'The More She Talks, The More UN-Popular She Becomes' - More Hillary Voter Regret....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Heh: Hillary Isn't Going React Well to This New Poll About Voter Regret

"According to a new national Politico/Morning Consult survey, 2016 election buyers' remorse is more prevalent among Hillary Clinton's voters than those who cast ballots for President Trump. "Among Clinton voters, 13 percent say they would either vote for a different candidate or not vote at all," the survey finds, while that number among Trump backers is four points lower.

The more she talks, the
less popular she becomes."
What popular support she got in the first place was amazing to me.
She's a corrupt, lying, cheating, angry, shrill, money-grubbing whore. And those are her good qualities.

Did I mention that she's angry?
Hillary is a genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors. You can feel the toxic pomposity radiating from her in rhythmic waves, the ultimate spoiled little girl in a geriatric, vaguely humanoid body.
I said not too long ago that the best thing Hillary could have done after losing the election - and after being protected from indictment and prosecution by an administration / DOJ on the way out the door - would be to GO AWAY. The longer she hangs around, the more attention she draws upon herself, THE MORE SHE PISSES PEOPLE OFF - TO INCLUDE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS, the more likely she is to acquire some VERY MUCH un-wanted attention. With no 'cover' anymore, dangling in the wind out there by herself now, that may NOT be what she wants. Unfortunately walking away from her server crimes 'without a scratch' because she was protected, seems to have made her feel even more like she is 'un-touchable'. That may come back to bite her in her extremely large / wide / corrupt ass.


Push to unseal the draft Whitewater indictment against Hillary Clinton gets court date
- Push to unseal the draft Whitewater indictment against Hillary Clinton gets court date

If Hillary had simply quietly gone away after her loss people would lose interest and not care so much about digging into her past. Instead she is refusing to go away and attempting to gain as much media attention as she can. THIS ain't the media attention she wants.

Judicial Watch is digging into 'Whitewater', a real estate scam / scandal the Clintons were involved in, one in which everyone involved either went to jail or mysteriously ended up DEAD...except the Clintons.

Since the election, snowflakes have been demanding...BEGGING....Conservatives stop talking about Hillary, stop investigating Hillary, stop bringing up her past because SHE is 'the past'. Hillary has declared not only is she NOT 'the past' but that she is the 'NOW' and the FUTURE of the Democratic party. All the attention snowflakes do NOT want Hillary to get is the attention Hillary is working so hard to get.

I stand by what I said - the best thing Hillary can do for the DNC and, more importantly, HERSELF, is to STFU and go away. If not, everything that will keep coming out about her past scandals, scams, and crimes will be on HER, no one else.
What popular support she got in the first place was amazing to me.
She's a corrupt, lying, cheating, angry, shrill, money-grubbing whore. And those are her good qualities.

Did I mention that she's angry?
I've got to disagree wholeheartedly with you. If she was a whore, her husband would be interested in her. :eusa_dance:
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Why wouldn't Hillary want people to see the truth about Whitewater?

It's because she is corrupt.

That being said, she should run in 2020.

The REMATCH!!! Just like in pugilism.

She learned from her loss and will do much better in 2020. She will be a more likable and more ethical candidate, for sure.

She should take on Maxine Waters as her veep.

Clinton-Waters 2020!
I stand by what I said - the best thing Hillary can do for the DNC and, more importantly, HERSELF, is to STFU and go away. If not, everything that will keep coming out about her past scandals, scams, and crimes will be on HER, no one else.
DNC people, former aides and Clinton staffers have come out and said as much as well. It just reinforces the idea that for her, it's all about her. She couldn't give two fucks less about anyone else, as always.

I wouldn't blame liberals for supporting Hillary though: the ones that had. This election, more than any that had preceded it, was about trying to elect one person almost solely so the other didn't get the job. Trump won and Hillary lost, but the American people lost no matter what the outcome.

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