The Mothers Being Deported By Trump:

a big reason we are faced with such difficult dilemmas is that both parties refused to do anything about this problem until now, and it is so bad, any solution is going to hurt....A LOT
The solution is to end birth right citizenship. Put an end to that and the whole family can be deported together. It's like a family trip back home.

NO western nations have birthright citizenship except the U.S.& Canada! Even most all European nations don't have it & neither does Japan!

WHY on earth do we STILL have it?? It was originally meant for freed slaves but that was over 150 years ago so we should've gotten rid of birthright citizenship a LONG time ago!!

Birth Right Citizenship is an Imagined Right and was a Poor SCOTUS decision every bit as much as was Dread Scott.

These Idiots are NOT Lord and Master over us. We The People are The Government. Get rid of Birth Right Citizenship and the current Lefty Interpretation of it.

It was only meant to give LEGAL Naturalized Citizen's Offspring Citizenship because their parents were Citizens! I agree with that interpretation. I do not agree with the phucked up Lefty interpretation of it.

That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.
This is actually a simple problem that has a simple solution. Make a law that anybody caught her illegally faces a minimum 5 years in prison. People will be running for that southern border to get the hell out of this country so fast it would make your head spin. No need for a wall either. Very few would want to come here with a strong enough deterrent.

As long as we make prison a hell hole. But prison today is in many ways more comfortable than trying to work and make it in the world. I am all for making prison unbearable as long as the guards are not abusive. Unbearable meaning they work at jobs and have few luxuries to enjoy. All for libraries, but not access to computers.

Sent from my iPad using
Prison is not a hell hole by a long shot.
This is actually a simple problem that has a simple solution. Make a law that anybody caught her illegally faces a minimum 5 years in prison. People will be running for that southern border to get the hell out of this country so fast it would make your head spin. No need for a wall either. Very few would want to come here with a strong enough deterrent.

As long as we make prison a hell hole. But prison today is in many ways more comfortable than trying to work and make it in the world. I am all for making prison unbearable as long as the guards are not abusive. Unbearable meaning they work at jobs and have few luxuries to enjoy. All for libraries, but not access to computers.

Sent from my iPad using
Prison is not a hell hole by a long shot.
probably varies vastly from state to state and prison to prison. Ive known both employees and former inmates of Texas Prisons, particularly those in Tennessee colony, close to palestine, and supposedly those are helll on earth(particularly the Beto prison)
Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
The solution is to end birth right citizenship. Put an end to that and the whole family can be deported together. It's like a family trip back home.

NO western nations have birthright citizenship except the U.S.& Canada! Even most all European nations don't have it & neither does Japan!

WHY on earth do we STILL have it?? It was originally meant for freed slaves but that was over 150 years ago so we should've gotten rid of birthright citizenship a LONG time ago!!

Birth Right Citizenship is an Imagined Right and was a Poor SCOTUS decision every bit as much as was Dread Scott.

These Idiots are NOT Lord and Master over us. We The People are The Government. Get rid of Birth Right Citizenship and the current Lefty Interpretation of it.

It was only meant to give LEGAL Naturalized Citizen's Offspring Citizenship because their parents were Citizens! I agree with that interpretation. I do not agree with the phucked up Lefty interpretation of it.

That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.
The solution is to end birth right citizenship. Put an end to that and the whole family can be deported together. It's like a family trip back home.

NO western nations have birthright citizenship except the U.S.& Canada! Even most all European nations don't have it & neither does Japan!

WHY on earth do we STILL have it?? It was originally meant for freed slaves but that was over 150 years ago so we should've gotten rid of birthright citizenship a LONG time ago!!

Birth Right Citizenship is an Imagined Right and was a Poor SCOTUS decision every bit as much as was Dread Scott.

These Idiots are NOT Lord and Master over us. We The People are The Government. Get rid of Birth Right Citizenship and the current Lefty Interpretation of it.

It was only meant to give LEGAL Naturalized Citizen's Offspring Citizenship because their parents were Citizens! I agree with that interpretation. I do not agree with the phucked up Lefty interpretation of it.

That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities
to be honest, I dont think anyone who doesnt show a profeciency in the english language, and a basic understanding of US government , civics and the constitution, should have citizenship, regardless of birth
Over 30,000 Americans were killed last year by illegals flooding opioids into our country, so cry me a river over some illegals being deported the hell back to their own country.

No dude. Legal opioids prescriptions are killing Americans not the illegals. They are also manufactured legally here in US. Are you playing dumb again or just purely ignorance,

Americans still lead the world in something: Use of highly addictive opioids

Americans are in more pain than any other population around the world. At least, that's the conclusion that can be drawn from one startling number from recent years: Approximately 80 percent of the global opioid supply is consumed in the United States.
Pain drugs are the second-largest pharmaceutical class globally, after cancer medicines. "There was about 300 million pain prescriptions written in 2015," Irina Koffler, senior analyst, specialty pharma, Mizuho Securities USA, told CNBC.
The 300 million pain prescriptions equal a $24 billion market, Koffler said, but it's not a market evenly divided around the globe. Rampant use of opioids in the United States, which represents only 5 percent of the global population, points to a larger divide between affluent nations and the rest of the world when it comes to prescription painkillers.
Over 30,000 Americans were killed last year by illegals flooding opioids into our country, so cry me a river over some illegals being deported the hell back to their own country.

No dude. Legal opioids prescriptions are killing Americans not the illegals. They are also manufactured legally here in US. Are you playing dumb again or just purely ignorance,

Americans still lead the world in something: Use of highly addictive opioids

Americans are in more pain than any other population around the world. At least, that's the conclusion that can be drawn from one startling number from recent years: Approximately 80 percent of the global opioid supply is consumed in the United States.
Pain drugs are the second-largest pharmaceutical class globally, after cancer medicines. "There was about 300 million pain prescriptions written in 2015," Irina Koffler, senior analyst, specialty pharma, Mizuho Securities USA, told CNBC.
The 300 million pain prescriptions equal a $24 billion market, Koffler said, but it's not a market evenly divided around the globe. Rampant use of opioids in the United States, which represents only 5 percent of the global population, points to a larger divide between affluent nations and the rest of the world when it comes to prescription painkillers.

Let me guess, a thought was planted in the liberal collective mind to hate pharma and you complied. :cuckoo:
What is missing from these stories?

Have they Applied for us citizenship? Gotten in line?

What amount if any of welfare have they and their families received since being in this country, especially medical?

Is it not wrong for the apple picker to be driving around without a license or insurance. I know plenty of citizens that have gone to jail for this.

Why is it alright for one of the women to leave her family in Mexico but a crime for another woman to leave her family in America.

Please explain to me why families who send their young children over hundreds of miles of terror. Where murder, rape, enslavement, robbery, and abuse are all a likelihood are given a pass. Any American who did that to their children would be thrown in jail.

Let's put it gently. If mothers don't want this to happen to them and their families THEY have a RESPONSIBILITY to follow the rules and apply for citizenship just like anyone else. They have no claim to a waiver because of their sex, age, family status, or sob story.

Does the story say that any of these women are prevented from trying to get back in this country legally? I didn't think so.

I do believe that the us should issue work permits. And as someone who has personally tried to help a Mexican national get us citizenship the whole immigration regimen needs to be shitcanned, revamped and streamlined. A good faith effort to apply for citizenship needs to be met with a timely good faith effort from our govt to answer his application.

Lastly, the bias of the New Yorker is off the charts. Their disrespect of Donald trump is treasonous. If they didn't have the fake imprimatur of intellectualism they would be inhabiting the same space as the Klu Klux Klan.they are nothing but hate merchants.
Let me guess, a thought was planted in the liberal collective mind to hate pharma and you complied. :cuckoo:

I thought the left loved Big Pharma. After all, they are crying and whining about keeping the Obamacare law that Big Pharma wrote.

And illegals get free medical, too. It's all about getting free shit for Dem voters and future Dem voters.

That is why illegals are protected in sanctuary cities. The left doesn't want anyone deported. They want anyone from anywhere able to come through our southern border. They hate the idea of a wall, laws, or border guards because that will keep potential liberals away. They like the America hating people to flood our country in hopes that they'll side with the leftwing radicals who also want to destroy America.

Sanctuary cities don't just protect poor people. They mainly protect gang members and other criminals, like the one that was released and able to murder that innocent woman in San Francisco.

The left doesn't give a rat's ass about the safety of Americans. They always shed tears for people who get deported and leave their kids behind. Never mind that they should have no trouble taking them along, if not for Mexico's strict laws, and that the parents deliberately chose to break the law and have them here. They never talk about the total scum coming here to sell drugs, murder, rape and engage in human trafficking.
That is why illegals are protected in sanctuary cities. The left doesn't want anyone deported. They want anyone from anywhere able to come through our southern border. They hate the idea of a wall, laws, or border guards because that will keep potential liberals away. They like the America hating people to flood our country in hopes that they'll side with the leftwing radicals who also want to destroy America.

What the left really wants is to make whites a minority in our own country ASAP. Every other non-whtie group supports the Democrats by majority. The key to making our nation into a strictly one-party government is to overpower the whites when it comes to voting. Once they get the presidency back, the Congress, the Senate, they can pass a blanket amnesty and the right to for them to vote, and then Republicans will never have power again.
Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
NO western nations have birthright citizenship except the U.S.& Canada! Even most all European nations don't have it & neither does Japan!

WHY on earth do we STILL have it?? It was originally meant for freed slaves but that was over 150 years ago so we should've gotten rid of birthright citizenship a LONG time ago!!

Birth Right Citizenship is an Imagined Right and was a Poor SCOTUS decision every bit as much as was Dread Scott.

These Idiots are NOT Lord and Master over us. We The People are The Government. Get rid of Birth Right Citizenship and the current Lefty Interpretation of it.

It was only meant to give LEGAL Naturalized Citizen's Offspring Citizenship because their parents were Citizens! I agree with that interpretation. I do not agree with the phucked up Lefty interpretation of it.

That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
Birth Right Citizenship is an Imagined Right and was a Poor SCOTUS decision every bit as much as was Dread Scott.

These Idiots are NOT Lord and Master over us. We The People are The Government. Get rid of Birth Right Citizenship and the current Lefty Interpretation of it.

It was only meant to give LEGAL Naturalized Citizen's Offspring Citizenship because their parents were Citizens! I agree with that interpretation. I do not agree with the phucked up Lefty interpretation of it.

That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.
Last edited:
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
That is not the liberal interpretation. It is plain English.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

If you want it changed, let's amend the Constitution and do it the right way! I would support that change.

BTW, it's Dred Scott.
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
What does "Naturalized" mean?


Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities

Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
I have Truth which is something you can never obtain!
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!
Did you forget the word "or"?

That means that part doesn't apply if the first one does.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
I have Truth which is something you can never obtain!

No, You are simply full of shit because you refuse to back up your claim. Falsely claiming truth when you lie is typical of a liberal. I guess you have gone over to the Dark Side.
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

Go read the opInions written by the justices themselves numb nuts. Anchor babies are a myth. This was to protect naturalized citizens or people in the process of acquiring citizenship and their offspring. What's ours "under jurisdiction" mean? You just can't get more stupid than being a liberal!

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
I have Truth which is something you can never obtain!

No, You are simply full of shit because you refuse to back up your claim. Falsely claiming truth when you lie is typical of a liberal. I guess you have gone over to the Dark Side.

Dear Kruschev's Ball Gag:

You are a Liberal, therefore You Lie. Your Lies just slaughtered 10 Illegals in Texas baking them to death in the back of a Semi Trailer. I am positive you don't give a shit about that, because Agenda is all The Left actually cares about. People are just leverage for you to get what you want.

Liberal Judges Lie, and are Dishonest People who do not care about The Law.
They are social justice warriors who went in to Law to manipulate and change it and destroy The Rule of Law. That is why NO PERSON should be a judge unless they respect The Rule of Law and are a Constitutional Constructionist.

Now, to your point. There is no such thing as an Anchor Baby. This is absurd. So you are trying to tell me, a woman can run across our border, shit out a baby on the dirt or in a toilet on US soil, and it's a citizen? She is still Illegal and we can Deport her. Same with The Father. He doesn't become a citizen, and he is not Under The Jurisdiction of US Law. Immigration Law applies to him and the mother of his child and the child itself because they are not Naturalized, nor under the Jurisdiction of United States Law and the rights and privileges that come with Citizenship and Naturalization do not apply to them.

They do not have Social Security Numbers (A Big Reason Why Illegals As a Group Commit and Disproportionate Amount of Identity Theft Crimes) and THEY hold Citizenship in another country, and they are under The Jurisdiction of that country.

An Illegal cannot go to a US Embassy for help. They have to go to The Mexican Embassy, which is The Nation who has Jurisdiction over them. The only reason these little shits (tax burdens) ever stay in The US is because of corrupt Liberal Judges and Lawyers who continually are engaged in a War with The United States and it's Laws.

The Left's interpretation of the law is absurd, actually Illegal and Dangerous. You People just Slaughtered 10 Illegals in a Semi Trailer because of your reckless disregard for US Law, and your telling Illegals they can have Sanctuary Here.

Your Interpretation leaves us with Piles of Babies dropped in the dirt on US soil, while Their Illegal Parents get deported back to Mexico.

You Lying Assholes come on here all the time with Sob Stories about families being broken up.
We do not have to allow any child born to an Illegal to stay in The US period. Throw them all back across the border.
Last edited:
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

If your interpretation of the law is correct, you should be able to find me a SCOTUS case documenting that. You cannot, because it has never happened. Children born to illegals here in the US get state birth certificates and are considered US citizens. I seem to recall a state that declined to issue birth certificates to children of illegals and they were smacked down pretty hard and fast.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
I have Truth which is something you can never obtain!

No, You are simply full of shit because you refuse to back up your claim. Falsely claiming truth when you lie is typical of a liberal. I guess you have gone over to the Dark Side.

Dear Kruschev's Ball Gag:

You are a Liberal, therefore You Lie. Your Lies just slaughtered 10 Illegals in Texas baking them to death in the back of a Semi Trailer. I am positive you don't give a shit about that, because Agenda is all The Left actually cares about. People are just leverage for you to get what you want.

Liberal Judges Lie, and are Dishonest People who do not care about The Law.
They are social justice warriors who went in to Law to manipulate and change it and destroy The Rule of Law. That is why NO PERSON should be a judge unless they respect The Rule of Law and are a Constitutional Constructionist.

Now, to your point. There is no such thing as an Anchor Baby. This is absurd. So you are trying to tell me, a woman can run across our border, shit out a baby on the dirt or in a toilet on US soil, and it's a citizen? She is still Illegal and we can Deport her. Same with The Father. He doesn't become a citizen, and he is not Under The Jurisdiction of US Law. Immigration Law applies to him and the mother of his child and the child itself because they are not Naturalized, nor under the Jurisdiction of United States Law and the rights and privileges that come with Citizenship and Naturalization do not apply to them.

They do not have Social Security Numbers (A Big Reason Why Illegals As a Group Commit and Disproportionate Amount of Identity Theft Crimes) and THEY hold Citizenship in another country, and they are under The Jurisdiction of that country.

An Illegal cannot go to a US Embassy for help. They have to go to The Mexican Embassy, which is The Nation who has Jurisdiction over them. The only reason these little shits (tax burdens) ever stay in The US is because of corrupt Liberal Judges and Lawyers who continually are engaged in a War with The United States and it's Laws.

The Left's interpretation of the law is absurd, actually Illegal and Dangerous. You People just Slaughtered 10 Illegals in a Semi Trailer because of your reckless disregard for US Law, and your telling Illegals they can have Sanctuary Here.

Your Interpretation leaves us with Piles of Babies dropped in the dirt on US soil, while Their Illegal Parents get deported back to Mexico.

You Lying Assholes come on here all the time with Sob Stories about families being broken up.
We do not have to allow any child born to an Illegal to stay in The US period. Throw them all back across the border.

Dear Retard's Ball Sack,

I asked you a question and you are dancing around, flailing your nonsensical mental meanderings all over the place.

Where is the Supreme Court or any lower court's decision saying that the 14th Amendment does not apply to children of illegals who are born in the United States?

You seem to be a bit agitated and confused because I never said or even hinted at half of the load of manure you posted above.

In this argument, I am taking the position of a strict constructionist on the Constitution and you want to read in something that just is not there.

No court agrees with your opinion, so suck it up, be a man and admit your error.

Find the decision, or simply shut your pie hole!
You can't really stop liberal judges from breaking the law and shittng on the rule of law.

Liberals are the enemies of Democracy and the rule of law. They are the embodiment of Evil in a free society based on citizenship and Natural Law.

A Liberals' agendas and entire purpose is to turn the law upside down and destroy the rule of law. This is why they Hate law enforcement. Law enforcement is a symbol of the rule of law charged with upholding it.

The Bible tells us that in the last days lawlessness will spread and that the wicked will Hate those that love the law and justice and they will Hate just men.

And they love those that lie and become liars themselves like their father. The Father of Lies.

So, in summary, you don't have shit, can't find shit, but it proves you are full of shit!

Got it, dumbass!
I have Truth which is something you can never obtain!

No, You are simply full of shit because you refuse to back up your claim. Falsely claiming truth when you lie is typical of a liberal. I guess you have gone over to the Dark Side.

Dear Kruschev's Ball Gag:

You are a Liberal, therefore You Lie. Your Lies just slaughtered 10 Illegals in Texas baking them to death in the back of a Semi Trailer. I am positive you don't give a shit about that, because Agenda is all The Left actually cares about. People are just leverage for you to get what you want.

Liberal Judges Lie, and are Dishonest People who do not care about The Law.
They are social justice warriors who went in to Law to manipulate and change it and destroy The Rule of Law. That is why NO PERSON should be a judge unless they respect The Rule of Law and are a Constitutional Constructionist.

Now, to your point. There is no such thing as an Anchor Baby. This is absurd. So you are trying to tell me, a woman can run across our border, shit out a baby on the dirt or in a toilet on US soil, and it's a citizen? She is still Illegal and we can Deport her. Same with The Father. He doesn't become a citizen, and he is not Under The Jurisdiction of US Law. Immigration Law applies to him and the mother of his child and the child itself because they are not Naturalized, nor under the Jurisdiction of United States Law and the rights and privileges that come with Citizenship and Naturalization do not apply to them.

They do not have Social Security Numbers (A Big Reason Why Illegals As a Group Commit and Disproportionate Amount of Identity Theft Crimes) and THEY hold Citizenship in another country, and they are under The Jurisdiction of that country.

An Illegal cannot go to a US Embassy for help. They have to go to The Mexican Embassy, which is The Nation who has Jurisdiction over them. The only reason these little shits (tax burdens) ever stay in The US is because of corrupt Liberal Judges and Lawyers who continually are engaged in a War with The United States and it's Laws.

The Left's interpretation of the law is absurd, actually Illegal and Dangerous. You People just Slaughtered 10 Illegals in a Semi Trailer because of your reckless disregard for US Law, and your telling Illegals they can have Sanctuary Here.

Your Interpretation leaves us with Piles of Babies dropped in the dirt on US soil, while Their Illegal Parents get deported back to Mexico.

You Lying Assholes come on here all the time with Sob Stories about families being broken up.
We do not have to allow any child born to an Illegal to stay in The US period. Throw them all back across the border.

Dear Retard's Ball Sack,

I asked you a question and you are dancing around, flailing your nonsensical mental meanderings all over the place.

Where is the Supreme Court or any lower court's decision saying that the 14th Amendment does not apply to children of illegals who are born in the United States?

You seem to be a bit agitated and confused because I never said or even hinted at half of the load of manure you posted above.

In this argument, I am taking the position of a strict constructionist on the Constitution and you want to read in something that just is not there.

No court agrees with your opinion, so suck it up, be a man and admit your error.

Find the decision, or simply shut your pie hole!
In this argument the only position you are taking is one you are completely comfortable with. On all fours, pants on the ground, ass in the air ready to submit to the amorous advances of our enemies and globalists.

John Wayne would kick your ass for all the things you just said.

It's embarrassing that a punk like you would use that as your avatar.

You are no John Wayne sister.

Anchor Babies are a myth and are a figment of The America Hating Left's Warped Imagination.

Suck it Lefty.


Get The Fuck Out Of My Country!
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