the n-word

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Jan 13, 2010
This is my first post in this forum. I'm trying to get peoples opinions as part of a project for my Government Class. I would like your reactions to a video about the n-word. I've always been taught don't say it don't think about it pretend it doesn't exist, but here we are with a word that has so much power it can ruin people's lives. A word.

There is a video called 'Bleep' on youtube from user: thewaitlist

search: 'bleep waitlist' its the first video. I'm asking for your responses to this video for my project, unfortunately I can't display the direct link.

Now, BEFORE you see it, know it has the n-word in it as part of a joke. BUT I want to talk about this. This is the only word we can't speak and because of this it has grown into a monster. I think that, you tell me, I'm ready to move on from this censorship and combat the power of this word, what do you think? I LOVE this video. It comments on the power of the word, it doesn't give it that much BUT I'm also young, I haven't felt the pain of this word, like many others.

Please respond! I'm also going to post this video other places, to get other reactions, let me know if you have any suggestions. My project is due on the 28th so, hopefully I've started early enough.
Yeah ....

Not gonna happen.

You are welcome to join this board as a member but we are not going to be part of your project.

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