The Narrative Shalt Not Be Questioned

Or they can go to a state university, get the same degree that they would get from Harvard. It wouldn't be as prestigious, mind you. Still more than adequate to get you a job, though.
So could the kids that edge out Asian kids with extra points for not being Asian. Or do they deduct points from Asians?

Either way, absent Affirmative Action with student loans and lowered admission standards, anyone can go to a state college and get the same degree they would get from Harvard and get a job to start making the payments until another Dem makes the American taxpayers foot that bill for them.
Um, yeah, you do? Then why do you keep electing THESE people?

View attachment 719758
Were these really the most competent and able people you could find? I mean, they are probably the whitest people you could find.
Yeah, politics sucks. We could go on all day. But first tell me how eliminating Asians from Harvard changes that.
On a more serious note, if college admission was determined purely by test scores and grades, you MIGHT have an argument.

But a lot of those slots are legacies (your parents graduated from that school, so they let you in), athletics, the children of donors, etc. In fact, at Harvard, 43% of students are ADLC admissions, and they tend to be overwhelmingly white. Compared to only 16% who are minority affirmative action admissions.

Fair point, but the solution is eliminate non-merit based consideration from admission, not to pile more on. Particularly state-funded colleges should be merit-based only. With "not being Asian" not counting as "merit."

Give points for being poor or first generation college and I'm fine with that.

More Blacks than Asians get football scholarships, should that playing field be leveled also?

When transwomen become the majorty of a big sports school's womens athletics, should there be affirmative action for cis women?
The real question is, why do you hate trans-people so much? They frankly aren't bothering you.

Or they can go to a state university, get the same degree that they would get from Harvard. It wouldn't be as prestigious, mind you. Still more than adequate to get you a job, though.

Um, yeah, you do? Then why do you keep electing THESE people?

View attachment 719758
Were these really the most competent and able people you could find? I mean, they are probably the whitest people you could find.

On a more serious note, if college admission was determined purely by test scores and grades, you MIGHT have an argument.

But a lot of those slots are legacies (your parents graduated from that school, so they let you in), athletics, the children of donors, etc. In fact, at Harvard, 43% of students are ADLC admissions, and they tend to be overwhelmingly white. Compared to only 16% who are minority affirmative action admissions.

I have no hate for anyone with mental illness. I simply am educated enough to know humans can’t change sex on a whim like you think.
So could the kids that edge out Asian kids with extra points for not being Asian. Or do they deduct points from Asians?

Either way, absent Affirmative Action with student loans and lowered admission standards, anyone can go to a state college and get the same degree they would get from Harvard and get a job to start making the payments until another Dem makes the American taxpayers foot that bill for them.

True, but they won't have the prestige of Harvard. If you are going to give Harvard grads the prestige, then blacks need to be proportionately represented.

Yeah, politics sucks. We could go on all day. But first tell me how eliminating Asians from Harvard changes that.

You are the one who claimed you only want "the best" being in charge. You can start with who you elect to higher office, not who gets into college.

Asians aren't going anywhere... they are already overrepresented at Harvard. They are three percent of the population and 27.9% of the enrollment at Harvard. Meanwhile, blacks who are 13% of the population only make up 15% of the student body even with the affirmative action you whine about.

Fair point, but the solution is eliminate non-merit based consideration from admission, not to pile more on. Particularly state-funded colleges should be merit-based only. With "not being Asian" not counting as "merit."

Nope, the solution is to make sure that all races are fairly represented. Asians are overrepresented.. blacks are barely represented, hispanics are underrepresented.

More Blacks than Asians get football scholarships, should that playing field be leveled also?

Doesn't matter. Most of the athletic scholarships go to white people. Usually for sports that don't make the college money.

When transwomen become the majorty of a big sports school's womens athletics, should there be affirmative action for cis women?

Transgenders are only .3% of the population. Literally every last one of them would have to play women's sports to offset cis-gendered women.
I have no hate for anyone with mental illness. I simply am educated enough to know humans can’t change sex on a whim like you think.

Do you really think there's a trans-person who wakes up one morning on a whim and decides to change?

I'll ask the question, how many trans people do you actually know? If you knew any, they would tell you they knew they were different at a very young age.
Do you really think there's a trans-person who wakes up one morning on a whim and decides to change?

I'll ask the question, how many trans people do you actually know? If you knew any, they would tell you they knew they were different at a very young age.
No idea when the mental illness triggers the delusion.
Nor do I know why Leftards are so stupid to think they change sex just because of their mental illness.
True, but they won't have the prestige of Harvard. If you are going to give Harvard grads the prestige, then blacks need to be proportionately represented.
Why? You just keep repeating that as a mantra. Why does it matter whether a disproportionate.y small number of Asians are accepted and a disproportionately small number of blacks are accepted, so long as it was merit-based?

Shouldn't that be a signal for the Black community to look at what the Asian community - often first generation immigrants - are doing right to prepare their kids for higher education?
You are the one who claimed you only want "the best" being in charge. You can start with who you elect to higher office, not who gets into college.
We can only elect those willing to run. Due to the politics of personal vilification, and the criminalization of disagreement, the best do not want to run anymore.
Asians aren't going anywhere... they are already overrepresented at Harvard. They are three percent of the population and 27.9% of the enrollment at Harvard. Meanwhile, blacks who are 13% of the population only make up 15% of the student body even with the affirmative action you whine about.

You still haven't explained why it matters.
Nope, the solution is to make sure that all races are fairly represented. Asians are overrepresented.. blacks are barely represented, hispanics are underrepresented.
How could you say blacks are barely represented, when you just said that they are 15% in colleges but only 13% of the genpop?

Where there is affirmative action, students who merit admission are under-represented. That's what Affirmative Action is.
Doesn't matter. Most of the athletic scholarships go to white people. Usually for sports that don't make the college money.
Transgenders are only .3% of the population. Literally every last one of them would have to play women's sports to offset cis-gendered women.
How "transgender" to you have to be to play women's sports if you claim to be a transwoman? All you have to do is announce that you are a woman, right? If not, what guardrails are in place to ensure false claims of transgenderism do not allow men to take scholarships intended for women? Be specific. Provide evidence, not guesses.
No idea when the mental illness triggers the delusion.
Nor do I know why Leftards are so stupid to think they change sex just because of their mental illness.

Well, perhaps you should learn more about gender dysphoria before you express an ignorant opinion.

50 years ago, they considered homosexuality a mental illness... then they realized it was just another form of sexuality.
Why does the right wing love weird Asian cults so much

Who doesn't love an Asian cult?

Why? You just keep repeating that as a mantra. Why does it matter whether a disproportionate.y small number of Asians are accepted and a disproportionately small number of blacks are accepted, so long as it was merit-based?

And this is where you get confused. ANYONE being considered for admission to Harvard meets the merit standard. It's already a pretty select group. As I pointed out, 46% of students are selected based on ADLC (Athletics, Dean's Interest, Legacy, Children of Staff) and those standards favor white people.

Now, yes, Asian people are really good at taking tests... but test taking isn't the be all and end all of academics.

Shouldn't that be a signal for the Black community to look at what the Asian community - often first generation immigrants - are doing right to prepare their kids for higher education?

Not really, since the experiences are not the same. Asians weren't brought over here as slaves. Asians didn't experience 100 years of Jim Crow. The cops don't pull you over for driving while Asian. Nobody calls the cops because "there's an Asian dude hanging around outside". So it shouldn't be so much "Why can't you be more like Asians" as, "Why can't you treat us more like Asians."

We can only elect those willing to run. Due to the politics of personal vilification, and the criminalization of disagreement, the best do not want to run anymore.

This is a laugh... the party of hating on the government doesn't understand why good people don't run for office.

How could you say blacks are barely represented, when you just said that they are 15% in colleges but only 13% of the genpop?

Where there is affirmative action, students who merit admission are under-represented. That's what Affirmative Action is.

Nope. Works on the assumption that black people admitted don't have merit. ANYONE being considered for Harvard already has good test scores, good grades and a lot of other merits in terms of community involvement, athletics, etc.

So you are looking at a very qualified pool to start with.

How "transgender" to you have to be to play women's sports if you claim to be a transwoman? All you have to do is announce that you are a woman, right? If not, what guardrails are in place to ensure false claims of transgenderism do not allow men to take scholarships intended for women? Be specific. Provide evidence, not guesses.

no cis-gendered person is going to claim to be transgender just to get on a team. Don't be absurd. The stigma of being transgender just isn't worth the trade-off.
D. Why does the right wing love weird Asian cults so much, like the Fulan [sic] Gong or the Unification Church?
D. That’s as stupid a strawman as you can get. Congratulations.

This is Incel Joe that you're addressing. One of the most extreme and prolific pathological liars on this site.

This is a mediocre example of the sort of lies, distortions, and strawmen that it produces. It routinely makes such claims that are far more stupid than this one.
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Is that why you science hating Leftards fire people for not calling a dude in a dress a woman?
Twitter banned the Babylon Bee for calling a mentally ill man in a dress Man of the Year.
Sounds reasonable to me.
If the Babylon Bee put on a person in blackface because they thought it was funny, we wouldn't be having a discussion.

Every sane person knows that a white man in blackface is not a real black man, just the same as a mentally-ill man in a dress is not a woman.

This is joe that you're addressing. One of the most extreme and prolific pathological liars on this site.

This is a mediocre example of the sort of lies, distortions, and strawmen that it produced. It routinely makes such claims that are far more stupid than this one.

Cult member is okay with cults controlling the Right Wing narrative... Why am I not surprised?

No more than I am surprised that he is up at 3:30 in the morning his time obsessing about me.

Every sane person knows that a white man in blackface is not a real black man, just the same as a mentally-ill man in a dress is not a woman.

A white man in blackface doesn't think he's black.

A transgender woman actually believes she is a woman.

A cultist in magic underwear really isn't getting special protection, but you think that's true, too.
Every sane person knows that a white man in blackface is not a real black man, just the same as a mentally-ill man in a dress is not a woman.
A white man in blackface doesn't think he's black.
A transgender woman actually believes she is a woman.

And that's an important distinction.

A “transgender woman” is, as a matter of undeniable scientific fact. not a woman at all. The fact that he believes that he is a woman is prima facie proof that there is something severely fucked-up in his head. And so is anyone else who plays along with that delusion, for example, by referring to him using female pronouns.

I suppose the same could be true of a white man in blackface, who sincerely believes that he is black.
Well, perhaps you should learn more about gender dysphoria before you express an ignorant opinion.

50 years ago, they considered homosexuality a mental illness... then they realized it was just another form of sexuality.
They didn't "realize" anything new about homosexuality. They changed the definition of "mental disorder" so that homosexuality no longer met it.

I agree with their doing that, but I prefer the truth over spin. The truth is that they changed the definition of mental illness, they did not learn additional information about homosexuality.

As to gender dysphoria, I believe that whether it is a mental disorder or not depends on how the dysphoria changes the behavior. If a peson tells friends that he wants to be treated as a woman and dress like a woman and go by a girl's name, I would not say he has a mental disorder. If he finds gay male lovers who are willing to go along with his role-play, that is not a mental disorder.

When he seeks to medicate and mutilate his own body to try and make an illusion to match the delusion, and doesn't ask, but insists that people be required to treat him as female, including allowing him unfettered access to women's areas of privacy, he has slipped into mental disorder.

Treatment is needed for him to accept himself as he is.
The real question is, why do you hate trans-people so much? They frankly aren't bothering you.

Or they can go to a state university, get the same degree that they would get from Harvard. It wouldn't be as prestigious, mind you. Still more than adequate to get you a job, though.

Um, yeah, you do? Then why do you keep electing THESE people?

View attachment 719758
Were these really the most competent and able people you could find? I mean, they are probably the whitest people you could find.

On a more serious note, if college admission was determined purely by test scores and grades, you MIGHT have an argument.

But a lot of those slots are legacies (your parents graduated from that school, so they let you in), athletics, the children of donors, etc. In fact, at Harvard, 43% of students are ADLC admissions, and they tend to be overwhelmingly white. Compared to only 16% who are minority affirmative action admissions.

no cis-gendered person is going to claim to be transgender just to get on a team. Don't be absurd. The stigma of being transgender just isn't worth the trade-off.
Have you ever met a teenager?

Offer one a chance to be a starter on the girls basketball team after he can't make the cut on the boys, and be eligible for a college scholarship as a female, but the catch is that he will have to be in the girls' locker room when they change, and you think they will all say no way?

Have you seen a picture of the boy in Virginia who joined the girl's volleyball team and when the girls complained about him making inappriate comments while they undressed they were kicked out? How about the boy who put on a skirt to go into the girls' bathroom (also in Virginia) to forcibly sodomize a girl?

Of course you haven't. Because in perhaps the most sick irony in history, the media protects their privacy. Women's privacy and safety means nothing to Democrats, because transgender is their flavor of the century. "Stigma" my ass.

Have you seen a picture of Lia Thomas in women's clothes anywhere but a swim meet?
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Cult member is okay with cults controlling the Right Wing narrative... Why am I not surprised?

No more than I am surprised that he is up at 3:30 in the morning his time obsessing about me.

A white man in blackface doesn't think he's black.

A transgender woman actually believes she is a woman.

A cultist in magic underwear really isn't getting special protection, but you think that's true, too.
Plenty of you white Leftards pretend to be black. Some pretend to be Indians.
And that's an important distinction.

A “transgender woman” is, as a matter of undeniable scientific fact. not a woman at all. The fact that he believes that he is a woman is prima facie proof that there is something severely fucked-up in his head. And so is anyone else who plays along with that delusion, for example, by referring to him using female pronouns.

Except actual scientists recognize gender dysphoria as a legitimate condition.

Oh, if you want an example of how on the wrong side of history you are... yesterday the company I work for, hardly a bastion of liberalism, initiated a policy of allowing people of putting the pronouns of their choice in the signature block. While it is still "optional" at this point, the fact that they are even doing this (following the lead of companies like LinkedIn and Facebook) says that this is here to stay.

better get with the program... because eventually even your cult is going to have a Come to Jesus Moment.

I suppose the same could be true of a white man in blackface, who sincerely believes that he is black.

Can you cite a case of that happening, other than Rachal Dozeal, who everyone accepted as black until her parents outed her?

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