The media needs to stop lying about Trump

The media seems to think it has to or should lie to the American people about what Trump says. Do you support that?
Which media? The media Trump followers love, lie about Obama all the time. Crocodile tears unworthy of the followers of someone who claims not to care what others think, IMO.

So, your "defense" is the other guys do it too?

Why do you support the media lying?

You stated that you thought the truth was bad enough.
"The media needs to stop lying about Trump"

There is no 'the media,' they don't exist as a single entity pursuing a single agenda or goal, the notion is paranoid, delusional nonsense.

As for Trump, his ignorance, bigotry, hate, and stupidity are all documented by Trump himself, in his own words, for anyone to hear for himself, independent of 'the media.'

The OP explained one of the lies the Media has been telling.

Would you care to actually address it?

Your hate of him is not interesting to anyone.
Movement Conservatism has created an overlapping set of institutions (think tanks, TV stations, newspapers, websites, talk radio, publishing groups, political action committees), all of which are fed by massive financial incentives to defeat the Left, which Left wants to raise the taxes and regulations of those who fund the aforementioned incentive system.

This information system is so large that most Republican voters are entirely contained within it. Republican voters are conditioned not to trust any other news source. The last thing rightwing media wants is for its viewers to discover that there was no alliance between Hussein and Bin Laden and that Saddam didn't attack us on 9/11. Which is to say, the Right must constantly discredit other news sources in order to keep their viewers from wandering into the truth. Republican voters are even conditioned not to trust science, which is treated more like a liberal hoax for increasing government power. This is why they created think tanks in the 70s, so they could mimic the rigor of an academic environment while quietly ensuring that only certain conclusions and agendas were served.

Seriously, there is a reason why the OP didn't even know that George Bush and the Republican House/Senate raised the debt ceiling 4 times. There is a reason why the OP doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt and funded/weaponized a young Saddam Hussein. The OP lives in a carefully constructed media bubble where he is conditioned to believe that all external news sources lie and are unfair.

So obviously, when he travels outside his info-bubble, he see a completely different reality, once where Trump is not allowed to make up facts. I agree with Correll that Trump deserves to be treated with more neutrality (as opposed to haughty contempt), but when he says that Trump is the victim of lies, he should point his outrage at his information systems (which do a tremendous amount of fact-bending because of a felt need to defeat an evil political opponent).

It's just sad when a party that lies so much gets so deeply offended at the mere thought of someone else lying. If they only knew how they looked when they cried about the media, they wouldn't do it so much.
A Liberal Rupert Murdoch

His tree hugging son has not taken over yet. FOX is not liberal, yet.

For me FOX is too liberal.

So what do you watch? NaziCentral?

Are patriots for you Nazis?

I am genuinely curious. You don't like FOX. I am sure all the other media sites are too "Liberal" for you. How do you get the news?

FOX is surely preferable as CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NBC etc., but fortunately Internet is full of a little bit better information sources.
Trump is a narcissistic, arrogant, egomaniac that has the GOP by the shorthairs. And I laugh and I laugh and.....:woohoo:

Trump is an outsider who has the GOP establishment by the short hairs.

The base is loving him.

You keep laughing.

You call the nutjobs in the Trump crowd the "base?"

So it is not the base that is having the closed door meetings tring to figure out how to stop him? Who is holding the meetings?

The "base" by definition is too many people to be in a closed door meeting. Dumb ass.

It is the GOP Establishment that is having those meetings. They don't want an outsider coming in and upsetting their nice cozy set up.
The GOP base is xenophobic bible thumpers with no knowledge of economic issues. They are extreme populists, and it is easy to understand why they are Trump fans.

Would you like to hear my opinion of people I don't like?

THat's feeling you just felt? THat is how much you just bored everyone who read your post.
Just correcting your definition of the GOP base :thup:
So, you didn't read the OP?
It might have helped if YOU had read the OP first!

From the OP:
"I showed the video to friends,"
"In one of my courses, at the University of Texas at Austin, I asked my students"
Last edited:
So, you didn't read the OP?
It might have helped if YOU had read the OP fitst!

From the OP:
"I showed the video to friends,"
"In one of my courses, at the University of Texas at Austin, I asked my students"

I cut and pasted a list of the lies about what Trump said.

The fact that other people are mentioned in the article does not mean that the Media's words were not quoted.

Are you insane?
The topic here is the actions of the Media. If you don't care about the media, then what are you doing in this thread?
Except he is citing his "friends" and "students."

In addition to the list of lies from the media.

His citing his friends and students was done to show how the media is misinforming them.

The media seems to think it has to or should lie to the American people about what Trump says. Do you support that?
Which media? The media Trump followers love, lie about Obama all the time. Crocodile tears unworthy of the followers of someone who claims not to care what others think, IMO.
So, your "defense" is the other guys do it too? Why do you support the media lying? You stated that you thought the truth was bad enough.
Defense? That was OFFENSE. Trump is a double-talking wimp. THAT'S the point.
The topic here is the actions of the Media. If you don't care about the media, then what are you doing in this thread?
Except he is citing his "friends" and "students."

In addition to the list of lies from the media.

His citing his friends and students was done to show how the media is misinforming them.

Except it was ONLY his friends and students who said "ALL" Mexicans, none of the media he cited said "ALL."
So as is usual, the Right lies about the media!
Movement Conservatism has created an overlapping set of institutions (think tanks, TV stations, newspapers, websites, talk radio, publishing groups, political action committees), all of which are fed by massive financial incentives to defeat the Left, which Left wants to raise the taxes and regulations of those who fund the aforementioned incentive system.

This information system is so large that most Republican voters are entirely contained within it. Republican voters are conditioned not to trust any other news source. The last thing rightwing media wants is for its viewers to discover that there was no alliance between Hussein and Bin Laden and that Saddam didn't attack us on 9/11. Which is to say, the Right must constantly discredit other news sources in order to keep their viewers from wandering into the truth. Republican voters are even conditioned not to trust science, which is treated more like a liberal hoax for increasing government power. This is why they created think tanks in the 70s, so they could mimic the rigor of an academic environment while quietly ensuring that only certain conclusions and agendas were served.

Seriously, there is a reason why the OP didn't even know that George Bush and the Republican House/Senate raised the debt ceiling 4 times. There is a reason why the OP doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt and funded/weaponized a young Saddam Hussein. The OP lives in a carefully constructed media bubble where he is conditioned to believe that all external news sources lie and are unfair.

So obviously, when he travels outside his info-bubble, he see a completely different reality, once where Trump is not allowed to make up facts. I agree with Correll that Trump deserves to be treated with more neutrality (as opposed to haughty contempt), but when he says that Trump is the victim of lies, he should point his outrage at his information systems (which do a tremendous amount of fact-bending because of a felt need to defeat an evil political opponent).

It's just sad when a party that lies so much gets so deeply offended at the mere thought of someone else lying. If they only knew how they looked when they cried about the media, they wouldn't do it so much.

As a Londoner, you may not be aware that the Media over here is overwhelmingly dominated by partisan leftists, and that Fox is just about the Lone Wolf speaking out for that other side AND a very recent newcomer.

The Main Stream Media are the ones who have the power to create and enforce the "Conventional Wisdom".

Fox is powerful enough to SOMETIME challenge it, but not to sometimes, or ever to create and enforce a misrepresentation as the Media is doing with Trump.

Thus this is NOT a two sided issue.
Trump is an outsider who has the GOP establishment by the short hairs.

The base is loving him.

You keep laughing.

You call the nutjobs in the Trump crowd the "base?"

So it is not the base that is having the closed door meetings tring to figure out how to stop him? Who is holding the meetings?

The "base" by definition is too many people to be in a closed door meeting. Dumb ass.

It is the GOP Establishment that is having those meetings. They don't want an outsider coming in and upsetting their nice cozy set up.
The GOP base is xenophobic bible thumpers with no knowledge of economic issues. They are extreme populists, and it is easy to understand why they are Trump fans.

Would you like to hear my opinion of people I don't like?

THat's feeling you just felt? THat is how much you just bored everyone who read your post.
Just correcting your definition of the GOP base :thup:

I did not define them other to than to point out to someone that a "BASE" doesn't have "behind closed door meetings".

As you have contributed nothing to this thread excepts insults to a group of people I am a member of, I have this for you.

The media seems to think it has to or should lie to the American people about what Trump says. Do you support that?
Which media? The media Trump followers love, lie about Obama all the time. Crocodile tears unworthy of the followers of someone who claims not to care what others think, IMO.
So, your "defense" is the other guys do it too? Why do you support the media lying? You stated that you thought the truth was bad enough.
Defense? That was OFFENSE. Trump is a double-talking wimp. THAT'S the point.

And yet the media is so scared they think they need to lie to the people about him.

And you are so scared you support them doing so.
I agree, truth about Trump is bad enough

The vast majority of the Media seems to disagree with you.

Why do you think that is?

Tell us which of the Trump lies are being falsely reported by the media:

Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

For one, the claim that Trump wants to create a registry of Muslims. Here are some more:
  1. He is not a billionaire.
  2. Trump is not a successful businessman.
  3. He said all Mexicans were rapists.
  4. Trump said John McCain is not a war hero.
  5. Only 2,500 people showed up to hear Trump speak at the Phoenix Convention Center. T
  6. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spoke at length with Trump and asked him to tone down his rhetoric.
  7. Hispanics don't like Trump.
  8. Trump lied about his salary from "The Apprentice."
  9. Trump was a draft dodger.
  10. Americans are outraged by Trump's comments on immigration.
The topic here is the actions of the Media. If you don't care about the media, then what are you doing in this thread?
Except he is citing his "friends" and "students."

In addition to the list of lies from the media.

His citing his friends and students was done to show how the media is misinforming them.

Except it was ONLY his friends and students who said "ALL" Mexicans, none of the media he cited said "ALL."
So as is usual, the Right lies about the media!

The point was that all of them got it wrong because they were lied to by the media.
I only trust Fox News.



From Salon, which you actually trust.

"It’s time to start cleaning up the mess of misinterpretations about Donald Trump.

Back in June, I first saw Mr. Trump announcing his candidacy for president. What he said about unauthorized immigrants seemed ridiculous so I laughed. I showed the video to friends, and I laughed again. His words were poorly chosen.

But something worse happened. People interpreted Trump’s words in the most awful and offensive ways.

In one of my courses, at the University of Texas at Austin, I asked my students: “What has Donald Trump said that you found most offensive?” One student raised her hand high: “He said that all Mexicans are rapists.” I asked a coworker the same question. He replied: “He said that all Mexican immigrants are rapists.”

I explained that Trump said no such thing. This is what Trump said:

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.” "

Do you support the media lying to US about what our presidential candidates actually say?

already read that.

I consider the media an entertainment source, nothing more, nothing less.

ergo, I could care less about a salon article.

Trump HAS lied, and he will lie again.

end of story

Then you aren't voting for Hillary, I take it.

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