The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

Prisons, Gay Bars, And Therapist Offices, Are Full Of Their Achievements....
The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

Prisons, Gay Bars, And Therapist Offices, Are Full Of Their Progeny....

Engineering firms, research facilities, and the arts are full of their progeny as well.
The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

Prisons, Gay Bars, And Therapist Offices, Are Full Of Their Progeny....

Engineering firms, research facilities, and the arts are full of their progeny as well.
Statistically, Their Failure Supersedes Your's
And Is Most Destructive To Society At Large
The Successes Are Most Likely In SPITE Of The Child's Adversity
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WinterBorn said:
Engineering firms, research facilities, and the arts are full of their progeny as well.
According To Mr Obama
That's Were Our Illegal Aliens Are Too
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Select group? mean the vast majority of Americans. I see. Not supposed to get pregnant outside marriage.

Again. Dichotomy. Not supposed to do a lot of things. I'll be sure to codify that as soon as I have completed my takeover of the universe. Here is the reality. There were just as many shiftless men in the 1950s as there were in the 1910s etc.

Here is the really fun part. Women that are further down the socioeconomic ladder have a limited pool of men to partner with. So, at the bottom we have mentally ill men, felons, sex offenders, ongoing addictions, intellectually disabled men, etc. and so on. They are just as susceptible today as they were 60-100 years ago to the whole concept of a knight in shining armor and the fairy tale romance. You still have a very large percentage of young girls that drop out of high school and want to be stay at home mothers and wives. That is what they want to do.

The "modern woman" has a career and children today for the same damn reason that they had children and a career 100 years ago without a man. Rent and food. The number of women that make a "lifestyle choice" are few and are usually independently wealthy or financially stable in established careers.

Women rarely marry DOWN the socioeconomic ladder. It is women at the top who actually have a seriously limited pool of men to partner with.

A woman at the bottom, can benefit from partnering with just about any man who is actually planing to even try.

THe magic of sharing rent is an obvious benefit, even if the guy has some issues.
I get a kick out of those drips who cry about kids living at home at the age of 25. Would they rather the kid is drowning in debt because of wages being stuck where they are at? My granddaughter is working her first real job now. She is 27, lives at home, and makes a good wage. She does not actively date now as she states there is no time for dating for at least five years as she wants to buy a nice car, house of her own, and be able to save. Having a family isn't even on the back burner yet.

That is a sign of a flawed society. The productive and response woman, ends up postponing children till well past her peak fertility years.

We need to get those kind of women out of their parents house and into their own families much faster, if we are to survive as a society and/or culture.
So have you told your wife you're gonna leave her as soon as she hits perimenopause? Cause you were the swiftie who said the "Biological imperative" is that men spread their seed everywhere. Right? Or what higher moral values are gonna keep you from doing that?
More lying from good ole “SweetSue”. Quite the virtuous one aren’t you? Is this pattern of behavior part of your ethics, or just habitual? Because you do it with alarming regularity.

Reread the thread you are referencing. The one where you were dismissed for lying, and now wish to continue on here. Only this time read what I actually wrote. Not what you would imagine to hear.

Unlike you, and many you’re used to dealing with; I say exactly what I mean, and mean exactly what I say. You need not trouble yourself with attempts at interpretation.

But to recap for the cheap seats... It is every living organisms biological imperative to reproduce.

As you your distorted reference of spreading seed everywhere; that was in regard to successful behavior that increase the chances of a mans line continuing into the future. Your dislike of that reality doesn’t change the permanence of it.

I'm not lying and your fluffing on about it is not going to obfuscate what you said. You said men are biologically wired to impregnate as many women as possible, correct? To settle down with the woman JUST long enough to ensure the baby is okay, then go on to impregnate more. You know this is an accurate representation of what you said. Since you have a worldview like quicksand, you don't like it when I try to nail yours down. It's ethics when you want it to be, and biology when you want it to be.

That's why you're calling me a liar.

Here are your words exactly:

Genetically from a biological stand point? No. Since the dawn of mankind a woman’s best possible chance at successfully passing on her sequence relied on bonding with a male who could provide support, and protection while she was pregnant, birthing, and rearing children. Conversely a mans best chance at passing on his sequence has been to cast it far, and wide. Over millennia of successful breedings, the psychology that brought the current generation to where it is today is still with us. The modern conventions of sex without consequence, an at will support net from “society”, and the rampant proliferation of single mothers, fly contrary to the innate psychology were each born with.. From an evolutionary stand point this all occurred just a blink ago. Despite what many claim to “want”, the human psyche isn’t optimized for such conditions. many posters do we have who have heard of this INCEL Movement?
Goes all the way back to men being “hunters” and women being “gatherers” and caring for the children. God has simply set such things into play. Look at mammals across the animal world. In every circumstance there are male and female roles and the females care for offspring and males provide security. Why should human race be different?

Because we are civilized? Virtually nothing we do on a daily basis is based on nature. We live in climate controlled houses, work at jobs that are isolated from nature, ride in cars that seal out nature and enjoy a diet that is no longer seasonal or based on hunting & gathering.

I am not against anyone wanting to live a life where the husband is the bread winner and the wife is a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. It is the expectation that all women do so that is what I am against.

Is anyone pushing that expectation?

More and more I see traditionalists making the argument that women should be free to choose and "feminists" making that argument that they should pressure women to choose in a way that leads to equality of outcome.
What is glaringly missing from this discussion is that women, like men, have interests outside of family and raising children. A man can still raise a family while pursuing his interests in medicine, astrophysics, the law, engineering, politics, the gamut of whatever they are interested in and floats their boat, while women are attacked for having family and pursuing their individual interests at the same time. Both men and women are entitled to the half-and-half between being family people and pursuing their own interests.
Who thinks they don’t? It’s 2019...what the fuck! This is the result of “women’s studies “ indoctrination classes. ITS 2019...WHY ARE YOU WRITING LIKE ITS 1919? Do you have any understanding of what the real world is like?

I have never taken any "women's studies" course. My courses were in history, political science, and law. I went to school before there was such a thing as "women's studies." I must point out that how women (over half of the population) got the vote was never mentioned during my schooling. My courses were incomplete. Why was this not taught to us? Half of the population attaining the blessings of democracy is not an important issue? The history of voting rights, not only of women, but also of African-Americans, is incredibly important in the history of our country and democracy. The "women's studies" courses are only meant to fill in the blanks left in the traditional teaching of history.

I do not mean to erase the lives of female people who already lived on this continent and I respect them, such as the women of the Iroquois Confederacy, but do you actually think that European (white) men arrived alone, no women among them, to establish the country you claim?
I cover the Iroquois Confederacy and role of women within it during my first unit of study. In fact getting ready to go there in about 72 hours. Also trace continuity through time of women in our history from Era of Republican Motherhood all the way to Title IX.

What is "republican motherhood"? What is "republican fatherhood"? You conflate so much that you are incomprehensible.
Post Constitutional Convention during our early Federalists Period. Women had a role to play in our society by finding good suitors of high moral character and raising boys (who would eventually go into politics) that would later push for higher education for women and a larger role for them in public policy. You do know that the official title of our country is “The Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America.” We are a “Republic.” That’s a type of political system. You should look it-up.

Don't even try to patronize me. Why were there no women at the constitutional convention? Why was there no role for women in public policy to begin with? You completely skip over the fact that women, one half of the population, were completely fenced out of the political process by men to begin with and then men constructed a fantasy that they somehow represented women. This has nothing to do with raising children.

Voting is a direct demonstration of the individual's will. Supposedly we have a nation based on government by the will of the people. One half of the people are female. Yet this half of the people had to fight for it.
Who thinks they don’t? It’s 2019...what the fuck! This is the result of “women’s studies “ indoctrination classes. ITS 2019...WHY ARE YOU WRITING LIKE ITS 1919? Do you have any understanding of what the real world is like?

I have never taken any "women's studies" course. My courses were in history, political science, and law. I went to school before there was such a thing as "women's studies." I must point out that how women (over half of the population) got the vote was never mentioned during my schooling. My courses were incomplete. Why was this not taught to us? Half of the population attaining the blessings of democracy is not an important issue? The history of voting rights, not only of women, but also of African-Americans, is incredibly important in the history of our country and democracy. The "women's studies" courses are only meant to fill in the blanks left in the traditional teaching of history.

I do not mean to erase the lives of female people who already lived on this continent and I respect them, such as the women of the Iroquois Confederacy, but do you actually think that European (white) men arrived alone, no women among them, to establish the country you claim?
I cover the Iroquois Confederacy and role of women within it during my first unit of study. In fact getting ready to go there in about 72 hours. Also trace continuity through time of women in our history from Era of Republican Motherhood all the way to Title IX.

What is "republican motherhood"? What is "republican fatherhood"? You conflate so much that you are incomprehensible.
Post Constitutional Convention during our early Federalists Period. Women had a role to play in our society by finding good suitors of high moral character and raising boys (who would eventually go into politics) that would later push for higher education for women and a larger role for them in public policy. You do know that the official title of our country is “The Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America.” We are a “Republic.” That’s a type of political system. You should look it-up.

Don't even try to patronize me. Why were there no women at the constitutional convention? Why was there no role for women in public policy to begin with? You completely skip over the fact that women, one half of the population, were completely fenced out of the political process by men to begin with and then men constructed a fantasy that they somehow represented women. This has nothing to do with raising children.

Voting is a direct demonstration of the individual's will. Supposedly we have a nation based on government by the will of the people. One half of the people are female. Yet this half of the people had to fight for it.

Everyone had to fight for their right to vote. Read some history.

Start with the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta - Wikipedia
I have never taken any "women's studies" course. My courses were in history, political science, and law. I went to school before there was such a thing as "women's studies." I must point out that how women (over half of the population) got the vote was never mentioned during my schooling. My courses were incomplete. Why was this not taught to us? Half of the population attaining the blessings of democracy is not an important issue? The history of voting rights, not only of women, but also of African-Americans, is incredibly important in the history of our country and democracy. The "women's studies" courses are only meant to fill in the blanks left in the traditional teaching of history.

I do not mean to erase the lives of female people who already lived on this continent and I respect them, such as the women of the Iroquois Confederacy, but do you actually think that European (white) men arrived alone, no women among them, to establish the country you claim?
I cover the Iroquois Confederacy and role of women within it during my first unit of study. In fact getting ready to go there in about 72 hours. Also trace continuity through time of women in our history from Era of Republican Motherhood all the way to Title IX.

What is "republican motherhood"? What is "republican fatherhood"? You conflate so much that you are incomprehensible.
Post Constitutional Convention during our early Federalists Period. Women had a role to play in our society by finding good suitors of high moral character and raising boys (who would eventually go into politics) that would later push for higher education for women and a larger role for them in public policy. You do know that the official title of our country is “The Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America.” We are a “Republic.” That’s a type of political system. You should look it-up.

Don't even try to patronize me. Why were there no women at the constitutional convention? Why was there no role for women in public policy to begin with? You completely skip over the fact that women, one half of the population, were completely fenced out of the political process by men to begin with and then men constructed a fantasy that they somehow represented women. This has nothing to do with raising children.

Voting is a direct demonstration of the individual's will. Supposedly we have a nation based on government by the will of the people. One half of the people are female. Yet this half of the people had to fight for it.

Everyone had to fight for their right to vote. Read some history.

Start with the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta - Wikipedia

I have. The Magna Carta (1215 C.E.) was well known by the 1700's. How does the Magna Carta have anything to do with political discrimination against women? Women were legally blocked from demonstrating their individual will. Do you actually think that John Adams escorted his wife, Abigail, to the meetings that he attended, and at which she would speak?
Correll said:
We need to get those kind of women out of their parents house and into their own families much faster, if we are to survive as a society and/or culture.
'We' Have No Say In What Any Woman Does
It's Her Right To Choose

Maybe It's Better Kids Live With Their Parents Longer
They Can Help At Home, And Store Away Their Earnings
IF They Are The Responsible Sort
I cover the Iroquois Confederacy and role of women within it during my first unit of study. In fact getting ready to go there in about 72 hours. Also trace continuity through time of women in our history from Era of Republican Motherhood all the way to Title IX.

What is "republican motherhood"? What is "republican fatherhood"? You conflate so much that you are incomprehensible.
Post Constitutional Convention during our early Federalists Period. Women had a role to play in our society by finding good suitors of high moral character and raising boys (who would eventually go into politics) that would later push for higher education for women and a larger role for them in public policy. You do know that the official title of our country is “The Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America.” We are a “Republic.” That’s a type of political system. You should look it-up.

Don't even try to patronize me. Why were there no women at the constitutional convention? Why was there no role for women in public policy to begin with? You completely skip over the fact that women, one half of the population, were completely fenced out of the political process by men to begin with and then men constructed a fantasy that they somehow represented women. This has nothing to do with raising children.

Voting is a direct demonstration of the individual's will. Supposedly we have a nation based on government by the will of the people. One half of the people are female. Yet this half of the people had to fight for it.

Everyone had to fight for their right to vote. Read some history.

Start with the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta - Wikipedia

I have. The Magna Carta (1215 C.E.) was well known by the 1700's. How does the Magna Carta have anything to do with political discrimination against women? Women were legally blocked from demonstrating their individual will. Do you actually think that John Adams escorted his wife, Abigail, to the meetings that he attended, and at which she would speak?

I offered the Magna Carta as a supporting link to support my point.

What was my point? Read the post. All 12 words.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
I'm sorry....but what is the responsibility of the Democrats when "the modern man" refuses to grow up when women are self-sufficient?

Sounds like you've got a real problem becoming a MAN on your own and taking responsibility like a MAN.

How does you wife feel about that?
She agrees with me...we are both self sufficient in our own right.
Thank you for your service

Ask about her service while in violation of the UCMJ for years.

Tory's being silly.

Not being silly, just honest. A character flaw which you apparently do not share. serving our country really bothered you, didn't it? :itsok:
Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:
I don't believe you. I think they changed the specs to get you in. I worked to many jobs that the same was done. Lowering the standards for stylish extreme feminist agendas. I know that more and more males in both the military and civilian dangerous jobs are trying to move to work with people they can trust. Knowing that when their life is on the line to death they can count on being backed up by real comraderie. If you feel I am wrong then maybe the quotas need to be changed to reflect reality and not hire people who are not as good as others by force of law. Then the questions woud be much fewer. I have seen guys die and seen guys dies by longevity of working in environment. Wither way, women have destroyed men just for perception. And the payback will never be forgotten from those affected. The Asians are laughing at us.
I don't care if you believe me or not....I still get my retirement check every month.....thank you for the portion of your taxes paying for that, btw.
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
Goes against human nature...not the way we are wired as a species. Been that way from the start. Sure you can point out Amazon women and the Island of Lesbos. Where the fuck are those societies now? Sure there are some primitive societies in the deep rain forest somewhere with role reversal. But that’s why they are where they are...wiping their asses with a banana leaf.

You are talking to someone who believes going against human nature is her way of life.
Poor hung up on other people's sexuality.....:itsok:
Select group? mean the vast majority of Americans. I see. Not supposed to get pregnant outside marriage.

Again. Dichotomy. Not supposed to do a lot of things. I'll be sure to codify that as soon as I have completed my takeover of the universe. Here is the reality. There were just as many shiftless men in the 1950s as there were in the 1910s etc.

Here is the really fun part. Women that are further down the socioeconomic ladder have a limited pool of men to partner with. So, at the bottom we have mentally ill men, felons, sex offenders, ongoing addictions, intellectually disabled men, etc. and so on. They are just as susceptible today as they were 60-100 years ago to the whole concept of a knight in shining armor and the fairy tale romance. You still have a very large percentage of young girls that drop out of high school and want to be stay at home mothers and wives. That is what they want to do.

The "modern woman" has a career and children today for the same damn reason that they had children and a career 100 years ago without a man. Rent and food. The number of women that make a "lifestyle choice" are few and are usually independently wealthy or financially stable in established careers.
So your a lesbian. That’s fine.

I'm heterosexual.
Jesus Jumped-Up Christ...that poor bastard. So what’s that like? After he gets done cleaning toilets he gets to make supper...listening to how your day went out shopping with the girls and how you all agreed that you hate Susie in the Personal Department? Then you explain/undercut his plans to go fishing next weekend so you can all go to your relatives house for a cookout. Gee, If he’s really nice I guess he gets a hand job. How dare he would think he could ever be on top. That’s not for a professional woman like you. :laughing0301: The fucking guy probably begs his friends to shoot him when he’s mowing the lawn to take him out of his misery.

My now ex husband was in a motorcycle accident and it took off that whole forehead section. He had a really severe brain injury that impacted the area that deals with both time and consequences. I knew fuck all about brain injuries when we married. He devolved. My son and I left with a 6 police car escort. I didn't remarry because I didn't want there to be any confusion for my kid. I have seen way too many women marry to obtain financial support and then choose the relationship over their kids. I made sure that my son was available for that relationship. He continued to devolve and now has stage 4 liver disease from drinking. His sister drank daily and was one of those rare people that when she stopped had a psychotic break and became homicidal and suicidal. She blew her brains out after shooting her ex. So, don't think I didn't have a couple rounds of holy crap and what if going on there after that was dealt with.

I work with offenders (violent/sexual/other), victims, mentally ill, homeless,addicts, and their children-many of them have severe disabilities and have suffered through extreme trauma. Heinous. I haven't seen a 40 hour week in over 3 1/2 years. Hell, I hadn't seen a 40 hour work week in the 10 years prior.

I'm a big advocate of father's being present.

When I shop. it's for the people that need stuff. I'm far from perfect. In my spare time, I read mostly history. I also do genealogy for close friends. Or did some 4 years ago. I pretend we have conversations on this forum. I mow my lawn. I hired a guy to mow my lawn but he is in jail now.. So, now I'm back to mowing my lawn. Because it needs to be done. That's how life works.

I didn't owe you that. Don't be a dick.
And in addition to all that you have had to deal with in your life, you get to deal with "men" like that poster trying to mansplain' what women need. Fun times, eh?
I get a kick out of those drips who cry about kids living at home at the age of 25. Would they rather the kid is drowning in debt because of wages being stuck where they are at? My granddaughter is working her first real job now. She is 27, lives at home, and makes a good wage. She does not actively date now as she states there is no time for dating for at least five years as she wants to buy a nice car, house of her own, and be able to save. Having a family isn't even on the back burner yet.
But the economy is the best it's ever been!

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