The New Apparent "Conservative Family Model!" Remembering 1960's School!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Decades ago--seems like only last week--one of my U of Oregon friends was an AP “Stringer,” news photographer. Eugene, (Defund Police) and Portland, OR were famous even then: Even more than Seattle(?). Tim Boyle located Columbia Sportswear just outside the City Limits. Another frat bro, from Honolulu, had racked up 34 tickets the summer before our first or second year. We put “The Green Turtle,” (Rebuilt 1954 Chevrolet), in my name. Then later on, I myself easily made the front page of the Portland, Oregonian! Jack Nicholson's people were storing camera stuff at my house. Uly was some nature of director or associate--union affiliation not clear. Soon there would be 1960's university school, pre-pandemic levels.

Like so many others, Pre-Christmas Day I have a first diagnosis of Stage 3 Kidney Disease, maybe or maybe not(?). I am only prescribed a Christmas Dinner Ham and a return to salted hard-boiled egg snacks, one a day. That is not even close to a renal diet. I would have thought that up, even then(?)! I dropped diet soda in favor of bottled water, and weekends, diet cranberry juice and sugar-free Motts applesauce cups for lunch. There will be a follow-up visit in the spring.

Kidneys do regenerate, shown only recently. So in my case the Blood Pressure is well within normal low, 125/75, and sugars are below 100. Mostly carbs and weight are the problem. So maybe a confirmation of recent kidney research may happen: Back toward normal. . . .if still. . . .

Notice about the Spring Stimulus. Not even the Soviet Union Communists knew about the math solution of the usury problem, (Deut 23:19-20): More likely the alliances arithmetic of Pharaoh’s household and friends. Way before Egypt, there had been food loans technology. Others can wonder if Imperial outcomes were a result. But Marx had proposed a central credit market: In the face of history, widely unknown.

USA calls it Federal Reserve. The Communists raised national pay rates a fixed percentage during those years, and more than once. The Republicans were in fact active in the same time frame. Per the Fable in Matt 25: 14-30, The Christian Kingdom not only rewards the rich, getting richer. The poor get thrown clear out of the household. And though the solution is in Matt 20:1-16—The Stimulus equal amounts or the Obama refundable tax credit—the fables are against the backdrop of the Imperial Roman Empire, and Matt 20: 1-16, likely not a common method.

One Imperial custom was baby abandonment, in known urban locations. The baby could be dropped off, abandoned. Historians of the time describe them. Out in the countryside, likely the locations were not well known. “Cast into outer darkness” takes on a perverse meaning. And the Red States have adopted the drop-off method, starting 2016—year of the Guess Who election: Safe Haven Baby Boxes !

Now, just first week, 2021: We are engaged in School Re-Invented! It so looks like us, but is Conservative and likely Christian of origin! Others maybe remember NRA. The "New School" Conservatives appear to have on-boarded the message--A Capitol Rotunda Right, even! What better place to show off NRA! NRA! NRA!

There is, however, more than one way to get a Conservative Christian to start shooting at the new liberal moderates--AOC or Senator Sanders, or a President Biden, not showing off too much about the math themselves. Bring up the math, or bring up the failure to at all give aid and comfort to low-income parents of newborn children. Abortion or drop-off boxes happen. Liberal families. Conservative Christian families. All Pharaoh's Children have so much in common! A 12th century Holy Father created the baby abandonment boxes in the Imperial Roman backdrop of the Christian message—after the so many centuries. The abandoned were being thrown into the Tiber River--blessed even then(?).

So last spring, like never before in history: The poor were afforded a Living Wage on a large-scale at last! Other quirk: They had to be unemployed to qualify(?)! Government deficit is not a usual repayment schedule. It is “Fiat Money,” backed by the national government. The other stuff is subject to private sector credit market rules. The money still has “fiat” value. So the Stimulus mounted into the trillions. The New Math economy held up, different from the vaccines, being held up. Some might say even different from the House and Senate being held up!

Looking back--the several thousand years: Great Conservative, Moses of Israel was probably heard to comment. "When all is said and done, I was a lot better off as a kid!" Anyone can imagine the child in the household of Pharaoh, happily playing among the households of any alliances--not being charged the "Food Loans" technology usury, (Deut 23:19-20), The usury would be charged to the subjugated. Eventually the Jews would be called to service, Gouging and Screwing people--usury based--on behalf of the Moslem and Christian princes alike, and even guaranteed personal protection.

Old Times There: Would be forgotten. Even "Protection" would become an "Invisible Hand!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16 is what you think! Matt 25: 14-30 is what you get! In fact Deut 23: 19-20, is not even thought to be about foreign aid!)
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