The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

What did the founding fathers think about AR-15's? Or the Internet?
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations,

They've been doing it for more than 30 years.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
As a liberal, surely you understand the sleaze and priggishness of your party.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.
Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein.
A guy who should be executed in a painful fashion.

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.
Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein.
A guy who should be executed in a painful fashion.

Yes. He had a push for post birth abortion up to two years old. His wife is samantha power.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.
Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein.
A guy who should be executed in a painful fashion.

Yes. He had a push for post birth abortion up to two years old. His wife is samantha power.

Infanticide is illegal dipshit.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????

The title of his paper isn’t a tip off? Google Ethno Nationalism.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????

The title of his paper isn’t a tip off? Google Ethno Nationalism.
Read the paper. It's about Israel maintaining a Jewish state.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????

The title of his paper isn’t a tip off? Google Ethno Nationalism.
So basically you don't know shit from shinola concerning the actual content or context of his book. Thanks.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????

The title of his paper isn’t a tip off? Google Ethno Nationalism.
Read the paper. It's about Israel maintaining a Jewish state.

By arguing in favor of ETHNIC nationalism.
The left is going all in on all racism all the time. Ideally they can convince grievance mongers into a race war.

It would be a blessing if the left just split the Jews from the democrats.

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.

Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel

Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?

Except this guy actually wrote a paper on Ethno-Nationalism.
Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy | Jews | Israel
Why is it a "smear" to report on something the guy did really write?
Because many Trumpsters are fine with the subject matter.

Who? What? What problem? I don't see anything wrong. What? Where? Huh?


Can y'all specify what concerns you in this book he wrote without us having to read the whole document????

The title of his paper isn’t a tip off? Google Ethno Nationalism.
Read the paper. It's about Israel maintaining a Jewish state.

By arguing in favor of ETHNIC nationalism.
Yes. Israel was created as a Jewish state.
The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee

The Media’s Latest Smear of a Trump Judicial Nominee
Rachel Maddow accuses the nominee of making a "high-brow argument for racial purity."

8/19/19 ~~ By Thomas Jipping
Left-wing opponents of an impartial and independent judiciary have picked another target: appeals court nominee Steven Menashi. It’s one thing to be honest about a nominee’s record, but disagree about whether he belongs on the bench. The attacks begun on Menashi, however, amount to nothing more than dishonest smears. Menashi, whose Jewish family came to the United States from Iran, received his law degree from Stanford before clerking first for U.S. Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg and then for Justice Samuel Alito. He became a partner at one of America’s premier law firms and has taught at two prestigious law schools.
The brewing conflict over Menashi’s nomination, like so many others, is not about his qualifications, or really about him at all. It’s about the kind of judge he will be.
In 2009, Menashi reviewed a book by liberal law professor Cass Sunstein. The book’s title spoke volumes: “A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn’t Mean What it Meant Before.” In his review, Menashi wrote that “living constitutionalists” like Sunstein “aim to establish not a ‘living’ but a zombie Constitution; they want to take the corpse of constitutional text and reanimate it with new principles in every generation. But this Constitution is at war with itself. … The living Constitution is always an unstable mix of living and dead elements, chosen according to the preference of the assembler.”

It’s still frustrating, a year later, to think about how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination. Was that a shot across the bow, to let all future judicial nominees know, that they are not above making up false accusations, and not caring what any of that does to the nominee or his family? Will the experience of Kavanaugh, cause some good people to decline to be nominated for judgeships, or any other high positions?
The PMS/DSA Left will go all out to protect this New York 2nd Circuit Court, and if Menashi is confirmed, then it will be 6-6 court, and then one more nominee and the Circuit is flipped Republican/Conservative.
The last thing Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want on the Supreme court circuit is a conservative judge of Jewish descent. Even if he clerked for RBG.
Has she weighed in on him? I suppose she should be above all of this, but we know she isn’t. It's all ideological politics.
You have to wonder just how far back the PMS/DSA Left will go back to find something, anything to smear this man.

Given the anti-Semitism track the liberal left is expected else?


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