The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

For some. Not for others. The Gilded Age provided people that had experienced a very good time as well.

No time is a utopia. But refusing to acknowledge that there have been periods when people have had good times in the past, I am not seeing a benefit.

IMO, if someone references a time of past glory, then the next question should be, what made it good and what can we learn from that.

What, in your mind, is wrong with that idea?

Doesn't that depend on what you are trying to recreate? The Beat Generation?

Duck and cover? The anxiety of the cold war? The pretense that nothing is awry like..........substance abuse?

It's nostalgic. At issue is it would be based on emotion.
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
Yet, you were objecting right off the bat. You are assuming a problem to come. But you won't say or dont' know why.

It is ok to not know your motivations. INdeed, most people don't.

It's called trust, Correll. Blind trust. I don't have any.. That's why.

Feeling a need to poo poo someone who is just making a reference to the 50s as an ear of "good old days",

is more than not having "blind trust".

Do you consider yourself a Patriot?

Pretending all of the poo poo is at the feet of one political party and harkening back to the 1950s deserves toilet paper.

I am pro-American.

What is the difference between pro-American and Patriot?

Mel Gibson.

Are you telling me that the OP is a shining example of a Patriot?

I'm not telling you anything. I asked you a question. Because the previous line of discussion seemed to have reached a dead end.
No time is a utopia. But refusing to acknowledge that there have been periods when people have had good times in the past, I am not seeing a benefit.

IMO, if someone references a time of past glory, then the next question should be, what made it good and what can we learn from that.

What, in your mind, is wrong with that idea?

Doesn't that depend on what you are trying to recreate? The Beat Generation?

Duck and cover? The anxiety of the cold war? The pretense that nothing is awry like..........substance abuse?

It's nostalgic. At issue is it would be based on emotion.
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years. They had been going since the 1900’s. My father, uncles, everyone retired from manufacturing. Old days. It wasn’t just my area, but others just like us. Forgotten people. White privileged, rural, multiple veteran families that got a bad letter on more than one occasion from the War Department and had sad singing and slow walking that week. Gold Star homes.
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Doesn't that depend on what you are trying to recreate? The Beat Generation?

Duck and cover? The anxiety of the cold war? The pretense that nothing is awry like..........substance abuse?

It's nostalgic. At issue is it would be based on emotion.
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
54 (balls in your court)
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
Are you gonna “out me” as some kinda fascist? Liberals are flamers. WTF.:auiqs.jpg:
And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
Are you gonna “out me” as some kinda fascist? Liberals are flamers. WTF.:auiqs.jpg:

Good night, John boy.
The fundie phoney "Christians" seem to have a preoccupation with sex in all of its forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality. When are you idiots just going to get over it and shut up? Sex has been around for millennia. Go home, do what you will, actually talk to the person in your bed, and shut the hell up.
You got rid of most of them. You killed God in the earlry 1970's. Most of the real Christians are not even in large denomination churches anymore. Study your enemy for gaia's sake.
Your god is killable?
Killing God by lack of faith is. God was replaced by the federal government and all the rest of them in our nation. Once the last tie to the gold standard was cut by the post WW2 Bretton Woods agreement in 1971 the printing presses went into hyper drive. Somewhere at some time, payment comes due for that. And people suffer somewhere and at times while it is happening. You see the faioures in the word and do not believe. Our nation is the final destination for safety so the currency stays alive pretty well. But the faith in it as in God is dropping by others in the world. Your currency has a middleman. He is your god.
Oh...and here I thought you were talking about Ragnarok.....:71: Don't believe in your god....nor are we required to believe in your god.
The fundie phoney "Christians" seem to have a preoccupation with sex in all of its forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality. When are you idiots just going to get over it and shut up? Sex has been around for millennia. Go home, do what you will, actually talk to the person in your bed, and shut the hell up.

What are you raving about?

In an another age, Hysteria would have been considered frigid, She hates sex and sexuality in all forms.
The fundie phoney "Christians" seem to have a preoccupation with sex in all of its forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality. When are you idiots just going to get over it and shut up? Sex has been around for millennia. Go home, do what you will, actually talk to the person in your bed, and shut the hell up.

Frigid much, Hysteria?
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
Are you gonna “out me” as some kinda fascist? Liberals are flamers. WTF.:auiqs.jpg:

Good night, John boy.
Good night, Disir...your funny.
The fundie phoney "Christians" seem to have a preoccupation with sex in all of its forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality. When are you idiots just going to get over it and shut up? Sex has been around for millennia. Go home, do what you will, actually talk to the person in your bed, and shut the hell up.
You got rid of most of them. You killed God in the earlry 1970's. Most of the real Christians are not even in large denomination churches anymore. Study your enemy for gaia's sake.
Your god is killable?
Killing God by lack of faith is. God was replaced by the federal government and all the rest of them in our nation. Once the last tie to the gold standard was cut by the post WW2 Bretton Woods agreement in 1971 the printing presses went into hyper drive. Somewhere at some time, payment comes due for that. And people suffer somewhere and at times while it is happening. You see the faioures in the word and do not believe. Our nation is the final destination for safety so the currency stays alive pretty well. But the faith in it as in God is dropping by others in the world. Your currency has a middleman. He is your god.
Oh...and here I thought you were talking about Ragnarok.....:71: Don't believe in your god....nor are we required to believe in your god.
I only report the demographics people don't want to. You report yours. Now lets both keep watching the increasing death and destruction. Its so beautiful.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
This is the thread that will break a million post. You got chicks and dudes engaged in a common conversation. Cool question. Might just be “thread of the year.”
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

How did the Democrats create this, exactly?

What happens today is a woman doesn't feel the need to marry a loser just because he donated some sperm. Now it would be nice if they picked their men better, but the idea of freedom is sometimes, you get to make the wrong choices.
Democrats are pussified. White guys in the burbs have allowed themselves to become pussified. Started with Bill Clinton and PC America in the 1990’s. Liberals had tipped the scale on our campuses and school rooms to reflect the opinion of the 1960’s teachers and profs that taught them.
Do you get around? Even I notice it. Women have been sold a hill of beans. Many with children and are single live with their parents who are living off of pensions and some quite well. And you are not as good as the men you replaced. There are great women in many ways. Just not enough as many more are working in the same ways and are there because of quotas. We will get like Viet Nam domestically in dangerous jobs at some point when in dangerous situations soldiers in the field killed the new officers assigned to them. The worse thing is that there are people in those jobs that never have been in anything dangerous and have screwed over others also. Weak men! 50% divorce rate.....Many men still married are suffering. If tha tis not strength I do not know what is. Women had it great as homemakers. Somewhat thankless to some. But most know it is important and it completed a responsibility cycle of two people with children. Now we have several million male felons and two and ahlf million males in jail. And that is just the start of the fun in this age of gender equality. If we had this going on during the moon project we would not have made it to the moon for at least 20 more years. You are expensive. And the real men in Asia are laughing at us. Go to war with them and get caught and see what they do to you. Real men stuff i say!
How about the pinnacle of the United States ascendancy post World War2? Greatest economic boom and advancement in science, math, physics. USA was number one with our economy and military. But NAFTA and other dumb trade agreements destroyed the economy where I come from. “Nostalgic” fucking right. Sad...fucking right.

And then what happened? Outsourcing R&D.
Running excess production so they could cover inventory for the big move.

Nostalgia. How old were you then?
36 ...served my country in two branches of the military including combat, went back to my factory town...and the factories closed over the next 9 years.

How old are you now?
I feel just about half way there.
Do you get around? Even I notice it. Women have been sold a hill of beans. Many with children and are single live with their parents who are living off of pensions and some quite well. And you are not as good as the men you replaced. There are great women in many ways. Just not enough as many more are working in the same ways and are there because of quotas. We will get like Viet Nam domestically in dangerous jobs at some point when in dangerous situations soldiers in the field killed the new officers assigned to them. The worse thing is that there are people in those jobs that never have been in anything dangerous and have screwed over others also. Weak men! 50% divorce rate.....Many men still married are suffering. If tha tis not strength I do not know what is. Women had it great as homemakers. Somewhat thankless to some. But most know it is important and it completed a responsibility cycle of two people with children. Now we have several million male felons and two and ahlf million males in jail. And that is just the start of the fun in this age of gender equality. If we had this going on during the moon project we would not have made it to the moon for at least 20 more years. You are expensive. And the real men in Asia are laughing at us. Go to war with them and get caught and see what they do to you. Real men stuff i say!
May I suggest Inchon and Chosin Resevior for reading. :26:
The fundie phoney "Christians" seem to have a preoccupation with sex in all of its forms, heterosexuality, homosexuality. When are you idiots just going to get over it and shut up? Sex has been around for millennia. Go home, do what you will, actually talk to the person in your bed, and shut the hell up.

What are you raving about?

The phony "Christians" who constantly obsess with sex and other people's sex lives. Oh "abstinence only," "keep your knees together," "gays are terrible." Blah blah blah. Why are these jerks doing this? Why can't they just stay home and do whatever? Always snooping and bleating. There are much more important things to be worried about in this world than what one's neighbor is doing in bed. Keep personal things private and get on with it. People are starving in this world.

I am so tired with this junk brand of Christianity.
More lying from good ole “SweetSue”. Quite the virtuous one aren’t you? Is this pattern of behavior part of your ethics, or just habitual? Because you do it with alarming regularity.

Reread the thread you are referencing. The one where you were dismissed for lying, and now wish to continue on here. Only this time read what I actually wrote. Not what you would imagine to hear.

Unlike you, and many you’re used to dealing with; I say exactly what I mean, and mean exactly what I say. You need not trouble yourself with attempts at interpretation.

But to recap for the cheap seats... It is every living organisms biological imperative to reproduce.

As you your distorted reference of spreading seed everywhere; that was in regard to successful behavior that increase the chances of a mans line continuing into the future. Your dislike of that reality doesn’t change the permanence of it.

I'm not lying and your fluffing on about it is not going to obfuscate what you said. You said men are biologically wired to impregnate as many women as possible, correct? To settle down with the woman JUST long enough to ensure the baby is okay, then go on to impregnate more. You know this is an accurate representation of what you said. Since you have a worldview like quicksand, you don't like it when I try to nail yours down. It's ethics when you want it to be, and biology when you want it to be.

That's why you're calling me a liar.
Yes, you are still lying. That’s why you won’t directly quote, and link what I actually said.

Here’s what I actually said. “Conversely a mans best chance at passing on his sequence has been to cast it far, and wide. Over millennia of successful breedings, the psychology that brought the current generation to where it is today is still with us.” many posters do we have who have heard of this INCEL Movement?
As for the settling down just long enough to make sure the baby is okay? It was a fabrication of your own design the first time you wrote it; and it reamains a fabrication of yours.

But feel free to provide an actual quote, with a link so we may verify; if you feel you can find a post of mine offering what you claim.

As for your lying..? Looks habitual. Or consequential. After all.. every lie requires two more to prop it up.

Also you did not provide the full quote and I did. You clearly stated the man should stay with the woman while she is "pregnant, birthing, and rearing children". So that means when her fertility declines--as when she is no longer fertile and the children are college-age--he should leave her so he can "cast it far, and wide". That is the VERY CLEAR implication in your post here; that is not a "lie". That is called inference.

Do you want to correct this or do you stand by it?
Quote, with link, or waste someone else’s time. I already told you once I won’t waste time on proven liars. And I have proven you a liar.
So have you told your wife you're gonna leave her as soon as she hits perimenopause? Cause you were the swiftie who said the "Biological imperative" is that men spread their seed everywhere. Right? Or what higher moral values are gonna keep you from doing that?
More lying from good ole “SweetSue”. Quite the virtuous one aren’t you? Is this pattern of behavior part of your ethics, or just habitual? Because you do it with alarming regularity.

Reread the thread you are referencing. The one where you were dismissed for lying, and now wish to continue on here. Only this time read what I actually wrote. Not what you would imagine to hear.

Unlike you, and many you’re used to dealing with; I say exactly what I mean, and mean exactly what I say. You need not trouble yourself with attempts at interpretation.

But to recap for the cheap seats... It is every living organisms biological imperative to reproduce.

As you your distorted reference of spreading seed everywhere; that was in regard to successful behavior that increase the chances of a mans line continuing into the future. Your dislike of that reality doesn’t change the permanence of it.

I'm not lying and your fluffing on about it is not going to obfuscate what you said. You said men are biologically wired to impregnate as many women as possible, correct? To settle down with the woman JUST long enough to ensure the baby is okay, then go on to impregnate more. You know this is an accurate representation of what you said. Since you have a worldview like quicksand, you don't like it when I try to nail yours down. It's ethics when you want it to be, and biology when you want it to be.

That's why you're calling me a liar.
Yes, you are still lying. That’s why you won’t directly quote, and link what I actually said.

Here’s what I actually said. “Conversely a mans best chance at passing on his sequence has been to cast it far, and wide. Over millennia of successful breedings, the psychology that brought the current generation to where it is today is still with us.” many posters do we have who have heard of this INCEL Movement?
As for the settling down just long enough to make sure the baby is okay? It was a fabrication of your own design the first time you wrote it; and it reamains a fabrication of yours.

But feel free to provide an actual quote, with a link so we may verify; if you feel you can find a post of mine offering what you claim.

As for your lying..? Looks habitual. Or consequential. After all.. every lie requires two more to prop it up.

I did provide the quote. And the link.
Actually you just went back amended a previous post you made. But I’ll take it. After all, what I actually said is much more correct, than what you have claimed that I have said.

I didn't edit a thing. I just made a new post with your full quote and the link since you were whining about it. You have still said what you said and you're still in a quandary of your own words, which you tried to pass off on me for "lying". I did not lie and I don't appreciate that. I don't like internet games of "if you don't quote me exactly you're lying". Nope. Everyone can see I gave a totally fair representation of what you said.

Again: by your statement, biologically a man can or should leave his wife when her fertility declines and the children are grown so he can spread his seed. If you have an argument against this, make it.

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