The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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And just like that, gramps destroys his own argument that we need national citizenship ID cards to prevent illegals from voting.
Your psychiatrist might be mad at me for further damaging you, but how do arrive at me destroying my own argument ? (in your distorted liberal mind)

And without a national citizenship ID (birth certificate, naturalization papers + ID) what would stop iilegal aliens from voting ? Why would they stop ?
You’re claiming illegals can acquire fake ID’s which can be used to vote and that we need a national citizenship ID to prevent illegals from voting.

Dumbfuck, illegals would just as easily be able to obtain fake national citizenship ID’s if their intent was to vote in an election.

You just blew up your own argument.

‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

What part of "We don't really care what you have to say" don't you understand ?
Dumbfuck, you don’t know what you’re posting. I’m talking about getting registered to vote, something states take measures to prevent — while you’re posting what is required to vote — while you’re ignoring the reality that being registered to vote is a prerequisite to voting.
I'm talking about the entire process of voting (including registering) and I've never been talking about anything else. You are just poking at anything you can find that you think you can save face with. There isn't anything. You just came into this with a totally wrong idea, and tried to force your way through the thread, while being pummeled with the TRUTH.

Dude, you lost this thing big time, a long time ago, and now you're just making a bigger and bigger fool of yourself, the longer you resist with it. Nothing's going to change. There are no citizenship requirements for voting in any way, and illegals are able to vote, as long as they don't openly admit they're not a citizen. You're not going to change that.
Nope, you’re lying since you’ve been shown ID is required to register.
Dumbfuck... you haven’t proven one single illegal alien voted in the last election ... no less, enough in every single one of the more than 230 districts Democrats won.

You’re completely deranged. :cuckoo:
You've proven YOU are. YOU got all the proof of illegal voting anyone could ask for. I think the count of the links is up to about 15 now. Go to sleep.
I got as far as your first link to see you were posting bullshit.
Because you’re senile enough to believe that.
You are so indoctrinated and kept ignorant by your liberal OMISSION media, you don't even know that Mueller has been keynote speaker at ISNA, MPAC, and other Muslim Brotherhood conventions and conferences, and as FBI Director, he purged words out of FBI training manuals, prompted by CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood groups.

One of the main problems with liberals is being attached to their OMISSION media, they don't know anything.

This book, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad written by Major Stephen Coughlin (expert on Islamic law, trainer and lecturer at leading commands and senior service staff institutions, including the National Defense University, the Army and Navy War Colleges, the Marine Corps-Quantico, the State Department, and the FBI.), banned by the White House and even critiques of it are censored by the some internet browsers (ex Bing) But it will explain in detail how Mueller (in the FBI) and fellow Muslim ass-kisser John Brennan (CIA) went bout smashing free speech, by purging.

In October 2011, elements of the American Muslim Brotherhood wrote the White House demanding an embargo or discontinuation of information and materials relating to Islamic-based terrorism—even insisting on firings, “re-training,” and “purges” of officers, analysts, special agents, and decision-makers who created or made such materials available.

The letter was drafted by Farhana Khera, President and Executive Director of Muslim Advocates, and addressed to John Brennan, then Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (now Director of the CIA). Days later, Brennan responded by agreeing on the necessity for the “White House [to] immediately create an interagency task force to address the problem” by removing personnel and products that the Muslim Brotherhood deemed “biased, false, and highly offensive.”

Brennan answered the Brotherhood’s demands by referencing the Obama administration’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) narrative: “We share your sense of concern over these recent unfortunate incidents, and are moving forward to ensure problems are addressed with a keen sense of urgency.”

Talks between the administration and the Brotherhood took place at high levels, with the Director of the FBI going so far as to meet with the Brotherhood in February 2012 against the expressed directives of Congress.

More alarming, however, is that the FBI then proceeded to undertake the very purging of documents that the Brotherhood had demanded.

The Department of Defense followed shortly thereafter with a Soviet-style purge of individuals along with disciplinary actions and re-education

Not only did the Secretary of State endorse such curbs on speech, the Assistant Attorney General seemed eager to enforce them.

As with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)—and, through it, our Middle Eastern allies—also seek to embargo all unsanctioned discussions of Islam as a matter of international law. Though such a law would constitute a serious assault on the First Amendment, our Secretary of State met with the General Secretary of the OIC in July 2011 and personally committed the State Department’s best efforts to secure the passage of a law restricting such speech; she even agreed to intimidate American citizens through “peer pressure and shaming” should they choose to exercise their First Amendment rights of free speech to express repeatable relevant facts.
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”You debunked nothing.”

You’re beyond senile, gramps. I utterly destroyed your fake news InfoWars links...

He's still clinging to his Infowars security blanket. Is there a doctor in the house ?
I mean really.

You posted a debunked article.

That you posted it demonstrates you don’t bother to check what you post before you post it.

That you continue to post it even after being shown it was debunked demonstrates you are willing to argue debunked nonsense.
Who cares what a senile old fart like you “explains?” I gave you the link to the BEA’s chart on GDP growth and it shows what I said is true.
HA HA. I never doubted the chart, but I explained to you the reason why Obama doesn't get credit for the years 2009-2015. You just blindly deny. Not my problem.
You posted a debunked article.

That you posted it demonstrates you don’t bother to check what you post before you post it.

That you continue to post it even after being shown it was debunked demonstrates you are willing to argue debunked nonsense.
NOBODY, including you, has debunked what that article said about 3 million illegal aliens voting, or what I said about 9 million of them voting. This is the 3rd time I've told you that. :rolleyes: You need help.


The myth that the Corrupt Democrats do not use voter fraud and ballot fraud to steal elections is incredibly stupid.



Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.
EARTH TO FAULTY FAUN: We're talking about VOTING, not driving.

Better get more sleep.

Dumbfuck... we’re actually talking about using a driver’s license as ID to register to vote.

You are sooo fucked in the head, gramps.


Yeah, imagine this:

Florida officials are now saying that nearly 200,000 registered voters may not be U.S. citizens.

Earlier in the week, state election officials announced they had identified more than 2,600 people who are in Florida legally but ineligible to vote.

Yes, Florida Elections Have Had Their Moments, Like 200,000 Non-Citizens Possibly Voting In 2012


Nope, you’re lying since you’ve been shown ID is required to register.
That depends on the state, as my color-coded NCSL map showed. Ans no state requires citizenship proof. I guess that the 100th time I've said that in this thread. I guess it goes so deep against the liberal programming grain, that liberals are compelled to deny it, no matter how idiotic they look. :rolleyes:

Poor, senile gramps, I said “California” in response to naming a state which requires firearms to be registered. You prove to be too fucked in the head to follow a conversation.
You were responding to MY question of what state does (and I'm referring to the topic of the thread) > VOTING, not firearms.
Nope, you’re just too senile to follow a conversation, just as I said. I was talking about firearms...

Faun: Same way you need to register to purchase a firearm, which is also a constitutionally protected right.

OKTexas: What commie state do you live in, I don't have to register shit to buy a firearm. I just go to the store and get it.

Faun:I didn’t say my state does. But some states do.

protectionist: Yeah ? HA HA HA!!! Which one is that ?

Faun: California, for one.

Poor, deranged gramps. Like I said, I was talking about firearms and you’re too slow to keep up with the conversation. :cuckoo:
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Nope, you’re just too senile to follow a conversation, just as I said. I was talking about firearms...

Faun: Same way you need to register to purchase a firearm, which is also a constitutionally protected right.

OKTexas: What commie state do you live in, I don't have to register shit to buy a firearm. I just go to the store and get it.

Faun:I didn’t say my state does. But some states do.

protectionist: Yeah ? HA HA HA!!! Which one is that ?

Faun: California, for one.

Poor, deranged gramps. Like I said, I was talking about firearms and you’re too slow to keep up with the conversation. :cuckoo:
You need to stay ON TOPIC, and not criticize those who do.

And how many of those torch carriers in your signature, are Democrat agent provocateurs ? Another question you can't answer. Ho hum. Yawn*****
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The White House should be doing a count of how many illegal aliens have been deported, so as to assess how many Democrat votes will be lost from the 2020 elections. Also, they need to ABOLISH MAIL VOTING.

Mail voting is an abomination, that heavily favors Democrats. Even deported illegal aliens could still vote from their home country by mailing ballots to the US.
Also voters should not be tricked into voting for propositions that restore voting rights to convicted felons. The overwhelming majority of them are black and Democrat.

While the proponents of this, blab about "paying their debt to society", actually, this is nothing but a ploy to boost the Democrat vote.
i see the Little Trumpster kool-aid drinkers are again showing their utterly unbelievable gullibility.
Trump ended his own investigation panel because they could come up with shit.
Yet, there a tens of voter fraud investigations from the right/left and center, that say voter fraud is not even close to what you wahoo's claim.
The right wing Heritage Foundations investigation showed less than 0.05% of voter fraud.
The Heritage Foundation
Out of 135 million votes they found 1177 proven instances of fraud.
Every voting place in America had Republican poll watchers. Meaning, Republican examiners were physically present from the time the voting facility opened until the time it closed. How many examples of these examiners submitting suspicious person names thought to be aliens are there?

You conspicuously ignored the fraud that took place in Minnesota, after the 2008 senatorial election which finally pushed comedian Al Franken over the top. Still going on is the fiasco in Broward County...AGAIN. "LOST" ballots were suddenly found, ballots stored in closets, the hand recount going on for hours before they discovered they were counting the wrong ballots, the list goes on and on!
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