The Morning Briefing: Please Democrats, Keep Up Your Lunatic Jan. 6 Obsession

Who really cares about 1-6? Just another of the countless demonstrations across the country during the preceding 48 months. Be honest what was the difference? Did it accomplish anything other than serve as an expression of discontent, to be exploited as a new rally point, further dividing the country? Was the constitutional form of government, or republic, threatened? Was it really as devastating as 9-11, Pearl Harbor, the confederate army bombing fort sumpter, or the British Invasion and burning of Washington? Reminds me more of the story of the loud mouth bully that gets hit in the mouth and runs crying to anyone that will listen. Ask yourself one question, what would have been the response if the shoe was on the other foot? I used to agree that the transfer of power in a civil manor defined who we were as a nation, governed by the people for the people, within the framework of a constitutional republic, but that ended back in 1974. So the discourse and extreme polarization continues. What else is new?
A rented truck full of nitrate. Just not quite the same as a group of protesters is it? Funny none of these treasonous protesters had any guns did they?
You're right. It wasn't coordinated and was a harebrained insurrection attempt.

What if they kill Mike Pence? Then what? Do you know for sure what happens next?
Alternatively, pence's security obliterates a bunch of trump traitors. IIRC but I think one had one of the nuclear footballs. They're going to stack bodies before they give either of those up.
Who really cares about 1-6? Just another of the countless demonstrations across the country during the preceding 48 months. Be honest what was the difference? Did it accomplish anything other than serve as an expression of discontent, to be exploited as a new rally point, further dividing the country? Was the constitutional form of government, or republic, threatened? Was it really as devastating as 9-11, Pearl Harbor, the confederate army bombing fort sumpter, or the British Invasion and burning of Washington? Reminds me more of the story of the loud mouth bully that gets hit in the mouth and runs crying to anyone that will listen. Ask yourself one question, what would have been the response if the shoe was on the other foot? I used to agree that the transfer of power in a civil manor defined who we were as a nation, governed by the people for the people, within the framework of a constitutional republic, but that ended back in 1974. So the discourse and extreme polarization continues. What else is new?
People who care about Democracy.

Not your excuses.
Al Capone was convicted on taxes need being a leader of a criminal empire.

So? We aren't talking about some Gangster nearly a hundred years ago....Look, why don't you progressives ever say what you really want to do, which is imprision every American that doesn't agree with your lunatic ideology....
I'm always amused at this argument...

So if someone was charged with "insurrection"....that would mean there was one?

it would mean there was at least evidence of one…probable cause

you all don’t even have that
So? We aren't talking about some Gangster nearly a hundred years ago....Look, why don't you progressives ever say what you really want to do, which is imprision every American that doesn't agree with your lunatic ideology....
Saying all the rioters should be lined up and shot in the head on live tv as a warning to all traitors would be considered gauche. But of course Washington hanged a few so there's precident.
Saying all the rioters should be lined up and shot in the head on live tv as a warning to all traitors would be considered gauche. But of course Washington hanged a few so there's precident.
And that's what you want to see isn't it....? You want to see American's kill fellow American's....What a sad commentary...
Saying all the rioters should be lined up and shot in the head on live tv as a warning to all traitors would be considered gauche. But of course Washington hanged a few so there's precident.
Rioters are now traitors? Really, take a deep breath, get some oxygen, and explain how
protesting is the same as betraying your country. Only in China and Iran are the two words synonymous with one another.
Rioters are now traitors? Really, take a deep breath, get some oxygen, and explain how
protesting is the same as betraying your country. Only in China and Iran are the two words synonymous with one another.
First “rioters” are…
i wouldn’t say it didn’t happen then, i’d say they had evidence it did… it since they haven’t…it didn’t happen

Sure you would. You create your own reality in spite of any contradictory evidence. I'll demonstrate...

Was there massive voter fraud in the 2020 election? Did Joe Biden win the election?

Feel free to answer the questions....

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