"The Netherlands is working with partners on options for supplying Ukraine with F-16 fighters, there is no taboo in this matter," Prime Minister Mark

But but have the Polish MIGs been delivered
I don't know....I know they have been promised as Ukraine is out of MIGs. Ukraine might be out of pilots too. Ejecting from a fighter jet these days isn't the way it appears in the movies. Usually you need months in a hospital if you eject from one.
I don't know....I know they have been promised as Ukraine is out of MIGs. Ukraine might be out of pilots too. Ejecting from a fighter jet these days isn't the way it appears in the movies. Usually you need months in a hospital if you eject from one.
Russia said it was a red line and Xiden had abided and not allowed delivery yet
Russia said it was a red line
who cares ?


Yet the MIGs still sit in Poland lol
Poland says it has already transferred some of its promised MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, after fellow NATO member Slovakia announced it had shipped an initial batch of its own. "A few MiG-29s have already been sent. They are indeed helpful to Ukraine in its defense of our collective security," Polish presidential aide Marcin Przydacz told local radio station RMF FM. Last month, Poland became the first NATO member to pledge the fighter jets when President Andrzej Duda said it would deliver an initial batch of four.
Poland says it has already transferred some of its promised MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, after fellow NATO member Slovakia announced it had shipped an initial batch of its own. "A few MiG-29s have already been sent. They are indeed helpful to Ukraine in its defense of our collective security," Polish presidential aide Marcin Przydacz told local radio station RMF FM. Last month, Poland became the first NATO member to pledge the fighter jets when President Andrzej Duda said it would deliver an initial batch of four.
Some ???
Russia said it was a red line and Xiden had abided and not allowed delivery yet
Putin has been putting red lines everywhere lately.

His little stunt with the drones was pretty bad and called out immediately. (Kremlin is radio dead zone)
Prighozin (Wagner leader).probably needs to either move forward with a coup or find a place to hide from Putin. He publicly disagreed and insulted Putin. That usually gets people killed.
Either way Russia is coming apart at the seams.
Putin has been putting red lines everywhere lately.

His little stunt with the drones was pretty bad and called out immediately. (Kremlin is radio dead zone)
Prighozin (Wagner leader).probably needs to either move forward with a coup or find a place to hide from Putin. He publicly disagreed and insulted Putin. That usually gets people killed.
Either way Russia is coming apart at the seams.
I bet fewer than 5 Polish MIGs have been delivered ( if Any ) and initially they offered 30
Here is a discussion held by experts on this matter (as well as some other things)

I bet fewer than 5 Polish MIGs have been delivered ( if Any ) and initially they offered 30
Apparently Slovakia gave Ukraine ALL of their MIGs.
Dunno....maybe they are getting Gripens.
I never heard a peep of any MIG deliveries from Poland so far
9 delivered from Poland, 5 remaining.
13 delivered from Slovakia, estimated 6 of those are combat capable.

27 total promised between Poland and Slovakia.

Last year 4 from Poland were transferred as "parts" but they were reassembled and put in service.

^^^This is about half-and-half, officially confirmed and OSINT reports, and the number Oryx is using.

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