The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) Movement

I just find it peculiar that this is a focus at all--and yet it is. There is SO much going on right now. A tiny cult that thinks gays should be killed is not a huge problem in our nation at the moment. But as we know, white Christians are the people acceptable to hate. So there it is, really.

The Duggars are IFB and I think there are about 8 million of them. They have a horrific 20 year history of sexual abuse of women and children.

Just a heads up that they are NOT Evangelicals or Baptist.
It wasn't that long ago that people were being burned alive by decent Christians. Wars have been fought. There is much violence in the history of that religion. I think the modern world changed the Christians that live in it.

The modern world is not all that civilized either. There's plenty of rot and brutality here and now, for starters.

A couple of other points. There are people who are Christian and there are people who go to church. Going to church and being affiliated with Christianity does not make one a Christian. Also, many people are quick to cite Christianity's failings without citing the massive amount of good it has done in the world.
The Duggars are IFB and I think there are about 8 million of them. They have a horrific 20 year history of sexual abuse of women and children.

Just a heads up that they are NOT Evangelicals or Baptist.

I'm just saying we have so many crises in our nation--and this?

They are Republicans.

The truth is that these are the acceptable people for you to hate. Small in number, marginalized as they are.

Our nation is cratering, but you do your duty well. Hating on people of absolutely no power, no worth, no cultural credentials. Keeps the true Masters of our Universe free to continue with abandon.
The modern world is not all that civilized either. There's plenty of rot and brutality here and now, for starters.

A couple of other points. There are people who are Christian and there are people who go to church. Going to church and being affiliated with Christianity does not make one a Christian. Also, many people are quick to cite Christianity's failings without citing the massive amount of good it has done in the world.

The modern world is a miracle that is changing everything. It's so good here that most people have lost perspective of how good they have it. Comfort breeds entitlement I suppose.

I'm not one of those people that hates Christians. I think many humans are just naturally violent and uncompromising. Christians are just humans too.
"Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him off the bridge."

-- Emo Phillips
The modern world is a miracle that is changing everything. It's so good here that most people have lost perspective of how good they have it. Comfort breeds entitlement I suppose.

I'm not one of those people that hates Christians. I think many humans are just naturally violent and uncompromising. Christians are just humans too.

I agree with you that warm homes, readily available food, and plumbing are great life enhancements. As just a few examples. Some modern "wonders" are really not. We take too much medication. Processed food is very bad for us, I'm coming to understand. And social media is a mental, emotional, spiritual cancer for our young people.

Christians are just humans. Redeemed humans, but not yet made perfect.

If there is a God, He is well able to redeem.
I agree with you that warm homes, readily available food, and plumbing are great life enhancements. As just a few examples. Some modern "wonders" are really not. We take too much medication. Processed food is very bad for us, I'm coming to understand. And social media is a mental, emotional, spiritual cancer for our young people.

Christians are just humans. Redeemed humans, but not yet made perfect.

If there is a God, He is well able to redeem.
It's so good here that one of our biggest problems is excess. Too much food. Too much internet. Too many drugs. Our main problems involve our inability to control ourselves in the face of extreme abundance.
I find it almost surreal that anyone can look at the American landscape and even remotely think, "Yeah, the big problem we have are those fundamentalist Christian cults"


Well, the mentally ill are terrified of sane people, so they make up a lot of stupid lies to tell stoners and each other.
It wasn't that long ago that people were being burned alive by decent Christians. Wars have been fought. There is much violence in the history of that religion. I think the modern world changed the Christians that live in it.

lol more hyped up rubbish. A few thousand during brief periods of hysteria among closet pagans over many centuries is nothing compared to you commies and your hundreds of millions killed, on top of the 60 million murdered babies you wank off over.
It's so good here that one of our biggest problems is excess. Too much food. Too much internet. Too many drugs. Our main problems involve our inability to control ourselves in the face of extreme abundance.

You called the modern world a "miracle"---I might call it a double edged sword. To be wielded with care.
lol more hyped up rubbish. A few thousand during brief periods of hysteria among closet pagans over many centuries is nothing compared to you commies and your hundreds of millions killed, on top of the 60 million murdered babies you wank off over.
You're talking to the spectors in your mind, not to me.
The legal age for marriage in Iran is 13 years for girls and 15 years for boys, though it is acceptable for children younger to be married with a father's permission.

Average marriage age in Iran increased by 3 years - Tehran ...
Jun 12, 2018 · In the year 1395 (March 2006-March 2007), the average age of first marriage in Iran was 27.4 for men and 23 for women, up from 24.1 for men and 19.7 for women in 1355. The average age of first marriage for urban women was 20.2, and for rural women 19.1 in 1355, while it changed to 23.4 for urban women and 22 for rural women in 1395, the report added.
I find these comments amazing. I do, really.

I'm an evangelical Christian. So is my husband. My daughter's best friend since 6th grade is gay. He came out in high school. She stayed friends with him. We love him. He is always welcome in our home. We don't endorse his sin, but then, we do not endorse OUR OWN sin. First. Since we don't endorse our own sin, who are we to bar him from our home because of his? Or....for pity's sake....throw him off a roof?

there in lies the fallacy for those of the desert religion, christianity to not resolve their errant manors abandoning the religion of antiquity for their own allowing for themselves to live in sin by disregard for the 1st century itinerant that chose to die than live a life as a sinner.

a choice made for the heavens in final judgement.

The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement is a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings.
Pastor Steven Anderson founded the movement’s flagship, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona in 2005, though most of the churches affiliated with the movement today were founded in the past five years.
New IFB pastors frequently call for LGBTQ people to be killed and make other disparaging, violent remarks about the LGBTQ community.
New IFB pastors promote antisemitism, claiming that Jewish people today worship Satan and are not “true” Jews.
Unlike many traditional evangelical Christian churches, the New IFB is staunchly anti-Zionist.
An extensive digital strategy allows New IFB pastors to reach millions of people online, despite attempts by tech companies to deplatform New IFB-affiliated channels for hate speech violations.
The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations. They are a cult and have a 20 year history of sexual abuse of women and children.

(This is the church of the Duggars family who are also staunch Republicans .. not the be confused with the Baptist Church.)

I find it ironic that you are posting from a website whose organization was founded on fighting antisemitism.

I think before you start casting wide nets on Christians and Republicans you might want to look into what Muslims are doing before you start tossing any stones.

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