The Morning Briefing: Please Democrats, Keep Up Your Lunatic Jan. 6 Obsession

who’s been charged with an attempted coup?

the truth? why was shifty using doctored texted? that’s not the truth
The texts sent the same message.

The Ruling

Fact Check - Mostly False

Mostly False.

It's true that committee staff cut short Jordan's original forwarded message for the sake of brevity and that a period was mistakenly added in place of an em dash. The committee has admitted to both. But there is no evidence that the changes were made in order for Schiff to mislead fellow committee members, nor do they alter or distort the meaning of the message. The claims of evidence tampering by Schiff are misleading because the committee said that the graphic was shared with him in that form. It has since shared the full text, which is stored in the committee's evide
haha sure sure

just like that russian conspiracy
Dude, you just hijacked your own argument by saying nothing, and arguing less. LOL! You folks are so fucking stupid. You set your own trap for failure. It's unbelievable.
how did i not answer it?
Sure you would. You create your own reality in spite of any contradictory evidence. I'll demonstrate...

Was there massive voter fraud in the 2020 election? Did Joe Biden win the election?

Feel free to answer the questions....
Where are your answers, and what proof can you provide?
well let me know when one has been charged with that then

until then it hasn’t happened
700 arrested for the attack of the attempted coup. Do you really believe the architects of the coup won't be charged? LOl! You're a fool if you believe otherwise.
Who really cares about 1-6? Just another of the countless demonstrations across the country during the preceding 48 months. Be honest what was the difference? Did it accomplish anything other than serve as an expression of discontent, to be exploited as a new rally point, further dividing the country? Was the constitutional form of government, or republic, threatened? Was it really as devastating as 9-11, Pearl Harbor, the confederate army bombing fort sumpter, or the British Invasion and burning of Washington? Reminds me more of the story of the loud mouth bully that gets hit in the mouth and runs crying to anyone that will listen. Ask yourself one question, what would have been the response if the shoe was on the other foot? I used to agree that the transfer of power in a civil manor defined who we were as a nation, governed by the people for the people, within the framework of a constitutional republic, but that ended back in 1974. So the discourse and extreme polarization continues. What else is new?
"Who really cares?" The folks who know if the coup had been allowed to take place, the Republic would have vanished.
So? We aren't talking about some Gangster nearly a hundred years ago....Look, why don't you progressives ever say what you really want to do, which is imprision every American that doesn't agree with your lunatic ideology....
No, just the one's who break the law like Trump.
"Who really cares?" The folks who know if the coup had been allowed to take place, the Republic would have vanished.
What coup? With what weapons? Really? A handful of protesters is going to overthrow the government without military and infrastructure in place? I guess there is a first, why not here? Ridiculous at best.
i don’t think anyone has been charged with that…can you show me the indictment for attempted murder?
It would have been attempted murder only if you had caught up with the VP.

You pathetic losers could not get your hands on any of the congresspeople even though you tried. Let me know if you are still confused.
yeah. the justice system sort of gets in your way…always has gotten in the way of demafascist and their lies

It sure has gotten in the way of batshit crazy folks like yourself who can't admit their blob lost an election.... now hasn't it. Sucks to be you.
Those that burn the flag are not patriots.
Those that piss on the flag are not patriots.
Those that shoot police officers are not patriots.
Those that deface federal and public property are not patriots.
Those that burn and loot are not patriots.
Those that do not get COVID jabs are not patriots.
Those that do not support the President and his agenda are not patriots.
Those that kneel during the national anthem are not patriots.
Those that supported the Donald are not patriots.
Those that do not support 1619 project are not patriots.
Those that do not agree or subscribe to Critical Race theory are not patriots.
Those that want the enjoy the benefit of the sweat that rolls down the crack of their ass while making a living are not patriots.
Those that attempt to censor free speech and expression are not patriots.
Need we go on…….totalitarianism and Fascism have many expressions, excuses, and methods designed to secure absolute control. What’s your flavor today, all protests are acts of domestic terrorism?
It would have been attempted murder only if you had caught up with the VP.

You pathetic losers could not get your hands on any of the congresspeople even though you tried. Let me know if you are still confused.
i think you might need to look up whar “attempted” means
Release all of the video
You mean the secret video?

FOX, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, the pillow guy's 'Frank' or Trump's “Truth Social.” haven't released it yet?
They must be waiting for JFK Jr. to release it.
what makes you think he was a conservative ? prove that he was .... however recently a Bernie supporter shot up a ball field with republicans practicing and nearly killed Scalise !
No, he didn't, James Hodgkinson was an avid rabbit hunter and was shooting rabbits.
Steve Scalise was shot by Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) for missing a foul ball.
You mean the secret video?

FOX, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, the pillow guy's 'Frank' or Trump's “Truth Social.” haven't released it yet?
They must be waiting for JFK Jr. to release it.
LOL I do know what it means. Doesn't look like you do. So, when you do look up "attempted", also look up "moron". It may have a picture of you. Good luck :itsok:
so when you said people tried to kill the VP are you saying they didn’t attempt to?

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