The New Racism: First you deny racism exists

Below is a link to an article that is a transcript of a speech given by Jason L. Riley, a black author/journalist about race relations and law enforcement back in 2015 not long after the Michael Brown shooting. He says a lot of things that whites say (or would like to say) about the truth of the relationship between blacks and law enforcement and the plight of the black community in general. As mentioned, a lot of whites see it pretty much this way but if whites even hint at these truths, we're racist. So, perhaps the words will carry more weight coming from an educated and respected black man.

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

A few quotes from the article that ring especially true with me:

"What if the best that we can hope for from our elected officials are policies that promote equal opportunity? What if public policy makers risk creating more problems and barriers to progress when the goal is equal outcomes?"

"(Martin Luther) King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced."

"The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims."

"Blacks ultimately must help themselves."

I am more educated than this sellout and I say he's full of shit.

How educated does he need to be?

There is no public policy that bends over backwards for blacks. Furthermore blacks have been helping ourselves since the first day we got here . That's the problem with those like you. You want a black person who says to blacks what whites believe about us not what blacks actually endure.

The article is not about how much blacks have endured, it's about the failed liberal and Democrat policies that have failed them and how they can help themselves.

And really whites need to be quiet instead of trying to instruct everybody on how to do things. Everything you have is because non whites were excluded. By law, or should I say THE GOVERNMENT!

In the article you linked about colorblindness, the author suggested that we talk about race problems. I assumed you were in line with this reasoning. However, your attitude is something like this:

You: "Let's talk about race problems."

Me: "I think that maybe blacks could do more to help themselves and-"


You don't want a conversation about race problems, you just want white people to sit still while you scream in their faces about all the horrible things they've done.
Below is a link to an article that is a transcript of a speech given by Jason L. Riley, a black author/journalist about race relations and law enforcement back in 2015 not long after the Michael Brown shooting. He says a lot of things that whites say (or would like to say) about the truth of the relationship between blacks and law enforcement and the plight of the black community in general. As mentioned, a lot of whites see it pretty much this way but if whites even hint at these truths, we're racist. So, perhaps the words will carry more weight coming from an educated and respected black man.

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

A few quotes from the article that ring especially true with me:

"What if the best that we can hope for from our elected officials are policies that promote equal opportunity? What if public policy makers risk creating more problems and barriers to progress when the goal is equal outcomes?"

"(Martin Luther) King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced."

"The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims."

"Blacks ultimately must help themselves."

I am more educated than this sellout and I say he's full of shit.

How educated does he need to be?

There is no public policy that bends over backwards for blacks. Furthermore blacks have been helping ourselves since the first day we got here . That's the problem with those like you. You want a black person who says to blacks what whites believe about us not what blacks actually endure.

The article is not about how much blacks have endured, it's about the failed liberal and Democrat policies that have failed them and how they can help themselves.

And really whites need to be quiet instead of trying to instruct everybody on how to do things. Everything you have is because non whites were excluded. By law, or should I say THE GOVERNMENT!

In the article you linked about colorblindness, the author suggested that we talk about race problems. I assumed you were in line with this reasoning. However, your attitude is something like this:

You: "Let's talk about race problems."

Me: "I think that maybe blacks could do more to help themselves and-"


You don't want a conversation about race problems, you just want white people to sit still while you scream in their faces about all the horrible things they've done.

Well given the fact that I am black and know the many things blacks are actually doing to help ourselves, I think I can say what I do to a white man who doesn't know but assumes. Nothing Riley says has any connections to why things are. Conservatives talk about filed liberal/democratic policies. Those policies did not fail. We are not going to have this discussion from your perspective. We are going to have it from mine. That means you understand that whites are where they are because they excluded blacks for 188 years and 358 if you count the colony days. On two separate occasions whites were given free land to own as property. A third time you were given government backed guaranteed loans to buy houses. These things provided wealth accumulation for whites blacks did not get. These circumstances mean you do not have the status to lecture us about what more we need to do to help ourselves.

We've been in the game for 53 years with no overt hindrances, whites 241 and if you count the colony days 411. At year 53 of white existence in America whites were still sucking from the British teet. So when blacks get to year 241 you come talk to me about how much more blacks need to do to help ourselves.
Below is a link to an article that is a transcript of a speech given by Jason L. Riley, a black author/journalist about race relations and law enforcement back in 2015 not long after the Michael Brown shooting. He says a lot of things that whites say (or would like to say) about the truth of the relationship between blacks and law enforcement and the plight of the black community in general. As mentioned, a lot of whites see it pretty much this way but if whites even hint at these truths, we're racist. So, perhaps the words will carry more weight coming from an educated and respected black man.

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

A few quotes from the article that ring especially true with me:

"What if the best that we can hope for from our elected officials are policies that promote equal opportunity? What if public policy makers risk creating more problems and barriers to progress when the goal is equal outcomes?"

"(Martin Luther) King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced."

"The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims."

"Blacks ultimately must help themselves."

I am more educated than this sellout and I say he's full of shit.

How educated does he need to be?

There is no public policy that bends over backwards for blacks. Furthermore blacks have been helping ourselves since the first day we got here . That's the problem with those like you. You want a black person who says to blacks what whites believe about us not what blacks actually endure.

The article is not about how much blacks have endured, it's about the failed liberal and Democrat policies that have failed them and how they can help themselves.

And really whites need to be quiet instead of trying to instruct everybody on how to do things. Everything you have is because non whites were excluded. By law, or should I say THE GOVERNMENT!

In the article you linked about colorblindness, the author suggested that we talk about race problems. I assumed you were in line with this reasoning. However, your attitude is something like this:

You: "Let's talk about race problems."

Me: "I think that maybe blacks could do more to help themselves and-"


You don't want a conversation about race problems, you just want white people to sit still while you scream in their faces about all the horrible things they've done.

Well given the fact that I am black and know the many things blacks are actually doing to help ourselves, I think I can say what I do to a white man who doesn't know but assumes.

In other words, you don't want a conversation with whites on race.

Nothing Riley says has any connections to why things are. Conservatives talk about filed liberal/democratic policies. Those policies did not fail.

Something sure as hell did. And you would be woefully naive if you think the white man is the only one to blame.

We are not going to have this discussion from your perspective. We are going to have it from mine.

That's not a discussion, that's a lecture. Or a tirade, depending on how emotional you get and start calling people "stupid fuckers."

That means you understand that whites are where they are because they excluded blacks for 188 years and 358 if you count the colony days.

Wrong. You might be able to argue that blacks are where they are because they were excluded but even if no black man had ever set foot in North America, white men would still be where they are today.

On two separate occasions whites were given free land to own as property. A third time you were given government backed guaranteed loans to buy houses. These things provided wealth accumulation for whites blacks did not get. These circumstances mean you do not have the status to lecture us about what more we need to do to help ourselves.

If blacks don't need anything else to help themselves then why do they need reparations?

We've been in the game for 53 years with no overt hindrances, whites 241 and if you count the colony days 411. At year 53 of white existence in America whites were still sucking from the British teet. So when blacks get to year 241 you come talk to me about how much more blacks need to do to help ourselves.

Of course we were still on the British teat, we were a British colony after all. But if you know American history at all you know what happened not too long after that, right?
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Exactly what I just told you. Colorblindness would lead in the wrong direction for you. It's reconciliation WITHOUT suffering and reparations. It jeopardized the segregation that you encourage. It puts the Race Baiting industry into bankruptcy. YOU can't have that.

It's no different than being "felon blind" or "mental illness" blind for those who have recovered. You won't allow ANY of group to go "into remission"..

No it's what I told you. Whites like you want the easy way out. You want to just say we are colorblind without fixing the damage caused by color consciousness because your white asses won't have to suffer or be required to pay for the damage you created. In the mean time those damaged and suffering from what whites caused will still be damaged and suffering.

If you believe the crap you typed it proves only one thing. There is only one race bating industry, the white conservative race baiting industry.

Exactly -- I'm just repeating your position... See the post above. But it's NOT what whites WANT.. It's all the stuff you won't accept without white pain, suffering, reparations and such.

Thats why a "color blind" society would make you (and whoever programmed you with your racism) COMPLETELY ------ irrelevant. :113:

No you are not repeating my position you are validating it. You are here saying that it doesn't matter what kind of pain whites have caused to others you want a solution whereby whites don't have to suffer. I'm talking about fixing damages caused by white racists and you call that making whites suffer. Programmed with racism, are you fucking crazy? You make no sense.

This is funny actually.. I WANT a colorblind society -- you don't because it make you irrelevant with all your plans to make ME miserable and pay and suffer. That's RETRIBUTION not REDISTRIBUTION and it's not even a civilized concept. But that's your bar.. And here's the funny part.

I AM already colorblind when it comes to potential and acheivement and my neighbors. So for the most part are my successful well adjusted Black neighbors. We've moved on. BUT -- YOU are COLOR PHOBIC -- haven't even BEGUN the process and blaming me for not wanting to suffer and be leaned on for "damages" and prosecuted as a criminal would be.

Someone DID program you.. Because, not helping your cause. You've BARELY EVER addressed the REAL Black American issues. Not education, not the thug culture, not revving up expectations for CAREERS, not encouraging blacks to integrate out of the cities that mistreat them so badly.. You show little interest in FIXING a damn thing.

You're already irrelevant. Because there's plenty of Black leaders working to make FIXES TODAY. Not waiting for ANOTHER 150 years for some heavy-handed "retribution" to be declared. Whatever radicalized you took you COMPLETELY out of the world of the hard-working, issue KNOWLEDGEABLE folks that are gonna make things better. THEY WORK at it every day. You protest and bleed anger and rage.

This is a entire waste of words. Let me address for your real quick the real black American issue. For you don't know. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I know you can't understand how I can say that but that's because you are dumb. The only one programmed here is you. And you've illustrated that with your posts. What whites have done to us is not heavy handed only our request for correcting it is. You pay Native Americans every motherfucking year but we blacks are making poor whitey suffer for asking for what your punk asses owe us. I'm fine with a truly colorblind society, not one which whites only get to define what colorblind should be. You're an idiot flacaltenn, plain and simple.
Ok then, we all hate blacks just because they are black. We want them to be in special compounds away from us. We don't want their kids to go to school and we don't want you to have a job. There. now will you stfu?
The racists in his thread keep taking about how things are in the past. But you see, we're here in 2018 and as we see by the existence of these many treads in this section it is not. Racism is done differently today. These guys seem to think that because we do not se no blacks allowed signs thy can lie and make claims. But todays racism is based on several things. A lie of being colorblind or race neutral, individualism and

The New Racism: First you deny racism exists

"For these anti-anti-racists, accusations of racism are a greater concern than actual discrimination and prejudice against blacks and other minorities. It's not that they support racism, but that they see it as largely irrelevant to contemporary life. Any problems with minority communities, in their eyes, have more to do with cultural dysfunction, not racial inequality. Moreover, if there's a racial problem in America, it's not against minorities, it's against whites: “Caucasian is not one of the colors getting helped,” said Fox contributor Todd Starnes, attacking the president's My Brother's Keeper initiative.

As rhetoric, anti-anti-racism is popular in the conservative movement. You saw it in
Andrew Breitbart's obsession with ACORN and Shirley Sherrod and Fox News' obsession with the New Black Panthers, and you see it in some attacks on Attorney General Eric Holder, alleging discrimination against whites."-Jamelle Bouie

The New Racism: First you deny racism exists.

Man, thank God I'm not as obsessed with skin color as you are. Must suck to live like that.
Below is a link to an article that is a transcript of a speech given by Jason L. Riley, a black author/journalist about race relations and law enforcement back in 2015 not long after the Michael Brown shooting. He says a lot of things that whites say (or would like to say) about the truth of the relationship between blacks and law enforcement and the plight of the black community in general. As mentioned, a lot of whites see it pretty much this way but if whites even hint at these truths, we're racist. So, perhaps the words will carry more weight coming from an educated and respected black man.

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

A few quotes from the article that ring especially true with me:

"What if the best that we can hope for from our elected officials are policies that promote equal opportunity? What if public policy makers risk creating more problems and barriers to progress when the goal is equal outcomes?"

"(Martin Luther) King’s self-styled successors, living in an era when public policy bends over backwards to accommodate blacks, insist that blacks cannot be held responsible for their plight so long as someone, somewhere in white America, is still prejudiced."

"The more fundamental problem with these well-meaning liberal efforts is that they have succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims."

"Blacks ultimately must help themselves."

Thanks for that article. Learned a lot I did not know. Like the "good intentions" of the CBCaucus supporting the drug reform that made crack cocaine a higher priority. Really.. "Stop helping"..

What gets me is the abuse that small towns like Ferguson put on the working poor by not tailoring city services to people who need a different deal to make work and money last. But YET -- All those POColor want them even MORE muscular govt power and services and just habitually vote to INCREASE all that infrastructure that serves them so badly..
Where are the links? I don't see them. You lie flacaltenn.

Nope. No lie. I gave you 2 links to where you said you needed "white folks to suffer".. That's the comment and the links are there. So it's easy to see that just reparations and apologies is not enough for you. What you want is called RETRIBUTION.. Nobody's ever pointed that out to you before?
We are not .going to accept colorblind ideology based on the white mans terms. Why? Because everything we accepted on the fucking white mans terms you motherfuckers turned them around on us and created new ways to continue our suffering. So you know what you can do with that whining about making whites suffer shit son.

I think you just did it again in fact..
I have to laugh when I was LivePD on tv. A lot of blacks are like IM2....angry and stupid. 2 black officers stop some idiot with his pants down around his hips, gold teeth rack, can't speak a lick of english that can be understood although its supposed to be english, screaming at the two cops that its racist to stop them. So the cops say "do you see the color of my skin? Hello????" and they start blabbering in ghetto talk about slavery and how da man is black and wants to keep his kin in slavery because he be arress'in dem and he ax's how dat kin be while flipping the bird, screaming, spitting and in general being as ass while the cops laugh at him...along with me.
I have to laugh when I was LivePD on tv. A lot of blacks are like IM2....angry and stupid. 2 black officers stop some idiot with his pants down around his hips, gold teeth rack, can't speak a lick of english that can be understood although its supposed to be english, screaming at the two cops that its racist to stop them. So the cops say "do you see the color of my skin? Hello????" and they start blabbering in ghetto talk about slavery and how da man is black and wants to keep his kin in slavery because he be arress'in dem and he ax's how dat kin be while flipping the bird, screaming, spitting and in general being as ass while the cops laugh at him...along with me.

It's sad so many whites have mental disorders.
Tim Wise Colorblind Denial and White Privilege


Monnica T Williams Ph.D.
Culturally Speaking

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing — really taking MLK seriously on his call to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It focuses on commonalities between people, such as their shared humanity.

Monnica T. Williams, Like Martin Luther King, is a deceitful opportunist. King was a plagiarist, a skilled bullshit artist, and a slick politician who rose to prominence on a platform of deceptive agitation packaged in the tiresome mantra of "skin color."

It has always amazed me how so many glib race pimps and shifty politicians have managed over the years to convince their deluded following that the profoundly complicated racial conflict which effectively divides America is based on something as simplistic as a difference in pigmentation.

If it were only so.
Right. It also falls under the "Shit! It's All Over My Legs!" sub-series.

Briefly going to make this a :threadjacked: and ask you a question... If there are any objections just tell me to piss off...

You don't happen to own a propane delivery business? And do you get your mail delivered by boat? Have you seen my ex-wife Marie Laveau?
Right. It also falls under the "Shit! It's All Over My Legs!" sub-series.

Briefly going to make this a :threadjacked: and ask you a question... If there are any objections just tell me to piss off...

You don't happen to own a propane delivery business? And do you get your mail delivered by boat? Have you seen my ex-wife Marie Laveau?

No to all three. But there is a woman named Marie who delivers my propane by boat.
I have to laugh when I was LivePD on tv. A lot of blacks are like IM2....angry and stupid. 2 black officers stop some idiot with his pants down around his hips, gold teeth rack, can't speak a lick of english that can be understood although its supposed to be english, screaming at the two cops that its racist to stop them. So the cops say "do you see the color of my skin? Hello????" and they start blabbering in ghetto talk about slavery and how da man is black and wants to keep his kin in slavery because he be arress'in dem and he ax's how dat kin be while flipping the bird, screaming, spitting and in general being as ass while the cops laugh at him...along with me.
Back in the early seventies community leaders in Bedford/Stuyvestant, a large Black ghetto neighborhood in Brooklyn, complained so strenuously about brutality by White cops that then New York City Mayor Abe Beame promised to hire a lot of Black cops to replace the White ones in that neighborhood -- which he eventually did.

There were relatively few Blacks on NYPD back then and Beame hired a few dozen more. He removed all the White cops from the Bedford/Stuyvestant precincts and replaced them with Blacks. Within six months the same community leaders were raising hell again, complaining that the Black cops were far more brutal than the White ones.

I remember reading about four Black Housing cops who were accused of tossing people off the roofs of six-story housing project buildings -- and a few others who allegedly were fond of breaking arms and legs with their nightsticks. I don't recall what came of those complaints. But I do recall that the crime rate in that community had diminished substantially and that Mayor Beame was asked to bring back the White cops.

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