The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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So does your State issue drivers licenses or IDs to non-citizens? I bet they do.


If they do they are labelled as non-citizen.
Proof of identity is required to get a DL or State ID. Including citizenship and SSN.

State of Ohio BMV

Now, now, no need to lie about it. Show me from an official State site that non-citizen drivers licenses are any different form a citizens drivers license. Come on little dudett, it's time to put up or shut up.


Read my link, dope.
Proof of citizenship and an SSN are required to obtain a valid DL or state ID.

Obviously if they issue to undocumented people it would be a different ID.

Child, stop making assumptions, show me on a State site where non-citizen DLs and IDs are different from citizens. BTW there are people who are documented that aren't citizens.


There is no assumption, dope.

I've posted what is required to obtain a valid DL or state ID for citizens in two different states.

Obviously, any DL or ID for non-citizens would be different as the requirements for documentation are different.

Why don't you show us that they're the same
and prove your claim.

Yep, you showed requirements for US CITIZENS, not non-citizens. And you claimed the non-citizen DLs and IDs were different, PROVE IT. I know for a fact they aren't in TX. Of course you could call the nonemergency numbers for the respective State Police and ask them. But I'm sure with your lack of integrity you'd come here and lie. Like I said many posts ago, put up or STFU.

View attachment 229499

Voter Identification Laws in Effect in 2018

Didn't quite copy/paste right.

Gray - No document required to vote

Light green - ID requested; photo not required

Medium green - Photo ID requested

Dark green - Strict Non-Photo ID

Black - Strict Photo ID


Identity was verified at the time of registration.

Now, show us how many people had someone else vote in their name.
If they do they are labelled as non-citizen.
Proof of identity is required to get a DL or State ID. Including citizenship and SSN.

State of Ohio BMV

Now, now, no need to lie about it. Show me from an official State site that non-citizen drivers licenses are any different form a citizens drivers license. Come on little dudett, it's time to put up or shut up.


Read my link, dope.
Proof of citizenship and an SSN are required to obtain a valid DL or state ID.

Obviously if they issue to undocumented people it would be a different ID.

Child, stop making assumptions, show me on a State site where non-citizen DLs and IDs are different from citizens. BTW there are people who are documented that aren't citizens.


There is no assumption, dope.

I've posted what is required to obtain a valid DL or state ID for citizens in two different states.

Obviously, any DL or ID for non-citizens would be different as the requirements for documentation are different.

Why don't you show us that they're the same
and prove your claim.

Yep, you showed requirements for US CITIZENS, not non-citizens. And you claimed the non-citizen DLs and IDs were different, PROVE IT. I know for a fact they aren't in TX. Of course you could call the nonemergency numbers for the respective State Police and ask them. But I'm sure with your lack of integrity you'd come here and lie. Like I said many posts ago, put up or STFU.


They're on the links, dope.
Gramps again proves he’s senile by shaking his cane at posters who won’t waste more time investigating his links than he does.

it's not what I prove. it's what YOU prove. That you're a GUTLESS COWARD who won't read even half of the links I posted. Run rabbit, run.

And you won't read them, because you know they'll prove you wrong.
Nope, you posted bullshit. There was no reason for me to continue dredging through your bullshit.
Poor delusional, senile gramps. Now he slobbers bullshit that the House would be 435 Republicans to 0 Democrats without illegal aliens voting in all of the more than 230 districts won by Democrats; based on nothing more than his own dementia.
My speculation on that is at least as good as yours. :cool:
Nope, speculation is not needed. Proof is and you have no proof that either party is capable of winning 100% of the House, which has never been accomplished.

You’re fucked in the head beyond all repair — even if you are too crazy to know it.

I posted Florida law that shows proof is required.
And I just posted proof that Florida does NOT require ANY ID whatsoever....proving that you are lying.


Again, here's the map showing Florida photo ID only REQUESTED
Nope, speculation is not needed. Proof is and you have no proof that either party is capable of winning 100% of the House, which has never been accomplished.

You’re fucked in the head beyond all repair — even if you are too crazy to know it.
And you have no proof that Republicans couldn't win 100% of the House, if aliens weren't voting. You don't have a shred. :biggrin:

My speculation is at least as good as yours.
Nope, you posted bullshit. There was no reason for me to continue dredging through your bullshit.
This proves what a foolish and dishonest poster you are.

1. You openly admitted that you haven't read the links.

2. You are calling the links (which you didn't read) > "bullshit"

EARTH TO FAULTY FAUN: you have to read a link, before you can make a value judgement on it (especially to call it "bullshit') :whip:
Your first link was still debunked in post #7.
Oh ? I don't see you or anyone else here proving that 3 million illegal aliens didn't vote, as the first link said. So you're trying to take credit for what you have not achieved. This is getting funny, now. :slap:
Poor, delusional, senile gramps. I debunked your link and theirs absolutely nothing you can do to redeem it.

You were actually retarded enough to post a link to fake news InfoWars claiming Greg Phillips of said there were 3 million illegals who voted in the election.

Never mind that Phillips never demonstrated how he came up with that figure, I blew that shit up with a link to stating they never heard of Greg Phillips until InfoWars falsely tried to connect him to their organization.
”Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%”

So? Pales in comparison to Obama who brought GDP growth from -8.4% to 5.1%.
Obama didn't do that. that occurred in a post recession period, when economies naturally spring back to normal on their own. But it's not surprising that you would have Obama take credit for what was not his doing, since that's exactly the same as what YOU just did here, a few minutes ago. :laugh:

Here's what Obama did, after the post recession "spring" was done, and Obama was on his own

Of course Obama did that. Now you’re lying by denying he did it...
If they do they are labelled as non-citizen.
Proof of identity is required to get a DL or State ID. Including citizenship and SSN.

State of Ohio BMV
We're talking about VOTING. Proof of citizenship is not required. In Ohio, or any other state.
You’re still lying. You were shown you can’t get your vote counted in Florida unless you prove you’re a citizen. Sad to see how the human brain turns to absolute mush by the time you get to be as old as you.
Poor, delusional, senile gramps. I debunked your link and theirs absolutely nothing you can do to redeem it.

You were actually retarded enough to post a link to fake news InfoWars claiming Greg Phillips of said there were 3 million illegals who voted in the election.

Never mind that Phillips never demonstrated how he came up with that figure, I blew that shit up with a link to stating they never heard of Greg Phillips until InfoWars falsely tried to connect him to their organization.
1. You never refuted Infowars claim of 3 million illegals voting, or mine of 9 million of them voting. You presented NOTHING to counter.

2. None of the rest of your post (# 210) matters one iota. Simple fact is, you haven't, and you can't, refute Infowars claim, or mine. All you do is keep waving the INVALIDATION CARD about Infowars, while running away from the other links, which your terrified of reading(which prove you wrong and ridiculous)

3. You debunked nothing.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals
California, for one.
Look at the map, fool. Just like all the other liberal states, California requires NO ID WHATSOEVER.

The liberal states don't require any ID because they WANT illegal aliens to vote. You have no clue what's going on here. :rolleyes:
You’re still lying. You were shown you can’t get your vote counted in Florida unless you prove you’re a citizen. Sad to see how the human brain turns to absolute mush by the time you get to be as old as you.
Are you dreaming ? No state in America requires citizenship ID, as OKTexas and my links proved, and the NCSL map showed that Florida has ZERO requirement for voting. Your brain is mush right now. :rolleyes:

See folks, this why liberalism is a mental disorder. Even after they've been beaten to shreds, and proven 100% wrong, they swagger around acting as if they were right. I wonder why they do that, but then, it's THEIR problem, not ours.

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Now, now, no need to lie about it. Show me from an official State site that non-citizen drivers licenses are any different form a citizens drivers license. Come on little dudett, it's time to put up or shut up.
Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.
Now, now, no need to lie about it. Show me from an official State site that non-citizen drivers licenses are any different form a citizens drivers license. Come on little dudett, it's time to put up or shut up.


Read my link, dope.
Proof of citizenship and an SSN are required to obtain a valid DL or state ID.

Obviously if they issue to undocumented people it would be a different ID.

Child, stop making assumptions, show me on a State site where non-citizen DLs and IDs are different from citizens. BTW there are people who are documented that aren't citizens.


There is no assumption, dope.

I've posted what is required to obtain a valid DL or state ID for citizens in two different states.

Obviously, any DL or ID for non-citizens would be different as the requirements for documentation are different.

Why don't you show us that they're the same
and prove your claim.

Yep, you showed requirements for US CITIZENS, not non-citizens. And you claimed the non-citizen DLs and IDs were different, PROVE IT. I know for a fact they aren't in TX. Of course you could call the nonemergency numbers for the respective State Police and ask them. But I'm sure with your lack of integrity you'd come here and lie. Like I said many posts ago, put up or STFU.


They're on the links, dope.

Funny I saw no photos or examples of different forms for citizen and non-citizen DLs and IDs. Care to point those out?

Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.
EARTH TO FAULTY FAUN: We're talking about VOTING, not driving.

Better get more sleep.
California, for one.
"California" !!!


Oh boy, are you stupid! This is sad.

PS - I have a picture of a great American hero in my avatar. You have a picture of a Muslim Brotherhood, operative traitor in yours. Why ?
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