The nation is split like never before

Democrats only want to tax the rich their fair share, there's no evidence of perverts doing any such thing, and actually the Democrats have the only reasonable solution to the illegal problem- a comprehensive immigration bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked. You are highly misinformed to the point of blind hate...

democrats only want to end the United States Constitution and establish a brutal Marxist dictatorship.
You are out of your tiny little mind... Change the channel... And see a doctor...

A recent poll conducted by UC Berkeley reveals that over half of California Democrats are in favor of free speech restrictions for white nationalists and other "hate groups."

According to the poll, 53 percent of the state's Democrats believe that white nationalists should not have the right to demonstrate,}

Poll: Over half of Calif. Democrats in favor of free speech restrictions

You traitors are in open rebellion seeking to end the land of the free.

And 0% are in favor of a Marxist dictatorship...
Eliminating the right to protest is the first thing a Marxist dictatorship does.

Furthermore, all you douche bags defend the Marxist dictatorship in Cuba and the Marxist dictatorship in Venezuela.
Perfect example of why if we are split so badly it's because your side is brainwashed out of your mind... No Americans are for a Marxist dictatorship. Get some rest.
Democrats only want to tax the rich their fair share, there's no evidence of perverts doing any such thing, and actually the Democrats have the only reasonable solution to the illegal problem- a comprehensive immigration bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked. You are highly misinformed to the point of blind hate...

democrats only want to end the United States Constitution and establish a brutal Marxist dictatorship.
You are out of your tiny little mind... Change the channel... And see a doctor...

A recent poll conducted by UC Berkeley reveals that over half of California Democrats are in favor of free speech restrictions for white nationalists and other "hate groups."

According to the poll, 53 percent of the state's Democrats believe that white nationalists should not have the right to demonstrate,}

Poll: Over half of Calif. Democrats in favor of free speech restrictions

You traitors are in open rebellion seeking to end the land of the free.

And 0% are in favor of a Marxist dictatorship...
Eliminating the right to protest is the first thing a Marxist dictatorship does.

Furthermore, all you douche bags defend the Marxist dictatorship in Cuba and the Marxist dictatorship in Venezuela.
What does disgusting human being, Bpap, think about the NFL protests?
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Nation is split because liberals can't accept an election result.
You can thank Obama for all this shit...Trump is pounding the liberals into the ground and wont stop until he gets an unconditional surrender
So Oblama is to blame for the slaves, the Civil War, reconstruction, the KKK ,separate but equal and the Civil rights movement, man that guy gets around..
Nope. We had overcome all those things until he came along and dredged them up again.
Elmer - there has never been a time when we were not scrapping with each other. That's not always a bad thing. Obviously, trump really wants his-self a race war but we all need to keep our eye on what's truly important.

That's the right we all have to peacefully protest.

Wd don't have to like what the other guy is saying. What we should be celebrating is his right to say to say it.

That's the true test of free speech.

The left is trying to start the race war, douche bag. Trump never mentions race, but the left is shouting "RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!" 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that decent Americans hold you cockroaches in such utter contempt?
Bripat would not be so defensive if he did not know he was a racist.
Bripat is like a 500lb man saying don't call me fat, it is a political ploy. No, you are fat.
The majority of this post is not about race but Bripat jumped all over it,

You are dumber than a cockroach. If it weren't for calling your critics "racists," what kind of "logic" would you have to defend your pernicious ideology? Looting the taxpayers, flooding this country with illegals and allowing trannies with dicks to shower with little girls are not winning issues. Insulting the flag is not a winning issue. Importing mass murdering terrorists into the country is not a winning issue.

All you can do is shout "RACIST!" whenever someone points out what you really believe. All you can do is lie and smear.

That's the essence of the left.
Ok Bpat, you are not a racist. You are an absolute disgusting human being, though.
If you look in the mirror you will see a filthy lying cockroach.
democrats only want to end the United States Constitution and establish a brutal Marxist dictatorship.
You are out of your tiny little mind... Change the channel... And see a doctor...

A recent poll conducted by UC Berkeley reveals that over half of California Democrats are in favor of free speech restrictions for white nationalists and other "hate groups."

According to the poll, 53 percent of the state's Democrats believe that white nationalists should not have the right to demonstrate,}

Poll: Over half of Calif. Democrats in favor of free speech restrictions

You traitors are in open rebellion seeking to end the land of the free.

And 0% are in favor of a Marxist dictatorship...
Eliminating the right to protest is the first thing a Marxist dictatorship does.

Furthermore, all you douche bags defend the Marxist dictatorship in Cuba and the Marxist dictatorship in Venezuela.
Perfect example of why if we are split so badly it's because your side is brainwashed out of your mind... No Americans are for a Marxist dictatorship. Get some rest.
Right. That's what the so-called "liberals" in Venezuela said. Now they're all starving under a Marxist dictatorship.
The OP says "the nation is split like never before" and everyone rushes in to prove it.

"Yes, we're split, and it's all THEIR fault!" -- Pretty much illustrating the problem.

We are an amazing bunch.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Nation is split because liberals can't accept an election result.
There are many reasons the nation is split. The liberals do not one to accept the election result, could be one. But the divide is much deeper.
To be frank, Bush92, I think you are an absolute idiot from your posts. I feel you do not have a moral compass. You will not give up your white privilege.
And I am sure your thoughts are as negative of me.
I do not see any common ground with you and other Trumpsters.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?

Just because I benefit from GOP policies doesn't mean I like them. And I'm not even sure I benefit from their policies. I'm just moving into the investor class and so I'm not getting screwed as much as people who have mortgages, student loans, car loans and only make $50K a year or less.

If you notice now that I call myself a Republicans I'm almost daring you broke asses to go vote in the next midterms??? A real Republican wouldn't do that. I'm mocking poor people who get free healthcare because 80% of those stupid fucks didn't show up. I'm mocking BLM idiots who didn't show up for Hillary.

So sorry pal but the rich are going to get their tax breaks. We all knew bloody well that if the GOP took control they would give themselves massive tax breaks and repeal the inheritance tax. Knowing that the poor and middle class either didn't show up or showed up for Trump. So don't fucking cry over shit you can't do anything about. Waaaaah the rich who screwed us over are now back in charge and screwing us again. WAAAAH. Maybe if the American citizens weren't so fucking dumb the rich wouldn't be in this position. But the American people are that dumb. So I'm sick of fighting with Republicans and defend the idiots in the Democratic party. Yes the Democratic party represents slacks and lazy ignorant poor people who have no skills. Why do I want to be a part of that when these same god damn fools don't even show up? And then I find out a lot of them voted Trump.

If it weren't for pre existing conditions I would love it if the GOP repealed Obamacare. Took that shit away from the 80% who didn't even bother to show up and vote. They need to learn voting has consequences.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.
Elmer - there has never been a time when we were not scrapping with each other. That's not always a bad thing. Obviously, trump really wants his-self a race war but we all need to keep our eye on what's truly important.

That's the right we all have to peacefully protest.

Wd don't have to like what the other guy is saying. What we should be celebrating is his right to say to say it.

That's the true test of free speech.

The left is trying to start the race war, douche bag. Trump never mentions race, but the left is shouting "RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!" 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that decent Americans hold you cockroaches in such utter contempt?
Bripat would not be so defensive if he did not know he was a racist.
Bripat is like a 500lb man saying don't call me fat, it is a political ploy. No, you are fat.
The majority of this post is not about race but Bripat jumped all over it,

You are dumber than a cockroach. If it weren't for calling your critics "racists," what kind of "logic" would you have to defend your pernicious ideology? Looting the taxpayers, flooding this country with illegals and allowing trannies with dicks to shower with little girls are not winning issues. Insulting the flag is not a winning issue. Importing mass murdering terrorists into the country is not a winning issue.

All you can do is shout "RACIST!" whenever someone points out what you really believe. All you can do is lie and smear.

That's the essence of the left.
Ok Bpat, you are not a racist. You are an absolute disgusting human being, though.
If you look in the mirror you will see a filthy lying cockroach.
Very few people regular citizens are lying... But you see the GOP side is definitely fos... There is a reason why Fox News, Rush Limbaugh etc.etc are only in the United States and the rest of the world thinks the United States is nuts...
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.
Buffalo has very clean air now, all the industry left... LOL
"Yes, the two sides are badly divided, and it's all YOUR side's fault"

The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.

When are you leftwing retards going to get it through your thick skulls that global warming is one thing, and air pollution is another?
The nation is split like never before

TRANSLATION: After decades of being insulted, lied about, and abused by elected Democrat officials, Republicans have finally started fighting back, fighting fire with fire... AND WINNING. So now, suddenly Democrats have decided to insist that fighting is a bad thing, it's deplorable (where have I heard that before?), and the country would be much better if those wascally Wepublicans would stop doing it.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.
Buffalo has very clean air now, all the industry left... LOL
Thank you obama.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.

When are you leftwing retards going to get it through your thick skulls that global warming is one thing, and air pollution is another?
Air pollution causes global warming and the GOP is the only party in the world that denies it... Dupe.
Actually a lot of us trump haters don't really hate the economy right now. And a lot of us like them shrinking the government. And are tax breaks so bad? They did win the election.
What grinds my gears is 80% of poor don't vote and then they'll cry they want their Medicaid. Well then vote

Let me see.
1. The economy is mostly Obama's still.
2. Smaller government = less safety regulations on quality of food, water and air. Not a good idea.
3. Tax breaks for the people that have fucked us over and outsourced our jobs is a very bad idea. Giving them a bigger advantage to fuck over small business is a bad idea. I could support a break for small businesses of course, but not for the cheats.
4. Also consider that these people hate science, education and basic infrastructure. Is it really such a good idea to ever consider pulling the republican ticket?
It isn't.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.

When are you leftwing retards going to get it through your thick skulls that global warming is one thing, and air pollution is another?
Air pollution causes global warming and the GOP is the only party in the world that denies it... Dupe.

CO2 isn't pollution, moron.

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