The Murdered Peace...

Rabin said a Palestinian state would be a cancer in the heart of the M.E

And putting Jews in the heart of the Muslim 'hornets nest' was a good idea...

Oh please...

Should have chosen the Africa option, wouldn't have been such an issue now!
According to you the problem is obviously with Jews..

Keep trying Pal.

Daniyel, it is obvious that when you put a foreign population into an area and remove a large portion of the native people people in that area to make room for the foreign population, a problem is created. You would have us believe that the source of the problem is the native people. In fact, the source of the problem is the transfer of a foreign population into an area inhabited by a native population.

Until the Israeli Jews accept that they did settle an inhabited land, removed a large portion of the native people to make room for themselves and that they, like any neutral observer would judge this to be a wrong perpetrated on the native population, no solution will be found.
Regardless of the core issues, the real problem lays with the agenda both sides - but mostly the Palestinians - are infected with of hold on to the past instead of looking for a brighter future, this is the source of this endless cycle of incitements.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians we would find the Palestinians are still in the same phase they were 70 years ago and by not striving forward but walking backward you can't expect much of a progress, somehow they do, you once called him the "good Indian" but I think that you might want to give a second thought to George Deek's speech (link).
Taking in mind all of what you have said above, it makes no sense at all for the Palestinians not to want to join the Israelis or declare a place as their own (Gaza to begin with) - for them it is always but a gambling on a bigger outcome as if it is even possible, Rabin gave them a golden opportunity and they just blew it, that is basically what happened with every Israeli leadership in the past, and that is one of the core issues - hanging on to history.

Also note that you may find proof by the idea of hanging on to Rabin by the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli sides - "The murdered peace" - as something that is now lost, hopelessly, so I mentioned Rabin's words - "A Palestinian state in the WB would be a cancer in the heart of the M.E."
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Rabin said a Palestinian state would be a cancer in the heart of the M.E

And putting Jews in the heart of the Muslim 'hornets nest' was a good idea...

Oh please...

Should have chosen the Africa option, wouldn't have been such an issue now!
According to you the problem is obviously with Jews..

Keep trying Pal.

According to you the problem is obviously with Muslims..
Palestinians - I never mentioned the word Muslims and neither did Rabin.
In fact Rabin was looking to strengthen the relations with Jordan.
You,on the other hand, mentioned Jews and Muslims, still want to wear this avatar of yours?

No, you are right, I stand corrected... Although you did mention Jews, not Israelis.

Let's put it in YOUR terms...

Jews taking land that is not theirs, occupying and oppressing peoples of another state, is a good idea?
Back to the terminology.
Your statement on Rabin was that the problem is with the Jews, when did I made my own statement except questioning yours?
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.
Observing the progress Israel made in tge past 70 years compared to the Palestinians

When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.
When Israel keeps stealing land and oppressing the Palestinians...

How would you suggest that Palestinians make "progress"?
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.

Egypt is required to assist in the blockade of Gaza or lose U.S. military aid. Morsi (the first and only democratically elected leader of Egypt) opened the border for the Palestinians and he did not last long. LOL

Israel controls the West Bank border with Jordan.
Israel dealt in the past with much complicated difficulties but it never stopped Israel from flourishin, in fact every successful person would tell you that blaming everyone else but yourself is the biggest obstacle in your life.
In the end it is nothing but a cheap excuses, and this is why Israel refuses to accept that, and the Palestinians are still stuck where they are, hoping for miracles by gambling on everything they have and "surprisingly" failing.

Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.

Egypt is required to assist in the blockade of Gaza or lose U.S. military aid. Morsi (the first and only democratically elected leader of Egypt) opened the border for the Palestinians and he did not last long. LOL

Israel controls the West Bank border with Jordan.

Are you upset with Egypt and Jordan?
Your comment is akin to people complaining that the Jews weren't "flourishing" when being oppressed or held in concentration camps because they were blaming others for their misfortune.
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.

Egypt is required to assist in the blockade of Gaza or lose U.S. military aid. Morsi (the first and only democratically elected leader of Egypt) opened the border for the Palestinians and he did not last long. LOL

Israel controls the West Bank border with Jordan.

Are you upset with Egypt and Jordan?

Jordan doesn't control the West Bank border for the Palestinians, the Israelis do. Egypt is helping Israel maintain the blockade of Gaza, so of course all neutrals are upset with Egypt. As is the EU, as a neutral.

"The EU and the Gaza blockade: Dismantling collective punishment......"

"The active cooperation of the Egyptian state in maintaining the blockade appears to have further drained domestic and regional support for that government’s policy towards the conflict. The fact that Egypt’s regional role and commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict has been undermined in this way, and the potential medium- and long-term repercussions of this, should be a cause for concern. "
I never said Israel made no mistakes in the past, and in my previous post I've included your position to the equation, the thing is - the Jews moved on - the Palestinians are not even having a sense of direction, read my post again.

How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.

Egypt is required to assist in the blockade of Gaza or lose U.S. military aid. Morsi (the first and only democratically elected leader of Egypt) opened the border for the Palestinians and he did not last long. LOL

Israel controls the West Bank border with Jordan.

Are you upset with Egypt and Jordan?

Jordan doesn't control the West Bank border for the Palestinians, the Israelis do. Egypt is helping Israel maintain the blockade of Gaza, so of course all neutrals are upset with Egypt. As is the EU, as a neutral.

"The EU and the Gaza blockade: Dismantling collective punishment......"

"The active cooperation of the Egyptian state in maintaining the blockade appears to have further drained domestic and regional support for that government’s policy towards the conflict. The fact that Egypt’s regional role and commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict has been undermined in this way, and the potential medium- and long-term repercussions of this, should be a cause for concern. "

I would guess that Jordan is delighted with Israel.
"The EU and the Gaza blockade: Dismantling collective punishment......"
"The active cooperation of the Egyptian state in maintaining the blockade appears to have further drained domestic and regional support for that government’s policy towards the conflict. The fact that Egypt’s regional role and commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict has been undermined in this way, and the potential medium- and long-term repercussions of this, should be a cause for concern. "
Indeed, Egypt has it's own share of Fawzi-Kabooms.
Rabin said a Palestinian state would be a cancer in the heart of the M.E

And putting Jews in the heart of the Muslim 'hornets nest' was a good idea...

Oh please...

Should have chosen the Africa option, wouldn't have been such an issue now!

And your evidence of this is what exactly, what crucial pivotal point would the Africans have accepted the Jews to take over their lands. You forget that spiritually and physically the Jews have a link to Palestine.
How can the Palestinians move on except by moving out? They are under occupation and their ability to move is controlled by the Israelis.

Their ability to move is also controlled by Jordan.
And the Gazans by Egypt.

Egypt is required to assist in the blockade of Gaza or lose U.S. military aid. Morsi (the first and only democratically elected leader of Egypt) opened the border for the Palestinians and he did not last long. LOL

Israel controls the West Bank border with Jordan.

Are you upset with Egypt and Jordan?

Jordan doesn't control the West Bank border for the Palestinians, the Israelis do. Egypt is helping Israel maintain the blockade of Gaza, so of course all neutrals are upset with Egypt. As is the EU, as a neutral.

"The EU and the Gaza blockade: Dismantling collective punishment......"

"The active cooperation of the Egyptian state in maintaining the blockade appears to have further drained domestic and regional support for that government’s policy towards the conflict. The fact that Egypt’s regional role and commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict has been undermined in this way, and the potential medium- and long-term repercussions of this, should be a cause for concern. "

I would guess that Jordan is delighted with Israel.

I read a link on here that said that Jordan asked Israel to secure its western border against Palestinian incursions as it had enough on its plate defending its northern borders with Syria.
And your evidence of this is what exactly, what crucial pivotal point would the Africans have accepted the Jews to take over their lands.

It was British lands, not African lands... But then, as someone recently posted... Why is it that Jews have been kicked out of 70 - 80 countries throughout history?

You forget that spiritually and physically the Jews have a link to Palestine.

I have 'spiritual and physical' links to regions in other countries, call them ancestral links...

Doesn't mean that I can simply turn up, kick out the existing population, build a wall and call it MINE!
And your evidence of this is what exactly, what crucial pivotal point would the Africans have accepted the Jews to take over their lands.

It was British lands, not African lands... But then, as someone recently posted... Why is it that Jews have been kicked out of 70 - 80 countries throughout history?

You forget that spiritually and physically the Jews have a link to Palestine.

I have 'spiritual and physical' links to regions in other countries, call them ancestral links...

Doesn't mean that I can simply turn up, kick out the existing population, build a wall and call it MINE!

You can if International law says the land is yours to make into your NATIONal home as it was in the past. And the people who migrated there don't have a say in the matter.

And no the land was no different to Palestine, apart from the Jews have spiritual and physical links to palestine
And your evidence of this is what exactly, what crucial pivotal point would the Africans have accepted the Jews to take over their lands.

It was British lands, not African lands... But then, as someone recently posted... Why is it that Jews have been kicked out of 70 - 80 countries throughout history?

You forget that spiritually and physically the Jews have a link to Palestine.

I have 'spiritual and physical' links to regions in other countries, call them ancestral links...

Doesn't mean that I can simply turn up, kick out the existing population, build a wall and call it MINE!

You can if International law says the land is yours to make into your NATIONal home as it was in the past. And the people who migrated there don't have a say in the matter.

And no the land was no different to Palestine, apart from the Jews have spiritual and physical links to palestine


Did you see that?

That was a very valid point flying right over the top of your head Phoney!

International law would state that I do NOT have the right to make ANYTHING into my "national home".... It would not state that I have the "right of return" to my ancestral home at the expense of others!

Your suggestion that "the people who migrated there" is utter shite... Why would you think that the people "migrated" there?

Thats one of the biggest failings of zionuts like your 'good self'...

Once you learn to understand the differences, you will then start to understand the TRUE issues!
And your evidence of this is what exactly, what crucial pivotal point would the Africans have accepted the Jews to take over their lands.

It was British lands, not African lands... But then, as someone recently posted... Why is it that Jews have been kicked out of 70 - 80 countries throughout history?

You forget that spiritually and physically the Jews have a link to Palestine.

I have 'spiritual and physical' links to regions in other countries, call them ancestral links...

Doesn't mean that I can simply turn up, kick out the existing population, build a wall and call it MINE!

You can if International law says the land is yours to make into your NATIONal home as it was in the past. And the people who migrated there don't have a say in the matter.

And no the land was no different to Palestine, apart from the Jews have spiritual and physical links to palestine


Did you see that?

That was a very valid point flying right over the top of your head Phoney!

International law would state that I do NOT have the right to make ANYTHING into my "national home".... It would not state that I have the "right of return" to my ancestral home at the expense of others!
So how come the Palestinians determine thus to be their rights?

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