The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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Still beating the same old drum i see....

The U.S. Has a Long History of Election Meddling - The Atlantic

Jul 22, 2018 - Russian electoral interference has renewed the temptation for American ... The U.S. Needs to Face Up to Its Long History of Election Meddling.

Russia Isn't the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too. - The ...

Feb 17, 2018 - No, just a small sample of the United States' history of intervention in ... This broaderhistory of election meddling has largely been missing from ...

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

Foreign electoral interventions are attempts by governments, covertly or overtly, to influence .... There are at least 4 million people of Turkish origin in Germany, most of whom customarily align with the SDP or the Green Party politically. .... In October 2016, the U.S. government accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 United ...
German election (Turkey ... · ‎Italian election (U.S. ... · ‎Russian election (U.S. ...

Election meddling: Knowledge of history can complicate outrage over ...

Mar 26, 2018 - “American exceptionalism” means different things to different people. Every nation has its exceptional features, and some of our features are ...
What Is Election 'Meddling' and When Did Everyone Start Using That ...

Jul 30, 2018 - attack on our democratic election was "meddling"? ... accuse Russian individuals and entities of “meddling” in U.S. elections on a regular basis. .... She is a senior at Georgetown University studying Government and History.
So you’re a retard as well as a liar.

Florida law requires a valid Florida driver’s license or Florida ID or valid social security number in order to register to vote, none of which can be legally obtained by an illegal alien.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

97.053 Acceptance of voter registration applications.

(6) A voter registration application may be accepted as valid only after the department has verified the authenticity or nonexistence of the driver license number, the Florida identification card number, or the last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant. If a completed voter registration application has been received by the book-closing deadline but the driver license number, the Florida identification card number, or the last four digits of the social security number provided by the applicant cannot be verified, the applicant shall be notified that the number cannot be verified and that the applicant must provide evidence to the supervisor sufficient to verify the authenticity of the applicant’s driver license number, Florida identification card number, or last four digits of the social security number. If the applicant provides the necessary evidence, the supervisor shall place the applicant’s name on the registration rolls as an active voter. If the applicant has not provided the necessary evidence or the number has not otherwise been verified prior to the applicant presenting himself or herself to vote, the applicant shall be provided a provisional ballot. The provisional ballot shall be counted only if the number is verified by the end of the canvassing period or if the applicant presents evidence to the supervisor of elections sufficient to verify the authenticity of the applicant’s driver license number, Florida identification card number, or last four digits of the social security number no later than 5 p.m. of the second day following the election.​
Are you really that ignorant that you think that illegal aliens don't have social security cards and drivers licenses ? They were selling County ID cards and state drivers licenses in the local flea market around here just recently, for $15 each.

Also, Democrat election officials will take anybody with checking for proof. I've watched them.(in 4 states)

And if what you said were truly happening that way, all the lllegal voting that authorities have caught and prosecuted, could have happened to begin with. But they did. Are your reading the thread. Are you reading the links ?

That's enough - I'm watching football now; halftime is over.
”Are you really that ignorant that you think that illegal aliens don't have social security cards and drivers licenses ?”


And just like that, gramps destroys his own argument that we need national citizenship ID cards to prevent illegals from voting.

And just like that, gramps destroys his own argument that we need national citizenship ID cards to prevent illegals from voting.
Your psychiatrist might be mad at me for further damaging you, but how do arrive at me destroying my own argument ? (in your distorted liberal mind)

And without a national citizenship ID (birth certificate, naturalization papers + ID) what would stop iilegal aliens from voting ? Why would they stop ?
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Still beating the same old drum i see....

The U.S. Has a Long History of Election Meddling - The Atlantic

Jul 22, 2018 - Russian electoral interference has renewed the temptation for American ... The U.S. Needs to Face Up to Its Long History of Election Meddling.

Russia Isn't the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too. - The ...

Feb 17, 2018 - No, just a small sample of the United States' history of intervention in ... This broaderhistory of election meddling has largely been missing from ...

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
Foreign electoral interventions are attempts by governments, covertly or overtly, to influence .... There are at least 4 million people of Turkish origin in Germany, most of whom customarily align with the SDP or the Green Party politically. .... In October 2016, the U.S. government accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 United ...
German election (Turkey ... · ‎Italian election (U.S. ... · ‎Russian election (U.S. ...

Election meddling: Knowledge of history can complicate outrage over ...

Mar 26, 2018 - “American exceptionalism” means different things to different people. Every nation has its exceptional features, and some of our features are ...
What Is Election 'Meddling' and When Did Everyone Start Using That ...

Jul 30, 2018 - attack on our democratic election was "meddling"? ... accuse Russian individuals and entities of “meddling” in U.S. elections on a regular basis. .... She is a senior at Georgetown University studying Government and History.
Hate to rain on your parade, but everything you just posted has nothing to do with the thread, and what we're talking about here. Try reading the thread before posting.

We're talking about illegal aliens voting, and the lack of citizenship requirements to stop them.
Now, now, no need to lie about it. Show me from an official State site that non-citizen drivers licenses are any different form a citizens drivers license. Come on little dudett, it's time to put up or shut up.
Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

I believe we were talking about FL and OH and the section you posted only deals with illegals in CA, not permanent residents or people who are lawfully in the us via a work or student visa. Most States don't issue DLs to illegals.
From your link: My B/U

(a) Notwithstanding Section 12801.5, the department shall issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

I believe we were talking about FL and OH and the section you posted only deals with illegals in CA, not permanent residents or people who are lawfully in the us via a work or student visa. Most States don't issue DLs to illegals.
From your link: My B/U

(a) Notwithstanding Section 12801.5, the department shall issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

Florida does not require ANY ID for voting. Ohio requires only non-photo. (got a library card ?) And California requires no ID at all for voting. His posts are utter nonsense.

I posted Florida law that shows proof is required.
And I just posted proof that Florida does NOT require ANY ID whatsoever....proving that you are lying.

View attachment 229509

Again, here's the map showing Florida photo ID only REQUESTED
Dumbfuck, you don’t know what you’re posting. I’m talking about getting registered to vote, something states take measures to prevent — while you’re posting what is required to vote — while you’re ignoring the reality that being registered to vote is a prerequisite to voting.
Dumbfuck, you don’t know what you’re posting. I’m talking about getting registered to vote, something states take measures to prevent — while you’re posting what is required to vote — while you’re ignoring the reality that being registered to vote is a prerequisite to voting.
I'm talking about the entire process of voting (including registering) and I've never been talking about anything else. You are just poking at anything you can find that you think you can save face with. There isn't anything. You just came into this with a totally wrong idea, and tried to force your way through the thread, while being pummeled with the TRUTH.

Dude, you lost this thing big time, a long time ago, and now you're just making a bigger and bigger fool of yourself, the longer you resist with it. Nothing's going to change. There are no citizenship requirements for voting in any way, and illegals are able to vote, as long as they don't openly admit they're not a citizen. You're not going to change that.
Nope, speculation is not needed. Proof is and you have no proof that either party is capable of winning 100% of the House, which has never been accomplished.

You’re fucked in the head beyond all repair — even if you are too crazy to know it.
And you have no proof that Republicans couldn't win 100% of the House, if aliens weren't voting. You don't have a shred. :biggrin:

My speculation is at least as good as yours.

Dumbfuck... you haven’t proven one single illegal alien voted in the last election ... no less, enough in every single one of the more than 230 districts Democrats won.

You’re completely deranged. :cuckoo:
Dumbfuck... you haven’t proven one single illegal alien voted in the last election ... no less, enough in every single one of the more than 230 districts Democrats won.

You’re completely deranged. :cuckoo:
You've proven YOU are. YOU got all the proof of illegal voting anyone could ask for. I think the count of the links is up to about 15 now. Go to sleep.
Poor, delusional, senile gramps. I debunked your link and theirs absolutely nothing you can do to redeem it.

You were actually retarded enough to post a link to fake news InfoWars claiming Greg Phillips of said there were 3 million illegals who voted in the election.

Never mind that Phillips never demonstrated how he came up with that figure, I blew that shit up with a link to stating they never heard of Greg Phillips until InfoWars falsely tried to connect him to their organization.
1. You never refuted Infowars claim of 3 million illegals voting, or mine of 9 million of them voting. You presented NOTHING to counter.

2. None of the rest of your post (# 210) matters one iota. Simple fact is, you haven't, and you can't, refute Infowars claim, or mine. All you do is keep waving the INVALIDATION CARD about Infowars, while running away from the other links, which your terrified of reading(which prove you wrong and ridiculous)

3. You debunked nothing.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals
”You debunked nothing.”

You’re beyond senile, gramps. I utterly destroyed your fake news InfoWars links...

California, for one.
Look at the map, fool. Just like all the other liberal states, California requires NO ID WHATSOEVER.

The liberal states don't require any ID because they WANT illegal aliens to vote. You have no clue what's going on here. :rolleyes:
Poor, senile gramps, I said “California” in response to naming a state which requires firearms to be registered. You prove to be too fucked in the head to follow a conversation.
”You debunked nothing.”

You’re beyond senile, gramps. I utterly destroyed your fake news InfoWars links...

He's still clinging to his Infowars security blanket. Is there a doctor in the house ?
I mean really.

You’re still lying. You were shown you can’t get your vote counted in Florida unless you prove you’re a citizen. Sad to see how the human brain turns to absolute mush by the time you get to be as old as you.
Are you dreaming ? No state in America requires citizenship ID, as OKTexas and my links proved, and the NCSL map showed that Florida has ZERO requirement for voting. Your brain is mush right now. :rolleyes:

See folks, this why liberalism is a mental disorder. Even after they've been beaten to shreds, and proven 100% wrong, they swagger around acting as if they were right. I wonder why they do that, but then, it's THEIR problem, not ours.

You poor, delusional curmudgeon, you’re still conflating voting st the polls with registering to vote. :cuckoo:
Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.
EARTH TO FAULTY FAUN: We're talking about VOTING, not driving.

Better get more sleep.

Dumbfuck... we’re actually talking about using a driver’s license as ID to register to vote.

You are sooo fucked in the head, gramps.

Poor, senile gramps, I said “California” in response to naming a state which requires firearms to be registered. You prove to be too fucked in the head to follow a conversation.
You were responding to MY question of what state does (and I'm referring to the topic of the thread) > VOTING, not firearms.
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