The men who built America

By some of this logic Obama should get full credit for tasking the SEALs to take out Bin Laden?
Actually, I'm on a Kindle Fire....but....stupid strawman nonetheless. Who's country is more important to you? Theirs or ours? Who's people? Where's YOUR patriotism? You support this agenda? You are as much of a traitor as the Conglomerate.

You make dumb fucking excuses and build strawmen to protect your Gods.

Does the point fly over your head, Yinzer, that the product purchase decisions YOU make determine what a 'fair days wage' will be?

Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little further every day.
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DVR.....The men who REALLY built America weren't rich tychoons. The men who built America slaved and worked their asses off...laying brick and mortar, clearing forests, driving rail spikes. The Tychoons just had money.....they didn't build shit.

The mindless brutes working on the railroad couldn't have built a thing if Henry Bessemer hadn't invented the Bessemer converter to make large quantities of steel and James Watt hadn't invented the steam engine.

So....they deserve to rot, right? And you have the nerve to call people like me elitists

Read my lips: they are worth whatever someone is willing to pay them voluntarily.
Does the point fly over your head, Yinzer, that the product purchase decisions YOU make determine what a 'fair days wage' will be?

Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Does the point fly over your head, Yinzer, that the product purchase decisions YOU make determine what a 'fair days wage' will be?

Yeah....that's why just about everything NON-ELECTRONIC in my house is American made. Even my TV is a Vizio. I won't say everything....but just about.
Does the point fly over your head, Yinzer, that the product purchase decisions YOU make determine what a 'fair days wage' will be?

Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little farther every day.

Steelplate is one of those types who gobbles up the great deals on all those nifty bangladesh goods from Target and stuff them into the trunk of his Kia, then moans all the way home about why business owners are not patriotic enough to pay the workin man a living wage.

Does the point fly over your head, Yinzer, that the product purchase decisions YOU make determine what a 'fair days wage' will be?

Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little further every day.

Oh bullshit. China's abundance of rare earth metals have a lot to do with it...and their isolationist policies....and of course.....$.50/hour labor rates and 12 hour days with overcrowded dormitories so their slaves can crash after they've been worked half to death.

UNIONS!!!!!! 6% OF THE WORKFORCE IN AMERICA....MOST OF WHICH IS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR.....your union bullshit holds no water whatsoever. They have no influence's a right wing talking point. The reason for the caps? This is the third fucking time I mentioned it.....the second time in this thread...but you fuckers are so brainwashed that either your eyes don't see it or you simply ignore it.
Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little further every day.

Oh bullshit. China's abundance of rare earth metals have a lot to do with it...and their isolationist policies....and of course.....$.50/hour labor rates and 12 hour days with overcrowded dormitories so their slaves can crash after they've been worked half to death.

UNIONS!!!!!! 6% OF THE WORKFORCE IN AMERICA....MOST OF WHICH IS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR.....your union bullshit holds no water whatsoever. They have no influence's a right wing talking point. The reason for the caps? This is the third fucking time I mentioned it.....the second time in this thread...but you fuckers are so brainwashed that either your eyes don't see it or you simply ignore it.


um, no. Why are you arguing things when you haven't a clue?
Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little farther every day.

Steelplate is one of those types who gobbles up the great deals on all those nifty bangladesh goods from Target and stuff them into the trunk of his Kia, then moans all the way home about why business owners are not patriotic enough to pay the workin man a living wage.


you don't read very well, do you? Of course, you're not one for'd just rather make shit up.
No....they were rich because they had no competition and when one would creep up, they'd squash them. Of course, worshiping tyranny and ruthlessness as your God is nothing new. I see it on here all the time.

Your a Marxists sap. You're preaching the gospel of envy.

Face it: those men were better than you. That's why they got rich and you live in a mobile home.

No....I live in a nice, but modest three bedroom rancher with 2 1/2 wife and I combined make $110k year and are doing just fine.....we put our first through college without taking a loan and are working on putting our second through now. Save your idiotic ain't flying with me.....

Oh, but those robber barons are pounding your ass into the ground? Which is it: are they providing you with a nice comfortable life or are the stealing everything from you?
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Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little farther every day.

Steelplate is one of those types who gobbles up the great deals on all those nifty bangladesh goods from Target and stuff them into the trunk of his Kia, then moans all the way home about why business owners are not patriotic enough to pay the workin man a living wage.


you don't read very well, do you? Of course, you're not one for'd just rather make shit up.

Why are you and you Liberal buddies the least likely demographic to buy an America Union Made automobile, Yinzer?
Don't know much about labor conditions back then do you? They didn't call it the "robber/baron" era for nothing.

A commie coined the term "Robber Baron." Rockefeller and Henry Ford never robbed anyone. In fact, they made a lot of people fabulously wealthy.

yeahhhhhhh......Commies.....any other goalposts you want to move around?

Once again.....can't refute....ATTACK.....or use stupid fucking talking points.

Yeah, that's right. I believe Sinclair Lewis coined the term. He was a lying commie.
Oh....let me guess, you have a union made American computer? Even if you have one that is ASSEMBLED here....where are the parts made? STFU.

Yea and why is that? You union boys cut your wrist a little deeper manufacturing east a little further every day.

Oh bullshit. China's abundance of rare earth metals have a lot to do with it...and their isolationist policies....and of course.....$.50/hour labor rates and 12 hour days with overcrowded dormitories so their slaves can crash after they've been worked half to death.

UNIONS!!!!!! 6% OF THE WORKFORCE IN AMERICA....MOST OF WHICH IS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR.....your union bullshit holds no water whatsoever. They have no influence's a right wing talking point. The reason for the caps? This is the third fucking time I mentioned it.....the second time in this thread...but you fuckers are so brainwashed that either your eyes don't see it or you simply ignore it.

Diazepam is your friend.

Perfect example of the brainwashed zombie union man. If he had ever ran a business that employs these zombies..he would understand why the union member is going the way of VHS,CD,myspace,blackberry....out of date and useless.
Yeah....that's why just about everything NON-ELECTRONIC in my house is American made. Even my TV is a Vizio. I won't say everything....but just about.

Vizio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vizio is a privately held producer of consumer electronics, based in Irvine, California, USA. It was founded in October 2002 as V Inc.[2] Vizio's major partner in the consumer electronics arena is AmTran Technology, a Taiwan-based OEM/ODM that manufactures more than half of the televisions sold by Vizio[3] and owns a 23% stake in the company.[3][4] Vizio also manufactures its products in Mexico and China under agreements with ODM assemblers in those countries.[5]

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Your a Marxists sap. You're preaching the gospel of envy.

Face it: those men were better than you. That's why they got rich and you live in a mobile home.

No....I live in a nice, but modest three bedroom rancher with 2 1/2 wife and I combined make $110k year and are doing just fine.....we put our first through college without taking a loan and are working on putting our second through now. Save your idiotic ain't flying with me.....

Oh, but those robber barons are pounding your ass into the ground. Which is it: are they providing you with a nice comfortable life or are the stealing everything from you?

Dude....did you even read the OP? This IS about those tychoons of the late 1800's and early 1900's. wife and I are both Public Sector employees. The Robber Barons don't do shit to us. We work our asses off and we are well paid. People in the Private Sector work their asses off and get fucked.

Yes, the ceiling is higher in the public sector.....but what good is a high ceiling if the only choices is win or lose? And believe gets more and more like that as time goes on.

Someday, it will be your job and you'll be stuck at 7/11 trying to feed your family....or some big company will run yours into the ground.
No....I live in a nice, but modest three bedroom rancher with 2 1/2 wife and I combined make $110k year and are doing just fine.....we put our first through college without taking a loan and are working on putting our second through now. Save your idiotic ain't flying with me.....

Oh, but those robber barons are pounding your ass into the ground. Which is it: are they providing you with a nice comfortable life or are the stealing everything from you?

Dude....did you even read the OP? This IS about those tychoons of the late 1800's and early 1900's. wife and I are both Public Sector employees. The Robber Barons don't do shit to us. We work our asses off and we are well paid. People in the Private Sector work their asses off and get fucked.

Yes, the ceiling is higher in the public sector.....but what good is a high ceiling if the only choices is win or lose? And believe gets more and more like that as time goes on.

Someday, it will be your job and you'll be stuck at 7/11 trying to feed your family....or some big company will run yours into the ground.

Yeah....that's why just about everything NON-ELECTRONIC in my house is American made. Even my TV is a Vizio. I won't say everything....but just about.

Vizio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vizio is a privately held producer of consumer electronics, based in Irvine, California, USA. It was founded in October 2002 as V Inc.[2] Vizio's major partner in the consumer electronics arena is AmTran Technology, a Taiwan-based OEM/ODM that manufactures more than half of the televisions sold by Vizio[3] and owns a 23% stake in the company.[3][4] Vizio also manufactures its products in Mexico and China under agreements with ODM assemblers in those countries.[5]







You're dismissed....Go play in your sandbox.
Oh, but those robber barons are pounding your ass into the ground. Which is it: are they providing you with a nice comfortable life or are the stealing everything from you?

Dude....did you even read the OP? This IS about those tychoons of the late 1800's and early 1900's. wife and I are both Public Sector employees. The Robber Barons don't do shit to us. We work our asses off and we are well paid. People in the Private Sector work their asses off and get fucked.

Yes, the ceiling is higher in the public sector.....but what good is a high ceiling if the only choices is win or lose? And believe gets more and more like that as time goes on.

Someday, it will be your job and you'll be stuck at 7/11 trying to feed your family....or some big company will run yours into the ground.


yeah well...guess what? We are living the American dream. We have good jobs with medical/dental/vision.....and in 12 more years? we'll be able to retire with a full pension for the rest of our lives....oh yeah, we'll get Social Security too when we are old enough. Don't worry....we pay in 3% of our gross incomes for our health insurance and 7% towards our retirements...the Commonwealth.just matches it.
Steelplate is one of those types who gobbles up the great deals on all those nifty bangladesh goods from Target and stuff them into the trunk of his Kia, then moans all the way home about why business owners are not patriotic enough to pay the workin man a living wage.


you don't read very well, do you? Of course, you're not one for'd just rather make shit up.

Why are you and you Liberal buddies the least likely demographic to buy an America Union Made automobile, Yinzer?

we both do...

Why do you and your scum sucking conservative buddies hate America?

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