The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) Movement

Amazing how well western religion can serve fascism. It's almost like someone designed it that way
Whereas history and reason would say western religion is the source of liberty and freedom as it promoted ownership of land and sanctity of human life.

I am guessing you see Christians as the source of slavery as opposed to the ones who ended slavery. Or that you see Christians as responsible for the holocaust as opposed to the ones who ended the holocaust. And you probably forgot all about Christians rebuilding Europe and Japan after WWII. Or that Christians have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

Yeah.... we Christians are real fascists all right :rolleyes:

Rather not say. They hate Jews, gays and Catholics and all other Protestants.. believe in extreme subservience of women, reject higher education and believe the Bible is literal history and science.
Rather not say. They hate Jews, gays and Catholics and all other Protestants.. believe in extreme subservience of women, reject higher education and believe the Bible is literal history and science.
Then you won't mind if I call BS on your unsupported accusations, right?
According to the legal one takes these supposed threats of death seriously, if the threat were taken seriously that would be a crime.

Look how the left approached a legal assembly on Jan. 6, 2021 in DC when the right simply exercised their constitutional rights of assembly.........there has been a criminal investigation by the left since Jan. 7, 2021 and it will not end until the left loses power again.

Its more YELLOW JOURNALISM attempting to stir the flames of hate in this nation. How do I know? Even the hack that is responsible for presenting this article left (pun intended) the most important part of the article until last.

"The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations".

Funny ain't it? THE FEIGNED outrage over someone exercising their constitutional rights of speech and assembly........while they bitch and cry like babies when the courts even consider ending the left wing practice of feticide/murder (Abortion on demand)........a practice that kills the unborn human child by taking a set of forceps and tearing the infant body to shreds while still in the womb.

HYPOCRITE: Can anyone on this board spell it? Oh.........those poor little gays, tranny's and Jews. Someone has an opinion they do not it must be hate speech.

Instead being concerned about Religion attempting to mainstream "Orthodox" should be concerned that homosexuality and other special interest groups are truly being MAINSTREAMED by the left and the media.
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I have posted several links. Have you bothered to read any of them?
Try to stay on point. You claimed there are several of them posting here but can't name one. Will I find that in any of the links you posted? No.
Whereas history and reason would say western religion is the source of liberty and freedom as it promoted ownership of land and sanctity of human life.

I am guessing you see Christians as the source of slavery as opposed to the ones who ended slavery. Or that you see Christians as responsible for the holocaust as opposed to the ones who ended the holocaust. And you probably forgot all about Christians rebuilding Europe and Japan after WWII. Or that Christians have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

Yeah.... we Christians are real fascists all right :rolleyes:
I rarely mock anyone for their faith but organized religion is fascistic in it's organization and practice. In this era where unbelievers are not persecuted so much we have apparently forgotten that churches used to be a potent means to control the masses. Clergy used to have a place at every bargaining table and had the last word on whether something was righteous or not. Of course this resulted in constant warfare.
there in lies the fallacy for those of the desert religion, christianity to not resolve their errant manors abandoning the religion of antiquity for their own allowing for themselves to live in sin by disregard for the 1st century itinerant that chose to die than live a life as a sinner.

a choice made for the heavens in final judgement.

This is nonsensical
I rarely mock anyone for their faith but organized religion is fascistic in it's organization and practice. In this era where unbelievers are not persecuted so much we have apparently forgotten that churches used to be a potent means to control the masses. Clergy used to have a place at every bargaining table and had the last word on whether something was righteous or not. Of course this resulted in constant warfare.
It's very convenient for you that you can't compare it to the path not traveled. I don't believe you can be objective about organized religion. It's amazing that you were able to turn out so well adjusted growing up in such a culture predisposed to fascism. :rolleyes:
It's very convenient for you that you can't compare it to the path not traveled. I don't believe you can be objective about organized religion. It's amazing that you were able to turn out so well adjusted growing up in such a culture predisposed to fascism. :rolleyes:
I grew up in the almost cult like faith of hillbilly Baptist/Pentecostal holy rollers. I've seen snakes at church. I've seen entire communities turn their backs on people who get divorced or get pregnant out of wedlock. I've seen those same communities shelter pedophiles. I've seen religious bigotry as bad as it gets in this country knowing many of those pious people also belonged to the Klan. That's organized religion to me.
I grew up in the almost cult like faith of hillbilly Baptist/Pentecostal holy rollers. I've seen snakes at church. I've seen entire communities turn their backs on people who get divorced or get pregnant out of wedlock. I've seen those same communities shelter pedophiles. I've seen religious bigotry as bad as it gets in this country knowing many of those pious people also belonged to the Klan. That's organized religion to me.
Which is why you are biased. That wasn't my experience which is why I'm not.
Whereas history and reason would say western religion is the source of liberty and freedom as it promoted ownership of land and sanctity of human life.

I am guessing you see Christians as the source of slavery as opposed to the ones who ended slavery. Or that you see Christians as responsible for the holocaust as opposed to the ones who ended the holocaust. And you probably forgot all about Christians rebuilding Europe and Japan after WWII. Or that Christians have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

Yeah.... we Christians are real fascists all right :rolleyes:

well, yes and to all your other lies ...


A plebiscite vote was held on August 19 and brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator.

the religion of sinners will forever be doomed till those of the religion of antiquity prevail to bring to justice those that crucify the innocent for their own political gain and neo-religious nefarious justification.
well, yes and to all your other lies ...

View attachment 574495

the religion of sinners will forever be doomed till those of the religion of antiquity prevail to bring to justice those that crucify the innocent for their own political gain and neo-religious nefarious justification.
I feel very sad for you that you must attempt to tear down the faith of others to build yours up.
According to the legal one takes these supposed threats of death seriously, if the threat were taken seriously that would be a crime.

Look how the left approached a legal assembly on Jan. 6, 2021 in DC when the right simply exercised their constitutional rights of assembly.........there has been a criminal investigation by the left since Jan. 7, 2021 and it will not end until the left loses power again.

Its more YELLOW JOURNALISM attempting to stir the flames of hate in this nation. How do I know? Even the hack that is responsible for presenting this article left (pun intended) the most important part of the article until last.

"The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations".

Funny ain't it? THE FEIGNED outrage over someone exercising their constitutional rights of speech and assembly........while they bitch and cry like babies when the courts even consider ending the left wing practice of feticide/murder (Abortion on demand)........a practice that kills the unborn human child by taking a set of forceps and tearing the infant body to shreds while still in the womb.

HYPOCRITE: Can anyone on this board spell it? Oh.........those poor little gays, tranny's and Jews. Someone has an opinion they do not it must be hate speech.

Instead being concerned about Religion attempting to mainstream "Orthodox" should be concerned that homosexuality and other special interest groups are truly being MAINSTREAMED by the left and the media.

Look how the left approached a legal assembly on Jan. 6, 2021 in DC when the right simply exercised their constitutional rights of assembly.........there has been a criminal investigation by the left since Jan. 7, 2021 and it will not end until the left loses power again.

another nefarious deceiver -


they are criminals, sinners - unable to control their lust. not january the 6th - friday, april 3rd 33/00 day of crucifixion - they continue their crimes to this day. christian, desert religions / republican alliance.

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