The Narrative Shalt Not Be Questioned

Have you ever met a teenager?

Offer one a chance to be a starter on the girls basketball team after he can't make the cut on the boys, and be eligible for a college scholarship as a female, but the catch is that he will have to be in the girls' locker room when they change, and you think they will all say no way?

Um, yeah, now it's been a long time since I've been a teen, but what I remember is that teens are kind of bastards, who would mock anyone for any reason. So I couldn't imagine anyone coming out as Trans unless they really were. More likely, most of them would hide it until they are clear of High School.

Have you seen a picture of the boy in Virginia who joined the girl's volleyball team and when the girls complained about him making inappriate comments while they undressed they were kicked out? How about the boy who put on a skirt to go into the girls' bathroom (also in Virginia) to forcibly sodomize a girl?

Uh, what I remember about the latter case is that the right wing lied their asses off about it. He didn't forcible sodomize that girl. He and their girl had a relationship and had sex in that same bathroom on two previous occasions. She decided she wanted to end the relationship, which is totally her right. But don't try to paint a case of relationship violence as one of transgender violence.

The former case was a bunch of transphobic girls making a scene and being punished, as they should have been.

Of course you haven't. Because in perhaps the most sick irony in history, the media protects their privacy. Women's privacy and safety means nothing to Democrats, because transgender is their flavor of the century. "Stigma" my ass.

Have you seen a picture of Lia Thomas in women's clothes anywhere but a swim meet?

A “transgender woman” is, as a matter of undeniable scientific fact. not a woman at all. The fact that he believes that he is a woman is prima facie proof that there is something severely fucked-up in his head. And so is anyone else who plays along with that delusion, for example, by referring to him using female pronouns.
Except actual scientists recognize gender dysphoria as a legitimate condition.

Oh, if you want an example of how on the wrong side of history you are... yesterday the company I work for, hardly a bastion of liberalism, initiated a policy of allowing people of putting the pronouns of their choice in the signature block. While it is still "optional" at this point, the fact that they are even doing this (following the lead of companies like LinkedIn and Facebook) says that this is here to stay.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disease, not a physical condition.

The hard scientific fact remains that a man is not, and cannot become a woman, nor is a woman a man nor can a woman become a man.

That's just crazy to believe, and crazy to claim.

To believe that a man can be a woman, or vice versa, is prima facie proof that one is batshit insane.

And insanity remains insanity no matter how many fools are drawn into it.

I suppose the same could be true of a white man in blackface, who sincerely believes that he is black.
Can you cite a case of that happening, other than Rachal Dozeal, who everyone accepted as black until her parents outed her?

I never claimed anything about that circumstances actually existing. I was merely pointing out a hypothetical circumstance in which blackface could be comparable to transgenderism.

A white man in blackface, who sincerely believes that he is black, would be batshit crazy in exactly the same way that a “transgender” creature is batshit crazy.
Gender dysphoria is a mental disease, not a physical condition.

Except psychiatrists recognize it as not being a mental disease. 50 years ago, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness. 100 years ago, psychologists listed "hysteria" as a mental illness because women don't think or react to stuff the way men do.

The hard scientific fact remains that a man is not, and cannot become a woman, nor is a woman a man nor can a woman become a man.

That's just crazy to believe, and crazy to claim.

To believe that a man can be a woman, or vice versa, is prima facie proof that one is batshit insane.

No, man, a crazy beliefs are "I'm wearing underwear that protects me from evil", or "I'm going to rule my own planet in the afterlife", or "we can baptize dead people into our church". those are crazy beliefs. Not just picking on your cult, as much fun as that is, but most religious beliefs are kind of irrational.

I can throw 1000 clergymen off the top of the Sears Tower and God won't stop to catch a one of them.

There is no Scientific Proof of God, it remains a matter of belief.

On the other hand, there is Scientific proof of Gender dysphoria having medical causes.

From the prestigious Cleveland Clinic.

“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.

“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.

And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.

“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.

In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.

And insanity remains insanity no matter how many fools are drawn into it.

50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Now it's the homophobes who have to be worried about being ostracized.
80 years ago, the "superiority" of white people was considered a given, there were even scientists who claimed they could prove it. Today that kind of thinking is regulated to the fringes.
It used to be that people thought women were too emotional to do things like vote or hold down jobs... Anyone holding that opinion today would be having a very serious talk with HR.

I never claimed anything about that circumstances actually existing. I was merely pointing out a hypothetical circumstance in which blackface could be comparable to transgenderism.

A white man in blackface, who sincerely believes that he is black, would be batshit crazy in exactly the same way that a “transgender” creature is batshit crazy.

Um, not really. And since you really can't cite any cases of "race dysphoria", I'm not sure what your point is.

Why is you guys can't discuss LGBTQ issues without talking about something else.

Maybe because you don't have an argument beyond "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky".
Except psychiatrists recognize it as not being a mental disease. 50 years ago, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness. 100 years ago, psychologists listed "hysteria" as a mental illness because women don't think or react to stuff the way men do.

No, man, a crazy beliefs are "I'm wearing underwear that protects me from evil", or "I'm going to rule my own planet in the afterlife", or "we can baptize dead people into our church". those are crazy beliefs. Not just picking on your cult, as much fun as that is, but most religious beliefs are kind of irrational.

I can throw 1000 clergymen off the top of the Sears Tower and God won't stop to catch a one of them.

There is no Scientific Proof of God, it remains a matter of belief.

On the other hand, there is Scientific proof of Gender dysphoria having medical causes.

From the prestigious Cleveland Clinic.

“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.

“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female often actually has some of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain.

And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.

“We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says.

In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with.

50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Now it's the homophobes who have to be worried about being ostracized.
80 years ago, the "superiority" of white people was considered a given, there were even scientists who claimed they could prove it. Today that kind of thinking is regulated to the fringes.
It used to be that people thought women were too emotional to do things like vote or hold down jobs... Anyone holding that opinion today would be having a very serious talk with HR.

Um, not really. And since you really can't cite any cases of "race dysphoria", I'm not sure what your point is.

Why is you guys can't discuss LGBTQ issues without talking about something else.

Maybe because you don't have an argument beyond "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky".

Why is you guys can't discuss LGBTQ issues without talking about something else.

It's funny you say that, in a thread where you threw in a bunch of lies abotu my religion, that are not in any way relevant to the subject being discussed.

Even if I actually believed exactly what you persist in claiming that I believe,. it would not be nearly as batshit crazy as your denial of the scientific reality of the distinction between men and women.

You cannot even come up with any lies to depict me as being anywhere near as mentally- or morally fucked-up as you very clearly are, no matter how extravagantly you try.
Um, yeah, now it's been a long time since I've been a teen, but what I remember is that teens are kind of bastards, who would mock anyone for any reason. So I couldn't imagine anyone coming out as Trans unless they really were. More likely, most of them would hide it until they are clear of High School.
Yes sir! You have been out of high school for quite a while.

I teach secondary school, so I'm a little more familiar. These days trans students are absolutely not targeted for bullying. They are an incredibly protective class, and even the secretive further bullies leave them alone.

I'm not sure when it was that a high school boy would turn down a chance to sit in a girl's locker room watching them dress and undress.
Uh, what I remember about the latter case is that the right wing lied their asses off about it. He didn't forcible sodomize that girl. He and their girl had a relationship and had sex in that same bathroom on two previous occasions. She decided she wanted to end the relationship, which is totally her right.
After she wanted to end the relationship, he forcibly sodomized her. I don't know where you're getting your facts. I'm not sure how the fact that they once had a relationship makes his forcible side of me of her more acceptable. I'll be happy to hear your explanation of that.

So this person is a he, are they? Why if he puts on a skirt and goes to the girls bathroom is he not transgender? What is your criteria that a person must meet in order for you to accept them as an actual transgender rather than someone who's just gaming the system? Because if you have that answer you should write a book none of your fellow Democrats seem to.
But don't try to paint a case of relationship violence as one of transgender violence.
It's a case of a boy gaming the system by pretending to be a girl.
The former case was a bunch of transphobic girls making a scene and being punished, as they should have been.
Oh please!

I mean please tell all your fellow Democrats to keep talking like that. Let them tell parents that their daughters are just making a scene like girls sometimes do cuz we're that sexist again. It is they who are the bullies for not wanting to be weird at and commented on by a dude while they're changing in the locker room. You keep saying that, and we might be a one-party country for a while until a party steps up to replace the democrats.
I see a long haired guy in a blue shirt. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that picture.
It's funny you say that, in a thread where you threw in a bunch of lies abotu my religion, that are not in any way relevant to the subject being discussed.

Even if I actually believed exactly what you persist in claiming that I believe,. it would not be nearly as batshit crazy as your denial of the scientific reality of the distinction between men and women.

You cannot even come up with any lies to depict me as being anywhere near as mentally- or morally fucked-up as you very clearly are, no matter how extravagantly you try.

Fucked up religions like yours is why this is even still a discussion at all.

Once you get rid of the "God Says It's Bad" argument, all you guys have left is "I think it's Icky".

And "I think it's icky" isn't a good enough reason to deny someone human rights.
Yes sir! You have been out of high school for quite a while.

I teach secondary school, so I'm a little more familiar. These days trans students are absolutely not targeted for bullying. They are an incredibly protective class, and even the secretive further bullies leave them alone.

I'm not sure when it was that a high school boy would turn down a chance to sit in a girl's locker room watching them dress and undress.

Um, who "sits" in a locker room? Frankly, as I recall it, you get very little chance to shower, change clothes and get to your next class.

And I doubt any cis-gendered boy would put up with the bullying from their classmates to get get a sneak peak of something he could find just as easily on line.

After she wanted to end the relationship, he forcibly sodomized her. I don't know where you're getting your facts. I'm not sure how the fact that they once had a relationship makes his forcible side of me of her more acceptable. I'll be happy to hear your explanation of that.

Your side portrayed it as a forcible rape by a boy who disguised himself as a girl to get into a lady's room.
Reality- they picked that bathroom for their hookups because they knew it wasn't watched.

Yes, relationship violence is bad, and this person should have been punished. But it was not the result of evil trannies out to eat your children.

So this person is a he, are they? Why if he puts on a skirt and goes to the girls bathroom is he not transgender? What is your criteria that a person must meet in order for you to accept them as an actual transgender rather than someone who's just gaming the system? Because if you have that answer you should write a book none of your fellow Democrats seem to.

How about- an actual diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria by a licensed clinician. That would be good enough for me.

It's a case of a boy gaming the system by pretending to be a girl.

Except no one is doing that.

I mean please tell all your fellow Democrats to keep talking like that. Let them tell parents that their daughters are just making a scene like girls sometimes do cuz we're that sexist again. It is they who are the bullies for not wanting to be weird at and commented on by a dude while they're changing in the locker room. You keep saying that, and we might be a one-party country for a while until a party steps up to replace the democrats.

Uh, no, guy, your side will do what it always does... thinking a midterm actually means something, letting your freak flag fly, and then getting the Democrat re-elected. it's what you did in 1994, it's what you did in 2010... and you'll do it again here.

Hey, remember 2004 when George W. Stupid got all you morons to vote for him because he was gonna stop all the eeeevil gays from getting married? Well, he didn't stop the gays from getting married, but he did manage to wreck the housing industry and making trillions of your home equity disappear. You'd think you people would feel stupid after that one, but nope. Just looking for someone else to hate.
Um, who "sits" in a locker room? Frankly, as I recall it, you get very little chance to shower, change clothes and get to your next class.

And I doubt any cis-gendered boy would put up with the bullying from their classmates to get get a sneak peak of something he could find just as easily on line.
You don't know teenagers.
Your side portrayed it as a forcible rape by a boy who disguised himself as a girl to get into a lady's room.
Reality- they picked that bathroom for their hookups because they knew it wasn't watched.
The boy wore skirts openly. He wasn't disguised as a girl. He certainly did not expect anyone to believe he was a girl. He was taking advantage of the boys can go in the girls bathroom if they say they are trans rule.
Yes, relationship violence is bad, and this person should have been punished. But it was not the result of evil trannies out to eat your children.
The rules facilitated the rape. Moving him to another school facilitated another rape.
How about- an actual diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria by a licensed clinician. That would be good enough for me.
So no entry to the opposite sex restroom without a doctor's note?

I like that. Then doctors can be held accountable for rapes by "transwomen"

You think they will give such notes?
Except no one is doing that.

Uh, no, guy, your side will do what it always does... thinking a midterm actually means something, letting your freak flag fly, and then getting the Democrat re-elected. it's what you did in 1994, it's what you did in 2010... and you'll do it again here.

Hey, remember 2004 when George W. Stupid got all you morons to vote for him because he was gonna stop all the eeeevil gays from getting married? Well, he didn't stop the gays from getting married, but he did manage to wreck the housing industry and making trillions of your home equity disappear. You'd think you people would feel stupid after that one, but nope. Just looking for someone else to hate.
I get it. You hate trump. Just can't be said often enough, I guess.
The boy wore skirts openly. There's no "boys are allowed in the girls room ifvthe say they are trans.

Uh, this is what you are going with...that he "wore a skirt". Again, this girl decided a boy in a skirt was sexy enough to have two hookups with.


The rules facilitated the rape. Moving him to another school facilitated another rape.

There was no rule in place. They snuck into that bathroom for a quickie because it was isolated.

So no entry to the opposite sex restroom without a doctor's note?

I like that. Then doctors can be held accountable for rapes by "transwomen"

Sure. Right after we hold gun stores accountable for mass shootings.

I get it. You hate trump. Just can't be said often enough, I guess.

I didn't even talk about Trump. Shit, Trump made Bush look relatively normal.
Uh, this is what you are going with...that he "wore a skirt". Again, this girl decided a boy in a skirt was sexy enough to have two hookups with.

View attachment 720965
That may be what he looks like in your mind.

The reality:


There was no rule in place. They snuck into that bathroom for a quickie because it was isolated.
So, you're blaming the victim?
Sure. Right after we hold gun stores accountable for mass shootings.
I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject. That one isn't a winner for Dems either, though.

We're already allowed to hold doctors accountable for their malpractice.

Giving that dude a girls bathroom pass would certainly be malpractice.

I didn't even talk about Trump. Shit, Trump made Bush look relatively normal.
And there it is . . .
That may be what he looks like in your mind.

That's the reality. The Sex offender registry is a farce, because it puts teenagers having sex on the same registry as hard core pedophiles.

So, you're blaming the victim?

No, just pointing out you guys lied about what the nature of this case was. You turned relationship abuse into transphobia.

This girl didn't get raped because of a trans bathroom policy.

She got raped because she was a 15 year old having hookups with an edgy boy in the bathroom at school.

I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject. That one isn't a winner for Dems either, though.

We're already allowed to hold doctors accountable for their malpractice.

Giving that dude a girls bathroom pass would certainly be malpractice.

Um, okay... you realize that this wouldn't fall under malpractice, right? Let's say a doctor gave this kid a pass to use the girl's bathroom. All the doctor was attesting to was a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and yes, you can test for that.

What else this kid might do isn't on him.

Just like when a gun store sells to a maniac who shoots up a school, they can go back and say, "Well, we put his name into the registry and nothing came up!"
That's the reality. The Sex offender registry is a farce, because it puts teenagers having sex on the same registry as hard core pedophiles.
You really think that boy looks like that bodice ripper model?
No, just pointing out you guys lied about what the nature of this case was. You turned relationship abuse into transphobia.

This girl didn't get raped because of a trans bathroom policy.

She got raped because she was a 15 year old having hookups with an edgy boy in the bathroom at school.
Was that at the first school where skirt boy raped a girl or the second?

Is this lady you?

According to the woman, her son depicted the rape as an accident. She further said that he did not intend to insert himself into her anus. "He said he was intending for vaginal and it ended up for 10 seconds as anal," the woman said. "He knew she was in pain. He said, 'Are you okay?'' She said that hurt. And he's like, 'What kind of pain?'" "He was showing genuine concern," she added.

This is a sick woman to be pitied, but not whose opinion to take seriously.

"Edgy." Democrats is some whacky people.

The mother claimed that her son, who is "deeply troubled", was wearing a skirt that particular day because he has an "androgynous style." She defined him as a "heterosexual, hormonal teen who, in the case of the rape, had consensual sex with the girl twice before." "He would wear a skirt one day and then the next day, he would wear jeans and a T-shirt, a polo, or hoodie. He was trying to find himself and that involved all kinds of styles. I believe he was doing it because it gave him attention he desperately needed and sought," she explained.

No kidding.

It doesn't matter where the boy was "really transgender" or just an attention-seeking asshole. Most people who have jumped on the transgender bandwagon are of course attention whores who love to stir the pot, not people who actually view themselves as the opposite sex. They get treated like heros, and they are allowed to compete against girls and then watch them shower. What's the downside?

Actual dysphoria is a very rare condition, yet the number of attention whores putting on dresses is growing exponentially.

Questioning the girl's reaction, the mother said, "If I was in a position where I was about to be raped, I would be screaming, kicking, everything. You're 15. You can reasonably defend yourself. You're not just going to sit there and take it. And so, because there wasn't a presence of a fight, he felt it was okay to keep going."

Yeah. She didn't fight her son off, she gets what she gets - in the ass or wherever her bastard decides he feels like sticking it.


Or are you this dude's attorney?

The suspect's attorney, William Mann, has said that the boy reasonably assumed consent on May 28 because the couple had apparently had consensual sex in the bathroom on earlier occasions. The judge disagreed and the boy is now also facing another sexual battery charge on a different girl at a different school in the district.

He "reasonably assumed consent?" Even Bill Clinton never used that one.

You seem to think that it wasn't rape because the girl had consented before. Is that the Democrats' new rule? Once yes, always yes? Is there an expiration date on that?

You seem desperate to avoid this point:

The case drew national attention because the girl's parents — Scott and Jessica Smith – had accused the Loudoun County School district of covering up the crime. Because the sexual assault took place in a gender-fluid bathroom by a male student wearing a skirt, the parents had expressed fear of more such incidents taking place if schools start allowing boys into girls' bathrooms.

A very valid "fear," except I would call it a "dread." Fear implies uncertainty as to whether it would happen. Allow boys into girls' bathrooms and it will happen. for. sure.

What matters is that catering to those people in the way that Democrats insist we must, robs girls and women of their privacy and safety.

At least that's what matter to normal folk, if not to Democrats. So, keep pushing the issue, please!
Um, okay... you realize that this wouldn't fall under malpractice, right? Let's say a doctor gave this kid a pass to use the girl's bathroom. All the doctor was attesting to was a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and yes, you can test for that.
What's the test?
What else this kid might do isn't on him.
Yes it is. If a doctor gave that boy above a girls bathroom pass, he should have known just from talking to mom, that the kid was just pulling everyone's leg. Obviously the doctor didn't give the "test" right. That's malpractice.
Just like when a gun store sells to a maniac who shoots up a school, they can go back and say, "Well, we put his name into the registry and nothing came up!"

Sounds like an interesting topic to start a thread about. Go right ahead.
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The problem here is that you are babbling trying to make something of this VA incident... let me help you out.

You really think that boy looks like that bodice ripper model?

No, I think he has a lot of issues...

It doesn't matter where the boy was "really transgender" or just an attention-seeking asshole. most people who have jumped on the transgender bandwagon are of course attention whores who love to stir the pot, not people who actually view themselves as the opposite sex. They get treated like heros, and they are allowed to compete against girls and then watch them shower. What's the downside?

None that I can see.

The suspect's attorney, William Mann, has said that the boy reasonably assumed consent on May 28 because the couple had apparently had consensual sex in the bathroom on earlier occasions. The judge disagreed and the boy is now also facing another sexual battery charge on a different girl at a different school in the district.

He "reasonably assumed consent?" Even Bill Clinton never used that one.

Um, yeah, if you have sex with the same woman at the same place twice before and she invites you there a third time, it's not a big stretch to assume she wants to have sex again.

Now, of course, she had every right to say no.

But let's not make this out to be anything more than relationship abuse.

Four Billion Dicks on the planet, and that's the one she picked... the kid who wore a skirt from time to time.

You seem desperate to avoid this point:

The case drew national attention because the girl's parents — Scott and Jessica Smith – had accused the Loudoun County School district of covering up the crime. Because the sexual assault took place in a gender-fluid bathroom by a male student wearing a skirt, the parents had expressed fear of more such incidents taking place if schools start allowing boys into girls' bathrooms.

A very valid "fear," except I would call it a "dread." Fear implies uncertainty as to whether it would happen. Allow boys into girls' bathrooms and it will happen. for. sure.

Yes, because Kids can't possibly figure out places to screw unless there are gender fluid bathrooms.

The school district didn't have a "gender fluid bathroom". It had a bathroom where all the kids knew they could hook up at because it wasn't being watched.

You guys tried to make it out like this girl was minding her own business and the evil tranny jumped out and raped her.

When in fact, she had sex with him on two previous occasions in that bathroom. She was hardly a bystander.
The problem here is that you are babbling trying to make something of this VA incident... let me help you out.

No, I think he has a lot of issues...

None that I can see.

Um, yeah, if you have sex with the same woman at the same place twice before and she invites you there a third time, it's not a big stretch to assume she wants to have sex again.

Now, of course, she had every right to say no.
Doesn't sound like it.
But let's not make this out to be anything more than relationship abuse.
"More than relationship abuse?" So you're cool with relationship abuse?
Four Billion Dicks on the planet, and that's the one she picked... the kid who wore a skirt from time to time.
And she therefore deserved what she got?


Yes, because Kids can't possibly figure out places to screw unless there are gender fluid bathrooms.

The school district didn't have a "gender fluid bathroom". It had a bathroom where all the kids knew they could hook up at because it wasn't being watched.
Yes, so that dad was perfectly right to come to the school board and complain about that.

Here's what happened when he did:


All bathrooms are "gender fluid" bathrooms if people can pick their gender and go into either one.
You guys tried to make it out like this girl was minding her own business and the evil tranny jumped out and raped her.

When in fact, she had sex with him on two previous occasions in that bathroom. She was hardly a bystander.

So you're cool with him doing this to more than one girl at more than one school.
"More than relationship abuse?" So you're cool with relationship abuse?

I don't get worked up about it, no. Because unlike a random street crime, YOU PICKED THAT RELATIONSHIP.

If you want to tell him you are breaking up with him, DO IT IN THE CAFETERIA, not in the bathroom where you used to hook up.

Yes, so that dad was perfectly right to come to the school board and complain about that.

Here's what happened when he did:

Um, yeah, he took a swing at a cop.

Fortunately, he was white and wasn't shot on the spot.

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