"The new normal"

Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
Debt doesn’t matter

Whether debt matters or not depends only on who is sitting in the white house. Right now the folks that will not shut up about Obama's debt are at the same time kissing Trump's ass thanking him for adding more debt.

The double standard is rather sickening some days
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
/----/ Here Spanky:
"What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less, and so they don't hire," he said.

"And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that's something that I spend a lot of time thinking about." - BO
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
/----/ Here Spanky:
"What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less, and so they don't hire," he said.

"And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that's something that I spend a lot of time thinking about." - BO
Now where exactly in that WARNING does Obama tell us to "ACCEPT IT" as you lied in your earlier post. I highlighted it so you can't deny you said it.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.
/----/ Thanks for proving my point. Did you think I was making it up? Obozo said the lousy economy was the new norm and Trump proved him wrong.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
/----/ Here Spanky:
"What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less, and so they don't hire," he said.

"And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that's something that I spend a lot of time thinking about." - BO
Did you read it? Is is clearly a warning. "What is a danger is that...."
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.
/----/ Thanks for proving my point. Did you think I was making it up? Obozo said the lousy economy was the new norm and Trump proved him wrong.
The Right will always lie in the face of the truth.
Thank you for proving my point.
What is different now than the previous 4 years?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

A booming economy, record lows in unemployment?

Which President do you attribute to this success, Trump or Obama, and why?

Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal", it wouldn't be Obama. No doubt things started to improve but the improvements were pathetic.

But now things are booming, right?

Hell of a lot better than 1-2 years ago. Record lows in unemployment, strengthening consumer confidence, etc.

If it is going so well, why the need for increased borrowing?

This is a borrow and pump economy... The CBO has US on course to borrow a Trillion a year increasing to 1.5 Trillion in 7 - 10 years...

And that without a war.. $15 Trillion to invade Iran....
You forget that he also doubled the debt
That was BUSH!
Nope it was on Obama's watch
Nope it was Bush's.

The Debt went from 11 .5 trillion to over 19 trillion on Obama's watch
Actually it was 11.9 trillion but even using your 11.5 trillion double would have been 23 trillion not 19+ trillion. Now Bush actually DID double the GOP National Debt from 5.8 trillion to 11.9 trillion.

Close enough to double for me.

You people just fail to realize that it doesn't matter who is president that not one politician cares about the debt, the deficits or anything else except lining their own pockets and getting reelected

Election cycle after election cycle you morons whine abut the same exact things and never realize that you will be whining about those same exact things the very next election cycle.

Our government is broken and has been for a long time and it will remain broken until you idiots wake the fuck up
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
Debt doesn’t matter

That's right and that also means that deficits don't matter so next time you whine about tax cuts I;ll remind you what you just said here

Not one politician cares about the debt or the deficits.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.

Wow who else thinks the WSJ is right wing except for the ultra left
Obama wasn't looking at history. We didn't get back to normal until 10+ years after the Great Depression, and that's about what it took this time.

Given the complexity, depth and breadth of the modern global economy, that's fairly appropriate, and not terribly surprising.
The great depression was caused by the same thing as the recent great recession: government meddling in the economy. The both would have been over in less than 2 years if the politicians had done nothing.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
The economy always recovers after a recession, that is, if the politicians refrain from trying to "fix" it.
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.
/----/ Thanks for proving my point. Did you think I was making it up? Obozo said the lousy economy was the new norm and Trump proved him wrong.

Actually, if you had the reading comprehension above that of a 3rd grader you would see that he warned of a new normal happening, not that this was the new normal.
I wonder what the Trump supporters will be saying when the crash inevitably comes. "It's Obama's fault!" probably.
I wonder what the Trump supporters will be saying when the crash inevitably comes. "It's Obama's fault!" probably.

They will deny there is a crash, just like they deny all reality that does not paint their savior in a good light.
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.

Wow who else thinks the WSJ is right wing except for the ultra left
You do know the WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Are you going to try to pass him off as some kind of Lib? :cuckoo:
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.
Oh they know it, which is why they won't post it. The Right are not STUPID liars as they pretend to be, they are premeditated liars.
Here is the Right-wing WSJ admitting Obama WARNED against a "new normal" when Obama first said it before GOP hate radio fabricated their fake quote. It shows just how blatantly the Right lies by taking a WARNING against the DANGER of a "new normal" and turning it into telling us to get used to it.

Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy

Nov 7, 2010 8:00 pm ET

President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.

Wow who else thinks the WSJ is right wing except for the ultra left

Everyone that is not a far right wing nut. The WSJ has always been right leaning going back at least to the Reagan days when I started reading it
Obama wasn't looking at history. We didn't get back to normal until 10+ years after the Great Depression, and that's about what it took this time.

Given the complexity, depth and breadth of the modern global economy, that's fairly appropriate, and not terribly surprising.

FDR’s bad economic policies are why it took 10 years and probably would’ve taken longer were it not for World War II

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