Another "antichrist" message? Strange is it not.............the message found in the collection of books called the Holy Bible is the best selling literature in human history, even today there are some 100 million copies sold every year. The evidence of its truth? The proof of the soup is in its taste.........a religion that began over 2000 years with the son of a carpenter and 12 close friends has grown, as PROMISED to father Abraham.............into a nation of believers that takes up over 1/3 the world's population.

:boohoo:There is no antichrist message that can stop this everlasting kingdom from existing..........just as promised by God.

The real question propagating an antichrist message, just who is your father? :dev3: Take a look at the does that soup taste, how many promises of world conquest have come true? We are to believe in a collection of writings that fail every time placed to the test of truth? The same for any number of antichrist ideologies around the world...........none can stand up to the truth as do the Holy Scriptures. For over 3500 years the Holy Scriptures have remained "Unbroken".
The Holy Bible you say?
( using ASCll Characters numerical value to secret numbers from names)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666

What are the odds of this:
66 books of 'man'=6
on Baal Jesus=666 (father and son -the morning star was Baal's son, as 1 in the same mythology)

The holders of this Roman one world religion called:

Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666 AsVatican (the vatican)=666

Hebrew numerics: ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
I = 10
TH = 400

And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man is-
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
T = 400
I = 10

So what does this mean "who's the father?"
Rome had people worshiping Baal (Dagon the fishman god's son) hence the circle sun cross (baal cross), fishead hat called miters, fishman ring, scales on the robe (all Dagon devotions worn by priests of Baal).
Baal's son was the Morning Star who had to die to surpass his father on the throne (like baal did replacing the warn out myth of his father dagon) and replace /mask his outdated image with it's new repurposed new cultural baiting image.(per Canaanite mythology of Athtar the Fierce)
The church claimed Jesus was Baal's son not Yhwh's in Rev 22:16.
If Jesus was one in the same with YHWH then why did Missionaries spend millions and slay millions all in the attempt to get Jews to worship the same God they already worshiped?-oops!
The Holy City is named YeruShalem (city of Shalem aka the Evening Star), The nemesis is the Morning Star, why would the church claim their christ as the adversary of the Hebrew God? Which brings us back to rereading the underlining message in Genesis regarding the false prophet that man (adam) and his second bride the church (eve) fell with in partaking the forbidden fruits (message/teachings).
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One of the layers of Genesis is the revelation of the false prophet deemed serpent in the story. Even Christian Preachers state this is what the serpent represents.
Read Genesis again, there's a story within the story there if you know standard meaning of Hebrew words and representations of the bride of man.
Adam (word meaning =man) had taken a bride Eve (the church because it's not his first wife which was Lilian-Israel's Temple Congregation)
Remember G0d created Lilith with Adam but Eve came out of Adams (man’s) rib-[thus man begot the church]The Serpent (false prophet Jesus) offers a forbidden fruit (teachings) referred to as an apple (a Paul)to Eve (the church) and Eve (the Church) convinces Adam (man) to partake of that forbidden fruit. In doing so brought those thousands of wars and Millions of murders for G0d said we surely would die in partaking of that forbidden fruit in the center of the garden of Eden and so WE DID.
*note the location of that Garden through mention of the crossing rivers is shown to be ancient Iran (Persia) in which Mithraism was born and Jesus is but a plagiarism to that same character and it's teachings of mystical luciferous light.

As you see the Vatican doing today in trying to unite the faiths, this has already occurred in the formation of the Christian religion which converged the many messianic cult figures with the mythical deities and gentile christ figures creating one image which represented all the cultures and faiths of that time.
Although it seems like a great and holy thing to unite all peoples and cultures to one unified faith as Rome thought to do under their political authority, it can not be done by mixing the good ideology with bad doctrines, as the knowledge that is good and truthful should not be mixing with the knowledge that is evil and or false. No more could you mix the truth with the lie and have good come from it then if you mixed spiritual water with Bull chips and expected pure holy water, because all you’d actually get is toilet water.
Never can you mix mud with water and expect water to be the end product, therefore you can’t expect to mix the mystery cults and pagan beliefs and practices to come up with anything righteous or of Light (knowledge and truth).
In Genesis 2:15-17 it warned about this tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden. Where was this located according to the prior verses in Genesis 2:10-14?
It was where the 4 rivers of paradise met and converged which symbolises the flow of the spiritual waters converging to the cross as in converging the many spiritual beliefs which origin comes from that garden
(in ancient Persia).
So we are not to partake of this one world religion even if it’s mans goal to unite it must be done in understanding truth and not in converging and mixing good with evil, truth with lies and myths.

So how can we unite under the truth?
When Moshiach comes the veil will be removed (Isaiah 25:7) and all will understand how things are and according to Isaiah 66 regarding the Temple procession, especially 66:19 the gentiles will finally see the face of G-d, meaning they have not yet known G-d.

That's why the NT says it is they who will grab the garb of a Jew asking them to teach them about their spiritual ways and knowledge, not the other way around.
This is why evangelists and pastors are asking assistance from Rabbis, you see this on TV even, but never do you see Rabbis asking priests to teach them how to get away with breaking all the commands or how to carve idols.
This is what Genesis captures in an allegorical fashion:

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation; only man has knowledge of good and evil
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation
A little essay on the assorted rabbinical Judaism sources and books. Most are later than the New Testament, and most rely on a fabricated 'Oral Torah' fiction and assorted exegeses built on that fiction, like much of the Talmud, Mishnahs, and Midrash nonsense. There are occasional flashes of brilliance here and there, but not much, and they're mostly legalistic hubris and circular reasoning, not sources of 'wisdom'. The Babylonian Jews invented a Temple scam with themselves as the beneficiaries, and spent the centuries previous to the Christian era squabbling over the loot and political power, and after losing their revolts against Rome kept losing even more people to the spectacular rise of Christianity, which accounts for the frothing hatred of Christians today among the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox racists.

They aren't of much use as sources of facts and history, outside of highlighting how bizarre the modern cult is and where it gets its weird claims and the defense of the orthodox cult's 'Master Race' bullshit.

Always keep in mind what Disraeli had to say:

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