The Mufti Of Assad Call To Send Kamikazes In Europe!

What was that? That ISIS is supported by Israel? Ha ha ha.

Israel has already chosen to back Assad behind the scenes. By back I mean at this time prefers Assad stay in control. Its a very easy decision. Once ISIS gets destroyed, which won't happen for a long time, the West can refocus replacing Assad.
So you admit that the Syrian government is a fierce enemy of ISIS.
The West already tried to replace Assad. With al-Qaeda in the first place, then with ISIS. Both didn´t work. Not they bombed Paris and scream for ground troops. Didn´t work, either. Hollande calls for unity with Russia.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.
Your nonsense you repeat over and over again like Göbbels did is and will be only nonsense.
What was that? That ISIS is supported by Israel? Ha ha ha.

Israel has already chosen to back Assad behind the scenes. By back I mean at this time prefers Assad stay in control. Its a very easy decision. Once ISIS gets destroyed, which won't happen for a long time, the West can refocus replacing Assad.
So you admit that the Syrian government is a fierce enemy of ISIS.
The West already tried to replace Assad. With al-Qaeda in the first place, then with ISIS. Both didn´t work. Not they bombed Paris and scream for ground troops. Didn´t work, either. Hollande calls for unity with Russia.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...
I wonder if it was a CAVIAR MOMENT ----the best black stuff-------after the
bubbly-------and with the vodka

Family were never tea totalers, but a good scotch or arak would have been preferred over vodka.

nothing like vodka for a very quick and relatively painless **EFFECT** ----never one to ENJOY the taste of any uhm "hard" stuff, I have learned that ten glugs of
vodka------in CHUG A LUG manner----renders me a pleasant dinner companion for
HOURS---------can't do that with either scotch or arak. I really do not find anything
POSITIVE about "good scotch" ------over damned cheap by the half gallon----
GENERIC VODKA. For the sake of SOCIETY AND PROPRIETY------put it
in a crystal decanter--------ie CHEAT!!!!!

Never let anyone serve you everclear koolaid, as bad as severals of my brownies if you're not used to them. I can't eat my brownies but they are made for particular patients. I tried two, one from different batches and couldn't move for hours. Even scraping the bowl can be dangerous for me. I prefer to stick to my tea or CBD oil.

Neither leaves nor their derivatives TOUCH me. I have remained seated in
the semicircle formed by those who expose their lungs to smoke of
smoldering hemp leaves for HOURS at a time and I have FERVENTLY masticated upon the leaves of the khat bush---------NUTHIN' .......... of course regarding the leaves-------I did not actually swallow-------it never occurred to me to swallow the nauseating stuff. SWALLOW is not easy------which is why I avoid scotch----
vodka can go down more quickly and painlessly. I have HEARD of alternate routes------but lack the will and courage
stuff. -------you actually SWALLOW the oil? -------maybe next time.

I make consecrated oil. It is a tiny amount a day but it can be put in a gel capsule to make it go easier.
I was diagnosed with a lump and two months later It was the size a pin head and dead.
I make a number of items from body oil to food for patients and for dispensaries. I help legal growers that produce high grade for dispensaries. Leaves have almost no THC but I can use it for topicals and for those who need tinctures and other things with high CBD. The butter and brownies are only for patients that meet the THC for end stage cancer or chronic pain. I even have a few breeds for myself with almost no THC. None is recreational and all patients have cards.

Back when I was much younger, it was goat weed. Almost like a catnip for goats and sheep. A few local healers used it medicinally. They got me interested in alternative and herbal medicine.

I can make with wine and vodka when needed but not many want or need the alcohol.

I've done hospice and home care from time to time over the years when asked and been part of support groups for chronic pain, abuse and rape victims as well as PTSD. I became and advocate for medicinal use long ago and now help patients that have been prescribed.

So you admit that the Syrian government is a fierce enemy of ISIS.
The West already tried to replace Assad. With al-Qaeda in the first place, then with ISIS. Both didn´t work. Not they bombed Paris and scream for ground troops. Didn´t work, either. Hollande calls for unity with Russia.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. Shes just another big word pretentious forum isis troll. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.
90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.
Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
Boring, ISIS-Sally. You are repeating yourself over and over again, while you post hypocrisy and inhumanity.
The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
Boring, ISIS-Sally. You are repeating yourself over and over again, while you post hypocrisy and inhumanity.

Go take a hike,or else go play with your blow-up Assad doll. When you get tired of that, ask one of the staff for a sleeping pill.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
Boring, ISIS-Sally. You are repeating yourself over and over again, while you post hypocrisy and inhumanity.

Go take a hike,or else go play with your blow-up Assad doll. When you get tired of that, ask one of the staff for a sleeping pill.
Fuck you, ISIS-Sally.
And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
Boring, ISIS-Sally. You are repeating yourself over and over again, while you post hypocrisy and inhumanity.

Go take a hike,or else go play with your blow-up Assad doll. When you get tired of that, ask one of the staff for a sleeping pill.
Fuck you, ISIS-Sally.

Why do you keep on showing the viewers that you are sexually frustrated?
Yeah, we all know her fucking background: a fucking backyard al-Qaeda mosque somewhere in the US where that filthy, obnoxious slut is being bounced all the time.

You know nothing, Little Shit, except that you are so enamored with your beloved that you stay up around the clock defending him.
Boring, ISIS-Sally. You are repeating yourself over and over again, while you post hypocrisy and inhumanity.

Go take a hike,or else go play with your blow-up Assad doll. When you get tired of that, ask one of the staff for a sleeping pill.
Fuck you, ISIS-Sally.

Why do you keep on showing the viewers that you are sexually frustrated?
You, on the other hand, are fully satisfied with your lover Jihadi John and your blow-up barrel bomb for the lonely hours.
isis2shit threshes more confused nonsense into the forum...

Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?

He still having wet dreams?
How to Stop Wet Dreams

Russia, Iran, Palestinians, and Assad finger pointing.
Now Russia is actually targeting ISIS. They have seen the light!
Russia is saying Assad can't stay now. Another light bulb on.
Kerry and Obama expected ceasefire talks in a week, not going to happen.
Russia wants new elections in the few months. Not likely.
Assad still thinks he has a trick up his sleeve. Stalling but he is not staying.
Iran is calling for new elections but want Assad to run, like they really had to ask him.
If Assad does stuff the ballots, he won't bring peace to syria, just more blood.

This is like a shell game, where's the pea?
What was that? That ISIS is supported by Israel? Ha ha ha.

Israel has already chosen to back Assad behind the scenes. By back I mean at this time prefers Assad stay in control. Its a very easy decision. Once ISIS gets destroyed, which won't happen for a long time, the West can refocus replacing Assad.
So you admit that the Syrian government is a fierce enemy of ISIS.
The West already tried to replace Assad. With al-Qaeda in the first place, then with ISIS. Both didn´t work. Not they bombed Paris and scream for ground troops. Didn´t work, either. Hollande calls for unity with Russia.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!

I feel sorry for the Kurds, they are an ancient noble people, and the only ones that deserve a state, yet nobody wants to arm them because they are squatting on Kurdish land themselves. Every time there is major conflict or upheaval, it's always the Kurds that give refuge to people fleeing persecution and genocide. It's been like that for last 150 years.

There are quite a few moving pieces and it's a game of statehood musical chairs. Let's hope the Kurds are sitting on a state when the music stops this time. LOL
Last edited:
So you admit that the Syrian government is a fierce enemy of ISIS.
The West already tried to replace Assad. With al-Qaeda in the first place, then with ISIS. Both didn´t work. Not they bombed Paris and scream for ground troops. Didn´t work, either. Hollande calls for unity with Russia.
Like I said dufus, you aren't paying attention. There are no good guys here. Both are genocidal scum. Assad has conceeded 2/3 of Syrian territory, and a major chunk of it is in ISIS control They may be enemies in the long term, but for now they know that they guarantee each other's survival. It is obviously hard for someone with your low IQ to understand so many moving pieces at the same time, perhaps you should practice walking while chewing gum at the same time.
Explain how this guarantee works.

But at first, take a look at this map:

Thank you for proving my point. Assad has lost 2/3 of Syria's territory and had the Russians not stepped, he would have lost all of it. He is an incompetent inept puppet who was loosing one of Russia's critical strategic national interest points.

90% of Assad's attacks were against his own people not ISIS. Most of ISIS attacks have been against minorities and not Assad.
Russia is only now bombing ISIS.
US won't arm christians and turkey does not want the US to arm Kurds. Iraq does not want the Kurds or Yazidi armed by the major powers

What a bloody mess!

I feel sorry for the Kurds, they are an ancient noble people, and the only ones that deserve a state, yet nobody wants to arms them because they are squatting on their land and want to keep it. Every time there is major conflict or upheaval, it's always the Kurds that give refuge to people fleeing persecution and genocide. It's been like that for last 150 years.

There are quite a few moving pieces and it's a game of statehood musical chairs. Let's hope the Kurds are sitting on a state when the music stops this time. LOL

Best fighters against ISIS
Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?

He still having wet dreams?
How to Stop Wet Dreams

Russia, Iran, Palestinians, and Assad finger pointing.
Now Russia is actually targeting ISIS. They have seen the light!
Russia is saying Assad can't stay now. Another light bulb on.
Kerry and Obama expected ceasefire talks in a week, not going to happen.
Russia wants new elections in the few months. Not likely.
Assad still thinks he has a trick up his sleeve. Stalling but he is not staying.
Iran is calling for new elections but want Assad to run, like they really had to ask him.
If Assad does stuff the ballots, he won't bring peace to syria, just more blood.

This is like a shell game, where's the pea?

Russia will agree to the removal of Assad with a guarantee that they can maintain a military presence and their bases. Why should they want Assad to stay. He has proven incompetent and inept and this operation to preserve Russian national security interests in Syria has cost the Russians not only money blood. Putin is loosing capital among fellow Russians because of this Syria operation. If and when Assad leaves, Iran will most likely be the destination.
Well, Little Shit, if you would get some sleep instead of posting around the clock, you would not get so confused and would understand what Aris is saying.
ISIS just reinforced embattled isis2shit but two pieces of shit don´t make the flushing more difficult.

What isis2shit is saying is that as long as her puppet master doesn´t like Assad, even the devil in person should be preferred to him. Whatever it takes, no matter how long it will take. And if ISIS creates a Caliphate and bombs millions of westerners away in the end, isis2shit got her money and celebrates the "liberation" of Syria.

Good that President Assad will not be removed. And good that isis2shit´s bombed "civilians" are terrorists in reality.

The Little Shit can't restrain himself from using his favorite word -- SHIT. Aris has every right of giving her opinion the same as you do. The big difference is that you are stuck in your little room in the nut house while taking benefits from Germany and dreaming of your boyfriend while Aris comes from the area, has met the Assads, and is in contact with many people still in the area. Why don't you take a nap and get a little shut-eye. I think you need that more than anything else.
isis2shit never saw the area, never met any Assad and consists of lies. ISIS-Sally and isis2shit are good examples for how nuclear incidents can turn people into gruesome monsters.

And the Little Shit has never met his boyfriend but thinks of him constantly. There are many of us who know her background so you are just spinning your wheels here. Why not take your meds and go to sleep like a good little boy?

He still having wet dreams?
How to Stop Wet Dreams

Russia, Iran, Palestinians, and Assad finger pointing.
Now Russia is actually targeting ISIS. They have seen the light!
Russia is saying Assad can't stay now. Another light bulb on.
Kerry and Obama expected ceasefire talks in a week, not going to happen.
Russia wants new elections in the few months. Not likely.
Assad still thinks he has a trick up his sleeve. Stalling but he is not staying.
Iran is calling for new elections but want Assad to run, like they really had to ask him.
If Assad does stuff the ballots, he won't bring peace to syria, just more blood.

This is like a shell game, where's the pea?
Look how the rats get out of their ISIS-holes, when they think the place is safe, taking it over and smearing their shit all over the place.

And it is always funny how they know better what the Russians said even than the Russians.

Putin: Syria is a sovereign country, President al-Assad is elected by its people | Syrian Arab News Agency

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