The Nationalist Strongman and the "Necessary Self-Cleansing of Society"

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they jump in to whack 'em over the fence for me.
This is what the moron lefties have in store for us now?

Troll threads?

Listen up, leftard fool:

The progressive fuckups who've infested the Democratic Party don't give a rats ass about the AGREED UPON rules.

They violate our Constitution on a DAILY basis. They have their own rules, and want to ram them down the throats of the rest of America.

THIS is why you dumbasses get push back. This is why you get dictators. This is why you get Donald Trump.

Your most egregious Constitutional violation is EQUAL APPLICATION OF THE LAW.

You miserable leftie dimtards SUCK at that. You fuckers are the worst I've ever seen in my lifetime, and that INCLUDES 1968.

You think this is some kind of idiotic gladiator match, fool?

Keep going the way you're going, and America will elect someone much worse than Donald Trump.

Progressives are completely retarded. They know ZERO about human social dynamics.

Yeah man, eventually people are going to get really fucking tired of the slimy leftist bullshit. It's happening already.
Its quite sickening to see. Any sense of loving the country has been ditched. Putin is even worse than trump and is perhaps a marker as to how much corruption they will accept.. It seems a high price to pay just to oppress a few monorities.
Are these thec same people who were oppressed by wearing masks in Mconalds ? Breathtaking.
It really is difficult to wrap your head around this. You have to look to history, and what motivates people to go in this direction.

It's a mix of rage and ignorance and paranoia. I just never thought I would see this here, not at this level. Never, ever.
Looks like Putin is following in the footsteps of Czar Nicholas II, Lenin, Stalin & Beria.

Gorbachev & Yeltsin were complete failures. Krushchev & Brezhnev were the only halfway descent leaders Russia has ever had.

It's amazing that Russians can't have competent, humane leaders.
Clearly it's in the culture and sociology.

Little did we know how many sympathizers there were globally.




So many "choices"
I was thinking more like Hitler or Mussolini.

Someone who can make the trains run on time.

With all their wonderful social morality, lefties can't seem to do the simple thing, and make sure the clocks keep ticking and the laws are equally applied.

One of these days you're going to get a Trump who's willing to get the job done, he'll start purging lefties out of the government just for speaking up.

He'll be willing to use progressive methods, the more you speak out the more he'll silence you and toss you in jail.

The more you howl about it, the more likely it is you'll spend the rest of your life in the gulag. Is that what you want?
This is what the moron lefties have in store for us now?
Troll threads?
Listen up, leftard fool:
The progressive fuckups who've infested the Democratic Party don't give a rats ass about the AGREED UPON rules.
They violate our Constitution on a DAILY basis. They have their own rules, and want to ram them down the throats of the rest of America.
THIS is why you dumbasses get push back. This is why you get dictators. This is why you get Donald Trump.
Your most egregious Constitutional violation is EQUAL APPLICATION OF THE LAW.
You miserable leftie dimtards SUCK at that. You fuckers are the worst I've ever seen in my lifetime, and that INCLUDES 1968.
You think this is some kind of idiotic gladiator match, fool?
Keep going the way you're going, and America will elect someone much worse than Donald Trump.
Progressives are completely retarded. They know ZERO about human social dynamics.
Yeah man, eventually people are going to get really fucking tired of the slimy leftist bullshit. It's happening already.
Look at all that effort, angrily trying to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Swing and a miss. Nice try, Boris.
Wow. Well, ultimately, they always show us what they are.

Putin has said that undesirables must be removed from Russian society:

“Any people, and particularly the Russian people, will always be able to tell apart the patriots from the scum and traitors and spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths,” Putin said.

He went further:
“I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge.”

I can think of a guy who did this is Germany. Getting rid of certain people for a "better" country. Can you think of any other nationalist strongmen who promised to rid the country of undesirables? Or a nationalist strongman who cynically used the word "patriots" only to describe those who agree with him?

Still have your hard on for Trump I see. Love the moral equivalency to Putin and Hitler by the way. That's one of your greatest hits. :D. We can call it Mac's Free Bird or Stairway to Heaven. :thup:
Still have your hard on for Trump I see. Love the moral equivalency to Putin and Hitler by the way. That's one of your greatest hits. :D. We can call it Mac's Free Bird or Stairway to Heaven. :thup:
But I didn't mention Trump.

You guys just walk right into it, every single time.

But I didn't mention Trump.

You guys just walk right into it, every single time.


Enjoying watching you and Tommy "agreeing" so much with each other. I think these threads have devolved to that. Rhetorical hand jobs between Trump obsessed like minded idiots.

And who are we kidding....all your threads are about Trump. :( There is nothing remotely clever about anything you post or say. It is an obvious as a Mac Truck. (pun intented).
One of these days you're going to get a Trump who's willing to get the job done, he'll start purging lefties out of the government just for speaking up.
"Get the job done"...

God help us but these Trumpers WOULD herd us into camps...

The only thing that saved our democracy last time was Trump's incompetence
"Get the job done"...

God help us but these Trumpers WOULD herd us into camps...

The only thing that saved our democracy last time was Trump's incompetence

Yes. These fucking idiot leftards who doxx our people and destroy their livelihoods and their families, need to be herded into camps.

And removed from society.

They're too dangerous to leave running around free. They're destructive. They like to get into ordinary peoples' faces and destroy their lives.

Yes absolutely, round em up and gas em. :p

You see?

Keep going the way you're going, progs...

Yes. These fucking idiot leftards who doxx our people and destroy their livelihoods and their families, need to be herded into camps.

And removed from society.

They're too dangerous to leave running around free. They're destructive. They like to get into ordinary peoples' faces and destroy their lives.

Yes absolutely, round em up and gas em. :p

You see?

Keep going the way you're going, progs...'da loved Germany in the 30s

Most Trumpers would
Liberals are just jealous. Putin makes threatening noises and whole world takes notice. Threats from Mummbles the Clown and Giggles would be laughed away. If democrats could 'purify' America, they wouldn't hesitate. Luckily the sad parody of leadership prevents that.
Liberals are just jealous. Putin makes threatening noises and whole world takes notice. Threats from Mummbles the Clown and Giggles would be laughed away. If democrats could 'purify' America, they wouldn't hesitate. Luckily the sad parody of leadership prevents that.
Putler loves socks like you
Putler loves socks like you
How am I a sock, you ignorant fuck? You spent nearly a year wetting yourself because I rejected the big pharma death jab. You are an idiot. You should do something more constructive, like jabbing forks into electrical outlets.
Wow. Well, ultimately, they always show us what they are.

Putin has said that undesirables must be removed from Russian society:

“Any people, and particularly the Russian people, will always be able to tell apart the patriots from the scum and traitors and spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths,” Putin said.

He went further:
“I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge.”

I can think of a guy who did this is Germany. Getting rid of certain people for a "better" country. Can you think of any other nationalist strongmen who promised to rid the country of undesirables? Or a nationalist strongman who cynically used the word "patriots" only to describe those who agree with him?

Gee, I don't know. Can you give us a hint?
How am I a sock, you ignorant fuck? You spent nearly a year wetting yourself because I rejected the big pharma death jab. You are an idiot. You should do something more constructive, like jabbing forks into electrical outlets.
Looks like I struck a nerve
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