The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
Actually, they do

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

$83 trillion in household assets

That's EVERY person in the country moron. Not to mention if you take it from them WHO WILL BUY IT??? If you did a fire sale like that you'd be amazing lucky to get 10 cents on the dollar. Which btw would also become suddenly worthless.

So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt
The wealthy stole that money fair and square. How dare you suggest that it could be used to solve some of our most pressing problems.

How did they "steal" it? Who did they steal it from?
Our wealthy don't remotely have anything approaching that amount.
Actually, they do

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

$83 trillion in household assets

That's EVERY person in the country moron. Not to mention if you take it from them WHO WILL BUY IT??? If you did a fire sale like that you'd be amazing lucky to get 10 cents on the dollar. Which btw would also become suddenly worthless.

So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt

In other words, you want the government to expropriate it. No one is stopping you from donating all your money to the government. Be my guest.
Bad news: $19 trillion in debt comes down to $59,000 per person

Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

No, "we" don't have $116 trillion in assets. Individuals own those assets, not we.

You're making it plain that you think the federal government should expropriate whatever it feels like taking.

We as individuals have those assets to pay our debt with

You can pay your 60,000 in debt with the $360,000 in assets you have

How is it my $60,000 in debt? When did I personally borrow that money?
When you became part of We the People

Who says I'm part of "We the People?"
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt
The wealthy stole that money fair and square. How dare you suggest that it could be used to solve some of our most pressing problems.
And that's the crux of the problem

Wealth is off the table, we rely on income only and the wealthy are not dumb enough to report much income

They manage to report enough income that the top 10% pay more than 2/3rds of all Federal Income taxes.
You know why they call it an income tax don't you?

They pay that much because they make so much more fucking income than the rest of us

Hmmm, no. They pay that much because we have a progressive income tax designed to loot them.
Government doesn't give them their income. They earn it.
Yes, I know
That's why they call it "earned income"

Then what makes you think you're entitled to any of it?
Because it's a law and in the constitution

Any other questions?

So Hitler was entitled to the gold he took out of the teeth of the Jews he shoved into gas ovens?
Actually, no, he wasn't

But a constitutionally elected government is allowed to collect taxes

Says who?
Actually, they do

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

$83 trillion in household assets

That's EVERY person in the country moron. Not to mention if you take it from them WHO WILL BUY IT??? If you did a fire sale like that you'd be amazing lucky to get 10 cents on the dollar. Which btw would also become suddenly worthless.

So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt

In other words, you want the government to expropriate it. No one is stopping you from donating all your money to the government. Be my guest.
The government is us
They were formed by We the People

The debt belongs to us....we accumulated it. We owe $19 trillion but have a $16 trillion GDP and $116 trillion in household assets

Basically, we don't care about the debt.....Reagan was right
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt

I certainly have no intention of raising my taxes so politicians have more money to play with.
Yes, I know
That's why they call it "earned income"

Then what makes you think you're entitled to any of it?
Because it's a law and in the constitution

Any other questions?

So Hitler was entitled to the gold he took out of the teeth of the Jews he shoved into gas ovens?
Actually, no, he wasn't

But a constitutionally elected government is allowed to collect taxes

Says who?
Serves me right......arguing with an anarchist

Never argue with stupid people, they will only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience......Mark Twain
That's EVERY person in the country moron. Not to mention if you take it from them WHO WILL BUY IT??? If you did a fire sale like that you'd be amazing lucky to get 10 cents on the dollar. Which btw would also become suddenly worthless.

So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt

In other words, you want the government to expropriate it. No one is stopping you from donating all your money to the government. Be my guest.
The government is us
They were formed by We the People

Wrong. The government is a gang of men separate and distinct from me. It regularly shakes me down for cash just as any street thug would. It's purposes and actions are hostile to my welfare.

The debt belongs to us....we accumulated it. We owe $19 trillion but have a $16 trillion GDP and $116 trillion in household assets

Basically, we don't care about the debt.....Reagan was right

Wrong again. I didn't accumulate a dime of it. In the moral sense, I don't owe a thing. Turds like you do, but I don't because I oppose everything government does. As for the debt, I certainly feel no obligation to pay one cent of it.
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Then what makes you think you're entitled to any of it?
Because it's a law and in the constitution

Any other questions?

So Hitler was entitled to the gold he took out of the teeth of the Jews he shoved into gas ovens?
Actually, no, he wasn't

But a constitutionally elected government is allowed to collect taxes

Says who?
Serves me right......arguing with an anarchist

That's true in the sense that you can't possibly win against someone who doesn't buy into all your bogus premises. Your entire line of argument depends on me accepting the premise that I am somehow obligated to pay the debt. If I don't accept that premise, then you are left with nothing to respond with but stuttering and stammering.

Never argue with stupid people, they will only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience......Mark Twain

How would you know?
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
How did you come to that conclusion via the question on how to liquidate the assets?????????

You can't just liquidate the assets of our oil and gas resources.........what you can do is open them up to leases to get these resources out of the ground..........Not reject permit after permit to lease more Federal Land...........Not to mention the economic war via the Oil prices falling are bankrupting our ability to become independent.............

Early on I listed possible assets............the property assets that cost billions to maintain could be sold on the open market to remove the cost of maintaining them, and by selling them they could gain a one time revenue off the sales.............No need to hold onto 45,000 structures that aren't really needed or used if they can be sold or leased................

We also need to get out of the housing business.........

Trump has also stated moving more control to states and less control to the Government...........also reducing the EPA to get rid of job killing regulations that are killing new investments.
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
How did you come to that conclusion via the question on how to liquidate the assets?????????

You can't just liquidate the assets of our oil and gas resources.........what you can do is open them up to leases to get these resources out of the ground..........Not reject permit after permit to lease more Federal Land...........Not to mention the economic war via the Oil prices falling are bankrupting our ability to become independent.............

Early on I listed possible assets............the property assets that cost billions to maintain could be sold on the open market to remove the cost of maintaining them, and by selling them they could gain a one time revenue off the sales.............No need to hold onto 45,000 structures that aren't really needed or used if they can be sold or leased................

We also need to get out of the housing business.........

Trump has also stated moving more control to states and less control to the Government...........also reducing the EPA to get rid of job killing regulations that are killing new investments.
Of course you don't liquidate

Why would we try to pay $19 trillion in one shot?
Just pointing out the national wealth is other words, we are good for it
Ending Loop holes by simplifying the tax code could save the gov't up to 200 Billion.
Stop all subsidies to business and let them stand or fall on their own would save a 100 to 150 Billion a year.
Stop all foreign aid..........37 Billion
Secure the border and stop illegals from using our welfare system.........I don't have that figure but it's large.
End all earmarks.........Tons of waste there.......have a thread now on some of that wasteful spending.
Freeze all new spending at current levels.......would save us.......

There are plenty of ways to cut with common sense..........but the establishment doesn't want those cuts.......their lobbyist would ditch them if they did so.
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
How did you come to that conclusion via the question on how to liquidate the assets?????????

You can't just liquidate the assets of our oil and gas resources.........what you can do is open them up to leases to get these resources out of the ground..........Not reject permit after permit to lease more Federal Land...........Not to mention the economic war via the Oil prices falling are bankrupting our ability to become independent.............

Early on I listed possible assets............the property assets that cost billions to maintain could be sold on the open market to remove the cost of maintaining them, and by selling them they could gain a one time revenue off the sales.............No need to hold onto 45,000 structures that aren't really needed or used if they can be sold or leased................

We also need to get out of the housing business.........

Trump has also stated moving more control to states and less control to the Government...........also reducing the EPA to get rid of job killing regulations that are killing new investments.
Of course you don't liquidate

Why would we try to pay $19 trillion in one shot?
Just pointing out the national wealth is other words, we are good for it

Hate to break the news, but we have had 44 Presidents/administrations. Only ONE did we have NO DEBT and a BALANCED budget. This at the end of Andrew Jackson's administration. In other words don't hold your breath.
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
How did you come to that conclusion via the question on how to liquidate the assets?????????

You can't just liquidate the assets of our oil and gas resources.........what you can do is open them up to leases to get these resources out of the ground..........Not reject permit after permit to lease more Federal Land...........Not to mention the economic war via the Oil prices falling are bankrupting our ability to become independent.............

Early on I listed possible assets............the property assets that cost billions to maintain could be sold on the open market to remove the cost of maintaining them, and by selling them they could gain a one time revenue off the sales.............No need to hold onto 45,000 structures that aren't really needed or used if they can be sold or leased................

We also need to get out of the housing business.........

Trump has also stated moving more control to states and less control to the Government...........also reducing the EPA to get rid of job killing regulations that are killing new investments.
Of course you don't liquidate

Why would we try to pay $19 trillion in one shot?
Just pointing out the national wealth is other words, we are good for it
You ignore the unfunded liabilities.......and the fact that most of that national wealth is in the ground......again.....just as they asked how due you liquidate it.............................

You sure can't do it with the current President who acquires more land and refuses permits to use federal land for using these resources..........unless it's a wind mill or solar farm.
That's EVERY person in the country moron. Not to mention if you take it from them WHO WILL BUY IT??? If you did a fire sale like that you'd be amazing lucky to get 10 cents on the dollar. Which btw would also become suddenly worthless.

So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt
The wealthy stole that money fair and square. How dare you suggest that it could be used to solve some of our most pressing problems.
And that's the crux of the problem

Wealth is off the table, we rely on income only and the wealthy are not dumb enough to report much income

There's this thing in the Constitution called the 5th Amendment which prevents government from taking your stuff.

BTW, you just admitted, once again, that you want the government to expropriate our property.
Good news: We have $116 trillion in assets which comes to $360,000 per person

Where are these $116T assets? who/how do you liquidate them to? If I liquidate my assets why should the FED get any of it? States? why? I already paid my taxes, every year on earned income.

So like all Americans, you don't give a shit about the national debt
How did you come to that conclusion via the question on how to liquidate the assets?????????

You can't just liquidate the assets of our oil and gas resources.........what you can do is open them up to leases to get these resources out of the ground..........Not reject permit after permit to lease more Federal Land...........Not to mention the economic war via the Oil prices falling are bankrupting our ability to become independent.............

Early on I listed possible assets............the property assets that cost billions to maintain could be sold on the open market to remove the cost of maintaining them, and by selling them they could gain a one time revenue off the sales.............No need to hold onto 45,000 structures that aren't really needed or used if they can be sold or leased................

We also need to get out of the housing business.........

Trump has also stated moving more control to states and less control to the Government...........also reducing the EPA to get rid of job killing regulations that are killing new investments.
Of course you don't liquidate

Why would we try to pay $19 trillion in one shot?
Just pointing out the national wealth is other words, we are good for it
You ignore the unfunded liabilities.......and the fact that most of that national wealth is in the ground......again.....just as they asked how due you liquidate it.............................

You sure can't do it with the current President who acquires more land and refuses permits to use federal land for using these resources..........unless it's a wind mill or solar farm.
Social Security?

Doesn't worry me
So the money is there, we just don't want to use it
You just admitted you want to expropriate all the wealth of every American.
I didn't start the thread...

Just pointing out the money is there, we just refuse to spend it on debt
The wealthy stole that money fair and square. How dare you suggest that it could be used to solve some of our most pressing problems.
And that's the crux of the problem

Wealth is off the table, we rely on income only and the wealthy are not dumb enough to report much income

There's this thing in the Constitution called the 5th Amendment which prevents government from taking your stuff.

BTW, you just admitted, once again, that you want the government to expropriate our property.
Anarchists are idiots

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