The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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Nothing about that was ever proven true. Despite being challenged to back his claim, Gregg Phillips never did. I understand in conserva-la-la-land, claims you hold dear to your heart need no evidence, but no one besides conservatives are dumb enough to believe that:
I perfectly well proclaim that I have no proof of 9 million illegal aliens voting, but no one has refuted it either, including you. Like everyone else, you have no proof that there was NOT 9 million illegal aliens voting.

If you think you can present some proof of 9 million illegal aliens NOT voting, let's hear it. :biggrin:
Because you keep talking about how you’ve proven something; when in fact, you post bullshit.
You repeat yourself - YOUR not only "incoherent ramblings", but unsubstantiated ones too, because you haven't read the many sources (more than a dozen) in this thread that you laughably call "bullshit".

AS I told you before, you're not qualified.
Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.
EARTH TO FAULTY FAUN: We're talking about VOTING, not driving.

Better get more sleep.

Dumbfuck... we’re actually talking about using a driver’s license as ID to register to vote.

You are sooo fucked in the head, gramps.


Yeah, imagine this:

Florida officials are now saying that nearly 200,000 registered voters may not be U.S. citizens.

Earlier in the week, state election officials announced they had identified more than 2,600 people who are in Florida legally but ineligible to vote.

Yes, Florida Elections Have Had Their Moments, Like 200,000 Non-Citizens Possibly Voting In 2012


Yeah, imagining is all you have, apparently.

Florida’s effort to find non-citizen voters had slim results

Ultimately, however, the results of the Scott administration’s push did not come anywhere close to finding that many non-citizens. Instead the state of Florida discovered a total of 207 ineligible voters.
Because you keep talking about how you’ve proven something; when in fact, you post bullshit.
You repeat yourself - YOUR not only "incoherent ramblings", but unsubstantiated ones too, because you haven't read the many sources (more than a dozen) in this thread that you laughably call "bullshit".

AS I told you before, you're not qualified.

You haven’t even proven your first link. Why should I continue with the others??
Yeah, imagining is all you have, apparently.

Florida’s effort to find non-citizen voters had slim results

Ultimately, however, the results of the Scott administration’s push did not come anywhere close to finding that many non-citizens. Instead the state of Florida discovered a total of 207 ineligible voters.
And this is supposed to be significant in a thread loaded with links to sources with investigative proofs of illegal alien voting all over America ? It really might be past your bedtime.
Nothing about that was ever proven true. Despite being challenged to back his claim, Gregg Phillips never did. I understand in conserva-la-la-land, claims you hold dear to your heart need no evidence, but no one besides conservatives are dumb enough to believe that:
I perfectly well proclaim that I have no proof of 9 million illegal aliens voting, but no one has refuted it either, including you. Like everyone else, you have no proof that there was NOT 9 million illegal aliens voting.

If you think you can present some proof of 9 million illegal aliens NOT voting, let's hear it. :biggrin:
”I perfectly well proclaim that I have no proof of 9 million illegal aliens voting, but no one has refuted it either, including you.”


Poor, deranged gramps. No one needs to disprove nonsense you can’t prove. Dayam, you’re fucked in the head. :lmao:

You haven’t even proven your first link. Why should I continue with the others??
You asked that question 4 times and I've answered it You are a troll and I am reporting you. The mods can see for themselves how many times you have repeated the same question.

And I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE that link, because you can't DISprove it. Also, the Infowars article claimed 3 million illegal aliens voted. I disagreed. I say it was 9 Million.
Yeah, imagining is all you have, apparently.

Florida’s effort to find non-citizen voters had slim results

Ultimately, however, the results of the Scott administration’s push did not come anywhere close to finding that many non-citizens. Instead the state of Florida discovered a total of 207 ineligible voters.
And this is supposed to be significant in a thread loaded with links to sources with investigative proofs of illegal alien voting all over America ? It really might be past your bedtime.
I posted a link proving there was never 200,000 illegal alien voters. Sucks to be you.


You haven’t even proven your first link. Why should I continue with the others??
You asked that question 4 times and I've answered it You are a troll and I am reporting you. The mods can see for themselves how many times you have repeated the same question.

And I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE that link, because you can't DISprove it. Also, the Infowars article claimed 3 million illegal aliens voted. I disagreed. I say it was 9 Million.
You can’t prove Gregg Phillips was right when he never proved himself right.

You’re fucking deranged, gramps.
”I perfectly well proclaim that I have no proof of 9 million illegal aliens voting, but no one has refuted it either, including you.”


Poor, deranged gramps. No one needs to disprove nonsense you can’t prove. Dayam, you’re fucked in the head. :lmao:
I didn't say you NEEDED to. I just said you couldn't. :biggrin:

So while you keep blathering on and on about the Infowars article, you can't offer a shred of evidence to discount it.
Nope, you’re just too senile to follow a conversation, just as I said. I was talking about firearms...

Faun: Same way you need to register to purchase a firearm, which is also a constitutionally protected right.

OKTexas: What commie state do you live in, I don't have to register shit to buy a firearm. I just go to the store and get it.

Faun:I didn’t say my state does. But some states do.

protectionist: Yeah ? HA HA HA!!! Which one is that ?

Faun: California, for one.

Poor, deranged gramps. Like I said, I was talking about firearms and you’re too slow to keep up with the conversation. :cuckoo:
You need to stay ON TOPIC, and not criticize those who do.

And how many of those torch carriers in your signature, are Democrat agent provocateurs ? Another question you can't answer. Ho hum. Yawn*****
I don’t need to do shit, gramps. Least of all, taking shit from senile old kooks like you. Meanwhile, I just demonstrated how you’re too crazy to even follow the flow of a conversation.
I posted a link proving there was never 200,000 illegal alien voters. Sucks to be you.
I don't recall it, but alongside the MANY links in this thread proving illegal alien voting, it would be pale at best. Great to be me. :biggrin:
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Just ignore what Trump says he's full of crap & is hoping there's some Trump tards out there that still believe his bullshit.

The more he carries on the more credibility he loses.

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I don’t need to do shit, gramps. Least of all, taking shit from senile old kooks like you. Meanwhile, I just demonstrated how you’re too crazy to even follow the flow of a conversation.
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So you think the rules don't apply to you ? Is that it ?
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