"The new normal"

A booming economy, record lows in unemployment?

Which President do you attribute to this success, Trump or Obama, and why?

Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal", it wouldn't be Obama. No doubt things started to improve but the improvements were pathetic.

But now things are booming, right?

Hell of a lot better than 1-2 years ago. Record lows in unemployment, strengthening consumer confidence, etc.

If it is going so well, why the need for increased borrowing?

This is a borrow and pump economy... The CBO has US on course to borrow a Trillion a year increasing to 1.5 Trillion in 7 - 10 years...

And that without a war.. $15 Trillion to invade Iran....

Just trying to keep pace with Obama.

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