The Maturation Of Our President

Pity Barack Obama. Our hapless chief executive must be suffering from a cognitive disorder the size of Alpha Centauri. The poor guy grew up on the anti-imperialist mouthings of lefty poet Frank Marshall Davis, schoolboy revolutionary Bill Ayers and later anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, not to mention the well-known anti-American excrescences of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and now he has to go to war — as an imperialist — against the very Third World people he was told again and again we colonized and destroyed. His head must be about to explode.

No wonder he insisted in his Wednesday night speech that the Islamic State is not Islamic — what is it? Hindu? Zoroastrian? A lost tribe of Hasidic Jews? — and that we are fighting an amorphous “terrorist group” (the Irish Republican Army? Basque separatists perhaps?), not the jihadism whose violent ideology has so obviously metastasized across several continents under many guises during his administration with no end remotely in sight. He dares not name our enemy, although it’s almost impossible to imagine how we could win without doing so. He cannot say anything that’s true because he doesn’t know what is true or, perhaps more likely, is terrified to know and then have to admit it. If he did, everything would unravel, not just the jejune Marxism of Frank Marshall Davis. Everything. Roger L. Simon The Nowhere Man Goes to War
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
The biggest problem I see is this: People think ISIS is just camping out in the desert so a couple of daisy cutters dropped judiciously will solve the problem.
It isnt so.
They are in charge of some major cities. All they need to do is retreat to those cities, use the population is shields, as Hamas did in Gaza, and the problem goes away. America is not going to start bombing civilians.
Then we will have to send ground troops.
ISIS must be laughing their asses off.
The whole point is to get Iraqi, Kurds, moderate Syrian rebels, and othe ME allies fighting fundie terrorists...and now that Booosh's a-hole buddy Maliki is gone, things are looking's much better than the Booosh/RW/chickenhawk/hater dupe jingoism/send in the 82 Airborne idiocy. Thank god no drama Obama is in charge, not you fools...

Most absurd.

Both W and BO are warmongering interventionists.

What we should do is stop intervening and bring all our forces home. Intervening got us where we are today. Continuing a failed policy only results in more death, destruction, and debt....but it does empower the state.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
Saying that is the easy part doing it will be the challenge that will require true leadership. If air power and using the free Syrian army the group he mocked and belittled just last month does not get the job done what will he do then? Will he be prepared to do the very thing he has said repeatedly he won't do send in U.S. ground troops? Will he have what it takes to go against his own party, the polls and public opinion on something like that?

If the Turks, Saudi Arabians, and Jordanians put boots on the ground with Allied air operations and logicistics and training, the plan will work.
Turkey has not signed on and is allowing foreign nationals to transit Turkey on their way to join ISIS. The Saudi's are only allowing the training of other countries troops in Saudi Arabia and has not said anything about sending Saudi troops into battle.
Just more Hope and Change IMO.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Bush had the common decency to QUIT playing golf because he didn't want to be on the golf course when American troops were being killed. Obama doesn't care.
The hope and change began with the bushy idiotic philosophy that by an act of war we could turn a ME Muslim country into something like an ally.

Folks said years ago this would end with Iraq and Iran becoming buddies because the bushies and their successors would fuck it up.

Guess what.

If the Turks, Saudis, and Jordanians don't join in, all that can be done is to either bomb or let the ME settle it amongst themselves, while we continue to work on energy independence.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
The biggest problem I see is this: People think ISIS is just camping out in the desert so a couple of daisy cutters dropped judiciously will solve the problem.
It isnt so.
They are in charge of some major cities. All they need to do is retreat to those cities, use the population is shields, as Hamas did in Gaza, and the problem goes away. America is not going to start bombing civilians.
Then we will have to send ground troops.
ISIS must be laughing their asses off.
The whole point is to get Iraqi, Kurds, moderate Syrian rebels, and othe ME allies fighting fundie terrorists...and now that Booosh's a-hole buddy Maliki is gone, things are looking's much better than the Booosh/RW/chickenhawk/hater dupe jingoism/send in the 82 Airborne idiocy. Thank god no drama Obama is in charge, not you fools...

Most absurd.

Both W and BO are warmongering interventionists.

What we should do is stop intervening and bring all our forces home. Intervening got us where we are today. Continuing a failed policy only results in more death, destruction, and debt....but it does empower the state.
Unlike with RW chickenhawk morons in the past, we're coming to the aid of people without entering the country and pissing the whole area off...just like before America became a RW ASSHOLE.
The hope and change began with the bushy idiotic philosophy that by an act of war we could turn a ME Muslim country into something like an ally.

Folks said years ago this would end with Iraq and Iran becoming buddies because the bushies and their successors would fuck it up.

Guess what.

If the Turks, Saudis, and Jordanians don't join in, all that can be done is to either bomb or let the ME settle it amongst themselves, while we continue to work on energy independence.

We get only about 8% of our oil from the Persian Gulf but a disruption in that oil source would cause a global humanitarian and economic catastrophe.
I would elaborate but I'm certain you can connect the dots.
Nevertheless it is time for the Arab League to stand up and help pull the train.
At least in the short term this is their prob more than anyone's.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.
Can't say I disagree.
No one in their right mind wants military conflict. Especially when those directly involved should be doing the work themselves.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Bush had the common decency to QUIT playing golf because he didn't want to be on the golf course when American troops were being killed. Obama doesn't care.
Stupid, irrelevant bs...I wish Booosh HAD played and gotten some relief...maybe like Obama he wouldn't have been such a dumb ass...I guess that's what happens when bs infotainment runs your administration...
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Bush had the common decency to QUIT playing golf because he didn't want to be on the golf course when American troops were being killed. Obama doesn't care.

Let's get Bush's REAL opinion, as opposed to an asshole's like you:

"I see our president criticized for playing golf. I don't. I think he ought to play golf," Bush told the Golf Channel. "Because I know what it's like to be in the bubble. I know the pressures of the job, and to be able to get outside and play golf with some of your pals is important for the president. It does give you an outlet."

Now fuck off you racist piece of human garbage.

George W. Bush defends Obama 8217 s frequent golf outings - The Washington Post

Funny, but I got the feeling and the distinct impression that Obama has had so little time to politicize the preferred outcome that he is taking this action with as pure a set of motives as I've seen.

Usually he gives off a sense of having an ulterior motive behind every seemingly good thing he does. It's like he does nothing until he has considered how, by tweaking this or that in just the right way, he can turn most every event into one which provides him some unexpected political opportunities or political advantages for him or the Dems.

His attitude in the speech tonite reminded me just a little bit, of a time early in my sales career when I felt I needed a sale so much that I decided to just be as honest and candid with this one particular customer as I could possibly be.

I told her the invoice price so she would know i was taking everything I could off of the price and I was going against the unwrit rules of the game by telling her my bottom line without any dickering.

I was GIVING her the deal of the month and not only did I break the rules to share this info with her, she didn't believe my sincerity!

That's the memory that came to my mind while watching Obama tonite.

He was being straight with us for once and now no one will believe or trust him!


But I shouldn't be laughing.

America needs to get this one right.

There's no fooling around possible.
Everything Obama does is carefully crafted to his political advantage
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.
Can't say I disagree.
No one in their right mind wants military conflict. Especially when those directly involved should be doing the work themselves.
Now that Booosh's asshole Maliki is finally gone, Iraq can unite against these terrorist fundie, get Saudis and Qattaris etc doing the bombing- like they did recently in Libya- and a few months ago they were backing ISIS..Talk about your Arab Spring lol. Try changing the channel, hater chumps...
Funny, but I got the feeling and the distinct impression that Obama has had so little time to politicize the preferred outcome that he is taking this action with as pure a set of motives as I've seen.

Usually he gives off a sense of having an ulterior motive behind every seemingly good thing he does. It's like he does nothing until he has considered how, by tweaking this or that in just the right way, he can turn most every event into one which provides him some unexpected political opportunities or political advantages for him or the Dems.

His attitude in the speech tonite reminded me just a little bit, of a time early in my sales career when I felt I needed a sale so much that I decided to just be as honest and candid with this one particular customer as I could possibly be.

I told her the invoice price so she would know i was taking everything I could off of the price and I was going against the unwrit rules of the game by telling her my bottom line without any dickering.

I was GIVING her the deal of the month and not only did I break the rules to share this info with her, she didn't believe my sincerity!

That's the memory that came to my mind while watching Obama tonite.

He was being straight with us for once and now no one will believe or trust him!


But I shouldn't be laughing.

America needs to get this one right.

There's no fooling around possible.
Everything Obama does is carefully crafted to his political advantage
BREAKING for Spoon: Obama is a politician lol...unlike Pubs, he also does what's best for the country...
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
The biggest problem I see is this: People think ISIS is just camping out in the desert so a couple of daisy cutters dropped judiciously will solve the problem.
It isnt so.
They are in charge of some major cities. All they need to do is retreat to those cities, use the population is shields, as Hamas did in Gaza, and the problem goes away. America is not going to start bombing civilians.
Then we will have to send ground troops.
ISIS must be laughing their asses off.
The whole point is to get Iraqi, Kurds, moderate Syrian rebels, and othe ME allies fighting fundie terrorists...and now that Booosh's a-hole buddy Maliki is gone, things are looking's much better than the Booosh/RW/chickenhawk/hater dupe jingoism/send in the 82 Airborne idiocy. Thank god no drama Obama is in charge, not you fools...

Most absurd.

Both W and BO are warmongering interventionists.

What we should do is stop intervening and bring all our forces home. Intervening got us where we are today. Continuing a failed policy only results in more death, destruction, and debt....but it does empower the state.
You understand that disengagement, what the narco-libertarians are always advocating, has been the cause of all of this, not engagement, right?
You think if we withdrew from the Middle East, threw Israel to the Muzzies, pulled out of Europe and Asia then suddenly the Islamic Jihadis would want to sit and sing Kumbaya with us? If so you're dumber than a rock.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama
And here are 5 things that could go wrong with his 4-point plan:

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama s action in Iraq
The biggest problem I see is this: People think ISIS is just camping out in the desert so a couple of daisy cutters dropped judiciously will solve the problem.
It isnt so.
They are in charge of some major cities. All they need to do is retreat to those cities, use the population is shields, as Hamas did in Gaza, and the problem goes away. America is not going to start bombing civilians.
Then we will have to send ground troops.
ISIS must be laughing their asses off.
The whole point is to get Iraqi, Kurds, moderate Syrian rebels, and othe ME allies fighting fundie terrorists...and now that Booosh's a-hole buddy Maliki is gone, things are looking's much better than the Booosh/RW/chickenhawk/hater dupe jingoism/send in the 82 Airborne idiocy. Thank god no drama Obama is in charge, not you fools...

Most absurd.

Both W and BO are warmongering interventionists.

What we should do is stop intervening and bring all our forces home. Intervening got us where we are today. Continuing a failed policy only results in more death, destruction, and debt....but it does empower the state.
You understand that disengagement, what the narco-libertarians are always advocating, has been the cause of all of this, not engagement, right?
You think if we withdrew from the Middle East, threw Israel to the Muzzies, pulled out of Europe and Asia then suddenly the Islamic Jihadis would want to sit and sing Kumbaya with us? If so you're dumber than a rock.

Gipper was obviously trying to prove he is further down the food chain than Franco ... no easy task, ya know.
We have seen Obama gradually morph from a leftist determined to change America to a pragmatist who has suppressed his fantasies and perhaps reluctantly embraced reality. ISIS is the straw that ended his dream. He was faced with the fact that you just can't satisfy some people and that they will kill you if you don't kill them. I've seen this happen to idealists, including myself, in the course of my 63 years. Sometimes reality, as miserable as it can often be, is irresistible.
"We will degrade and ultimately destroy, ISIL..." - Obama

No, what you're seeing is the all too common ailment that afflicts one president after another - the affliction of feeling the need to involve the US in another needless military adventure while the nations who really ought to be doing the fighting and dying sit in the grandstands.

Our observations do not necessarily conflict - a first for us - nor are they mutually exclusive. An American president - even one committed to changing America's course - can find that circumstances (reality) may require the sort of action that appears to repeat the past. In this case Obama recognizes the scope of the IS threat and seems determined to nip it in the bud.

yeah ok, they SAY better late than NEVER
for crying out loud. he should've done this a hell of lot SOONER. Instead he gives a speech after one our citizens is BEHEADED then goes back to playing his golf game. so really we're sorry if some us don't fall on our knees and see him as "maturing"

Did you throw a tantrum every time Bush played a round of golf, or whatever recreational activity you want to include,

the day after an American got killed in Iraq?

Bush had the common decency to QUIT playing golf because he didn't want to be on the golf course when American troops were being killed. Obama doesn't care.

Let's get Bush's REAL opinion, as opposed to an asshole's like you:

"I see our president criticized for playing golf. I don't. I think he ought to play golf," Bush told the Golf Channel. "Because I know what it's like to be in the bubble. I know the pressures of the job, and to be able to get outside and play golf with some of your pals is important for the president. It does give you an outlet."

Now fuck off you racist piece of human garbage.

George W. Bush defends Obama 8217 s frequent golf outings - The Washington Post

From the same article you posted from

Mr. Bush quit playing golf in the public eye shortly after invading Iraq.

“I don’t want some mom, whose son may have recently died, to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said in an interview at the time.

Perhaps you will explain what is racist about that.
Funny, but I got the feeling and the distinct impression that Obama has had so little time to politicize the preferred outcome that he is taking this action with as pure a set of motives as I've seen.

Usually he gives off a sense of having an ulterior motive behind every seemingly good thing he does. It's like he does nothing until he has considered how, by tweaking this or that in just the right way, he can turn most every event into one which provides him some unexpected political opportunities or political advantages for him or the Dems.

His attitude in the speech tonite reminded me just a little bit, of a time early in my sales career when I felt I needed a sale so much that I decided to just be as honest and candid with this one particular customer as I could possibly be.

I told her the invoice price so she would know i was taking everything I could off of the price and I was going against the unwrit rules of the game by telling her my bottom line without any dickering.

I was GIVING her the deal of the month and not only did I break the rules to share this info with her, she didn't believe my sincerity!

That's the memory that came to my mind while watching Obama tonite.

He was being straight with us for once and now no one will believe or trust him!


But I shouldn't be laughing.

America needs to get this one right.

There's no fooling around possible.
Everything Obama does is carefully crafted to his political advantage
BREAKING for Spoon: Obama is a politician lol...unlike Pubs, he also does what's best for the country...

well evidently almost 70% who disapproves of the job your hero is doing don't see it your way
so sorry
[QUOTE="TooTall, post: 9786505, member: 43491"

From the same article you posted from

Mr. Bush quit playing golf in the public eye shortly after invading Iraq.

“I don’t want some mom, whose son may have recently died, to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said in an interview at the time.

Perhaps you will explain what is racist about that.[/QUOTE]
See, Bush is a racist. He hates Obama. So he encourages him to play golf, knowing that same mom is going to see him and hate him for it. It all makes sense, right??
Lefties are such dupes.

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