The Military LOATHE Obama

The Military LOATHE Obama

I didn't see anything in there about them loathing Obama. But anyway, what percentage of voters does the military represent? Whether they vote for Obama or not, their vote isn't going to decide the election.

Now get back to rubbing one out to Paul Ryan's widow's peak.
What's really funny is that she not only thinks MUCH BETTER than you, she also SHOOTS MUCH BETTER than you.... :rofl:

I have a marksman's ribbon. Does she?

Heh, Marksman is the lowest score. I have Expert ribbons, rifle and pistol and she may shoot better then I do if she shoots more often.
You mean Expert Medals, don't you? It's a ribbon for Marksman and Sharpshooter...Medal for the E....and I have both my "baby killer" medals too.
Loathe? Yeah, I must have missed that option in the poll they gave... Oh yeah, it's LGS, she make shit up all the time. :lol:

Of course the military love Romney, he already said he was gonna spend 2 trillion on them. With nothing to counter the spending.

Obama wants to scale the wars back..

Proof that republicans NEVER truthfully think about fiscal conservatism, they just lie about it to help win elections and then shit on conservatives later on.

Best part is that "conservatives" continue to vote republican, dupes..

As the left gets more and more desperate, your comments get more and more insane. You guys aren't even making any sense any more.

Your idea of "fiscal conservatism" is to run up trillions of dollars in maxrist redistribution of wealth, and then decimate our military. If anyone disagrees, they are not really "fiscal conservatives".

Clinton did your exact plan, and we suffered more terrorist attacks under him than ALL OTHER US PRESIDENTS IN HISTORY COMBINED.

What part of the U.S. Constitution don't you understand? The part where defense is the primary responsibility of the federal government? And therefore, the part they should be spending the most on? Oh, you never read the Constitution? Ok, well - shut the fuck up then, because you have no idea what you're talking about (but for some reason, that doesn't stop you anyway). Do you want to see REAL conservativism? I'd fucking slice Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and more right out of the federal government so fast, your head would spin, if I had the power. It's these unconstitutional programs that are killing us.

I will agree with you on one thing though - the conservatives have been pretty dumb voting for big government liberal Republican's. Then again, until the rise of the Tea Party, they didn't really have any other options.
It also polls an audience that was dumb enough to subscribe to a Gannett rag.

Being a vet, I'm sort of amused and sickened a bit by the way these conservatives try to hide behind the skirts of the military. I guess they think it makes them tough.

Being an American, I'm disturbed by the authoritarian bent of their military adulation. It's very statist of them, they way they proclaim that only the opinions of those with the biggest guns matter. Like most Republicans, they're actually not very fond of democracy, being it allows all the wrong kinds of people to vote.

And before anyone asks, I'm not a great shot. I'm right-handed and left-eye dominant. Really screws up the sighting, unless I shoot lefty, which I do even worse. I suppose I could devote my life to shooting lefty, but why would I want to? So I can have pissing matches with babbling conservatives? Nah. I'll just keep mocking those crybabies with my words, and laugh at their little tantrums.

Really? You call yourself a "Vet" and then claim our military is (and I quote) "dumb". How dumb do you have to be to have been part of the military, and then claim that is a faction of people that are "dumb"?

Furthermore, you are not an American. You're a lazy ass, self-entitled little bitch of a communist. You want everything handed to you and provided to you.

Do you idiot liberal dumbocrats not see a trend in America? Do you not see that you've been fucking parasites for too long, and now that you've gotten more and more GREEDY, America has finally snapped and is shoving you little assholes back in the corner where you belong? America sent dumbocrats home in record numbers across the entire nation in the November 2010 elections. Thanks to you little liberal burdens, we've seen the rise of the Tea Party and hence a true conservative group working to restore Constitutional government to America. And Barack Obama has been annihilated in polls, approval ratings, and the last debate :lol:.

America is completely fed up with every part of your ideology. They've rejected your policies which has pushed this great nation to the verge of collapse. They've rejected your propaganda by turning off the main stream media and turning to the only two sources of truth left in the media - Fox News (destroying all other news channels) and Glenn Beck (higher ratings for paid internet subscription than MSNBC :rofl:).

Bottom line, your communism is not wanted here and it is not welcome here. It's time you parasites pick up and move to Cuba where all of you can live in your communist little utopia.
Nothing in Rott's diatribe is true, there no need exists to correct him further.
Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

It's very telling when the vote is this one sided.. No wonder Obama and his librul team of henchmen have been trying to disenfranchise our military heroes!

Would be interesting to see how fast the libs count the votes after the election is over.

In "lib" CA we'll count them along with all the other qualified ballots. We've already begun receiving them.

Spent a good part of my day trying to get documents properly signed from them.
The disrespect shown by this Community Organizer to our military is blatant! Form letters to Seal Team 6 surviving family members, Obama Amin sues to disenfranchise military voters.. And this:

Barack Obama can't even put his cell phone down long enough to show respect for those who stand in salute to the Commander-N-Chief.



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    $cellphone salute.jpg
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Which state is it that "FORGOT' to send out absentee ballots to our military members abroad???
Which state is it that "FORGOT' to send out absentee ballots to our military members abroad???

Since I'm familiar with your rhetoric, I'm guessing none of them.

As usual HACK, you're wrong but you don't actually give a crap about disenfranchised military voters.. party're a zombie.. NOTHING more.

Romney campaign worries about Wisconsin military absentee ballots, as it tries to shut out military and veteran votes in Ohio. |

At issue is a federal law -- the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (UOCAVA) -- that requires election officials to send absentee ballots to military voters at least 45 days before a federal election.

"In this election cycle, your office was required to ensure the transmission of absentee ballots to military voters no later than September 22, 2012. According to your office's records, however, at least 30 Wisconsin municipalities under your supervision failed to transmit ballots to UOCAVA voters by the 45-day deadline," Principi wrote in the letter, which was obtained by

Sending ballots to overseas citizens and giving them time to vote and mail back their ballots takes time, hence the 45-day period. The Romney campaign is worried that without that full window, military members may not have their votes counted in time.

"It takes a long time to get the ballots overseas," Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams told The Huffington Post. "Many times, members of our armed forces are on a mission that would require them to be away from their mail facility for several days. Sometimes they move around from different bases or different facilities. Of course, the ballot would have to catch up with them. So that 45-day window is critical."

In his letter, Principi requested that the Wisconsin GAB immediately make sure servicemembers receive their ballots and extend the deadline by which election officials must receive the completed ballots.

Wisconsin ballots for military voters sent after deadline

FREEDOM EDEN: Military Ballots in Wisconsin
Which state is it that "FORGOT' to send out absentee ballots to our military members abroad???

Since I'm familiar with your rhetoric, I'm guessing none of them.

As usual HACK, you're wrong but you don't actually give a crap about disenfranchised military voters.. party're a zombie.. NOTHING more.

Romney campaign worries about Wisconsin military absentee ballots, as it tries to shut out military and veteran votes in Ohio. |

At issue is a federal law -- the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (UOCAVA) -- that requires election officials to send absentee ballots to military voters at least 45 days before a federal election.

"In this election cycle, your office was required to ensure the transmission of absentee ballots to military voters no later than September 22, 2012. According to your office's records, however, at least 30 Wisconsin municipalities under your supervision failed to transmit ballots to UOCAVA voters by the 45-day deadline," Principi wrote in the letter, which was obtained by

Sending ballots to overseas citizens and giving them time to vote and mail back their ballots takes time, hence the 45-day period. The Romney campaign is worried that without that full window, military members may not have their votes counted in time.

"It takes a long time to get the ballots overseas," Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams told The Huffington Post. "Many times, members of our armed forces are on a mission that would require them to be away from their mail facility for several days. Sometimes they move around from different bases or different facilities. Of course, the ballot would have to catch up with them. So that 45-day window is critical."

In his letter, Principi requested that the Wisconsin GAB immediately make sure servicemembers receive their ballots and extend the deadline by which election officials must receive the completed ballots.

Wisconsin ballots for military voters sent after deadline

FREEDOM EDEN: Military Ballots in Wisconsin

Yup, I was right...hyperbole and rhetoric. You don't disappoint.
Nonissue by Americans acting "un"American.

It's not the Dems that are limiting voting.

Which state is it that "FORGOT' to send out absentee ballots to our military members abroad???

Since I'm familiar with your rhetoric, I'm guessing none of them.

As usual HACK, you're wrong but you don't actually give a crap about disenfranchised military voters.. party're a zombie.. NOTHING more.

Romney campaign worries about Wisconsin military absentee ballots, as it tries to shut out military and veteran votes in Ohio. |

At issue is a federal law -- the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (UOCAVA) -- that requires election officials to send absentee ballots to military voters at least 45 days before a federal election.

"In this election cycle, your office was required to ensure the transmission of absentee ballots to military voters no later than September 22, 2012. According to your office's records, however, at least 30 Wisconsin municipalities under your supervision failed to transmit ballots to UOCAVA voters by the 45-day deadline," Principi wrote in the letter, which was obtained by

Sending ballots to overseas citizens and giving them time to vote and mail back their ballots takes time, hence the 45-day period. The Romney campaign is worried that without that full window, military members may not have their votes counted in time.

"It takes a long time to get the ballots overseas," Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams told The Huffington Post. "Many times, members of our armed forces are on a mission that would require them to be away from their mail facility for several days. Sometimes they move around from different bases or different facilities. Of course, the ballot would have to catch up with them. So that 45-day window is critical."

In his letter, Principi requested that the Wisconsin GAB immediately make sure servicemembers receive their ballots and extend the deadline by which election officials must receive the completed ballots.

Wisconsin ballots for military voters sent after deadline

FREEDOM EDEN: Military Ballots in Wisconsin
The disrespect shown by this Community Organizer to our military is blatant! Form letters to Seal Team 6 surviving family members, Obama Amin sues to disenfranchise military voters.. And this:

Barack Obama can't even put his cell phone down long enough to show respect for those who stand in salute to the Commander-N-Chief.


It's SEAL.

It's an acronym.

You are welcome.
Yup, I was right...hyperbole and rhetoric. You don't disappoint.

Why is it that idiot liberal dumbocrats refer to FACTS as "hyperbole" and "rhetoric"? Do you have any idea at all how stupid that makes you people sound?

The Obama Administration knows they are getting annihilated and they are turning to the same old tired Chicagoo-style politics of voter fraud, voter intimidation, and blocking access to voting for a base known for supporting their opponents. They are despicable, and so you are for supporting their "win at all costs" Nazi-style approach.
Yup, I was right...hyperbole and rhetoric. You don't disappoint.

By the way, since you are a butch bull-dyke and LGS is freaking insanely hot, are your asinine comments just your juvenile way of getting attention from her, even if it's the negative kind?
Yup, I was right...hyperbole and rhetoric. You don't disappoint.

Why is it that idiot liberal dumbocrats refer to FACTS as "hyperbole" and "rhetoric"? Do you have any idea at all how stupid that makes you people sound?

The Obama Administration knows they are getting annihilated and they are turning to the same old tired Chicagoo-style politics of voter fraud, voter intimidation, and blocking access to voting for a base known for supporting their opponents. They are despicable, and so you are for supporting their "win at all costs" Nazi-style approach.

The "facts" she provided didn't support her statement that WI "forgot" to send ballots (which is where the rhetoric and hyperbole come in).

Some WI ballots went out after the 45 day deadline, but MOST did not.

Ohio had nothing to do with military voters.
Yup, I was right...hyperbole and rhetoric. You don't disappoint.

By the way, since you are a butch bull-dyke and LGS is freaking insanely hot, are your asinine comments just your juvenile way of getting attention from her, even if it's the negative kind?

You know this how? You've seen pictures of both of us have you?

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