The "N-word" and other Euphemisms

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Like I said. No one cares if you find no offense in the word. I would use it because it creates a satisfaction in me. The last thing I would be wondering is if you found offense or not.
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Then you care. Or does the same logic not apply to yourself?
Of course I care. I care that I use the word that expresses what I feel. Claiming you dont care multiple times if someone calls you a cracker shows you actually do care. Someone calls me the n word I care enough to show them the error of their ways. :rolleyes:
I tire of you. If you want to win the last word contest, go ahead Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
I didnt know we were having a contest. I guess you really did care.
If Blacks get offended when Whites use the N-word, then they should not use the N-word around Whites. Also, Blacks should be just as unforgiving of other Blacks that us the N-word as they are of Whites that use the N-Word. It is really that simple
They're not offended. It's just a political weapon they've developed to bludgeon "privileged" whites.
Bottom line is it’s not appropriate, and he demonstrated that he has no class. He doesn’t represent anyone but himself. Many blacks would be offended by him speaking like that. Many would just think that it’s not worth the time to interact with him or correct him. I’ve heard some stuff from white idiots at times. I don’t go up and lecture them. I just don’t associate with them. If it was someone I knew, I’d tell them to stop acting stupid.

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Damn! Some people are over sensitive. People getting in trouble when they tell people not to say "Ni@@3r" because they say "Ni@@3r" telling people not to say "Ni@@3r".
Looks like those Democrats are going back to their roots:

A civil rights attorney, local Democratic Party official and former San Francisco citysupervisor is in hot water after repeatedly using the N-word during a public meeting last month.

Angela Alioto has apologized but is facing calls for her removal from the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee over the incident during an April DCCC meeting with African-American union members. Without self-censoring, Alioto had used the N-word during that meeting while responding to a remark from an African-American woman about hearing the racial epithet in the workplace.

“Full disclosure, I’m a civil rights trial lawyer,” Alioto said in a video of the meeting. “It’s what I do.”


She added: “You very rarely have direct evidence of discrimination. You very rarely have, ‘I’m not going to work with this n----- I’m not going to work with that n-----.’”

Alioto went on to talk about a case she worked on against Wonderbread, where a book called “How To Kill A N-----” was found in the cafeteria.

After her sixth use of the word, those in the crowd began to ask her to stop using the slur.

MORE: San Francisco Democrat under fire for repeated use of N-word during committee meeting
No one should intentionally use a derogatory term in regard to a person. Don't care what color you are. If blacks use it, then I guess that is not derogatory...anyone can use the term.
So much is made over a stupid word. Yeah it’s vulgar and not nice to say to anyone, but all it is is a word. Why is the N word especially bad compared to pejoratives hurled at other races or ethnicities?
Angela Alioto, member of the old San Francisco power structure. Her father was mayor for several terms.
She may have been drinking. I'm sure she won't be treated too harshly. It's not like she's a republican or anything.
No one should intentionally use a derogatory term in regard to a person. Don't care what color you are. If blacks use it, then I guess that is not derogatory...anyone can use the term.
Go up to the next black person you see and greet them w/that term.

Report back what happened.
So much is made over a stupid word. Yeah it’s vulgar and not nice to say to anyone, but all it is is a word. Why is the N word especially bad compared to pejoratives hurled at other races or ethnicities?
Ask a Jew about the K word.
No one should intentionally use a derogatory term in regard to a person. Don't care what color you are. If blacks use it, then I guess that is not derogatory...anyone can use the term.
Go up to the next black person you see and greet them w/that term.

Report back what happened.
Sounds like a job for this Democrat civil rights lawyer.
So much is made over a stupid word. Yeah it’s vulgar and not nice to say to anyone, but all it is is a word. Why is the N word especially bad compared to pejoratives hurled at other races or ethnicities?
Ask a Jew about the K word.

No one likes being called a bigoted pejorative. The point is the N word is more taboo than all of them. You bring up the K word. Why is the N word banned on this forum and not the K word?
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