maturing."

Liberals have always been such laughable hypocrites.

War Mongering President War Criminal Blood On His Hands US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I never referred to Bush as a warmonger, I am hardly a lib, and my point is that when reality intrudes on a Lib's fantasy world (as ISIS has done to Obama), sometimes reality wins.
Last edited:
Stick with your "Pub dupes" posts, Franco...trying to argue that Obama's foreign policy has been "correct" is a joke!
Don't forget his other dumbass favorite... hater-dupes.

One trick ponies usually should not venture past their narrow corrals.

Especially when they're Orgasmic ObamaBots... one of the remaining handful, anyway.
Those aren't combat boots, dingbats. Unlike Cheney and your other draft dodging chickenhawks, we're teaching people to stand on their own, with our air support. People of all parties will be be blaming Booosh and Reagan for years to come- disasters even worse than the 20% loudmouth, ignorant, brainwashed zombies like YOU.

I'm not saying we are headed that way but Vietnam started with advisory boots on the ground.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

nycarbineer said:
No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Ordinarily, I would give you a thumbs-up and agree with you: but this particular conflict may hold the fate of the nation of Israel in the balance.

And I like Jews.

And I like Israel.

So I can't agree with you.

We belong there. :thup:

That's an interesting perspective. How many airstrikes against ISIS do you suppose Israel will be making? Isn't the example of Israel one of the best fits for my post? A nation with the most to lose,

but doing the least?

As with the Iraq War #1 coalition, Israel will explicitly be sidelined unless the Arab World specifically requests Israeli involvement and the chances of that are slim and none (and slim just left town).

So once again Americans die where Israelis should be dying.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?
Those aren't combat boots, dingbats. Unlike Cheney and your other draft dodging chickenhawks, we're teaching people to stand on their own, with our air support. People of all parties will be be blaming Booosh and Reagan for years to come- disasters even worse than the 20% loudmouth, ignorant, brainwashed zombies like YOU.

I'm not saying we are headed that way but Vietnam started with advisory boots on the ground.

in the last month or so we have witnessed a slow creep in the increase of "boots on the ground"

from three hundred to now as of last night 1600

whether obama admits it or not

every troop stationed in a war zone is a combat troop

when the shit hits the fan
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.

"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

nycarbineer said:
No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

when sharts attack said:
Ordinarily, I would give you a thumbs-up and agree with you: but this particular conflict may hold the fate of the nation of Israel in the balance.

And I like Jews.

And I like Israel.

So I can't agree with you.

We belong there. :thup:

nycarbineer said:
That's an interesting perspective. How many airstrikes against ISIS do you suppose Israel will be making? Isn't the example of Israel one of the best fits for my post? A nation with the most to lose,

but doing the least?

sayit said:
As with the Iraq War #1 coalition, Israel will explicitly be sidelined unless the Arab World specifically requests Israeli involvement and the chances of that are slim and none (and slim just left town).

nycarbineer said:
So once again Americans die where Israelis should be dying.

You say that as if it happens all the time.

Friends don't let friends be bullied by savages.

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