The MSM just don't get it!!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Headline from biased news source AXIOS...
Poll: Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism
Poll: Americans view fake news as a bigger problem than terrorism

So this dumb ass reporter THEN puts her biased and totally reinforces people like me our perceptions that the MSM is grossly BIASED!
She says:
Our thought bubble: "Fake news" and "misinformation" are abstract terms,
which gives people in power — such as President Trump — room to weaponize the term in order to denounce news they don't like. This has dramatically exposed more Americans to the debate around the problems
it causes for society, and likely impacts their view of it as an important issue.

So why did she have to make such a one sided comparison WHEN these are the facts!
Mainstream Media’s Coverage of Trump Was 90 Percent Negative in 2018
Analysts found the news reporting to be 'incessantly hostile'

Mainstream Media Coverage of Trump Was 90 Percent Negative in 2018

So when will the rest of Americans come to realize the MSM IS NOT being honest!
IS producing biased fake news!

And the rest of Americans are NOT believing the news outlets because the rest of us Americans KNOW the MSM hates Trump!

Proof that the MSM hates Trump is in their coverage of the 2016 election. Remember these?

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