The new American way to win a civil debate.

Russians infiltrate the country, attack our Democracy, and RW Trumpdrones applaud them.

Traitors disgust me.
Where did they infiltrate and under what president?
Traitors like John Brennan and ....
Ignore the person who is wrong.
View attachment 244785

I've only been a member at USMB for about 4 weeks, and see it happening all the time. I've been around a bunch of forums in the last 15 years, and so far this one really is the best one I've come across, but I have to say, some of you snowflakes ( you know who you are) need to grow a pair, unbunch your panties or whatever, and chill out a little.

This is America. We ask questions and we argue a lot. It's what we do.
But isn't it better to disagree with someone than to not hear them at all ? Maybe not for some...ignorance is bliss.

What you are saying is unfortunately the complete opposite of the mind of millenials.
It is our fault. ("Our" being the generation that raised them and made them a bunch of entitled brats)
They do not know how to deal with adversity because they have no experience in it. Their parents gave them whatever they wanted for no reason at all, and no matter how well or bad they behaved. Their were no losers. and everyone won. It is all they know.
SO dealing with someone who doesn't agree with them is met with outrage and anger because it simply doesn't compute for them.
They are fucked.
And we are the ones that fucked them up.
One can only pray the next generation is better.
And to go further, a good percentage of the millennial generation is looking for their next "parent".
And the only one they see is - the government.
They want the government to act like their parents did - provide for them despite whether they deserve it or not.
They should get free healthcare, a "free" job...meaning everyone should have one. And that job needs to completely provide for them everything they want. Because they are all special. They believe that no matter how valuable or invaluable their job is too the community, the community should still treat them as if it is. Especially if it isn't!
If truth were the order of the day, neither Trump nor Clinton would have been the nominees.

Their followers BEG to be lied to. They get in line to drink buckets of piss.

They lynch a truth teller.
There wouldn't be politicians in the world period.
If truth were the order of the day, neither Trump nor Clinton would have been the nominees.

Their followers BEG to be lied to. They get in line to drink buckets of piss.

They lynch a truth teller.
There wouldn't be politicians in the world period.
There are truth telling politicians, but the mob lynches them.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Politicians only do what we demand of them.
And to go further, a good percentage of the millennial generation is looking for their next "parent".
And the only one they see is - the government.
They want the government to act like their parents did - provide for them despite whether they deserve it or not.
They should get free healthcare, a "free" job...meaning everyone should have one. And that job needs to completely provide for them everything they want. Because they are all special. They believe that no matter how valuable or invaluable their job is too the community, the community should still treat them as if it is. Especially if it isn't!

Most people want to work.

Corporate dictatorships—which strip employees of fundamental constitutional rights, including free speech, and which increasingly rely on temp or contract employees who receive no benefits and have no job security—rule the lives of perhaps 80 percent of working Americans. These corporations, with little or no oversight, surveil and monitor their workforces.

They conduct random drug testing, impose punishing quotas and targets, routinely engage in wage theft, injure workers and then refuse to make compensation, and ignore reports of sexual harassment, assault and rape. They use managerial harassment, psychological manipulation—including the pseudo-science of positive psychology—and intimidation to ensure obedience. They fire workers for expressing leftist political opinions on social media or at public events during their off-hours. They terminate those who file complaints or publicly voice criticism about working conditions. They thwart attempts to organize unions, callously dismiss older workers and impose “non-compete” contract clauses, meaning that if workers leave they are unable to use their skills and human capital to work for other employers in the same industry.

Nearly half of all technical professions now require workers to sign non-compete clauses, and this practice has spread to low-wage jobs including those in hair salons and restaurants.

The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers
And to go further, a good percentage of the millennial generation is looking for their next "parent".
And the only one they see is - the government.
They want the government to act like their parents did - provide for them despite whether they deserve it or not.
They should get free healthcare, a "free" job...meaning everyone should have one. And that job needs to completely provide for them everything they want. Because they are all special. They believe that no matter how valuable or invaluable their job is too the community, the community should still treat them as if it is. Especially if it isn't!

Most people want to work.

Corporate dictatorships—which strip employees of fundamental constitutional rights, including free speech, and which increasingly rely on temp or contract employees who receive no benefits and have no job security—rule the lives of perhaps 80 percent of working Americans. These corporations, with little or no oversight, surveil and monitor their workforces.

They conduct random drug testing, impose punishing quotas and targets, routinely engage in wage theft, injure workers and then refuse to make compensation, and ignore reports of sexual harassment, assault and rape. They use managerial harassment, psychological manipulation—including the pseudo-science of positive psychology—and intimidation to ensure obedience. They fire workers for expressing leftist political opinions on social media or at public events during their off-hours. They terminate those who file complaints or publicly voice criticism about working conditions. They thwart attempts to organize unions, callously dismiss older workers and impose “non-compete” contract clauses, meaning that if workers leave they are unable to use their skills and human capital to work for other employers in the same industry.

Nearly half of all technical professions now require workers to sign non-compete clauses, and this practice has spread to low-wage jobs including those in hair salons and restaurants.

The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers

Could it be?
Are you pro-business, but anti-corporatist?
I hope....not many of us level headed people around.
The greatest threat to our way of life, or more accurately how life WAS in the United States, and the continuing detrement to our livelihood is globalism/corporatism. PERIOD.
It isn't Republicans, it isn't Democrats....they are both EQUALLY corrupt, inept and have no will to serve the people.
Modern corporatism has virtually ruined everything that was good for middle class America.
And no one is even talking about it.
Too busy either knee deep in Trump derangement syndrome or thinking Democrats will turn America into socialism to notice we have lost MUCH, and will keep losing more until we face the real enemy.
Could it be?
Are you pro-business, but anti-corporatist?
I hope....not many of us level headed people around.
The greatest threat to our way of life, or more accurately how life WAS in the United States, and the continuing detrement to our livelihood is globalism/corporatism. .
Don't blame me I always like to say--I voted for Ross and Ralph.

Could it be?
Are you pro-business, but anti-corporatist?
I hope....not many of us level headed people around.
The greatest threat to our way of life, or more accurately how life WAS in the United States, and the continuing detrement to our livelihood is globalism/corporatism. .
Don't blame me I always like to say--I voted for Ross and Ralph.
View attachment 244850

The establishment and the media did a great job making Perot look like a squeeky clown. He was not.
He was right on almost every main point he made. The loss of jobs, loss of job security, evaporating benefits and lowering wages.
It all happened. And they all laughed when he said it would happen.
People need to stop paying any attention to corporate media. Shut them out.
They distract us, divide us and move our attention conveniently away from what is hurting us the most, corporatism. Of course, they are a part of it.

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