"The new normal"

I keep telling folks, the last thing the Communists/Democrats want is a happy, prosperous, independent populace. The Democratic Party can only thrive on misery. It needs its poor, angry, helpless masses. The more poor and fully dependent on Government, the 'better' for the Party. Hopefully more folks are waking up to what's what. Democrats don't want folks to be happy & prosperous.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

What is different now than the previous 4 years?

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/——-/,Everything, now go back to sleep.

All economic indices is on the same trajectory they were the day Trump took office, except maybe the stock markets as those are now stagnant.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

What is different now than the previous 4 years?

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/——-/,Everything, now go back to sleep.

All economic indices is on the same trajectory they were the day Trump took office, except maybe the stock markets as those are now stagnant.
/-----/ "same trajectory????" You weasels are a riot.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

What is different now than the previous 4 years?

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/——-/,Everything, now go back to sleep.

All economic indices is on the same trajectory they were the day Trump took office, except maybe the stock markets as those are now stagnant.
/-----/ "same trajectory????" You weasels are a riot.

I apologize, I didn't mean to use such a big and confusing word. I often forget that when I am speaking to Trump zealots that I cannot use such words as your education level does not allow you to know their meaning.

Here is an example for you, the unemployment rate for the last few years. The blue arrow is the trajectory. Without the dates at the bottom it is impossible to tell when one admin ended and the next started, that is because nothing changed along these lines when that happened.

Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.
Still going with that GOP hate radio lie when Obama WARNED AGAINST a new normal the Right perverted it into Obama was saying get used to it. So typical of the worthless lying scum Right to take only 2 words of Obama's and put their own words around Obama's 2 words and then lie that their made up quote was said by Obama.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

What is different now than the previous 4 years?

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/——-/,Everything, now go back to sleep.

All economic indices is on the same trajectory they were the day Trump took office, except maybe the stock markets as those are now stagnant.
/-----/ "same trajectory????" You weasels are a riot.

I apologize, I didn't mean to use such a big and confusing word. I often forget that when I am speaking to Trump zealots that I cannot use such words as your education level does not allow you to know their meaning.

Here is an example for you, the unemployment rate for the last few years. The blue arrow is the trajectory. Without the dates at the bottom it is impossible to tell when one admin ended and the next started, that is because nothing changed along these lines when that happened.

View attachment 193321
/-----/ You're just giving Obzo credit for Trump's accomplishments.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
That was BUSH!
Nope it was on Obama's watch
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
That was BUSH!
Nope it was on Obama's watch
Nope it was Bush's.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
That was BUSH!
Nope it was on Obama's watch
Nope it was Bush's.

The Debt went from 11 .5 trillion to over 19 trillion on Obama's watch
13 million new jobs, stock market almost tripled, unemployment cut in half, deficit cut in half

No, that is not normal, that is outstanding
You forget that he also doubled the debt
That was BUSH!
Nope it was on Obama's watch
Nope it was Bush's.

The Debt went from 11 .5 trillion to over 19 trillion on Obama's watch
Actually it was 11.9 trillion but even using your 11.5 trillion double would have been 23 trillion not 19+ trillion. Now Bush actually DID double the GOP National Debt from 5.8 trillion to 11.9 trillion.
Remember that economic gem of wisdom Obama offered when discussing his terrible pace of recovery?

Obviously it was NOT normal.

What is different now than the previous 4 years?

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A booming economy, record lows in unemployment?

Which President do you attribute to this success, Trump or Obama, and why?


Why not look at it as it is and remember the fall of the economy during the Bush era was because of bubbles bursting and individuals getting caught with their pants down.

Democrats were in charge of the House anf Senate during the bubble burst and Bush did sign in some of their bills.

So should Bush also get credit for what he did at the end of his last term that some of you give Obama credit for?

Of course not because the economy is more complex!
What is different now than the previous 4 years?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
/——-/,Everything, now go back to sleep.

All economic indices is on the same trajectory they were the day Trump took office, except maybe the stock markets as those are now stagnant.
/-----/ "same trajectory????" You weasels are a riot.

I apologize, I didn't mean to use such a big and confusing word. I often forget that when I am speaking to Trump zealots that I cannot use such words as your education level does not allow you to know their meaning.

Here is an example for you, the unemployment rate for the last few years. The blue arrow is the trajectory. Without the dates at the bottom it is impossible to tell when one admin ended and the next started, that is because nothing changed along these lines when that happened.

View attachment 193321
/-----/ You're just giving Obzo credit for Trump's accomplishments.

I am not giving anyone credit for anything, neither president had jack shit to do with jobs being created or the UE going down.

You have to make such false accusations as you cannot refute that the economic indices have not changed their trends after the election of Trump. Everything is continuing along the lines they were when he was elected.

For 8 years people like you claimed that the POTUS does not create jobs and now that your savior is in office you are singing a different tune. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Considering Obama attempted to blow smoke up everyone's rear by trying to convince us we needed to accept the lackluster economy and employment as the "new normal"
Which, of course, Obama said the exact opposite, but you lying scum knew that already.
/----/ Libtards frantically rewriting history.
Well why don't you post Obama's FULL quote using ONLY Obama's words, you worthless lying scum POS?????????
Because they don't know it. All they know is the part they heard on knfowars.

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