The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

Brain dead will just continue to ignore the facts because he has an agenda, obviously. IMO, anyone that wants to take away or limit just ONE of my rights is a traitor to the American people.

I keep offering facts and you all have been unable to dispute them. You just keep resorting to childish name calling. You are losing.

No, sorry, you just keep denying the facts and are a foolish moron.

200 criminals killed in defense each year. 600 people accidently shot and killed. Those are facts. You seem to understand very little.

Your's and other people's stupidity is NOT reason enough to mess with my rights as a United States citizen, and neither are criminals and their actions. Got it?

You are already restricted.

No more stupid laws that don't work to stop crime and only hinder a citizen from protecting him or herself!!!
It depends on your state. In all however you are a toad if you ignore the sign.

YOU are probably criminal. That's why you want to limit honest citizens' rights. Basically, you are scum and should be treated as such.

I have suggested nothing that would hinder anyone from defending themselves.

You are advocating restricting MY rights as a United States. I don't like people like you. Any politician who would suggest as much SHOULD be impeached too. Those politicians and people like you put our freedom in jeopardy once you start messing with ANY ONE of our rights. Do you understand that? Once you tweak one, what is to stop them from tweaking other rights, fool?

Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.
YOU are probably criminal. That's why you want to limit honest citizens' rights. Basically, you are scum and should be treated as such.

I have suggested nothing that would hinder anyone from defending themselves.

You are advocating restricting MY rights as a United States. I don't like people like you. Any politician who would suggest as much SHOULD be impeached too. Those politicians and people like you put our freedom in jeopardy once you start messing with ANY ONE of our rights. Do you understand that? Once you tweak one, what is to stop them from tweaking other rights, fool?

Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.
I have suggested nothing that would hinder anyone from defending themselves.

You are advocating restricting MY rights as a United States. I don't like people like you. Any politician who would suggest as much SHOULD be impeached too. Those politicians and people like you put our freedom in jeopardy once you start messing with ANY ONE of our rights. Do you understand that? Once you tweak one, what is to stop them from tweaking other rights, fool?

Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.

It is in this thread. Go find it. Will slow your stupidity for a while.
You are advocating restricting MY rights as a United States. I don't like people like you. Any politician who would suggest as much SHOULD be impeached too. Those politicians and people like you put our freedom in jeopardy once you start messing with ANY ONE of our rights. Do you understand that? Once you tweak one, what is to stop them from tweaking other rights, fool?

Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.

It is in this thread. Go find it. Will slow your stupidity for a while.

No, I don't have the time to search the entire thread. Why don't you just state it clearly right now. Just what restrictions would you like to put on law-abiding citizens, and how exactly would it help anything? Explain your position, or you lose by default for not having a position, you dope.
Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.

It is in this thread. Go find it. Will slow your stupidity for a while.

No, I don't have the time to search the entire thread. Why don't you just state it clearly right now. Just what restrictions would you like to put on law-abiding citizens, and how exactly would it help anything? Explain your position, or you lose by default for not having a position, you dope.

You have had no idea what you are talking about yet you had time to post. You have time to search.
You are advocating restricting MY rights as a United States. I don't like people like you. Any politician who would suggest as much SHOULD be impeached too. Those politicians and people like you put our freedom in jeopardy once you start messing with ANY ONE of our rights. Do you understand that? Once you tweak one, what is to stop them from tweaking other rights, fool?

Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.

It is in this thread. Go find it. Will slow your stupidity for a while.

"Will slow your stupidity for a while . . . "

WTF does that even mean? I'll tell you, it means nothing. You can't even put together a coherent sentence, never mind defend your position. You just keep repeating the same old bogus information that has been debunked several times during this discussion with valid studies and links that clearly show people using their weapons to protect them from potential attackers. YOU want to claim that the actions of a few dumb asses should be enough to negate those whose lives have potentially been SAVED by a weapon. NOT so. If you mess up and shoot yourself, that is NOT my fault, and I should not have to pay a penalty for your stupidity and inability to handle a weapon properly.
Oh? What would I restrict?

I'm really not sure. You haven't been very clear, but it is clear that you would like to do something about our 2nd amendment right. Why don't you tell us exactly what kind of restrictions you would like to put on our rights?

Of course you don't. You really have no idea what you are talking about and you just admitted it. Pathetic.

Well, why don't you tell us. That way, I can tear you apart . . . AGAIN.

It is in this thread. Go find it. Will slow your stupidity for a while.

"Will slow your stupidity for a while . . . "

WTF does that even mean? I'll tell you, it means nothing. You can't even put together a coherent sentence, never mind defend your position. You just keep repeating the same old bogus information that has been debunked several times during this discussion with valid studies and links that clearly show people using their weapons to protect them from potential attackers. YOU want to claim that the actions of a few dumb asses should be enough to negate those whose lives have potentially been SAVED by a weapon. NOT so. If you mess up and shoot yourself, that is NOT my fault, and I should not have to pay a penalty for your stupidity and inability to handle a weapon properly.

You have posted against restrictions I would make even though you don't know what they are. You are posting on a thread you haven't even read. You are a joke.

It ment if you are busy searching you won't have time to embarrass yourself with more posts.
One more step in the march towards a complete gun grab. The Communists will exhaust all means to ban guns. In this case, they're using grieving parents and dead children to advance their agenda. It's always 'For the children.'

Hopefully this latest attack will fail. But that's why i always tell Pro-Constitution Americans to stay vigilant. Our Constitution is under all-out assault from the Communists. If you wanna keep your rights, you'll have to fight for em.

If you really believe what you post, there are psychiatrists who will listen to you and give you medicine so you will be less fearful, and maybe you'll be able to sleep at night without looking under your bed while holding onto the gun you hide under your pillow.

Communism is no longer a threat, it is the "God that Failed". Our nation does have two threats of concern, well, three if we count your kind: the first are the religious fundamentalists; the second are the Plutocrats; and finally it is those citizens who cling to an archaic Second Amendment Right and support the first two.

Spoken like a true Un-American Communist asshole. Thanks for that.

An angry and thoughtless response ^^^. Emotional responses such as this ^^^ are one reason I believe we need to vet and license anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun.

We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

Fair question: Any misdemeanor conviction for battery, domestic violence, DUI or drug possession for sales or transportation. Any civil detention for being a danger to ones self or others, any civil protective order or restraining order.

So these things are what? A 'sign' that someone is guilty of a crime that has not been committed? Because that is ABSURD on its face.

However... if you're saying that such provides reasonable evidence that such people are prone towards poor judgment and poor judgment is an axiomatic threat to the well being of the nation, thus those people should be shut out of any activity which represents a threat to the nation: I completely AGREE!

And I, for one, will JUMP ALL OVER APPROVING THAT be rendered INTO LAW: TO-DAY! As long as that reasoning is used universally... where it would strip every person who voted for obama of their means to vote.
Apparently I don't, please explain to me the right people filled with hate have to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. I'd really like to know what you think and why.
Let me help. Being the intolerant leftard that you are, you believe that disagreement with you is hateful. AND the Constitution says nothing about hate so even if one WERE filled with hate they don't loose a Constitutionally protected right. Does that help?

Yes, it proves you're an asshole, but I've been aware of that fact for as long as you've been posting.
Remember People, it's not only about banning AR's for the Communists/Progressives. It's about a complete Gun Grab. They will not stop at banning AR's. Totalitarians never stop. If this suit is successful, they will go after all gun manufacturers. It is what it is.
Secular Humanism sure seems to upset and threaten Keys.

Deceit FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means of influencing the Ignorant: "Secular Humanism sure seems to upset and threaten Keys."

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The fundamental elements of socialism.

You have seen the study that shows how often shots are fired. I see no reason to believe it's not accurate. And is based on events we know happened. Your surveys don't even agree, and are based on responses from a very small number of people. They have been debunked several times in many ways.

600 people accidently shot and killed each year. Only 200 criminals shot and killed. That isn't responsible.

Accidental shootings are the acts of dumbass people.

Why restrict my rights because other people do dumbass things? Where is the justice and fairness in that?

Why not restrict the right to go near any water or own a swimming pool because of all the accidental drowning each year?

Maybe you want the government to license your right to go swimming because of all the drowning deaths each year.

Pools in CA are required to be fenced, I suspect that is true in most of our civilized states.
and as one study that looked into gun accidents....those homes where an accident occurred had a higher rate of drug use and alcohol abuse.....and violent histories and contact with the police.....

Brain dead will just continue to ignore the facts because he has an agenda, obviously. IMO, anyone that wants to take away or limit just ONE of my rights is a traitor to the American people.

I keep offering facts and you all have been unable to dispute them. You just keep resorting to childish name calling. You are losing.

No, sorry, you just keep denying the facts and are a foolish moron.

200 criminals killed in defense each year. 600 people accidently shot and killed. Those are facts. You seem to understand very little.

and you forgot the other number...1.6 million times a year on average that law abiding citizens use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....and they have the restraint to the point where they have only had to plant 200 violent monsters.....that says a lot about the restraint of law abiding gun owners....

600 accidents with firearms...out of a country of 310 million people....and you stay up at night worrying about that....

How about we start gun safety programs in all grade schools in conjunction with fire safety training....that will cut down on that number...and in fact...gun accidents have been going down...probably because more people own guns and are taking basic shooting classes where they are learning gun safety....

You have seen the study that shows how often shots are fired. I see no reason to believe it's not accurate. And is based on events we know happened. Your surveys don't even agree, and are based on responses from a very small number of people. They have been debunked several times in many ways.

600 people accidently shot and killed each year. Only 200 criminals shot and killed. That isn't responsible.

Accidental shootings are the acts of dumbass people.

Why restrict my rights because other people do dumbass things? Where is the justice and fairness in that?

Why not restrict the right to go near any water or own a swimming pool because of all the accidental drowning each year?

Maybe you want the government to license your right to go swimming because of all the drowning deaths each year.

I haven't suggested restricting ownership, just restricting the ability of the mass shooter.

I carry a gun every time in movie theaters even if there's a


at the door. I guarantee that if there were more people like me, that asshole that shot up the Aurora Colorado movie theater would have had his ability "restricted" by a hyde through his melon.

So scared you will go against the law. You are a criminal. I'm sure lots of people shooting in a dark crowded theater would have made the situation much better....

It's not illegal, you dumbass!

Private property signs do not have the force of law.

I'm also sure untrained and armed people shooting in a crowded theater would shoot some of the other wouldbe protectors.

"it's not illegal? Um, depends on where, OC or hidden, loaded or not. I wouldn't bet a sign restricting possession of a gun wouldn't be enforceable under trespass laws.
Here you go Brain....just one of 1.6 million times that law abiding citizens used their guns to capture....not kill.....criminals in the act of being criminals....again....the law abiding citizens drew their weapons and held the criminal until police arrived....

See....this does not get counted in the National Crime Victimization Survey because no one was killed in the incident....but it actually happened.....

VIDEO Armed Family Captures Christmas Present Thieves at Gunpoint on Live Television
The sheriff’s office says Wyatt followed the suspects’ vehicle as they turned down Gobbler’s Knob Mine Road and blocked them in. He and his friends then held them at gunpoint until deputies could arrive on scene, Christian said.

Chris Wyatt said the suspects claimed they were lost when the Wyatts confronted them.

“They tried to say that they were lost and we corrected them where they were,” Chris Wyatt said.

Read more: VIDEO Armed Family Captures Christmas Present Thieves at Gunpoint on Live Television
and as one study that looked into gun accidents....those homes where an accident occurred had a higher rate of drug use and alcohol abuse.....and violent histories and contact with the police.....

Brain dead will just continue to ignore the facts because he has an agenda, obviously. IMO, anyone that wants to take away or limit just ONE of my rights is a traitor to the American people.

I keep offering facts and you all have been unable to dispute them. You just keep resorting to childish name calling. You are losing.

No, sorry, you just keep denying the facts and are a foolish moron.

200 criminals killed in defense each year. 600 people accidently shot and killed. Those are facts. You seem to understand very little.

and you forgot the other number...1.6 million times a year on average that law abiding citizens use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....and they have the restraint to the point where they have only had to plant 200 violent monsters.....that says a lot about the restraint of law abiding gun owners....

600 accidents with firearms...out of a country of 310 million people....and you stay up at night worrying about that....

How about we start gun safety programs in all grade schools in conjunction with fire safety training....that will cut down on that number...and in fact...gun accidents have been going down...probably because more people own guns and are taking basic shooting classes where they are learning gun safety....

Again the 1.6 million is bogus and debunked several times over.

It is good that accidents are going down. But claiming guns are anti crime when they kill 3x more innocent people than criminals is not right. I'm not against more gun safety training. Not sure where you would start it. Younger kids should be taught not to touch and get an adult immediately.

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