The miseducation of Black conservatives

Right wing blacks are really an oxymoron. To support policies and initiatives made to expressly negate your rights is stupid. Yet we see blacks gleefully doing these things in order to show white right wing extremists that they are for "unifying" the races. But unification based on the idea of what unity should be from one group which has had at least 246 years to unify everybody but didn't, is only the maintenance of the status quo.

The miseducation of Black conservatives​

An infamous one-liner from 1970s-era sitcoms goes like this: “Some of my best friends are Black.”

It’s also a classic comeback for White racists when the racist is caught being, well, racist.

When that happens, racists mysteriously pull out a Black buddy (such as the Clayton Bigsby character from the old “Dave Chappelle Show”) to secure a hood pass for the misdeed. White actors and politicians are especially adept at this magic trick.

Who are these Bigsby characters right-wingers are apparently inviting to their summer cookouts? Are they what some Blacks call sellouts?

For hundreds of years, Blacks have deemed some brothers and sisters sellouts because they are willing to betray their community for the favors of whites.

In his 2008 book titled “Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal,” Dr. Randall Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor, describes “sellout” as a word Blacks use to stigmatize and marginalize other Blacks considered disloyal to the race.

The playbook for modern Black right-wing politics can be traced to the 1980 Black Alternatives Conference held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The conference was organized by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a California-based public policy institution, to counter the Black leftist movement. According to James B. Lowe’s book, “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms,” the Reagan-inspired Institute of Contemporary Studies, attracted about 125 black lawyers, physicians, dentists, Ivy League professors and commentators.”

This formula to rally Black conservatives has been duplicated over the decades. Right-wing think tanks heavily support Black conservatives who agree to do their bidding.

Wonderfully patronising, well done in pointing out how the darkies don’t know what’s good for them without massa pattin’ dem on da haid an leaden dem by da hand.
It is. And now watch every white right winger try telling us how we should think.

Here you have one idiot talking about the 1860 Democratic party. If he wants to go back there he needs to shut his mouth since the republican party authored the Corwin Amendment. Funny how these losers tell us how have never been slaves but when we point out current white republican racism, then democrats are the party of slavery. Stop lying to yourselves right wingers, todays republican party is the home of the white racist. And any black person suppoeting the republican party as it currently stands is an idiot.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Marc, there is a period of time. Along time with African Americans backing the Progressive Socialist Party and the results of civil rights has leveled off. The money though keeps pouring in. The elites and politicians are even lowering standards for education. The men and women who are African American and are Republicans have courage. I tell you now, the Hispanic men and women are going to get the resources as Blacks get left behind if this keeps up.
It is. And now watch every white right winger try telling us how we should think.

Here you have one idiot talking about the 1860 Democratic party. If he wants to go back there he needs to shut his mouth since the republican party authored the Corwin Amendment. Funny how these losers tell us how have never been slaves but when we point out current white republican racism, then democrats are the party of slavery. Stop lying to yourselves right wingers, todays republican party is the home of the white racist. And any black person suppoeting the republican party as it currently stands is an idiot.
I could not care less about telling others what to do. However, there are taxes paid and other costs from purchasing products and insurance that is involved in this also. And I have right to make statements due to that. p.s....the illegitimate children from teenage girls with no father figure. Politicians and elites separated us. People gravitated to different sides.
Wonderfully patronising, well done in pointing out how the darkies don’t know what’s good for them without massa pattin’ dem on da haid an leaden dem by da hand.
That's exactly what right wing blacks are doing. You're white so....
Right wing blacks are really an oxymoron.
Flagrant, disgusting racism. Clown world shit.

You are saying that one’s skin or ethnicity must define how they think. It doesn’t get any more racist than that.

To support policies and initiatives made to expressly negate your rights is stupid.
Imagine thinking this was even happening.

Repugnant and delusional.
Yeah, we see it every day with the plantation blacks on this board
There are no plantation blacks here. And as you are white maybe you should be quiet about black politics, because what those like you want is the opposite of things that can help blacks prosper. That's why you're here arguing in defense of black scum.
And as you are white maybe you should be quiet about black politics, because what those like you want is the opposite of things that can help blacks prosper.
Colorblind meritocracy in a free market helps everyone prosper, racist.

Ending the welfare state helps everyone prosper, too.
Shut up racist. You haven't defined anything and communism is not the topic.
Given that you are a person who supports using government to steal from some and give it to others or otherwise support government owning the means of production (this is the definition) you hate black people who don't agree with your abuse of government.

And define "racist" (note: this is a trap)
We are slowly finding out that resources will be stretched more and more. This inflation has been done on purpose as a tax increase on the peasants that come in all colors. A lesson on corrupted leadership from all of history. In the end adding and subtracting on the inflation there will be winners and losers. With most losing. Social programs will eventually be affected. We are up to near 70% of the population living week to week. I suggest taxing government and private pensions with a graduated tax to bring in more revenues for the government to help the social welfare system.

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