“The Media Is Creating a False Perception of Rising Racism”

9. For the state media, keeping the black vote is far more important than making black Americans successful, or even happy.

“…even brief exposure to critical race theory narratives disempowers Black people. This reinforces previous research that found that heightened perceptions of racism caused harm to Black Americans.

I asked some Black survey respondents to read a passage from the critical race theory-inspired writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, for example, a passage from Coates' writing about how "the police departments of your country have been endowed with the authority to destroy your body." To others I gave nothing to read, or a mild paragraph.

What I found was staggering: Reading even a single paragraph from Coates had a significant impact on Black respondents' ability to believe in their own agency.

Just 68 percent of Black respondents who read Coates' paragraph agreed with the statement, "When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work"—compared to 83 percent of those who did not, a statistically-significant effect.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Reading a single racist passage???????????

Can black Americans have so little belief in their own ability?????????????
The thread premise is a lie.

For years, white supremacists have looked at Trump’s racist, xenophobic rhetoric as a source of encouragement. And some of the most prominent far right groups have openly embraced and endorsed the president.
Trump has not made a particularly strong effort to disavow their support, and his behaviour has often aligned with their toxic worldviews. Earlier this month at a rally in Minnesota, for example, Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have “good genes,” echoing the views of neo-Nazis that white people are genetically superior.
Shortly after Trump won the election in 2016, white nationalists gathered for a conference in Washington to celebrate Trump’s victory with Nazi salutes. Richard Spencer, a well-known neo-Nazi, in a speech opening up the conference said: “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

Let's see you prove it.
Or.....watch me prove that you swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker.

White Supremacy
The Left loves making up meaningless slurs....such as "....white supremacists"....playing on the fact that without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.

But....it's simply more 'fake news'.....
Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"


I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.

The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"
Clearly this is totally bogus.

Fake news.Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"
There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

White Supremacy is a Democrat Party talking point, and nothing more.
Just one more lie by the the Lying Liberal Left.....but dolts buy it like it was on sale.
9. For the state media, keeping the black vote is far more important than making black Americans successful, or even happy.

“…even brief exposure to critical race theory narratives disempowers Black people. This reinforces previous research that found that heightened perceptions of racism caused harm to Black Americans.

I asked some Black survey respondents to read a passage from the critical race theory-inspired writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, for example, a passage from Coates' writing about how "the police departments of your country have been endowed with the authority to destroy your body." To others I gave nothing to read, or a mild paragraph.

What I found was staggering: Reading even a single paragraph from Coates had a significant impact on Black respondents' ability to believe in their own agency.

Just 68 percent of Black respondents who read Coates' paragraph agreed with the statement, "When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work"—compared to 83 percent of those who did not, a statistically-significant effect.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Reading a single racist passage???????????

Can black Americans have so little belief in their own ability?????????????
The thread premise is a lie.

How could that be?

I'm not a Democrat.....it's Democrats that lie about everything.

1. “CNN blatantly lies about Governor Abbott and the COVID superspreader that Biden is running at the border …accused Governor Greg Abbott of accusing Biden of exposing Texans to COVID “without evidence”: Gov. Greg Abbott, who has said without evidence that migrants expose Texans to Covid-19, is stalling a federal offer to test people released from custody. Does CNN even bother to read the news?

It was NBC News which ran the article two days ago, which we were among the first to cover:

After Border Patrol release, asylum-seekers test positive for Covid-19 in Brownsville, Texas.



2. We have learned….from the state media….that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots count…..the only one that matters is the ‘Armed Insurrection at the Capitol”!!!

When a Republican calls their lie, well…then PolitiFact calls him a liar…’Pants On Fire!’

“Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot “didn’t seem like an armed insurrection.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, still claims accounts of the day’s events are being exaggerated. He made his case Feb. 15, 2021, in an appearance on "The Jay Weber Show" on WISN radio.

"The fact of the matter is this didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me. I mean armed, when you hear armed, don’t you think of firearms?" Johnson said. "Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask. How many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired? I’m only aware of one, and I’ll defend that law enforcement officer for taking that shot." https://www.politifact.com/factchec...jan-6-capitol-assault-was-armed-insurrection/

But….the FBI supported the Republican's contention:

“How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds that day?

To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point.

So nobody has been charged with any firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.


Update: FBI Counterterrorism Official Says She Has No Knowledge of Firearms Recovered During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


They lie about everything.


3. “Biden Endorses Female Generals Whose Promotions Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump’s Reaction

WASHINGTON — President Biden has nominated two female generals to elite, four-star commands, the Defense Department announced, months after their Pentagon bosses had agreed on their promotions but held them back out of fears that President Donald J. Trump would reject the officers because they were women.” Biden Endorses Female Generals Whose Promotions Were Delayed Over Fears of Trump’s Reaction

Van Ovost became a Lt.General November 8, 2017. , 2020

And a general August 20, 2020

Who was the President?

Democrats…..they lie about everything.


If you watched President Joe Biden’s first primetime address last night, you should be struck by three things: COVID, not Democrat overreaction to it, is to blame for a missing year of family and social gatherings and millions of lost jobs. Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, gets credit for the vaccine and the path back to normal. And someone gave the 78-year-old Biden an adrenaline shot so he could stand up for 24 minutes and semi-coherently read the dishonest script his handlers wrote for him.

...the vaccines, Biden lied through his pearly whites. “Two months ago,” he asserted, “this country didn’t have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or near all of the American public. But soon we will.” This isn’t so much factually wrong as it is false through implication. His point, of course, is that his predecessor left him a mess, which is something Biden and his team have been regularly repeating.

The truth is that the stunning success of Operation Warp Speed is thanks to Trump’s leadership, not Biden’s. It’s thanks to the ingenuity of American scientific research and development, not political promises. Trump set the plan in motion, leaving Biden to merely take the baton and keep running.

… just ahead of the election, senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn, who previously declared that Red Chinese dictator Mao Zedong was among her two “favorite political philosophers” on par with Mother Teresa, also said that “COVID is the best thing that ever happened to [Biden]” in his campaign to defeat."

5. “Pelosi outrageously blames Trump for border crisis – and with a straight face

…Pelosi outrageously blamed former President Trump for the exploding border crisis, claiming that President Biden had inherited a “broken system.”

Since Trump has left office and Biden has reversed most of his immigration policies, including wall construction, illegal immigration has exploded and detention facilities are now overflowing. The Daily Mail is reporting that those facilities are now over capacity by nearly 700 percent.

The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reportedly tripled over the last few weeks. It’s being reported that in February alone, there were more than 100,000 illegal alien encounters on the border. More than 29,000 unaccompanied children crossed the border in Fiscal Year 2021 through February.”

…the blame for the border crisis squarely on Biden. He said the president’s policies are inviting illegal immigrants to come here by the droves braving the dangerous and often deadly trek across the southern border.” https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/0...rder-crisis-and-with-a-straight-face-1043104/

The One-Two Immigration Plan, or....."Ringing The Dinner Bell!"

. “Biden’s plan, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which was introduced in Congress on Thursday by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), would grant amnesty to somewhere between 11 and 22 million illegal immigrants who are currently residing in the United States. It would even give amnesty to those already deported from the U.S. under the Trump administration.” Bongino shoots down emotional Geraldo with facts on immigration policy that puts Americans last

Biden Executive Order: End “Remain in Mexico” program aimed at Central American asylum seekers

The Democrats have used, and encouraged illegal aliens to vote. Obama told them ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself!’

…the actions of Liberal federal judges: in the 9th circuit, decisions have increased the numbers of illegal who can remain in the country, and inhibit the activities of immigration judges, encourage frivolous claims, and demands for reopening settled cases.
Panelists Discuss Immigration Court Cases Backlog, Aug 22 2017 | C-SPAN.org

The Democrat ploy is to send illegals to an over-loaded immigration court, where there are told to return for trial....but simply released into the country, never to be seen again, outside the voting booth.

As opposed to this:
“Started by the Trump administration, the program requires migrants seeking asylum in the United States to wait in Mexico for their cases to make their way through the U.S. immigration courts.”
Biden Halts Trump's 'Remain In Mexico' Program In Effort To Reform U.S. Immigration Policy

Any who actually believe that Biden won the election must believe that Biden's open borders plan is the right one for America.

They lie about everything.


6. In order to explain all the would-be immigrants answering Biden’s dinner bell, rushing to get in and avail themselves of US taxpayer largesse, one Democrat said this:

WH refuses to call Mexico border rush, child detainment a ...

White House refuses to call Mexico border rush, child detainee tripling a ‘crisis’

Psaki pointed to Central American migrants' flight from "violence, economic hardships and other things," as well as a pair of fall hurricanes and the continuing effects of the coronavirus pandemic....”

And another said this:

[Pelosi] added, “My most recent trip to the northern triangle, that would be Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador. You saw the impact of climate change. These people were leaving because of the drought.Pelosi: Climate Change Causing 'Humanitarian Challenge' at the Border

Hurricanes…..and a drought??????

Democrats…..they lie about everything.

7. Did I mention that they lie about everything??

Here is Democrat Veronica Escobar claiming that we always had the current rush for the border by immigrants:

t- “(CNSNews.com) - "There is no doubt, Jake, that what we're seeing today is an enormous challenge," Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) told CNN's "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper on Sunday.2021-03-paBut, we also, I think, need to acknowledge that the flow of humanity arriving at our front door never stopped. The Donald Trump administration didn't stop them. And what we are seeing today is the consequence of four years of dismantling every system in place to address this with humanity and compassion.” https://cnsnews.com/article/washing...umanity-arriving-our-front-door-never-stopped va

Then, there’s this:

"Trump plans to slash refugee admissions to US to record low

Since taking office, Trump has slashed the number of refugees allowed into the country by more than 80%, reflecting his broader efforts to drastically reduce both legal and illegal immigration.


Democrats lie about everything.....


=======================/article/washington/susan-jones/rep-escobar-8. Trump pressured Georgia officials to help him win the election!!!

Actually, no, he didn’t. The Democrats lie about everything.

And now the Washington Post had to admit it.

“The media conspiracy against Trump became a lot more serious on Monday when the Washington Post retracted its January story claiming that President Donald Trump had pressured Frances Watson, the chief investigator for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, to “find the fraud” in the 2020 election and said that he’d be a “national hero” if he did.laims

- A recording of the call definitively proved that the quotes cited by the Washington Post, and then parroted by other outlets, were never actually said by the president.

But, as Becket Adams explains at the Washington Examiner, “the Washington Post’s dud of a ‘bombshell’ isn’t even the most scandalous thing about this episode in media malfeasance.”

The most scandalous thing, Adams, argues, is that several different newsrooms “claimed they independently ‘confirmed’ the original ‘scoop’ with anonymous sources of their own.”
The Washington Post's Fake Trump Quote Scandal Is a Lot Worse Than You Think

They got away with stealing the election, so they don't mind admitting they lied to do so.

And they are laughing at the 'useful idiots' who bought it.


9. Yup.....they lie about everything....EVERYTHING!

“We believe the women!!!’

Far be it from me to defend Cuomo…..but ousting him over rude remarks….from the party of

What about Tara Reade’s claims of digital rape…..

Did you see this?

“Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent...

On March 29, 2020, the Gateway Pundit republished a 2017 report alleging that an unidentified Secret Service agent was suspended for a week in 2009 for “shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him.” “The situation got so heated … that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President,” according to the report.”edit-2021-03-12.com/cnn-blatantly-lies-about-governor-https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/destroyed-biden records/htt

======================================================ps://www.judicialwatch.org/press- 10. “Democrats question Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s claim that terrorists are crossing the border: ‘He is either wrong or lying’

…said border agents he had met earlier that day issued dire warnings that suspected terrorists are trying to cross into the United States via Mexico.

“You saw it in their eyes,” McCarthy said, referring to the agents. “They talked about, ‘They’re on the list.’ … The terrorist watch list.”

“Weird as the Chairman of the subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations and a border state member of Congress haven’t heard anything about this,” tweeted Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democrat who represents the Phoenix area. “Gonna ask for a briefing. Pretty sure he is either wrong or lying.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/16/mccarthy-terrorists-border-gallego-escobar/

Let’s check:

“11 Iranians arrested in Arizona after jumping US-Mexico border” https://www.foxnews.com/us/iranians-arrested-arizona-us-mexico-border

“Iran has terrorist assets planted in Washington DC and across America: Report

…multiple sources have confirmed there are Iranian terrorists in Washington DC and cities across the nation right now. We were able to get one person on record; most who talked to NOQ Report were less concerned over government backlash and more concerned about mainstream media’s current efforts to blacklist anyone who mentions terrorists crossing the border. As Jordan Davidson at The Federalist noted this morning, the “approved” media narrative is to gaslight anyone who even mentions a connection between terrorism and Joe Biden’s open borders policy.”


“The Customs and Border Protection agency confirmed to Congress today that four people arrested at the southern border since Oct. 1 match names on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database,” a congressional aide told Axios in a “scoop.”

Alarmingly, the suspected terrorists were not even from Latin America, but from the Middle East and from southeastern Europe. “Three of the people arrested were from Yemen and one was from Serbia,” Axios continued. “The four arrests are more than the number of similar people taken into custody during recent full fiscal years,…’ https://beckernews.com/breaking-new...ght-trying-to-cross-bidens-open-border-37801/

So the Republican was telling the truth .....and the Democrats were lying.

Not only do they lie about everything….

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
The blathering comes from those who deny that Trump was not responsible for the re-emergence of the white racist right.
Where?....Charlottesville, where a gaggle of goofballs, that maybe numbered as high as 200, had to travel in from numerous states?....What blame does Trump bear for that?

What other evidence do you have to back up this absurd claim?
You are talking about something no one mentioned here that has no relevance.
The blathering comes from those who deny that Trump was not responsible for the re-emergence of the white racist right.
Where?....Charlottesville, where a gaggle of goofballs, that maybe numbered as high as 200, had to travel in from numerous states?....What blame does Trump bear for that?

What other evidence do you have to back up this absurd claim?
You are talking about something no one mentioned here that has no relevance.
Where is your evidence that Trump "emboldened" wanks like those who showed up at Charlottesville?

Real palpable evidence, not your say-so.
The blathering comes from those who deny that Trump was not responsible for the re-emergence of the white racist right.
Where?....Charlottesville, where a gaggle of goofballs, that maybe numbered as high as 200, had to travel in from numerous states?....What blame does Trump bear for that?

What other evidence do you have to back up this absurd claim?
You are talking about something no one mentioned here that has no relevance.
Where is your evidence that Trump "emboldened" wanks like those who showed up at Charlottesville?

Real palpable evidence, not your say-so.

That Charlottesville 'fake news'.....

Watch: Joe Biden Confronted on Charlottesville 'Fine People' Hoax

"One of the greatest examples of Fake News is the lie that on Charlottesville, the President said there were good people on the Nazis/White Nationalists side. He said just the opposite:

"you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.....I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.

News anchors and pundits have repeated lies about Donald Trump and race so often that some of these narratives seem true, even to Americans who embrace the fruits of the president’s policies. The most pernicious and pervasive of these lies is the “Charlottesville Hoax,” the fake-news fabrication that he described the neo-Nazis who rallied in Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017 as “fine people.”

Another quote from President Trump's Charlottesville press conference:

“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis “fine people.” The only explanation for such a repeated falsehood is abject laziness or willful deception. Either way, the duplicity on this topic perhaps encapsulates the depressingly low trust most Americans place in major media, with 77 percentstatingin a Monmouth University 2018 poll that traditional TV and newspapers report fake news. In addition, such lies as the Charlottesville Hoax needlessly further divide our already-polarized society.

Read More:Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Here's the complete transcript of President Trump’s remarks on Charlottesville:

Read the complete transcript of President Trump's remarks at Trump Tower on Charlottesville

From Left-leaning USAToday:
"To be fair, President Donald Trump was making a somewhat subtler point. In his colloquy with the press, he was not calling neo-Nazis great folks but arguing that many of the Confederate-statue-loving protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, were not neo-Nazis at all. Somehow, these “fine people” got mixed in with white supremacists shouting, “Jews will not replace us,” and never noticed their compatriots were not fine people, too."
One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally -- but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with helmets and with baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."
More telling is that there's no evidence presented.

They have been trained, whipped, into parroting every lie their party tells them.

This is no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free.
They have been trained, whipped, into parroting every lie their party tells them.

This is no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free.

They are fundamentalists who believe without questioning.

It's like listening to a religious not job screaming that dinosaur bones were put here on Earth by Satan to fool us. All that counts is the belief, and everything else must be warped in order to support that belief.
They have been trained, whipped, into parroting every lie their party tells them.

This is no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free.

They are fundamentalists who believe without questioning.

It's like listening to a religious not job screaming that dinosaur bones were put here on Earth by Satan to fool us. All that counts is the belief, and everything else must be warped in order to support that belief.

True.....but I believe they are simply cowards, fearful of the cancel culture.
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.

Shelby Steele: Claims of 'systemic racism' are 'expanding the territory of entitlement'
"t's a corruption because the truth of the matter is, blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner," he explained, adding that the activists in this case rarely make time for self-reflection.

From a Black scholar, Shelby Steele, who tells it like it is and "people of color" don't want to hear.
The ironic part of the media's one sided white guilt view on racism is that they are appeasing the "people of color" today and giving them a false perspective that they are achieving societal success when in fact until the culture makes vast changes on their 72% out of wedlock birth rate, their lack of importance on education, and their ability to turn around the massive number of shootings and murders nothing really will change at all.

These can only be changed from within. The white community cannot improve socioeconomic levels, only the people of color can. And now, all that is being focused on is this false sense of power by calling everyone a racist and proclamations of white supremacy. The few cop shootings are the focus while the thousands of black on black shootings are totally ignored.

All I see is another 55 years of social program money thrown at a people to continue the enabling.
The ironic part of the media's one sided white guilt view on racism is that they are appeasing the "people of color" today and giving them a false perspective that they are achieving societal success when in fact until the culture makes vast changes on their 72% out of wedlock birth rate, their lack of importance on education, and their ability to turn around the massive number of shootings and murders nothing really will change at all.

These can only be changed from within. The white community cannot improve socioeconomic levels, only the people of color can. And now, all that is being focused on is this false sense of power by calling everyone a racist and proclamations of white supremacy. The few cop shootings are the focus while the thousands of black on black shootings are totally ignored.

All I see is another 55 years of social program money thrown at a people to continue the enabling.

And worse.....giving their 'pets' the less than helpful view that they need do nothing toward their own success.

Any failure is due to the imaginary oppression.
The ironic part of the media's one sided white guilt view on racism is that they are appeasing the "people of color" today and giving them a false perspective that they are achieving societal success when in fact until the culture makes vast changes on their 72% out of wedlock birth rate, their lack of importance on education, and their ability to turn around the massive number of shootings and murders nothing really will change at all.

These can only be changed from within. The white community cannot improve socioeconomic levels, only the people of color can. And now, all that is being focused on is this false sense of power by calling everyone a racist and proclamations of white supremacy. The few cop shootings are the focus while the thousands of black on black shootings are totally ignored.

All I see is another 55 years of social program money thrown at a people to continue the enabling.

I yearn to see more tweets like this:

Kimberly Klacik

If your 13 year old is out stabbing people, carjacking uber drivers or running around with guns, please know... ...you are a terrible parent. It’s you. It’s not the police. Its not the politicians. It’s not the teachers. It’s you. Just you.
9:47 PM · Apr 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
And it certainly is successful

1.In this thread, the truth about racism in America…..there isn’t any, other than the anti-white version advanced by the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats. There may be ‘thought crimes,’ allowed by the Constitution, but criminalized by the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats. Americans are allowed to dislike anyone they so choose....some even- if you can imagine- moi.

That's the problem when our side prepares to confront theirs.....we fail to remember that they don't consider facts, experience or truth as matters of importance.
"Defend the Party" is their raison d'etre.
But….I remain the eternal optimist….so the facts follow below: racism is a chimera designed to keep the Democrats in power. Toward that end, government school and the media....our Ministry of Truth... mold perceptions.

2. “…America is currently undergoing a racial reckoning. … a nation-wide soul-searching over racism has seized hold of the collective imagination, with everyone from massive corporations to national media outlets leading the charge against America's enduring—even rising—white supremacism.
…the national conversation isn't exposing racism so much as creating it, or at least, creating the impression
that it is far more prevalent than we thought…[see recent report for the Manhattan Institute, The Social Construction of Racism in the United States.]

3. …party identification shapes perception, for example, is pretty uncontroversial. And social scientists have long known that exposure to unusual events that make news shapes our perceptions; Gallup surveys consistently show that concern with racism tends to spike after major events like the Ferguson protests….there's evidence to suggest that the constant beating of the racism drum has led many to see racism where they didn't previously.

4. Mentions of racism in national news outlets have soared since 2015. [Note who was President at that time....the Racism President leading the war on police].
And this media activity has coincided with a drop in the number of Americans who describe Black-white relations as good. From 2002 to 2013, 70 percent of Americans believed that race relations were good, a number that dropped to half after 2014….I know that negative media attention to race, rather than a worsening reality, is driving perception… Here's where my research comes in. To get at this question, I asked respondents the following question: Did they believe young Black men were more in danger of dying in a car crash, or of being shot by police?

…a second question to test this: Do they believe white Republicans are racist?
And what I found was that people who answered yes to the second question, who believe white Republicans are racist, were much less likely to accurately assess whether cars or cops were more lethal to Black men. [Note: the easily led.]

5. There is a correct answer to that question: Cars are around ten times more lethal to young Black men than police bullets. But it was something people on one side of the political spectrum were much more likely to know than the other side.”
The media is creating a false perception of rising racism. My new study proves it | Opinion

Democrats, Leftists, never let the facts get in the way of their biases.
Of course....it's the new Russia collusion strategy as Trump's numbers grow and as voter fraud is steadily becoming harder to do.


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