The N Word

Yes I do think those men used that word to denote inferiority and inhumanity.
Most of the Black Africans delivered to slave dealers in America were originally purchased by the Arab, Dutch and Portuguese traders from their Black African captors in "slave castles" located on the coastal region of the Niger river. The actual Bills Of Lading, which you can see via Google search, refer to these captive Africans as "Niger people," thus the mis-spelling to n!gger,

So much for your paranoid notion that the word refers to "inferiority" and "inhumanity." Any such notion is rooted in your own sense of self-loathing and worthlessness.

I don't need some white m-f to ask me questions about this word. .I am not answering any questions about this word. I said what I did about the word and I am standing by it.
You're not answering of my questions because any attempt to answer them will impose painful realities upon you.
You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people....

Why would you think that?
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Did you ever read The Scarlet Letter?
Yes I do think those men used that word to denote inferiority and inhumanity.
Most of the Black Africans delivered to slave dealers in America were originally purchased by the Arab, Dutch and Portuguese traders from their Black African captors in "slave castles" located on the coastal region of the Niger river. The actual Bills Of Lading, which you can see via Google search, refer to these captive Africans as "Niger people," thus the mis-spelling to n!gger,

So much for your paranoid notion that the word refers to "inferiority" and "inhumanity." Any such notion is rooted in your own sense of self-loathing and worthlessness.

I don't need some white m-f to ask me questions about this word. .I am not answering any questions about this word. I said what I did about the word and I am standing by it.
You're not answering of my questions because any attempt to answer them will impose painful realities upon you.
You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people....

Why would you think that?
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Did you ever read The Scarlet Letter?
I watched a movie with that title many years ago. But no, not read. Connection?
Yes I do think those men used that word to denote inferiority and inhumanity.
Most of the Black Africans delivered to slave dealers in America were originally purchased by the Arab, Dutch and Portuguese traders from their Black African captors in "slave castles" located on the coastal region of the Niger river. The actual Bills Of Lading, which you can see via Google search, refer to these captive Africans as "Niger people," thus the mis-spelling to n!gger,

So much for your paranoid notion that the word refers to "inferiority" and "inhumanity." Any such notion is rooted in your own sense of self-loathing and worthlessness.

I don't need some white m-f to ask me questions about this word. .I am not answering any questions about this word. I said what I did about the word and I am standing by it.
You're not answering of my questions because any attempt to answer them will impose painful realities upon you.
You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people....

Why would you think that?
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Why do you guys think the world revolves around whites? Why would using the word incite anger among whites and why in the fuck should we care?

I don't use the word myself. So I don't understand what problem racist whites have with simply not using a word you have been asked not to use. I say racist whites because you guys are the only whites who ask the question. Most whites do not and they live quite fine without calling us that word even if blacks use it.. But you guys..... Then you start crying when you get called racists.
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Blacks don't really hate White people using the word, n!gger. The feigned anger exhibited by Blacks who hear Whites use that word has its origin in the earliest stage of Abolition. It was the first time the liberated slave class was free to criticize Whites for anything and they took full advantage of their new freedom by grossly exaggerating their response to a mere word.

We can assume that, back in 1833, if a White man addressed a former slave as n!gger the offended negro was free to remind the White man, politely, and presuming there were no KKK rallies nearby, that he was no longer whatever it is that word means or implies -- (thank you).

That was in 1833. Since that time the American negro has managed to expand on what began as a cooperatively agreed correction in a common form of personal address, gradually transforming it into an absolute prohibition and presumptive negation of the most basic provision of the First Amendment -- the right of free speech. What began as a polite willingness on the part of Whites to refrain from addressing a negro as n!gger has evolved into an informal but unchallenged mandate forbidding a White person to utter that word under any circumstances and within even the most impersonal and/or academic context.

So a little thought makes it abundantly clear that Black people don't hate use of the word n!gger by Whites. Rather they love being able to forbid them from using it.
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Blacks don't really hate White people using the word, n!gger. The feigned anger exhibited by Blacks who hear Whites use that word has its origin in the earliest stage of Abolition. It was the first time the liberated slave class was free to criticize Whites for anything and they took full advantage of their new freedom by grossly exaggerating their response to a mere word.

We can assume that, back in 1833, if a White man addressed a former slave as n!gger the offended negro was free to remind the White man, politely, and presuming there were no KKK rallies nearby, that he was no longer whatever it is that word means or implies -- (thank you).

That was in 1833. Since that time the American negro has managed to expand on what began as a cooperatively agreed correction in a common form of personal address, gradually transforming it into an absolute prohibition and presumptive negation of the most basic provision of the First Amendment -- the right of free speech. What began as a polite willingness on the part of Whites to refrain from addressing a negro as n!gger has evolved into an informal but unchallenged mandate forbidding a White person to utter that word under any circumstances and within even the most impersonal and/or academic context.

So a little thought makes it abundantly clear that Black people don't hate use of the word n!gger by Whites. Rather they love being able to forbid them from using it.

Yes we do. You're white so don't mislead other whites into dong something stupid they end up regretting. It's funny how you dumb asses think. If we tell you that you benefited from shit in 1833 that was too long ago and should not be talked about. So here we have an idiot talking about if this was 1833. In 1833 we were not free. We could not give any white person the piece of our mind for saying that as we can now. If a black person then had whipped some white vis ass fir sing that, he'd end up dead. So a little thought makes it abundantly clear that you are a fucking idiot talking stupid because you're protected by he internet. So folks understand this ain't 1833 and you can follow this fools advice all you want, but I would advise you not t, But if you think you don't have to listen to me just walk up to a black person call them that mere word and see what you get.
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

every race just about has been slaves; and for much longer- why is it only blacks constantly bitch and live of others hard work? Why do almost none finish school or get married before having kids etc etc etc?
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

every race just about has been slaves; and for much longer- why is it only blacks constantly bitch and live of others hard work? Why do almost none finish school or get married before having kids etc etc etc?

I think that a group who lived off the hard work others did for free or at reduced pay from 1618-1965 by written law should not be talking about who lived off the hard work of others. As for your last question, this lie has been long ago debunked.
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

Yeah, cuz you know, it's white people you worry about when you go to the money machine at night, amirite?

Forward to 7:20 in. :rolleyes-41:

I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

Yeah, cuz you know, it's white people you worry about when you go to the money machine at night, amirite?

Forward to 7:20 in. :rolleyes-41:

Actually since I live in Kansas and if I stop in a rural town to get something I do worry about white people.

I don't listen to comedians to learn about the social condition. I listen to a comedian to laugh.

So I won't be fast forwarding to 7:20 in.

Race, class and opportunity

Maybe you need to listen to this in it's entirety,
Yes I do think those men used that word to denote inferiority and inhumanity.
Most of the Black Africans delivered to slave dealers in America were originally purchased by the Arab, Dutch and Portuguese traders from their Black African captors in "slave castles" located on the coastal region of the Niger river. The actual Bills Of Lading, which you can see via Google search, refer to these captive Africans as "Niger people," thus the mis-spelling to n!gger,

So much for your paranoid notion that the word refers to "inferiority" and "inhumanity." Any such notion is rooted in your own sense of self-loathing and worthlessness.

I don't need some white m-f to ask me questions about this word. .I am not answering any questions about this word. I said what I did about the word and I am standing by it.
You're not answering of my questions because any attempt to answer them will impose painful realities upon you.
You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people....

Why would you think that?
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Why do you guys think the world revolves around whites? Why would using the word incite anger among whites and why in the fuck should we care?

I don't use the word myself. So I don't understand what problem racist whites have with simply not using a word you have been asked not to use. I say racist whites because you guys are the only whites who ask the question. Most whites do not and they live quite fine without calling us that word even if blacks use it.. But you guys..... Then you start crying when you get called racists.
I don't use the word either. People aren't racist for asking questions. Why is it okay for some to use it but not others? And no, the answer can't be cause it has different meanings, when the original meaning is hateful, why use a hateful word?
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

Yeah, cuz you know, it's white people you worry about when you go to the money machine at night, amirite?

Forward to 7:20 in. :rolleyes-41:

Actually since I live in Kansas and if I stop in a rural town to get something I do worry about white people.

I don't listen to comedians to learn about the social condition. I listen to a comedian to laugh.

So I won't be fast forwarding to 7:20 in.

Race, class and opportunity

Maybe you need to listen to this in it's entirety,

Translation: :lalala: :crybaby:

I watched the first 30 seconds and stopped after "Donate today".

I do say "nigga" every now and then. I get called a cracker daily. It's OK where I'm from, then again, I'm not from lily-white Kansas. Deys lotsa black folk 'round heanh. We're all Americans, though, ain't too many African-Americans. I've met some, they were white and spoke Dutch.


If we tell you that you benefited from shit in 1833 that was too long ago and should not be talked about. So here we have an idiot talking about if this was 1833. In 1833 we were not free. We could not give any white person the piece of our mind for saying that as we can now.

I must confess to a brain-fart error when writing the above comment. Rather than citing the year when Emancipation was enacted, which was 1863, I mistakenly cited 1833 (the year when Britain abolished slavery). I'd intended to specify the time when emancipated American slaves had begun to assert their liberated status -- but my careless mistake totally undermined the point I was trying to make.

Specifically, you were quite right. In 1833 Black slaves in America had not yet become free.
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If we tell you that you benefited from shit in 1833 that was too long ago and should not be talked about. So here we have an idiot talking about if this was 1833. In 1833 we were not free. We could not give any white person the piece of our mind for saying that as we can now.

I must confess to a brain-fart error when writing the above comment. Rather than citing the year when Emancipation was enacted, which was 1863, I mistakenly cited 1833 (the year when Britain abolished slavery). I'd intended to specify the time when emancipated American slaves had begun to assert their liberated status -- but my careless mistake totally undermined the point I was trying to make.

Specifically, you were quite right. In 1833 Black slaves in America had not yet become free.

Yeah and shortly after 1863 Jim Crow became the law of the land.
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

Yeah, cuz you know, it's white people you worry about when you go to the money machine at night, amirite?

Forward to 7:20 in. :rolleyes-41:

Actually since I live in Kansas and if I stop in a rural town to get something I do worry about white people.

I don't listen to comedians to learn about the social condition. I listen to a comedian to laugh.

So I won't be fast forwarding to 7:20 in.

Race, class and opportunity

Maybe you need to listen to this in it's entirety,

Translation: :lalala: :crybaby:

I watched the first 30 seconds and stopped after "Donate today".

I do say "nigga" every now and then. I get called a cracker daily. It's OK where I'm from, then again, I'm not from lily-white Kansas. Deys lotsa black folk 'round heanh. We're all Americans, though, ain't too many African-Americans. I've met some, they were white and spoke Dutch.


Yeah of course. The standard forum story of how the white man hardly ever uses the n word but those terrible backs are hurling racial insults at him all day long. You live in the south. America itself is lily white. I doubt if it's OK where you live. If you stopped at donation, you didn't watch he video. That was expected. So then since you can't provide a reasonable educated discussion on this matter we just won't be talking.
Most of the Black Africans delivered to slave dealers in America were originally purchased by the Arab, Dutch and Portuguese traders from their Black African captors in "slave castles" located on the coastal region of the Niger river. The actual Bills Of Lading, which you can see via Google search, refer to these captive Africans as "Niger people," thus the mis-spelling to n!gger,

So much for your paranoid notion that the word refers to "inferiority" and "inhumanity." Any such notion is rooted in your own sense of self-loathing and worthlessness.

You're not answering of my questions because any attempt to answer them will impose painful realities upon you.
You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people....

Why would you think that?
Why would black people want to call each other a name that they hate white people calling them?

Why do you guys think the world revolves around whites? Why would using the word incite anger among whites and why in the fuck should we care?

I don't use the word myself. So I don't understand what problem racist whites have with simply not using a word you have been asked not to use. I say racist whites because you guys are the only whites who ask the question. Most whites do not and they live quite fine without calling us that word even if blacks use it.. But you guys..... Then you start crying when you get called racists.
I don't use the word either. People aren't racist for asking questions. Why is it okay for some to use it but not others? And no, the answer can't be cause it has different meanings, when the original meaning is hateful, why use a hateful word?

You've been given the answer You don't get to make the rules on this matter nor do you get to frame the debate relative to the words usage. For most of this nations history when whites use the word it has been meant in a derogatory manner. Now that's what whites have done. Take responsibility for the wrongs and stop trying to seek ways you can find to justify why you want to continue using the word.
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

its the only thing they own, let them have it.

I think that a group of people who have basically stolen everything they have need not make comments about what others own.

Yeah, cuz you know, it's white people you worry about when you go to the money machine at night, amirite?

Forward to 7:20 in. :rolleyes-41:

Actually since I live in Kansas and if I stop in a rural town to get something I do worry about white people.

I don't listen to comedians to learn about the social condition. I listen to a comedian to laugh.

So I won't be fast forwarding to 7:20 in.

Race, class and opportunity

Maybe you need to listen to this in it's entirety,

You live in Kansas IM2? What part? My family is all from the Kansas/:Missouri area. Fort Scott, Wichita, Lawrence, Clinton.

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