The N Word

Most of the white people who live in America and call themselves Americans today had nothing to do with slavery in America and didn't even have ancestors who lived in this country at the time of slavery. Most people LEGALLY immigrated here at some time between slavery days and nowadays. So? Who are you so angry at and why?

So? Your asses did not live here on July 4th, 1776 and you celebrate it every year. On top of that there were 100 years after slavery of more apartheid that did last into my lifetime and has impacted yours. On top of that there is continuing racism going on today by whites. So the argument is far beyond slavery and slavery is not the only issue. So why are you so dumb?
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How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.
AGAIN, if you let someones words hurt you, ESPECIALLY over something you cant control, you have a lot more problems that mean words being pointed in your direction.
But your delusional utopia sounds amazing.

So I guess the WORDS on the constitution don't mean anything.
How do you know I did that you fucking retard?
Yes, individuality has everything to do with what people say? Do you understand what the word means?

Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.
Well no, this is not ignored. We know blacks owned slaves. But you see there is a fundamental dishonesty in whites who try making this argument. Number 1, did blacks make slavery legal in the United States? No, whites did.
Slavery was never made legal in the U.S., either by Blacks or Whites, because it was not illegal when Black Africans enslaved their countrymen and sold them to Arab, Portuguese, and Dutch slave traders who transported them to America and elsewhere. You need to acknowledge that Africa is the birthplace of slavery and is the only place in the modern world where the practice continues to this day.

The simple fact is slavery was perfectly legal in the U.S. until Whites made it illegal via the Emancipation Proclamation.

Africa is a continent with different countries existing therein. So maybe yo go bone up on how things happened in reality before yo come back with that same dumb half truth about Africans selling their own countrymen. I am not really talkig all tat much about slavery, I am more concerned with the oden continuing racism og whites in America.

The US was not abiding or bound by any African nations law so slavery was made legal in the US by whites until the emancipation proclamation was signed the 1860's. You talk abut whites making it illegal, but blacks were never allowed representation to vote against or make any decision regarding the matter. So again your argument is weak and disingenuous. You are an amateur her Mike and you are up against a person who has and continues studying these things. Repeating some crap you read on a white supremacist site ain't going to cut it.
Most of the white people who live in America and call themselves Americans today had nothing to do with slavery in America and didn't even have ancestors who lived in this country at the time of slavery. Most people LEGALLY immigrated here at some time between slavery days and nowadays. So? Who are you so angry at and why?

Chris its the ideal of racism that immigrated here , and the idea is what keeps it alive in our world. For example, we may kill most of the terrorist and physically move them out of countries ; but its the " Ideal" of terror that can live in the consciousness of people, which will keep it alive.

What hurts our race is the idea that Whites are better than Blacks
The idea that Blacks are inbred criminals and thus need " Extra policing."
WE have to live with the " Thought that Older White women need to fear Black men", as if we are going to hurt them or rob them. WE have to suffer from that White woman who is in charge of human resources dept. that "decides" to over look the Black people who apply for the jobs, because she " Think" the Blacks will cause trouble. These Whites, who had nothing to do with slavery, still have " Slave mentality", and inherited that " Thinking" right out of the air. The Whites that are not prejudiced simply reject those thoughts.

As far as the Blacks who use the N word, each has a reason for doing it. It ranges from learning from listening , to belittle, hate for some, its used as affection for others, to some, like myself, its a meaningless term. I had to " Unlearn it", but it took 40 years of blindly using it, before I woke up; but the society conversing about it is what changed my mind. Just like we are talking about it now, this is how I learned and realized that I needed to rid the term from my vocab.

Because it happens all the time, perhaps?

Like this:
"We didn't do nothing"
Chicago teens laugh as they slap and taunt elderly man on subway | Daily Mail Online

Brooklyn youths attack couple in car in racial attack: cops
Elderly woman remains critical after she was beaten, set ablaze
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Yes I do and your comment has nothing to do with it.

This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.
This is interesting , notice;

I would be the most insulted according to which White person called me the N word. In my view, the speaker can actually make it worse, just because of who they are. I would really be insulted if TNHarley called me the N word. If Marion Morrison did it, its according to how he did it. If IM2 did it I could over look that, because of who he or she is.

But in my opinion, individuality does factor into it.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"
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When Blacks stop using the term to refer to themselves and each other maybe Whites will begin to think Blacks honestly find the term offensive.
Most of the white people who live in America and call themselves Americans today had nothing to do with slavery in America and didn't even have ancestors who lived in this country at the time of slavery. Most people LEGALLY immigrated here at some time between slavery days and nowadays. So? Who are you so angry at and why?

So? Your asses did not live here on July 4th, 1776 and you celebrate it every year. On top of that there were 100 years after slavery of more apartheid that did last into my lifetime and has impacted yours. On top of that there is continuing racism going on today by whites. So the argument is far beyond slavery and slavery is not the only issue. So why are you so dumb?

It is the date of independence of my country from the Brits. There would be no America without it, dumbass.

So, take your issue up with those whites. Leave other people alone, you nuisance.
See? People LET words hurt them. I wish people would grow the fuck up :/

That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.
That's the real thing Harley, I grew up around people like yourself who spit words out of their mouths with hardcore impunity to other races. With a creative laser like knife that cut the listeners up like they were dead meat. We learned the beginning of hate, how to defend ourselves, how to actually see a hateful heart inside of a person just by their words. And how to notice one of the most dangerous things to happen to the human language; the perversion of our best way of communication. People like yourself that use their talents to create words that rot out language and get planted into the ears of our youth, who then allow it to creep into their consciousness , where it takes root and comes out of their mouths. This vicious cycle of foolishness just creates a life of its own, and now America is known for its stupid , nasty , vile way of language, and its spreading into all nations.

The life of one word, one seed, planted into our reality and into our world. Instead of inspiration , we keep getting lies, hate, racism, fear and words that wreck our chance to build each other up.

Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D
Then why do black people call each other the N word? I mean, it is really pervasive, in their music, etc. It is like your culture is trying to keep slavery alive or something? Like, you say that so that you never move on from what happened a hundred or so years ago? I understand that you may face some prejudicial behavior by some people, but there are going to be ignorant people in the world. For the MOST part, white people do not want to harm you in any way, so? You complain about outliers is all, and you have plenty of your own outliers too.

Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D

You don't think I'm going to sit here and make a list, do you? The point is that most people aren't going around calling each other names which they CLAIM are derogatory in their every day interactions except for black people.
Why do whites call each other wops,, guineas, dagos and micks? If I walked into any of those communities and called anyone such I would deservedly get pounded maybe to death. But for some odd reason a section of dumb ass whites pretend they are confused as to why we don't want whites using the n word.

I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D

You don't think I'm going to sit here and make a list, do you? The point is that most people aren't going around calling each other names which they CLAIM are derogatory in their every day interactions except for black people.

Yes, I hear it all the time.

"Paisan" is not even derogatory, I think it means "fellow countryman". Kinda like when my friends call me cracker. :coffee:
I don't know any Italian who would call another Italian a "WOP" or a "guinea." That is not what white people do. We don't use these words in our songs. The only time you might hear those words is from a comedian making jokes. You are highly dishonest. This is just one reason why I mostly avoid reading your posts. You are childish, immature, a liar, and a bigot.

They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D

You don't think I'm going to sit here and make a list, do you? The point is that most people aren't going around calling each other names which they CLAIM are derogatory in their every day interactions except for black people.

Yes, I hear it all the time.

"Paisan" is not even derogatory, I think it means "fellow countryman". Kinda like when my friends call me cracker. :coffee:

Well I've never heard it, not once, but I do hear the N word all the time.
They call each other "paisan"

Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D

You don't think I'm going to sit here and make a list, do you? The point is that most people aren't going around calling each other names which they CLAIM are derogatory in their every day interactions except for black people.

Yes, I hear it all the time.

"Paisan" is not even derogatory, I think it means "fellow countryman". Kinda like when my friends call me cracker. :coffee:

Well I've never heard it, not once, but I do hear the N word all the time.

It's usually only used by Italian men. I've never heard an Italian woman say it. Ever..hmm..and I do mean ever.
May be something to that. :dunno:
Apparently they do not, as I have never heard anyone use either of those terms.

What terms have you heard? :D

You don't think I'm going to sit here and make a list, do you? The point is that most people aren't going around calling each other names which they CLAIM are derogatory in their every day interactions except for black people.

Yes, I hear it all the time.

"Paisan" is not even derogatory, I think it means "fellow countryman". Kinda like when my friends call me cracker. :coffee:

Well I've never heard it, not once, but I do hear the N word all the time.

It's usually only used by Italian men. I've never heard an Italian woman say it. Ever..hmm..and I do mean ever.
May be something to that. :dunno:

I'm talking about going about your normal daily routine, listening to the radio, small casual talk, hearing other people talking. I don't hear white people regularly calling each other "cracker" or any other such racist terms. I DO hear black people calling each other "*******." I hear it on the radio, I hear it on TV, I read it/hear it on the internet, I hear it directly out of their mouths.
If white people call each other derogatory racial names, it is usually in jest or maybe because they are in a fight even. Black people use it as a greeting and use it often in just regular conversation. "Yo ******! My ****** said . . . That ****** over there . . . " I sometimes wonder if they even have names!

You see what I am talking about?
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Black people are allowed to use the N word, white people are not

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are......if a skinny girl does it, it is just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are......if a rich person does it, it is just plain mean

Same goes for the N word
I hear Black people constantly call each other n!gger during regular conversation all of the time whenever I go into the city on business.

Yet they claim the word is extremely hurtful and offensive. But only if they hear a non black person utter the word. .... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Black people are allowed to use the N word, white people are not

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are......if a skinny girl does it, it is just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are......if a rich person does it, it is just plain mean

Same goes for the N word

Except they don't just say it as a joke. They use it as a greeting and that is how they refer to one another.

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