The miseducation of Black conservatives

Right wing blacks are really an oxymoron. To support policies and initiatives made to expressly negate your rights is stupid. Yet we see blacks gleefully doing these things in order to show white right wing extremists that they are for "unifying" the races. But unification based on the idea of what unity should be from one group which has had at least 246 years to unify everybody but didn't, is only the maintenance of the status quo.

The miseducation of Black conservatives​

An infamous one-liner from 1970s-era sitcoms goes like this: “Some of my best friends are Black.”

It’s also a classic comeback for White racists when the racist is caught being, well, racist.

When that happens, racists mysteriously pull out a Black buddy (such as the Clayton Bigsby character from the old “Dave Chappelle Show”) to secure a hood pass for the misdeed. White actors and politicians are especially adept at this magic trick.

Who are these Bigsby characters right-wingers are apparently inviting to their summer cookouts? Are they what some Blacks call sellouts?

For hundreds of years, Blacks have deemed some brothers and sisters sellouts because they are willing to betray their community for the favors of whites.

In his 2008 book titled “Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal,” Dr. Randall Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor, describes “sellout” as a word Blacks use to stigmatize and marginalize other Blacks considered disloyal to the race.

The playbook for modern Black right-wing politics can be traced to the 1980 Black Alternatives Conference held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The conference was organized by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a California-based public policy institution, to counter the Black leftist movement. According to James B. Lowe’s book, “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms,” the Reagan-inspired Institute of Contemporary Studies, attracted about 125 black lawyers, physicians, dentists, Ivy League professors and commentators.”

This formula to rally Black conservatives has been duplicated over the decades. Right-wing think tanks heavily support Black conservatives who agree to do their bidding.

You had to alter Malcom X's quote in your sig line. Think about how wrong and dishonest you are
92 percent of all blacks are democrats. It's been that way for years. A black person is not enlightened when they cast their vote for a party that wants to return to the confederacy. Right wing whites have been mad for years about how they can't get enough blacks to win elections.

Well now, let's put that to a practical test.

According to Pew Research Center, fully 25 percent of Black Democrats identify as "conservative" (around 40 percent identify as "moderate"). And with these voters, like their Hispanic counterparts, there was also a massive shift between 2016 and 2020.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won Black conservative voters by 58 points. But in 2020, now-President Joe Biden won them by just 20 points, a 38 point drop. And the trend is holding; since taking office, Biden went from an 87 percent approval rating among Black voters overall to 67 percent, a 20 point drop.

"There's just no recent historical analogy for what happened with conservative Black voters in 2020," writes Harry Enten at CNN. "It really broke the mold."

It's Not Just Hispanics. The Democrats Are Losing the Black Vote.

See, it's just I said, they might ID as dems but the more enlightened blacks are not voting that way.....And it's your side saying that.

No more guaranteed 90% black lock-step dem votes for you. I figure you will be lucky to get 75% (maybe less) going forward.

The problem for your ilk is it's going to get worse as you people won't put in the work (policy shift) to get them back. Indeed you choose to call them "Toms" and "race traitors" when all they are doing is what is best for them and theirs.

Oh well.
Hey IQ2, your racist party is losing blacks and Hispanics in record numbers.

May be time for you to grow a brain and get off the Dimwinger Plantation.
I am not assuming anything. I am stating documented fact. And this is not about something that happened 100 years ago and stopped, it is about a continuing pattern of behavior that people like you practice right now. It's time whites like you stopped lying to yourselves.

Simply not agreeing with the wacko left does not a racist make. The Democratic Party openly supports making hiring choices based on race and gender, to the extent they exclude candidates that are not of a certain color and/or gender, and the sheep that follow them are ok with that. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see how wrong that is.
Um, okay. But if there is a failure to unify and assimilate, it's on you guys now.

I don't necessarily agree with Black Conservatives, but I can kind of see their point of view. We've had 50 years of generous social programs and affirmative action, and we STILL have ghettos.

You mean getting good jobs, learning to speak properly, not giving their kids goofy names like "Jamal", not expecting the government to take care of them their whole lives?

It reminds me of the joke about Charles Barkley telling his mother he votes Republican, and his mother said, "Only rich people vote Republican." and Charles responded, "But, Ma, I am rich!"

NOw, I think there ARE some pretty pathetic Uncle Toms out there. Candance Owens comes to mind. But there is also a legitimate point of view that perpetual government dependence and self-pity are not a way forward.

Not sitting there and grumbling when Asian Americans are passing you up.

I think JoeB’s account was hijacked.
Right wing blacks are really an oxymoron. To support policies and initiatives made to expressly negate your rights is stupid. Yet we see blacks gleefully doing these things in order to show white right wing extremists that they are for "unifying" the races. But unification based on the idea of what unity should be from one group which has had at least 246 years to unify everybody but didn't, is only the maintenance of the status quo.

The miseducation of Black conservatives​

An infamous one-liner from 1970s-era sitcoms goes like this: “Some of my best friends are Black.”

It’s also a classic comeback for White racists when the racist is caught being, well, racist.

When that happens, racists mysteriously pull out a Black buddy (such as the Clayton Bigsby character from the old “Dave Chappelle Show”) to secure a hood pass for the misdeed. White actors and politicians are especially adept at this magic trick.

Who are these Bigsby characters right-wingers are apparently inviting to their summer cookouts? Are they what some Blacks call sellouts?

For hundreds of years, Blacks have deemed some brothers and sisters sellouts because they are willing to betray their community for the favors of whites.

In his 2008 book titled “Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal,” Dr. Randall Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor, describes “sellout” as a word Blacks use to stigmatize and marginalize other Blacks considered disloyal to the race.

The playbook for modern Black right-wing politics can be traced to the 1980 Black Alternatives Conference held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The conference was organized by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a California-based public policy institution, to counter the Black leftist movement. According to James B. Lowe’s book, “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms,” the Reagan-inspired Institute of Contemporary Studies, attracted about 125 black lawyers, physicians, dentists, Ivy League professors and commentators.”

This formula to rally Black conservatives has been duplicated over the decades. Right-wing think tanks heavily support Black conservatives who agree to do their bidding.

Sounds like you're telling black people "if you don't vote democrat you ain't black".

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