The N Word

Leave it to a liberal to say something like "cool black people say..." and be completely unaware of the racist connotations. Fucking idiot hypocrites.
Leave it to a liberal to say something like "cool black people say..." and be completely unaware of the racist connotations. Fucking idiot hypocrites.
Why, black people can't be cool? Or whites just can't quote them? :dunno:

Sugrue discusses the black power movement, but he has little positive to say about it. He instead sees electoral politics becoming the focus of community leaders, resulting in many blacks being elected to local and state offices. Yet many black officials – hobbled by budgetary constraints and aware of their white constituents’ concerns – could do little more then preserve the status quo.

Jim Crow in the North
My comment refers to my personal observation and experience as a born and bred New York City resident for the past eighty-one years. In all that time I have never seen a sign or symbol, or overheard a statement, or witnessed an action which in any way suggested an ethnicity-based restriction
or exclusion. According to Sugrue's commentary, certain Jim Crow-type restrictions and exclusions arose in the North following the Black migration of the 1920s. As a White Northerner I can understand the reason for this reaction -- and I'll tell you why.

Shortly after the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, allowing citizens of any state to move to any other state and to apply for (federally subsidized) public assistance if need be. I'm recalling front-page photos of massive crowds of Blacks pouring off buses at the East Side Greyhound terminal, many carrying rope-tied suitcases and/or stuffed pillowcases. Predictably, and not surprisingly, street crime statistics rose sharply after 1964.

It wasn't long after 1964 that ordinary Northern Whites began complaining about confrontations with aggressively hostile Blacks, many of whom seem to be getting even for their experience in the Jim Crow South. So if there have been examples of anti-Black disposition by Northern Whites following a migration of Southern Blacks who can blame those Whites?

Let me add here that whites have always tried using examples of Asians as the perfect minority who never complained and just kept quiet because whites were angry that blacks dared fight the system as they did. But the problem with this lie is that Asians were in the black panthers and Asians fought with black civil rights groups.
Again, I have never seen or heard an Asian, especially a Chinese, engaged in any sort of "racism" protest. And if one of two oddball Asian malcontents have joined the Black Panthers I have never seen one -- and I doubt you will find any other Whites who have. On the contrary, Asians have always complained about being assaulted and robbed by Blacks.

Here is just one example. Many more available on YouTube via keywords: "Black on Asian violence.
IM2 seems to be oblivious of the fact that there were black slaveowners. Something that destroys his delusion, yet is fact.
He’s already explained why they owned slaves. Buy them from whites. Buy your sister or mother basically freeing them.
That is called a bullshit theory he pulled out of his ass, idiot.
A born liar will find an excuse for anything and everything. It's a skill.
IM2 seems to be oblivious of the fact that there were black slaveowners. Something that destroys his delusion, yet is fact.
He’s already explained why they owned slaves. Buy them from whites. Buy your sister or mother basically freeing them.
That is called a bullshit theory he pulled out of his ass, idiot.
A born liar will find an excuse for anything and everything. It's a skill.
An idiot doesn’t know he’s wrong.
John Casor was not related to Anthony Johnson.
True. It's also true that there were many Black slave owners.

The following is excerpted from Wikipedia's research of this issue:

"William Ellison Jr., born April Ellison, (c. April 1790 – December 5, 1861) was a cotton gin maker and blacksmith in South Carolina, a free African American and former slave who achieved considerable success in business before the American Civil War. He eventually became a major planter and one of the medium property owners, and the wealthiest black property owner in the state. He held 40 slaves at his death and more than 1,000 acres of land. From 1830-1865 he and his sons were the only free blacks in Sumter County, South Carolina to own slaves. The county was largely devoted to cotton plantations and the majority population were slaves."

William Ellison - Wikipedia

Certain information which is carefully ignored by Black race pimps and proponents of blind hatred of Whites includes the fact that all Whites who owned slaves were not necessarily cruel to them.
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I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Yep that's the rule. Follow it or get your ass whipped. I .don't use the word personally. Whites when they use the word they don't mean good things. Now why the lot of you get so butt hurt because you can't call someone a racial slur says a lot about you.
Weak snowflakes hate individuality

This has nothing to do with individuality. Look at al you whining white folks here complaining in thread after thread when someone accurately talks about what whites have done. Then you get you sphincters tight when the word white is used and you all holler in unison about somebody being a racist. Yet here your pink ass is talking about individuality. You're a joke.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
John Casor was not related to Anthony Johnson.
True. It's also true that there were many Black slave owners.

The following is excerpted from Wikipedia's research of this issue:

"William Ellison Jr., born April Ellison, (c. April 1790 – December 5, 1861) was a cotton gin maker and blacksmith in South Carolina, a free African American and former slave who achieved considerable success in business before the American Civil War. He eventually became a major planter and one of the medium property owners, and the wealthiest black property owner in the state. He held 40 slaves at his death and more than 1,000 acres of land. From 1830-1865 he and his sons were the only free blacks in Sumter County, South Carolina to own slaves. The county was largely devoted to cotton plantations and the majority population were slaves."

William Ellison - Wikipedia

Certain information which is carefully ignored by Black race pimps and proponents of blind hatred of Whites includes the fact that all Whites who owned slaves were not necessarily cruel to them.

Well no, this is not ignored. We know blacks owned slaves. But you see there is a fundamental dishonesty in whites who try making this argument. Number 1, did blacks make slavery legal in the United States? No, whites did.

2. The number of black slave owners were very small.

So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us? In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. In his essay, " 'The Known World' of Free Black Slaveholders," Thomas J. Pressly, using Woodson's statistics, calculated that 54 (or about 1 percent) of these black slave owners in 1830 owned between 20 and 84 slaves; 172 (about 4 percent) owned between 10 to 19 slaves; and 3,550 (about 94 percent) each owned between 1 and 9 slaves. Crucially, 42 percent owned just one slave.

This is information ignored by white race pimps, race baiters and proponents of blind hatred of non whites. Also what they want to claim is that somehow slavery was not cruel. That some white slave owners were actually good to their slaves. That's crazy. "He refused another human freedom but he was good to them while he did it."
Yep that's the rule. Follow it or get your ass whipped. I .don't use the word personally. Whites when they use the word they don't mean good things. Now why the lot of you get so butt hurt because you can't call someone a racial slur says a lot about you.
Weak snowflakes hate individuality

This has nothing to do with individuality. Look at al you whining white folks here complaining in thread after thread when someone accurately talks about what whites have done. Then you get you sphincters tight when the word white is used and you all holler in unison about somebody being a racist. Yet here your pink ass is talking about individuality. You're a joke.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/
Well no, this is not ignored. We know blacks owned slaves. But you see there is a fundamental dishonesty in whites who try making this argument. Number 1, did blacks make slavery legal in the United States? No, whites did.
Slavery was never made legal in the U.S., either by Blacks or Whites, because it was not illegal when Black Africans enslaved their countrymen and sold them to Arab, Portuguese, and Dutch slave traders who transported them to America and elsewhere. You need to acknowledge that Africa is the birthplace of slavery and is the only place in the modern world where the practice continues to this day.

The simple fact is slavery was perfectly legal in the U.S. until Whites made it illegal via the Emancipation Proclamation.
Weak snowflakes hate individuality

This has nothing to do with individuality. Look at al you whining white folks here complaining in thread after thread when someone accurately talks about what whites have done. Then you get you sphincters tight when the word white is used and you all holler in unison about somebody being a racist. Yet here your pink ass is talking about individuality. You're a joke.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.
This has nothing to do with individuality. Look at al you whining white folks here complaining in thread after thread when someone accurately talks about what whites have done. Then you get you sphincters tight when the word white is used and you all holler in unison about somebody being a racist. Yet here your pink ass is talking about individuality. You're a joke.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.
AGAIN, if you let someones words hurt you, ESPECIALLY over something you cant control, you have a lot more problems that mean words being pointed in your direction.
But your delusional utopia sounds amazing.
This has nothing to do with individuality. Look at al you whining white folks here complaining in thread after thread when someone accurately talks about what whites have done. Then you get you sphincters tight when the word white is used and you all holler in unison about somebody being a racist. Yet here your pink ass is talking about individuality. You're a joke.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.
He has already stated how he picks and chooses when to be outraged. Maybe if i didnt use harsh language, i would be able to say ****** too :dunno:
This whole thing is like a big fucking joke lol
Most of the white people who live in America and call themselves Americans today had nothing to do with slavery in America and didn't even have ancestors who lived in this country at the time of slavery. Most people LEGALLY immigrated here at some time between slavery days and nowadays. So? Who are you so angry at and why?
Most of the white people who live in America and call themselves Americans today had nothing to do with slavery in America and didn't even have ancestors who lived in this country at the time of slavery. Most people LEGALLY immigrated here at some time between slavery days and nowadays. So? Who are you so angry at and why?

Chris its the ideal of racism that immigrated here , and the idea is what keeps it alive in our world. For example, we may kill most of the terrorist and physically move them out of countries ; but its the " Ideal" of terror that can live in the consciousness of people, which will keep it alive.

What hurts our race is the idea that Whites are better than Blacks
The idea that Blacks are inbred criminals and thus need " Extra policing."
WE have to live with the " Thought that Older White women need to fear Black men", as if we are going to hurt them or rob them. WE have to suffer from that White woman who is in charge of human resources dept. that "decides" to over look the Black people who apply for the jobs, because she " Think" the Blacks will cause trouble. These Whites, who had nothing to do with slavery, still have " Slave mentality", and inherited that " Thinking" right out of the air. The Whites that are not prejudiced simply reject those thoughts.

As far as the Blacks who use the N word, each has a reason for doing it. It ranges from learning from listening , to belittle, hate for some, its used as affection for others, to some, like myself, its a meaningless term. I had to " Unlearn it", but it took 40 years of blindly using it, before I woke up; but the society conversing about it is what changed my mind. Just like we are talking about it now, this is how I learned and realized that I needed to rid the term from my vocab.

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