The More Things Change?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
James Kwak @ The Baseline Scenario reprises one of his posts from last June, written while he was reading "a real book, on paper - The Worldly Philosophers, by Robert Heilbroner."

Heilbroner's book looks more at the historical conditions "that helped give rise to some important economic ideas, and Kwak finds some passages that seem "oddly relevant today."

Conventional economic wisdom of the early 19th century, for example:

“'They lived in a world that was not only harsh and cruel but that rationalized its cruelty under the guise of economic law. . . .

"'It was the world that was cruel, not the people in it.

"'For the world was run by economic laws, and economic laws were nothing with which one could or should trifle; they were simply there, and to rail about whatever injustices might be tossed up as an unfortunate consequence of their working was as foolish as to lament the ebb and flow of the tides.'”

Kwak also points out some conventional capitalistic wisdom from the Gilded Age of the late 19th century:

"'Indeed, the world was so scrubbed as to be unrecognizable.

"'One might read such leading texts as John Bates Clark’s Distribution of Wealth and never know that American was a land of millionaires; one might peruse F.H. Taussig’s Economics and never come across a rigged stock market.

"'If one looked into Professor Laughlin’s articles in the Atlantic Monthly he would learn that "sacrifice, exertion, and skill" were responsible for the great fortunes.'”

Thorstein Veblen, an American critic of capitalism at the time, looked at the captains of industry and saw "a parasitic class engaged in financial games to divert excessive profits to themselves."

"The bold game of financial chicanery certainly served as much to disturb the flow of goods as to promote it."

The More Things Change
The top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything has always screwed-over the other 99% less fortunate. So what's your point?

The most recent example is the wealthy moving 14,000 factories overseas. Now we have 10% unemployment and a growing underclass, all thanks to the DC whores who rake in lobbyist donations for their votes.
All thanks to massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an underminning of entire society by republcan politicians helped by a few democrats.

Lets remember which party apppointed the scotus members who sold us all out though.

I telling you people the republican party leadership wants this country to belong to the corporations.

They are dragging it down the hall as we speak
"'One might read such leading texts as John Bates Clark’s Distribution of Wealth and never know that American was a land of millionaires; one might peruse F.H. Taussig’s Economics and never come across a rigged stock market.

Apologists for the masters tend to overlook things like that, don't they?

Note how many people here told us that the current economic depression was the fault of people buying homes?

Why people think that the powerfless are responsible for such events, and give the people making decisions a pass, I surely do not know.
All thanks to massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an undermining of entire society by republican politicians helped by a few democrats. Lets remember which party appointed the SCOTUS members who sold us all out though.

I'm telling you people, the republican party leadership wants this country to belong to the corporations. They are dragging it down the hall as we speak

"Lets remember which party appointed the SCOTUS members who sold us all out though." ????

I don't remember what you're talking about. I seem to recall the Chinese calling the Clinton's "show me the money" style of bribery "money-bag-politics".

So what USSC decision do you disagree with? Not the one Obama whined about, Alito called bullshit on?! that one.
Such fucking whining about how the evil rich people screwed you over.

Can anyone tell me how their life would be better if the fucking government took all the money those evil rich people have? Or are you really lamenting your own failure and seeking solace in blaming someone else for your fuck ups?

I believe it's the latter.
The top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything has always screwed-over the other 99% less fortunate. So what's your point?

The most recent example is the wealthy moving 14,000 factories overseas. Now we have 10% unemployment and a growing underclass, all thanks to the DC whores who rake in lobbyist donations for their votes.
My point is it's likely to get worse, possibly much worse, (imagine if hyperinflation turned every $10 bill in your possession into a $5?) if US voters continue to limit their "choice" to Republican OR Democrat.

Michael Hudson explains the political mechanics:

"The political axiom at work is 'Big fish eat little fish.'

"There’s not enough tax money to continue swelling the fortunes of the super-rich pretending to save enough to pay the pensions and related social support that North American and European employees have been promised.

"Something must give – and the rich have shown themselves sufficiently foresighted to seize the initiative."

The rich can not stop stealing other people's money for the same reason a shark can not stop swimming.

They will die, and they know it.
The top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything has always screwed-over the other 99% less fortunate. So what's your point?

The most recent example is the wealthy moving 14,000 factories overseas. Now we have 10% unemployment and a growing underclass, all thanks to the DC whores who rake in lobbyist donations for their votes.
My point is it's likely to get worse, possibly much worse, (imagine if hyperinflation turned every $10 bill in your possession into a $5?) if US voters continue to limit their "choice" to Republican OR Democrat.

Michael Hudson explains the political mechanics:

"The political axiom at work is 'Big fish eat little fish.'

"There’s not enough tax money to continue swelling the fortunes of the super-rich pretending to save enough to pay the pensions and related social support that North American and European employees have been promised.

"Something must give – and the rich have shown themselves sufficiently foresighted to seize the initiative."

The rich can not stop stealing other people's money for the same reason a shark can not stop swimming.

They will die, and they know it.

Eventually, we'll all die.
Such fucking whining about how the evil rich people screwed you over.

Can anyone tell me how their life would be better if the fucking government took all the money those evil rich people have? Or are you really lamenting your own failure and seeking solace in blaming someone else for your fuck ups?

I believe it's the latter.

So it's an "either/or"? Either the rich get ALL the money or ALL the money is taken away? No compromise? No investing in America? THEY can leave, you can't.
All thanks to massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an underminning of entire society by republcan politicians helped by a few democrats.

Lets remember which party apppointed the scotus members who sold us all out though.

I telling you people the republican party leadership wants this country to belong to the corporations.

They are dragging it down the hall as we speak
I think you're being to generous to the Democrats.

Remember it was Clinton who took the axe to Glass-Steagall and there's some pretty good evidence he was going after Social Security when Monica distracted him.

Think about FLUSHING ALL Republicans AND Democrats from DC in 2012.

It's a political leap of faith, but there's no doubt both major parties serve Wall Street first and toss the scraps to Main Street.
He just an idiot.

He cant have the real discussion because he will lose on the facts.
So instead he makes shit up to argue with.

Someday there may be a republican who can actually discuss the facts, its been about thirty years or so sinse there was fact based argument from the republican party.
All thanks to massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an underminning of entire society by republcan politicians helped by a few democrats.

Lets remember which party apppointed the scotus members who sold us all out though.

I telling you people the republican party leadership wants this country to belong to the corporations.

They are dragging it down the hall as we speak
I think you're being to generous to the Democrats.

Remember it was Clinton who took the axe to Glass-Steagall and there's some pretty good evidence he was going after Social Security when Monica distracted him.

Think about FLUSHING ALL Republicans AND Democrats from DC in 2012.

It's a political leap of faith, but there's no doubt both major parties serve Wall Street first and toss the scraps to Main Street.

Clinton signed it and should not have. I think he knew New regulations could be written by Gore and the dems.

They didnt count on the cheating the republicans did in the 2000 election.

They thought they had it in the bag and they did.

the republicans cheated their way into office.
"'One might read such leading texts as John Bates Clark’s Distribution of Wealth and never know that American was a land of millionaires; one might peruse F.H. Taussig’s Economics and never come across a rigged stock market.

Apologists for the masters tend to overlook things like that, don't they?

Note how many people here told us that the current economic depression was the fault of people buying homes?

Why people think that the powerfless are responsible for such events, and give the people making decisions a pass, I surely do not know.
Not to mention the number of elite economists today willing to say anything to get noticed by the Fed.

If there's evidence of a chain of corruption connecting finance, organized crime and the US government, the Federal Reserve would be a good place to start looking.

'Wonder if WikiLeaks has anything on the Fed?
Such fucking whining about how the evil rich people screwed you over.

Can anyone tell me how their life would be better if the fucking government took all the money those evil rich people have? Or are you really lamenting your own failure and seeking solace in blaming someone else for your fuck ups?

I believe it's the latter.

So it's an "either/or"? Either the rich get ALL the money or ALL the money is taken away? No compromise? No investing in America? THEY can leave, you can't.

The rich don't have all the money. My wife and I started a business and have made it work to the tune of grossing over a million a year and employing 10 people. We weren't held back by any rich people in fact our biggest expense after payroll is the money the fucking government takes.

The fact that the fucking government has screwed up and wastes hundreds of billions of dollars on corrupt and self serving bullshit is more of a problem than a few rich people.

Put the blame where it belongs.
Such fucking whining about how the evil rich people screwed you over.

Can anyone tell me how their life would be better if the fucking government took all the money those evil rich people have? Or are you really lamenting your own failure and seeking solace in blaming someone else for your fuck ups?

I believe it's the latter.

So it's an "either/or"? Either the rich get ALL the money or ALL the money is taken away? No compromise? No investing in America? THEY can leave, you can't.

The rich don't have all the money. My wife and I started a business and have made it work to the tune of grossing over a million a year and employing 10 people. We weren't held back by any rich people in fact our biggest expense after payroll is the money the fucking government takes.

The fact that the fucking government has screwed up and wastes hundreds of billions of dollars on corrupt and self serving bullshit is more of a problem than a few rich people.

Put the blame where it belongs.
Some of us believe a few rich people tell this government exactly how to screw up and waste money. The richest 2% of Americans have a great deal to say about how our government's tax system subsidizes the inflation of debt-leveraged financial and real estate bubbles.

When these bubbles eventually burst it's the bottom 98% of taxpayers the rich and government turn to for the bail-out, threatening martial law when necessary.

There's a new model of class war in existence today. It's not "management" i.e., industry and owners against "labor" anymore.

It is industry, labor and every small business owner from Maine to Maui against the FIRE sector. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, headquarter on Wall Street, has just raked in $13 trillion in "government" bail outs and guarantees.

They're coming back for more, and that probably starts with Social Security and private pension plans.

See: Obama's Greatest Betrayal
Help eliminate organized crime.
The government hates competition.
For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is losing control of the revenue streams criminal activity produces.

Our government is organized crime. They make the gangsters of the thirties look like small timers.

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