The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

Well the Democrats are in charge now. Why don't they take away those tax cuts? They can do it in one day. I never heard a word mentioned about that from the commies.

You bet your ass, that's the in the works. It will be done. But one thing at a time, and the Thing #1 is the pandemic. Next, economic reform, to BUILD BACK BETTER.

Of course, all of this would be a whole lot easier, without an armed insurrection going on in the nation.

LMAO No one can control a pandemic. Anyone who says they can is flat out lying.

If your waiting for a Biden economic reform you will get one. How bout the Second Great Depression?? He's already added 1.9 trillion to the debt and on day one he kicked every American tax payer in the teeth. His EO's sure don't help America or Americans. Look them up. Google is your friend.

There was no armed insurrection. If it had been an insurrection then every one of them would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of the Capital Buildings.

You don't know what you are talking about. But then you never do. Run along now and annoy someone else.

Asia, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Australia, Norway - all have substantially lower rates of illness and infection, and death than the USA. NONE of these nations have collapsed their economies.

Every other first nation in the world lessened the illnes, and the death, except the USA. The costs of testing the population, treating the sick and the dying, and trying to get the population vaccinated has crashed your economy. That hasn't happened in any other first world nation in the world either.

You have three times the number of infections that we have/million of population. Our death rates are nearly identical, but with 2.7% of 850,000 people dying, versus 2.6% of 27 million, your rate of death per million of population is 1500 and ours is 551. All of the costs, both economic and social, have been magnified by Donald Trump's inability to tell the American people the truth about the pandemic, or to provide sound leadership and fact based information to the American people during the pandemic.

Donald Trump was afraid of panicking the American people over the pandemic because HE panicked over the pandemic. So much so that he bought into every quack cure and notion out there, because he didn't know how to stop it.

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and most of the EU got a handle on it the first time, and we're doing so again.

So quit deluding yourself that Trump couldn't have stopped it. Because since he's been gone and Americans aren't being bombared with his lies and quackery, the rate of infection has come down, and the numbers of the sick are declining for the first time since the pandemic started in the USA.
LMAO No one can control a pandemic. Anyone who says they can is flat out lying.

You can do things to lessen the impact and “flatten the curve”

In the absence of an effective vaccine, isolation, social distancing and masks are the only defense.

Trump mocked those advocating safe measures and took action against Governors who enacted restrictions.

He did all that.

Hell he had the mask companies ready to roll. Ventilators ready to be sent where needed and a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots in the city ever used.

He fast tracked the vaccine.

He did all that and you still say he did nothing. More the fool you.
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.
I’m so glad we won. Act like it doesn’t bother you.

Well lets see just what you won. I'd bet it will be the Second Great Depression with Biden at the helm. Guess we shall see.
Has never happened to a democratic president in my lifetime.

Democrats do slow steady growth. Republicans like booms and busts. Risky. And just makes the rich richer.

Nope. Not in your life time or mine but you are about to see it with Biden.
I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

Well the Democrats are in charge now. Why don't they take away those tax cuts? They can do it in one day. I never heard a word mentioned about that from the commies.

You bet your ass, that's the in the works. It will be done. But one thing at a time, and the Thing #1 is the pandemic. Next, economic reform, to BUILD BACK BETTER.

Of course, all of this would be a whole lot easier, without an armed insurrection going on in the nation.

LMAO No one can control a pandemic. Anyone who says they can is flat out lying.

If your waiting for a Biden economic reform you will get one. How bout the Second Great Depression?? He's already added 1.9 trillion to the debt and on day one he kicked every American tax payer in the teeth. His EO's sure don't help America or Americans. Look them up. Google is your friend.

There was no armed insurrection. If it had been an insurrection then every one of them would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of the Capital Buildings.

You don't know what you are talking about. But then you never do. Run along now and annoy someone else.

Asia, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Australia, Norway - all have substantially lower rates of illness and infection, and death than the USA. NONE of these nations have collapsed their economies.

Every other first nation in the world lessened the illnes, and the death, except the USA. The costs of testing the population, treating the sick and the dying, and trying to get the population vaccinated has crashed your economy. That hasn't happened in any other first world nation in the world either.

You have three times the number of infections that we have/million of population. Our death rates are nearly identical, but with 2.7% of 850,000 people dying, versus 2.6% of 27 million, your rate of death per million of population is 1500 and ours is 551. All of the costs, both economic and social, have been magnified by Donald Trump's inability to tell the American people the truth about the pandemic, or to provide sound leadership and fact based information to the American people during the pandemic.

Donald Trump was afraid of panicking the American people over the pandemic because HE panicked over the pandemic. So much so that he bought into every quack cure and notion out there, because he didn't know how to stop it.

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and most of the EU got a handle on it the first time, and we're doing so again.

So quit deluding yourself that Trump couldn't have stopped it. Because since he's been gone and Americans aren't being bombared with his lies and quackery, the rate of infection has come down, and the numbers of the sick are declining for the first time since the pandemic started in the USA.

You are full of shit as usual. Every countries economy was hit by this pandemic.

Once that pandemic hit any shore people were going to die because nothing can stop a pandemic.

Talk about deluded. That's you. What an idiot you are.
Lets look at the real truth
Republicans suppress the vote among low income people and in the ghetto. They reduce the number of polling places, number of voting machines and move polling places to inconvenient areas.
Yet, they still line up to vote.

What country are you from? The Republicans don't suppress anything. Voting, where the polls are at, how many poll workers will be there are all locally decided. If there is a large enough Democrat base, the people who make those decisions are Democrat politicians. Republicans can only regulate voting in their areas where they have the power, just like Democrat areas. Communists lie. Don't take their word for anything.

Let’s look at Republican voter suppression. Especially as it applies to urban vs rural areas.

Cut back on voting sites in urban areas
Cut back on the number of voting machines in urban areas
Isolate polling places away from mass transit.
Cut back on days you can vote
Demand ID that is not available in urban areas
Encourage long lines and frustrated voters
Let’s look at Republican voter suppression. Especially as it applies to urban vs rural areas.

Cut back on voting sites in urban areas
Cut back on the number of voting machines in urban areas
Isolate polling places away from mass transit.
Cut back on days you can vote
Demand ID that is not available in urban areas
Encourage long lines and frustrated voters

But where do you get the idea that only Republicans control all that? It's what they tell you which is nothing more than lies.

They close polling places down that don't have many people going there and combine that with other precincts. Id's are available to everybody unless you can provide evidence of a place where it's difficult to get one. In some cases they send out trucks to poor areas and give them the ID for free. All you have to do is walk up to it and get one. Most all urban areas are Democrat ran. If they cut down on machines, days or polling places, they have their reasons and Republicans have nothing to do with that. It's all controlled by the election board.

So do you want to learn the real reason Democrats makeup all this bullshit? Because many of their voters are lazy welfare types. They will only vote if it's convenient enough. If they have to put forth any effort to vote, they'd sooner stay home. After all, they don't even understand WTF they're voting on anyway. All they know is to darken the oval with a D next to it. The Democrat party knows this quite well, but of course can't be the least bit honest about it.

We Republicans on the other hand would slide naked across broken glass to get to the polls. Voting is important to us because we know what we are voting on.
He did all that.

Hell he had the mask companies ready to roll. Ventilators ready to be sent where needed and a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the Dem idiots in the city ever used.

He fast tracked the vaccine.

He did all that and you still say he did nothing. More the fool you.

President Trump signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of vaccine as soon as they got FDA approval. The contract also includes we exclusively get the next 500 million on demand. President Trump wanted to make sure Americans came first, and we did thanks to Trump. Even though it just came out, the US now has 55 million people who were vaccinated, and 20 million of those got their second shot like my father did the other day.
Asia, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Australia, Norway - all have substantially lower rates of illness and infection, and death than the USA. NONE of these nations have collapsed their economies.

Every other first nation in the world lessened the illnes, and the death, except the USA. The costs of testing the population, treating the sick and the dying, and trying to get the population vaccinated has crashed your economy. That hasn't happened in any other first world nation in the world either.

Is that what it did, or was it because Democrats were once again playing with peoples life for power? They closed down their cities to stop progress under the guise that they were doing it out of concern of spreading. Now that they got their wish and Dementia won, all of a sudden they want to open up schools and businesses again even though it's worse now than when they originally closed up.

A Democrat would sell their soul to the devil for power.
81 million Americans said otherwise

Thanks for supporting my point. For one, mail in voting was responsible. Two, look at who they elected. A guy with dementia, who's dope head son was under FBI investigation with a matter he was involved in, a guy who promised to destroy this country, and very overt about it via his website, a guy who spent 47 years in federal government without one accomplishment, over a guy that gave us the best economy in 50 years, virtually stopped illegals crossing into the US, created business friendly polices partly responsible for our financial success, and the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries throughout all this outside if China, and that's if you can trust Communist reporting.

The choice was pretty clear. Again, making it easy to vote brings in more stupid voters. That's why the Democrats want it so bad.
The Republican Party has gone full blown authoritarian with their refusal to hold Trump accountable

Not only do they refuse to hold Trump accountable, they censure those who do.

But they refused to censure the Qanon House Rep who wants to shoot the Squad.

Well you refuse to condemn the Dem Sharia Law mutants we have in Congress and their lets hate Jews philosophy.

You also refuse to condemn the Dems when they called Trump a racist when he tried to stop flights into the US to slow the pandemic.

You also refuse to condemn Pelousy when she told one and all the virus was nothing and not to worry about it. You refuse to condemn Dems on anything.

Oh and I do hold Trump accountable for the great job he did as POTUS. The country was doing great before the very convenient Chinese virus.

"Sharia law mutants" - another lie.

Trump is a racist, and he used racism and xenophobia to blame the Chinese for his mishandling of the pandemic. Trump did not stop any flights from anywhere. That's not what he did at all, so there's another lie you believe.

Last, but certainly not least, NOTHING that Trump did do, did anything to slow down or stop the entry of the virus into the United States. His attempts to keep the virus from coming failed utterly, so Democrats were right to condemn his policies.

The nations who took the WHO test, manufactured it, and focussed on testing everyone coming into the country had much better success at slowing the spead. They also quarantined new arrivals from hot zones, was far more effective in keeping the virus out and slowing the spread than anything Trump did.

Nancy Pelosi said nothing of the kind - that is a complete mischaracterization of what she did say - which is that the Asians are not to blame for the virus, and to stop attacking people because they're Chinese.

The "country" was doing terribly. Even with full employment, working people were falling further and further behind, economically. Manufacturing had dropped to 2009 levels and was in recession. The trade wars had increased the trade deficit by $200 billion. Farm bankruptcies were at record levels two years running, and 40% of farm income in 2019 was from government bailouts.

Business investment was declining, and the middle class was shrinking. Obama more than doubled the stock market in his first term. Under Trump, it barely rose 50% over 4 years. The wealth gap was widening, and working people now needed 53 weeks wages to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

That's what most Muslims are. Sharia Law mutants. You have plenty in Canada.

Well the stock market did great under Trump.

I can see you are another who is jealous of anyone who is better off than you are. So the Rich suck. You are so easy to read its ridiculous.

Carry on dumbass.
Much more fun for schools to bring another wave of Covid, right?

Children, especially preteen years have an extremely low possibility of catching or passing Covid to other people. That's why in other countries, schools have been open since the start of school season. You know, it's what you leftists keep calling following the science.
81 million Americans said otherwise

Thanks for supporting my point. For one, mail in voting was responsible. Two, look at who they elected. A guy with dementia, who's dope head son was under FBI investigation with a matter he was involved in, a guy who promised to destroy this country, and very overt about it via his website, a guy who spent 47 years in federal government without one accomplishment, over a guy that gave us the best economy in 50 years, virtually stopped illegals crossing into the US, created business friendly polices partly responsible for our financial success, and the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries throughout all this outside if China, and that's if you can trust Communist reporting.

The choice was pretty clear. Again, making it easy to vote brings in more stupid voters. That's why the Democrats want it so bad.
When presented a FACT
You respond with MYTH
Do you feel better letting all of that bullshit out of your body Ray. Obama created what Donald Trump called the "greatest economy in history". He tripled the stock market, and had the longest period of sustained economic growth in American history.

Somehow you expect us to believe that Obama created all of this wealth, all of these jobs, and the greatest economy in American history because he was the most "anti-business President in your lifetime". Maybe Obama was the most economically successful President in your lifetime BECAUSE he was the most PRO PEOPLE President of your lifetime.

Investment isn't what drives the US economy, it's spending. If American workers can't spend, the economy is slow, and spending is the engine that drives the economy. Investment is a response to spending. If people have no money to buy your products, you don't have a market.

Obama's policies created demand and demand created jobs. Republican policies create wealth, but supress demand in doing so. It's a balancing act - to create demand without stifling investment, and to give the workers their fair share of the income they create. Republicans have failed utterly to do that. Their policies only create wealth, but stagnate wages, supressing demand.

The problem with the American economy isn't that it is "anti-business". Far from it. The problem with the American economy is that it's "pro-business" and not "pro-people". It's government of, for and by the people, not for the corporations.

If there is nowhere to work, then the government isn't for the people when they can't make a living. DumBama had the slowest recovery since WWII, and there are hundreds of articles on the net explaining how business unfriendly he was, especially to small businesses which is our largest employer.

It's easy for the economy to get going again once you're on the bottom. Much harder to create jobs after what's considered perfect employment. Government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make that task easier or harder for the private sector to do. In spite of that, with Trump's business friendly policies, employment continued to grow under his leadership. Up to Covid, we had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. How much better could it have gotten?

Under Trump we reached a new high in median household income. Record low unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. Several new stock market highs. New home ownership up like we haven't seen it in many years. Consumer and business confidence with new highs. Everything was nearly perfect under President Trump.

You see, if you are going to give credit to a President for the economy, you have to show what they did to improve it. Ears didn't do a Fn thing for the economy. I can show several things Trump did to credit him for his economic success.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party
You don't decide who "real Republicans" are, you fucking NAZI.
You can do things to lessen the impact and “flatten the curve”

In the absence of an effective vaccine, isolation, social distancing and masks are the only defense.

Trump mocked those advocating safe measures and took action against Governors who enacted restrictions.

Took action against those who enacted restrictions? Like what? Give us an example. A President doesn't have that kind of power.

Correct, masks, social distancing and isolation was our only defense, but in a country where the people are protected by the Constitution, you can't force compliance. Not everybody believes in taking those precautions, and a President can't force them to do so. That's why Dementia isn't doing anything different than what Trump did. He doesn't have the constitutional authority.

The only people Trump mocked was before this was a serious issue. It was at a time when Dr Fauci stated that masks were totally unnecessary. It was at a time when Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown, and DeBlazio was telling people to get on the subway and don't be afraid to go shopping. Even the CDC echoed the same sentiments.

After it became a real problem, Trump didn't mock anybody with the exception of Biden, who did an interview 100 feet from the interviewer and they were outside. He was making fun of Biden and his political theater, not mask wearing.

I have no idea where this leftist concept of lying is how you can win a debate, but trust me, it doesn't work.
The election showed majorities neither support Trump nor AOC. It will remain a question as to whether Trump could have won despite the absurd missteps (Lysol and testing) with Covid. But his leading an insurrection/attempted coup pretty much rendered that as moot, because he is now an anathema to a super maj.

Don't you people ever learn? You can't win an argument with nothing but lies.

When are you going to learn that? That is all you can spout.
We saw what happens to him when he loses

Well if he was finished like the left claims he is, you wouldn't have to worry about that now would you? But the truth of the matter is you know he's not. This is the first impeachment in our history because a US President exercised his constitutional rights. You people are worse than Communists. They didn't even do things like this in the former USSR.

There is no constitutional right to storm the capitol.

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